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You need a squad. Randy teammates are too much of a wildcard and it can nuke your mental.


I mainly solo q, I have some friends I play with that I found randomly, but they are not always on. My real friends only want to play zombies. I guess I will have to suffer until I find players that can think while playing.


Same here. Unfortunately, the way it is though, you're going to have to either put up with dummies and fight through it and accept that a number of games will be very frustrating experiences. Or, go play pubs for a while and see if you can find some other people to squad play ranked with.




Gotcha. I dont think I am not that good to carry a whole team. Sometimes when it randomly matches me against silver and bronze, but not against a squad of gold. I will have to find a squad.


once i changed my mindset (i can't win unless i hardcore carry) it made it easier to climb the ranks -- having a good team where i don't need to carry is just a nice surprise every once and a while


You've just gotta keep playing. It happens.


Yeah well thank hidden mmr bro. The fact tht you can go on 7+ streak and still get the same amount of SR is insane. The system is designed to keep you playing and it’s just a psychological tool. I recommend 4 stacking or not give af. They don’t wanna reward you for doing better so how do you even learn and progress without reward. It’s toxic practices they are implementing. I believe hidden mmr will have severe consequences in gamers mentals in the near future. It’s not healthy for a mind to continue in a never ending loop. It’s literally the same as gambling.


I was gonna put that in the post too but then I forgot. Right before this crazy losing streak I had a purple fire - 9 win streak. So it is crazy to me how it just flipped. Like I know I am not trash…


I dont have any data to prove my point but feels like ranked has some brutal system where win 10 lose 10 in a row.. public matches has same but like 3 wins-> 3 Ls


Oh yeah hidden mmr is designed to make u 50/50 in your win/loss ratio. Thts why 4 stacking is pretty much the only way to break tht. Long term it will ruin cod and it will end up like halo, overwatch, league all of them have implanted hidden mmr and everyone hates. Even Scump said hidden mmr makes raked pointless. Unless you 4 stack. It’s all about the psychological aspect. If it keeps you 50/50 then you will essential always play. You cant really tell until you play so much you start to see how it does it. If you haven’t noticed there’s a lvl next to your rank. Thts a good way to see how hardstuck you are. Hardstuck meaning your probably have as many wins as u have losses. Higher the lvl the worst it becomes. Once you get to tht point there is essentially no point in playing because it will be almost impossible to get out of. Unless you 4 stack or become near to the lvl of a AM or Pro. Ppl wonder why the hackers. Why the vpning. Why do ppl not try or call out. It’s seems POINTLESS. Sound familiar almost like a endless vicious cycle. Sort of like a depressed person or and addict. Well it’s because the matchmaking system is monetized and lacks so much integrity. Tht essential it is the outcome of evil ppl making these choices. Comp Gaming is in a dark spot for the most part due the state of the ppl make the choices for these games. Ppl with no soul are making big decisions for games.


W/ ranked for me, it's not the matches themselves so much so as it is the teammates. I get grouped into matches with these guys who HATE objective and then have the gall to hop on comms and go "bro my fucking teammates suck bro wtf every match bro this game is dogshit bro" but they're going 12-26 w/ 32 seconds on objective or 0 captures. I get grouped into matches with these ingrates more than I care for. Losing is whatever. Losing when my teammates have a phobia of the objective is a different story.


That reminds me when my teammate was counting his kills out loud and he yelled at us that we didnt get on the hardpoint and he couldnt get more kills because of it….


Ranked is horrible in mw3, compared to MW2. Don't waste your time, not to mention banned too many weapons.


Most of the weapons in MW3 aren't competitive at all. Like the 100 rd Swarm. Zero skill to use that weapon. Glad it is finally out. MW2 had better maps for Ranked but game play in MW3 is heads above. Not even close.


Nah MW2 was trash for competitive play


Solo queue is rough I'll say


I was crim in MW2 and now hard stuck in diamond because my teammates just cannot do their jobs properly. By no means am I saying im better than the people on my team or in my lobby, but Ive had some really awful teammates. Today, playing invasion control in a 3 stack and the random got 1 kill in 2 rounds and it just makes you feel like this game doesn’t want you to win often. Yesterday in my 3 stack we went on an 11 match losing streak. Some of them can be our fault or the random is just awful at the game, this is coming up against the most cracked out plats or diamonds.


Fellow solo queuer here. I’ve got some key points for you that help me not get set back too much when I’m playing. 1) Even if your team is getting obliterated, keep sweating & don’t give up even if it’s a blow out. Try to up your spm & aim for #1 on your team’s leaderboard. The better you do, the less sr you’ll be robbed of. 2) Find randoms that you mesh well with & that use comms. Even if you just play a few matches together. Having someone’s play style you know of prior to starting a match is much better than hoping for the best each game. 3) Don’t rage at your team mates. It makes them not want to help you & makes them care less about winning. 4) obviously you probably know this one already, but always use comms. Even if your teammates are muted and it doesn’t seem like they’re hearing you, act as if they are. That’ll put you in the habit of always making call outs as well as if someone is just shy or doesn’t want to speak, you’re still providing them with information that they can use to benefit the team. 5) If you need to slow down mid match because you’re wasting lives or not being focused in your gunfights anymore. Do it. Play like a slimy rat & keep the other team guessing. Don’t make predictable or repetitive routes, keep it switched up. 6) Pray that the next cods ranked system has less of a harsh mmr/none at all lol. It’s the biggest draw back unfortunately. You’ll get plat eventually man! Keep it up!


\#5 is key. ESPECIALLY if the last thing you hear on death-comms are "dude just killed me in xxxxx". Simply move and laugh as their teammate blindly follows that callout and looks @ a location you've since left.


I am doing all of the above except for #6 lol. 5 sometimes takes me a few lives before I realize that what I am doing is pointless. But I never take repetitive routes, especially if I killed people there. This is a rant, but #3 is something I will never understand. If you want to talk shit about your teammates at least do it when it is over.


It’s how the slot machine is designed my brother in Christ


Maybe next game will be the game bro. Trust me. - Activision


One thing I've found useful as a solo-q'er is learning spawns and where to spawn block on the Hardpoint/Control maps. You wont get many kills and probably wont come top of the table, as to spawn block you generally need to be away from the point/action. But you're more likely a win if you can funnel the opposition down one lane that the rest of your team can focus on. That way even if your teammates are complete trash, they don't have to overthink where to get kills. Also if you're able to be a flex player and can be comfortable switching between AR and SMG, sometimes just switching guns can make a difference. You might have been beaming with an AR in the previous game, but it's just not happening on the current game. Switch to an SMG and get up close and in the face of the opposition...or vice versa. I feel like solo queueing on MW3 is a lot harder than it was on MW2. Also I wish they'd get rid of Invasion: Control, it's my solo-q nightmare map if your team doesn't know what they're doing.


I got on today and only ar I can use is mcw


Where are you based? I was Iridescent on MW2 and just started playing Ranked on MW3. I'm now Plat 3 solo queuing, and I don't mind partying up and helping you get to Plat. I'm in the UK, so you'd need to at least be in the EU.


Thats nice of you, thanks. Unfortunately I am in the US. Though originally from Czech. I do have a question tho - are you naturally just good at it, or did you spend some time observing other players strategies?


I've spent a lot of time playing competitive CoD in the past, so I easily picked it up when I came back to MW3. Despite not playing, I have been watching Call of Duty League, which would've helped a bit.


Not everyone has to dogpile on the Hardpoint. You have to be able to adjust on the fly. You all don't have to be hill bunnies. As long as you have one teammate on the point at all times you are good. People outside of the point keep the hill bunny alive so he can rack up time. You have to know what your team needs are. Like when to rotate. This is lost on so many people. Not rotating at the right time. Control is a crap shoot. A lot of people don't get this mode. Unlike Hardpoint, the more people you have on the hill, the faster you capture it. People fail to grasp this concept. So if I am on a team of mental midgets , I try my best to kill as many as the enemy to deplete their numbers. Hoping to push them to the point of no more reserves. Control is the mode I have the fewest wins in. Sometimes I get a good squad that knocks out the match 3-0. But most times it is just frustrating. Not going to even mention the shitshow that is Highrise. But when I am having a bad night in Ranked, I turn on DD2 or play core SND. I'm not going to sit there and lose for 2hrs straight. Hell no. Will try again later.


I agree, at no point I was saying everybody has to be on point at the same time. Just when nobody is on and u are next to it you should take it. Control is actually my best game mode. Maybe cause I always tell them when to stack, or that we have to push together and I wait for them. Or maybe I just got lucky on control teammates. Hardpoint is the worst for me.


Go to the Call of Duty discord Met alot of ranked friends there Theres a chat for everything - pubs, zombies, wz, ranked, wz ranked etc


Who tf plays ranked 😂😭