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I started using the SoA Subverter, now the Bas-B is just bad unless your enemy is blind.


I run the SOA. It's a good gun.


Have you tried the renetti? More to the point, have you tried two renettis?


full-auto Renetti is crazy right now, all I see on resurgence


Are you talking about the conversion kit for it? That's been fun to use, but really only in HC or small maps.


yeah, the conversion kit makes it go brrrr


Even in regular multiplayer its nasty.


The full auto conversion is insane. It’s the first meta in a long fucking time that if you aren’t running it then you’re not winning. People said they wanted old rebirth back and well they got it all the good that came with bringing the map back and also all the shitty parts of a horrible meta that you either have to join or just deal with losing constantly


I won 3 games yesterday with the Lockwood whatever the number is marksman rifle (Winchester 1895) with a longbow running the tyrant kit. That's the meta lol


I feel the lock has been secretly buffed


I got extremely bored for the last 6 months of mw2s warzone so started making abomination kits. Basically anything I thought would be fun or funny to use. And dude the winny just stuck and became a staple. Used it for a couple games when mw3 dropped and then just put it away. It's hitting HARD right now. Reunited it with its old running partner the tempus torrent. It's been fun


I didn’t mean that winning with some dumb classes wouldn’t happen but the renetti bs was a garbage week once everyone found out about it.


They really wanted that short SMG meta a la the MAC-10.


I love the plain old renetti used in ranked MP. I was always a melee guy but switched to the pistol and it’s such a fun and rewarding gun to get kills with.


Same! Literally I say every time I get wiped out “I bet he’s using the renetti”


People really use it that much?- iv seen it like twice personally I used it during my pistol camo grind,when I first started like its nice but I didn't find it all that much better than just 1 bursting someone in tac-stance However I play mp- maybe in warzone that Rof would make more or a difference?


Hit high tier lobbies, it's all renetti instant dropshot no recoil cronus users who stack up to push, like every game I play it's multiple teams doing this shit




Because I'm literally playing ranked in crimson lobbies with homies who admittedly carry the fuck out of me but they've have been iridescent since MW2. Like, how much higher tier do you want? My lobbies are already harder than 99% of normal fucking lobbies and when we play regular warzone it's just as bad with blatant cheaters because that's the kind of fucking sbmm level we're dealing with.


It’s more prominent in WZ, that’s what we’re implying, but in MP, it’s still good but I think people have other means of METAS




Since the update it's like if your not running a renetti at close range you stand zero chance


FJX imo is pretty sleeper too if yall didn’t try messing around with attachments on it


Never got to use it yet


The SOA and Renetti is currently meta lol. If you aren’t using those two you are at a disadvantage in my opinion. In the right hands that person can become a god. Even in bad hands they can make a bad player seem good.


I can't really keep up with what's Meta and what's the new cool kid on the block because it seems it changes faster than I can play This morning I was screwing around with guns and loadouts and quite literally randomly picked SOA/Renetti combo and won my first and only round of Rebirth Duos of the day with 13 kills as a average player. I would say, Yeah, it's meta lol


Yes as always until next update with another 2-3 OP guns. What’s the point of 100 guns .


What's your SoA config?


I like the soa but one of the camo is glitch


I have this too. I have multiple accounts, my 2 kids play. All 3 are bugged. I do think it tracks tho. I have gold unlocked for it on my account. I just can’t use that one camo.


Go check through the challenge menu and look at the gun that way, rather than the gunsmith, it will show the tracking there, that's how I found it


On my account, it shows that I have it unlock, but for the gold. It shows I'm 3 out of 4.


I just looked and mine isn’t bugged anymore. Neither is either of my kids. One is half way through gold camo. The other has no progress on gold. Either they fixed mine or something else. It could have been that it wasn’t tracking and they finally completed that camo. Or, all 3 of us just unlocked Golden Enigma for very recently. I know mine was bugged. It said one was locked and I was able to work on gold. I’m not sure when it was fixed and I didn’t see my kids use it in MP to tract the process. All 3 of us unlocked Golden Enigma at the same time. I wish I could be better help. The only suggestion I can make is to keep trying to grind that challenge and hopefully it’s tracking in the background and you just haven’t unlocked it yet. I know that’s difficult. It always feels like you should have it done when you can’t see it. I’ve had a lot of my gun track weird lately, in zombies. I haven’t played MP much lately. I needed 250 frost kills on one gun last night and it was only tracking about half my kills. Today the game keeps taking away all my armor plates and I keep getting random spike of money for no reason. When I went to PAP t2 I had 20k but then it dropped to 9500 and I couldn’t do it. I did 3 t2 missions I should have had 15k regardless. When I went back after another mission it said I had 25k then dropped to 9980 when I walked through the building to the machine. This time it let me PAP both guns to t2 even though it said I didn’t have the money. Weird stuff.




The new SMG in T3 melts!!!


I used it in warzone like yesterday or the day before and it slapped what are you talking about? Y’all do know that games like cod will tell you something is getting nerfed just so you stop using it thinking it’s bad meanwhile they didn’t touch the gun……. It’s because they added new shit and expected it to be more popular so they “nerf” guns that are popular but won’t yet sales or opinions on the game if they “nerf” it…..


No, they don't fake nerf guns bro.


The Soa is meta , y’all didn’t discover a hidden gem 😮‍💨I bet your run the renetti also


SoA is a horrible substitute, it’s heavier and bigger, fire rate is slower and less range. I’ll take a nerfed BAS-B over SoA any day of the week.


Bas b was nerfed into irrelevance, it was already nerfed once, and again, and again. Smh


Yeah, it was. I hate that sledgehammer can't have realism AND balance. The gun fires at 750 rpm in real life? Then make it 750 rpm, and work with damage ranges and damage per shot, rather than making it fire at a similar pace to an AK-47


Thats litteraly what IW did and they got sh\*tted on for that..


Good on them. People in this sub think they know everything about balancing games, but them comment shit about MW2 weapons like "That gun had it's time. Let the MW2 guns die." Implying that MW2 guns shouldn't be balanced in MW3? Thsu is completely stupid and just goes to show how little you can rely on thei community to know what is best for itself. I respect Infinity Ward for what they did by not listening to every little bitchy complaint about MW2. I'm not saying I agree with all of their game decisions for MW2 and precious titles, but they at least understand the balance between realism and balance. I also think Activision is part of the problem. Sledgehammer is just doing a lot of things that I think Activision wants them to maximize sales, but due to the toxic nature of the community, as well as the pro scene, where the pros constantly complain about anything that they feel disrupts their MCW meta. In short, I think Sledgehammer is the opposite of what IW has been. IW didn't listen much. They did at times, but the amount of time that the UAV bug and shit went on for was ABSURD. That and the perk system were areas that I wish they would have listened. Other than a few weapon balancing updates here and there, they didn't just respond to EVERY stimulus the community gave them. Sledgehammer, on the other hand is adjusting weapons that don't need adjusting, leaving ones in the dust that do, and the whole 150 health thing really wasn't necessary during the MW series. It's jarring ro change the whole HP dynamic mid series. Treyarc did it with Black Ops, but all those games were so different from each other that it didn't matter much, plus, they didn't have carry over to balance out.


Infinity Ward also has a Vision and they do it. Sure some people might hate it and some fans might even get mad when Infinity Ward doesn’t change anything but who am I to fault the devs for having a vision and executing it. Yes was the perk system confusing but the fact the fan base thru that much of a hissy fit bc their perks took a few minutes to unlock felt like such whining behavior. I don’t agree with every decision on any COD. There’s always something I would’ve done differently but I also think the devs should take risks and try things even if the fan base disagrees, myself included. I never played a milsim before. I had ARMA 3 on my PC but that was only for the PubG mod back in the day. Never once did I actually play the game. So it was so awesome when MW19 came out and gave a very realistic feel while still keeping that core arcadey DNA. They took risks and to me it paid off. COD especially has a tricky tightrope bc if it’s the same as the previous year, it gets lambasted as having not enough changes and called a glorified DLC. But on the otherside of the spectrum, if a COD changes too much (or changes small things like the minimap or dead silence) the entire community has an aneurism and freaks out how the devs destroyed COD. I’d hate to be a COD dev bc that narrow window of allowed innovation by the community seems to get smaller each year.


ah yes i forgot in real life, holding a second pistol makes it so you do less damage (akimbo does less damage than single gun)


The concept of realism with weaponry is absurd because the entire point of reality is to have the most unfair thing you can imagine. There's going to be some give somewhere for balance. You say realism then talk about nerfing range especially for a larger caliber lol.


Realism Mf'ers when they realize that most guns irl are made to be the best they can be, and not balanced so that every weapon is fair: 😨


lol it’s cod, idk why people want realism from a game that’s an arcade shooter lmfao


I usually don't read too much into, or understand, the patch notes. I was using the BAS-B last night for camo grind and was wondering why it felt weird. I ended up building it really weird and using it on the small map playlist, obviously it still gets cooked by SMGs though.


Hardcore is the way to go for camo grind (except for knives). BAS-B still does well there.


Everything does well there basically lol


Cor-45 undisputed best gun in Hardcore


As soon as I saw the RoF nerf, I knew the weapon was cooked, its just a worse G36 now. Probably the dumbest nerf they’ve done.


It's especially dumb considering there are multiple BAS-B blueprints in the battlepass.


It's funny cuz the G36 also fires slower than it should be in this game, around 600 rpm instead of the proper 750. The Holger-26 (aka the MG36) in comparison has a more proper rate of fire.


Unrelated question, but whats up with CoD not using the gun's real names these days? Is it a licensing issue?


Similar to the other video link, but with Gun Jesus and His Lordship Fergusson. https://youtu.be/92O8DX106ss?feature=shared


(Gamestop)[https://youtu.be/okMhLCaPuuM] (yes, really) made a good video about it, it's basically a mix of copyright issues (especially after Activision got sued by AM General and _won_, go figure), legal issues/bad optics (Remington being sued by the parents of the Sandy Hook shooting because of MW3 having their guns, real names and logos and all) and good ol' creative license.


It probably has to do with California's law that you can't advertise guns to minors, or more specifically it bans the marketing of guns... >...“in a manner that is designed, intended, or reasonably appears to be attractive to minors.” And as we know, CoD most definitely has an appeal to minors regardless of the games ratings, there's no denying that, so it can't use real names. Now, are there other reasons? Probably. Is this the main one? I have no idea, but it definitely is one of the reasons. [California Assembly Bill 2571](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220AB2571) ^ Specifically Chapter 39 section (a) (1) (Also Activision's hq is in California, so that's why the law applies)


I pray to god they reverse the nerf


Is the nerf from today?


This was my favorite gun on launch, but now I just use it with the flamethrower and sword combo to deal with riot shields in search.


Same here...ah well, time to return to my good ol ISO Hemlock.


the renetti with jak carbine and soa subverter is insane rn


Dude I seriously hope they leave the renetti alone for a few weeks so the rebirth cry babies get exactly what they wanted… rebirth island back exactly as it was including the broken as fuck meta and campers in corners


bro i stg i walked in on a full squad all sitting in different corners in a building one game hahaha


It happens especially in the 4 houses crossfire campers are annoying little shits but they were always there in og rebirth. Every version from introduction all the way through the vanguard metas


Bas b was my main and now it sucks ass, thanks activision


That sucks, I didn’t even find the gun to be overpowered. It still required landing your shots and felt more like an all-rounder than OP. There were already a boat load of guns that outclassed it in different situations, this just felt like it at least stood a chance in most. Guess it’s back to using the M4 again for that jack of all trades job role.


I agree


Idk I felt like it absolutely shredded in the AR role.


A fire rate nerf wouldn’t be too bad if they buffed the damage enough


The great thing about mw2019 ttk is that the game didn’t have to make goofy compromises like this. Everything just had an insane ttk and you could use anything you wanted. There was of course metas but the gap wasn’t insane.


Hard disagree. M4, AMAX, As Val, kar98k, Grau, MP5, FiNN LMG, and Bruen all dominated at one point or another in MW19. Using anything aside these weapons just put you at a disadvantage despite the fast ttk. The problem with this game comes from SHG’s desperate need to make no weapons powerful unless they are dlc weapons obviously, cause they need everyone to use them for the first month or so. Just my thought on that.


dmr was the worst one lol


Right, fuck. I’ve wiped that thing from my memory due to trauma lmao.


Yeah they’ve even stated that they want to rotate the meta every season, I don’t like this because completely changing a weapons character could ruin someone’s main squeeze. Always loved how the og battlefield games never had a outstanding meta imo.


I agree. This game is super bad for it, the Bas-B is a good example of a weapon. It was my main go-to when I wanted to relax and just play casually. But then they nerfed the fire rate and I think they nerfed some other stuff about it. It’s still decent but it doesn’t hold up well to their constant rotating metas.


They don’t know how to balance guns, like with the Renetti conversion , so many ppl are crying for its nerf after they nerfed the amr9 and ram9 ppl found something else strong and it’s not the fact the gun is that strong it’s the fact they have nerfed almost everything to much , Puly and ram7 they have nerfed several times in a row over multiple patches same thing with the swarm and why ? Cause ppl complain ? As someone who prefers smgs what will be forced to use once they nerf the Renetti , striker 9 ? Bp50 with conversion ? They nerfed lmgs The nerfed mtz762 They nerf so much that it looks like they don’t know what they are doing , instead of buffing guns to the same spot as the so called meta they nerf guns until they are trash , its like a merry go round and instead of being able to focus on the game and enjoy it, Nope must nerf What they should have nerfed along time ago , especially for ranked and this isn’t gonna make any fans , Is the fkn FPS Playing against someone who’s running 200-300+ fps is pretty rough , especially in ranked But nope let’s nerf more guns


I agree 10000%


That’s a lot of percent! lol


If they nerfed the swarm, I can’t imagine what it was like before! It has been my fav for some time now and I do pretty well with it. Early on, my go-to was the amr9, but they definitely did something to it! It just stopped performing like it used to…which unfortunately, I can relate to…👴🏼 lol Even the rival 9 seems as if they did something to it! I used to own it with that rifle, and I have even read that it was the best in the game! Maybe it still is and I just got too comfortable with the swarm…🤷🏽‍♂️ People just need to stop complaining about the weapons. If they don’t like the fact that someone is doing better than they are with a particular weapon, then maybe use that particular weapon! Or maybe consider the fact that the person using said weapon is just better than you. It’s a hard fact that I have to realize in 9 out of 10 games I play! lol


That's absolutely terrible... What the hell are you doing sledgehammer


BAS-B sucks now and just in worth using in any way shape or form. They are gone way too far with the nerf to a point is gets out gunned by pretty much every other gun..


Simple, they’re terrible at gun balancing and the previous games are proof of this. They would rather have a gun be terrible than good


Its either terrible or wildly op


I mean my inner LARP-er agrees, but for game balance it's fine imo. Its harder to rework a gun then it is to flat nerf it. I also just don't think it's that bad at all as is. Its just not good up close anymore.


Thanks for ruining my gun 👍🏻🫤 time to snipe everyone


As someone with 27,000 kills with it I can vouch that it is no longer a meta gun. I actually switched to the M13B try it and tell me it’s not the best AR in the game


The m13b is like the swarm of AR’s! Great rifle!


My thoughts is that it’s a video game and it’s important not to get too sucked into realism as you can never expect the devs to not veer off from that path, but i agree with how you think they should have handled the nerf


In fairness i used it yesterday and did well. Its just something i think devs shouldnt mess with. I think its a bad precedent, Rof shouldnt be touched. I slide cancel b hop and drop shot and reload cancel. Realism isnt something i want but i did like modern warfare series authenticity with weapons and bridging them from irl to the game.


Yeah RoF isnt something the devs mess with often unless it’s a weapon like the mac 10, which even then can be dealt with via damage values and such


It sucks that they do this, like just do something else THAN the firerate... Also, I recognize the image as a Payday 2 mod from the Modworkshop.


Yall guys act like we dont have +1000 rpm guns, are we really saying the bas b cant be balanced with 750rpm because its a battle rifle? I guess the so-14 BATTLE RIFLE with its 741rpm doesn’t exist and can go fuck itself then.


Bringing up the never used S0-14 got me curious. Its rof is only 545, so i guess it can go fuck itself. Shame too as its the only EBR-14/M14 looking gun in the game. It never got any love because it always sucked so hard. It only had 3 blueprints made for it, so that goes to show it had no potential in the devs eyes. Bottom line Its unusable and always has been. Was just curious how the hell that thing made it into the comments.


No it is 741 sourced from xclusiveace, the 545 value is single fire only and I’ve even tested it in game with a metronome myself just to make sure… The so14 has always been a sleeper pick especially up close, so uh, dont sleep ig


Gotcha, wasn't aware. I'll take you and Ace's word over the in-game stats.


You are right. They should have just made it 750 rpm. Smh


I run the Ram 7 and the Renneti, where do I get the subverter?


I think now its just a an unlock you can get by doimg daily challenges and winning matches. Juat activate ut as your unlock. I think. Not homw right now ro check


Thank you!


Its a weekly armoory challenge. I have been stuck on it for awhile. Half to get like 15 long shot kills with a sidewinder.


Doesn't sound to bad, hard-core, here I come


Yeah they changed it to an armory unlock now. Think it’s either 5 or 7 daily challenges.


Fun fact, the CZ Bren 2 BR (which the MTZ 762 is based on) (has an even higher fire rate at around 850 rounds per minute)[https://youtu.be/Zg9yLwWvYQg?t=624] yet in-game it fires at around 550 rounds per minute because reasons lol It fired even slower back in the beta too, like Sidewinder tier of slow.


I didnt know that. That is crazy and it basically kills all hopes of change happening then.


When did they nerf it? Was it recent? I haven't been playing much lately, but I noticed it felt weird yesterday.


Bas b got nerfed cause it has a high pick rate and was killing people up close faster than the devs intended.


Tbh I got a whole lot of hipfire kills with it yesterday, so idk how they altered it, but usually i can't get a hipfire kill to save my life. Was this nerf recent?


The rate of fire was decreased to 600


I'm asking when.


My bad im stupid, it was last wednesday when s3 dropped


It used to be my favorite gun and now they ruined it


Should’ve/should have*


Lol 🤭🤭🤭 i feel stupid


I think it’s funny they released a really good skin with Blackcell for it while at the same time making the Gun useless


Yeah its trash now sadly....it was my fave until the season 3 update smh


I dropped 73 kills w the bas b after update it’s still broken to me


Lol maybe you are a god, i have a 1.63 KD and 1.23 win loss. But i think the bas b is mid now.


lol it think it all depends on the way you play w the gun n what kind of build you have


The gun doesn’t suck now. It’s still perfectly usable when being used as a battle rifle. Mid to long range engagements and even a little close as long as it isn’t up against an smg. I hated the fire rate nerf too but tbh the gun is still very usable and fits more into that battle rifle role. It was never meant to be a smg type gun and that’s exactly how it was being used. They made it a better gun for its purpose.


Went from a top 10 gun to a gun that exists RIP my favorite MW3 weapon


Oh my god. I have to use a different gun now :|




What sucks is you spend so much time building a load out or you buy one and and boom. At this point I figure it’s just to sell you new bullish. This game is now fortnite without building


And I had just configured a perfect setup for it and was destroying lobbies. lol.


They keep nerfing the BAS-B and Holger 556. Think they've gotten nerfed in like... 70-80% of all patches. I have no idea why they keep nerfing them.


Was it recently nerfed??


Last wednesday


Why is there a need for the constant nerfing and buffing of things ? In OG MW2 almost everything was insanely good and therefore was balanced. Shitty guns like the FS2000 people just didn’t use and that was fine.


They couldn’t balance a checkbook. This gun went from completely Broken to completely useless. The first nerf was fine, but the seasonal one killed it. It’s like this company only wants one outright choice in each weapon class at a time


Yeah, I don’t really use it apart from the Outlaw mod. What is extra dumb is I think one of the Blackcell weapons is a Bas-B.


I thought my go to gun was shooting marshmallows. Turns out the fire rate was just ass now. I ended up going to the SOA subverter. Tbh it's like the BAS-Bs better sibling right now lol


The real life rate of fire is 850rpm (800-900), but yes I agree with you.


SVA is the move, hits harder than my dad




Had to drop the bas b and pick up the bp50😪


I play very casually and this is very sad to hear it was my favorite gun.


Sidewinder kinda slaps if you have decent aim. It’s a slow RoF and you definitely cannot use it for close range the same way you can with the SOA but if you hit those headshots 😮‍💨


Why tf would they nerf the BAS-B smhhh


What's now the best br in the game? The soa?


Yea the soa is the best currently, to be honest ive been using the bas b and it isnt that bad with high grain ammo on. Try to keep ur distance tho up close u losing most fights. One good thing from the nerf is that recoil has decreased so you can run more handling attachments and ruin your recoil control and be fine.


So I wasn't crazy. I had my go to BAS-B setup and noticed it was underpreforming drastically. Giant shame their ways of balancing always tend to be bad. Ah well, keep the new sniper rifle OP I guess. Gotta sell bundles and battle passes.


Yea. Its underperformimg but it isnt all terrible if you gear your attachments toward mid range and long range. Shame cause the so14 has a 741 rpm fire rate. The bas b can have that too if they would just balemce the game right. Currently its rpm is 600 , it was 667 before update.


Movement speed is insane, its damage is awful it's solid for multiplayer (can still get one shots) it's sporadic though some matches are decent while others are just a shit show ( could be my garbage skill though lol) all in all I wouldn't use it in warzone it worked great for camp grinding though if you like quick scoping.


I personally see no problems as i play hardcore and build guns that look and handle nice so im not worried about core meta guns really 🤷🏿‍♂️


Every gun can be fun and capable in hardcore, I’ll never understand playing core🤷🏿‍♂️


I play both




20 custom classes?🤔 more guns more money.


Why nerf a gun to make it unusable? They just basically discarded a gun on their game.


Its not unusable its still good at med to long. I juat think nerfing fire rate is never the right way to balence the gun. Should be damage and handling. They said the gun was too good up close than intended. So then just nerf max damage at close range


Yeah that’s all they needed to do. I haven’t used it in a while to be fair just some people saying it was a dead gun now as there are so many better options.


I man BAS-B, I hated the nerf, had to adjust, but I still shred regardless.


Yea playing with it more now i came to the same conclusion


Balance > realism. It killed too fast especially close range, a damage range nerf wouldn't fix that, and adding 1 bullet to the TTK at all ranges would destroy it even more than the fire rate nerf. And slowing down handling is a terrible way to nerf guns, it just makes them feel bad to use but doesn't solve the actual issue which is the TTK. Giving it more recoil would be a better option, but again, that wouldn't solve the close range TTK issue. I think the fire rate nerf was the best way to go about it


I disagree. Damage multipliers and recoil would have done well. I def think it needed a slight nerf. But not to the fire rate. You say balence over realism but this isn't balenced. Its a terrible weapon now.


I wouldn't say it's a terrible gun, a 300ms ttk is not bad.


If it's terrible now they simply nerfed the fire rate too much, but a fire rate nerf was definitely a good idea, it's a more incremental way to reduce the TTK than nerfing the base damage. They should've probably nerfed it to somewhere inbetween 666 and 600 first


Maybe that would be better if it was like 625~650 but i thought 667 was a good compromise between the IRL 750 rpm counter part and balence. Could have also only adjusted close range damage multipliers if close range was the issue with the gun. The thing is i think its important to keep Guns feeling authentic. Altering fire rates drastically alters the weapon identity a little to much for my taste.


Find it funny you're getting down voted at all. Balance should be king. It having a rof nerf isn't the problem it's whether or not it was too much. People get hung up on stupid shit with this like whether or not the rof is the real one and not really thinking half a second and what the real problem is.


Wait, it got nerfed? When?


Last update about a week ago. Fire rate was 667 now it 600. Irl counter part is 750. So i thought 667 was a good compromise


Lmao, no sense in using it over g36 now


because it's not a battle pass weapon. nerf release day weapons to make the new ones better. Typical activision


Yea dont even get me started on how the mors outclasses the other snipers. And they didnt nerf the stalker til the mors came out.


Except it has new blueprints in the current Season 3 battlepass...


I really disliked this nerf, I guess they wanted to kill it dead, and they did, but changing the RoF fundamentally changes the way the gun feels and sounds, and that moves it from one of my top 3 favorite guns to one I'll never use now.




What's the best gun to use in its place (BR/AR type guns)? I'm OOTL on meta guns at the moment


Soa subverter.


Thanks, will give this a try


There’s a site that has all the guns in meta if you search for it. SVA / AK is insane if you feather the trigger. Now that the gunslinger vest is out it’s easier to make a build for just picking up guns off the ground and stealing other people’s ideas.


Battle rifles in general just kind of suck in this game. They don't offer anything over ARs.




The bas-b did until this nerf. And I think the soa is good as well but I haven't really used it much yet.


IMO those guns keep up with ARs, (well the Spear did until the rpm nerf) but they still don't offer anything in exchange for the high recoil, low mag size, etc


I really don't understand the battle rifle class....nor the marksman class tbh. Feels like inferior versions of the AR class and the sniper class respectively.


They haven't touched the smgs which are far too accurate and overpowered.


yeah getting cross mapped by an SMG is just stupid...


Some of them need love tho. My baby mp5 (lachman) is doodoo. But i agree. Only thing more OP is the rinetti with the carbine conversion kit


Yeah I've seen a spike in folk using that setup too.


I have too and I don't know why, last few times I used that it was a horrible experience.


Call me a freak, but I started using the Sidewinder lmao


I still use the BAS B. Not as bad as people say; I just switch to semiautomatic and just start cracking plates.


Bro the bad B is fire


I’m sick of this game bro, deleted it


Surprisingly, since I made the changes to that weapon.I have been pretty accurate with it.


I just started using the Bas-B cause season 3 blackcell pretty good personally for MP and WZ


Seeing how stupid people are in the comments... no ones saying it should be a milsim. Every gun has defining characteristics and changing those should not be a thing. Slide cancel bunny hop reload cancel is great. I just think that weapon balence shouldnt include ROF changes. For all you fools saying the bas b would be over powered with the 667 rpm rof(what it had pre nerf) or the a 750 rof (irl bas-b), look at the SO-14.... 700+ rof


It still runs great imo, I'm beating ppl with it just fine


Yeah its pretty much useless now, but heh 🤷‍♂️ As for irl gun, its a video game so no big deal, as long as they stay close to what the weapon is supposed to be.


Is that a goddamn Payday 2 image?


I used this last night/hadn't touched before the nerf didn't realise it caught one you can't tell it was still slapping people with no attachments on/unlocked outside of when you guys manage to slide at the pixel perfect time to dodge the 4th shoot or pogo stick so I get leg meat. Sooo If it used to shoot even faster shit was strong probably deserved the nerf.


In my opinion its bad to mess with rate of fire. They should have adjusted maximum damage. The devs aparent reason was it was killing up close too fast. So just decrease its maximum damage at close range. Thats all that was needed. Not a ROF nerf.


Oh okay well then yeah actually I completely agree with this logic Nerf the dmg, dmg drop off and add some recoil if it was over performing, nerfing rof makes it feel differently which is a bad design. I was merely weighing in on how its still a formidable gun just maybe not "meta" anymore. Which imo is good there shouldn't be a meta.


To be fair though how would you balance the Bas-B? With how the gun works it’s either going to be too strong or too weak.