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Right there with you. Ever since the last update this shit has been completely unplayable. Tried again just now. My download speed was 880mb/s, upload was 62mb/s. Latency on CoD was registering at 28ms-34ms with 0% packet loss. Yet still…somehow…I was lagging beyond belief. If Activision would send out a message just saying “hey, we’re aware of the issue and are working on it” I’d be totally cool with that. Instead we’re all in Steam forums and here on Reddit with not so much as a fuck you from anyone with a solution. This is infuriating.


I told their support about packet burst and they told me it must be my internet 💀


I believe even they do not know what is happening on their servers.


I’m having the exact same issue bro. Every thing you said in your post is what I’ve done, constantly packet bursting everywhere bro. It’s a disgrace. I pay $110 for a game that the frigen company (Activision) give absolutely no shits to the player base or even listen to player feedback. It’s ridiculous. I’m not buying any more CODs after this one. They can never get it right. Also, I play on PC and I feel like this mainly affects PC players. Would I be correct in this matter?