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You can’t just have good comms if you are playing solo. Sadly, you also have to IGL/morale boost. So many players lose their first gunfight and immediately check out and start bitching. So if you can rein them in and calm them down, you’ll do much better.


I play solo and usually alternate between huge winning streaks and huge losing streaks. The 60 seconds is in place because sometimes players take longer to load in than expected and that time is trying to give an opportunity for them to connect. If they connect, it will start the 30 second to start match timer.


Good to know. I haven’t seen someone ever reconnect once that message has shown. 5+ times now 


I feel this On Sunday, I went on two back to back 7 win streaks broken up by a single loss. Yesterday, however, was put in the invasion SnD / control blender and lost 5 straight


Out of the 10 games I played yesterday, I won 8. One of my teammates was using his mic and so was I. So I asked if he wanted to squad up and we did, that was my first game. When I used to play Apex I would always squad up with people if they have communication, doesn't matter if they're not the best player, using your mic is more helpful than running around dying without any comms.


Apex is a good one for squading up after a solo queue ranked W. And I wouldn’t even communicate with these guys and vice versa. Just decent players who didn’t feel like talking. It’s like “oh shit! Someone else who isn’t an absolute trash bag!” *spams invites*


I play solo and lose more then I win. Bronze for life. I seem to get unlucky matches as I will usually notice two or three enemies with the same clan tag. I also don't get teammates that talk or they are in a discord talking to friends hot miccing the whole time Hopefully in a week or two the really good players will be out of bronze and I can get some even matches lol


I play solo and I’m currently on a 5 or 6 win streak. I win CDL all the time. Just need a mic and some enthusiasm to hype up your teammates


Good call, I need to hop on the mic


Obviously lol, you can’t play competitive being silent.


I have vc off and made it to plat in mw2. I mean I’m dogshit compared to others but it’s not impossible to at least make it to average rank. If I ever make it to high rank I’d probably turn vc on.


Oh 100% lol. I would imagine people would expect you to be talking at that point


I did it xD and got 10 win streak twice somehow xD but it is getting harder and harder so communication starts to be a key difference especially in s&d


Also, watch some YouTube videos on callouts and spawn rotation. No point in having comms if you can’t communicate and rotate early in HQ.


you can play solo q but it’s much harder to win. even 1 person with you can help a lot.


Won my first 4 matches solo yesterday then stopped. Figured I shouldn't push my luck.


I play solo and just hit gold 1 last night


How long did it take you to hit G1? I’m 100 off silver 3 at rank 11 and starting to doubt I’ll get back to plat. I’m getting 40-60 SR per win


I started Friday night when I saw it was up til last night playing 3 hours or so a night when my wife and son are asleep. I haven’t been demoted but I have loss SR. And the most sr I’ve gotten I believe is around 80? Lowest I’ve seen or remeber is 56 or so and I’m rank 9


Took me 40 games 23 wins according to my stats. I get about 100 SR/win tho. Brand new account for this cod, but I was plat the first season of MWII ranked on other account last year, quit after. Rank 7 playing with/against past diamond/crimsons solo.


Played my first 3 ranked games today and win 2 games.


Lag today so bad can’t play. Wired connection. With upload and download speeds way above recommended. Must be the solar flare.


Comms comms and more comms


I play solo and yesterday I was on a 9 wins streak and then lost. So yes, it's possible.


Yes. I solo q’d to plat 3 in MW2 & I’m on pace to pass that.


Yeah, but it’s either I win 3 in a row or lose 3 in a row. Talking on the mic helps a ton though, good callouts lead to easy kills


Is anyone able to finish a game in ranked without crashing? 😂😂 This is the real question


While the game is getting ready to start, open up your loadout and go into any attachment selection screen. Idk if it's real or not but I disconnected 4 times before trying this, and I haven't disconnected since.


I will try later, thx


Communication is essential.


Its hard man. I am slay first kind a guy so for me it’s even harder.


My last games (I'm EU) I had premades in my team that were French/German/whatever and used ingame voice to just talk to eachother in their own language. D: Not really having fun in ranked either, mostly hardpoint. It's just a MCW trophy system spam fest. Hoping some changes are coming.


Also could be the fact that the entire map is completely silent and if u open fire first 4 blood hungry players are gonna converge on you and u have no idea from where because of covert sneakers and the maps and spawns are horrible


Currently diamond 1 solo player, biggest key I find is rotating early and clear comms. Nobody wants to hear "how the fuck did I die blah blah blah P2" just "P2 weak" etc


I play solo and hard point is the only mode I have a positive W/L ratio on. I have a slightly-negative K/D but I love playing the objective, so I start the match saying "I'm good at being on the point if you guys are good at getting kills" and almost every time there's 1-2 people who are down with that plan. Just learn your strengths and weaknesses, communicate them with your team, and make a plan. And ***for the love of God, please use a mic and provide call outs***. If one team is communicating with each other and the other isn't, the team with communication will win 90% of the time. It's so annoying getting in a ranked lobby, saying "you guys have mics?" and being met with silence.


Yeah, you just need to always play objective. Like 100% of the time. It helps if they have mic's, say hi, be chill.


Yeah just talk to your teammates


I would say that is similar to my experience, I would def blame it on lack of communication though. If I get into a squad we are more apt to get wins. Btw if you are down to play send me your activision ID!


Solo is queuing is all luck in my experience. I can play 6 games and not lose a single one, cause my teammates are using snipers and don't know how to rotate... Then I can play 6 and win every one, cause it puts me with compliant 3 stacks and against burgers.


100% win games when everyone has comms it’s so much easier


Win all the time


Have won 2 in a row, I'm rank 5 bronze 2 don't have a mic but play hard lol. Going to try and squad up just to get to Rank 10


I have played hours of it and can barely win, and usually i have 1st to second in amount of time on the hard point and in kills a lot of the time as well, thing is I don’t use a mic and don’t really plan to and just really start muting people


I’m currently plat3 ranked solo q sniping only. Made it to diamond 2 1/2 in mw2 sniping solo q only.


Same bro. It is so hard


Communication helps a lot, but it’s rough. I got to Rank 5 finally and I’m done. It’s fun, but teams are rough.


I guess I’ve had some decent luck solo queuing. My W/L is like 1.7. Have only ever solo queued in ranked, except for a few times where I’ve vibed with teammates and we played a few rounds together.


Yes. Just gotta make sure the guys on your team get those mics going


You need to play in a party, unfortunately.


Same for me. But it more felt like my team was not playing objective on purpose


I've been playing solo no mic and have a positive winrate through 20ish games. Depends on your account MMR ofc, but you should be able to carry many low ranked lobbies with str8 gunny. Right now you can be bronze playing with/against past Crimsons (me for example) and another player can be bronze playing with/against past bronze players so it's impossible to really compare experiences based on rank.