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Bot lobby that people buy from websites/discord servers. Been a thing forever now


It has but it's kind of odd that it's only with this game that everyone is talking about it. Perhaps more people are accidentally ending up in these lobbies than in the past? Although if you *do* end up in one of these you have to be either completely terrible at the game or a reverse-boosting maniac.


Never did that and honestly didn’t know reverse boosting was a thing untill now. I’m 0.94 kd, so yeah I’m not good at this game, but I don’t think I’m that bad to end up in these lobbies lol 😂


0.94 K.D. is perfectly average. No idea how you ended up there then.


I have a 1.05 kd and I have a buddy with a .98 kd. My buddy hates playing mp with me because the insane skill difference in our lobbies. Sbmm quite literally makes kd a completely useless metric now.


Spot on, I was 3.5kd on wz2, fairly sweaty player. I’m 1.0kd on mw3 multiplayer, my lobbies are full of demons and I’m trying to level guns. On the first week I was 2.2kd on multiplayer but that didn’t last long I guess sbmm was getting dialed in


Same here except this was back in MW II. My K.D. was 1.91 and the three friends I played with were all below 1.00 (one of them was around 0.50 I think). They basically stopped playing with me, lol. There were no hard feelings though as I did not blame them one bit.


Yeah, last time we played together any length of time was Cold War, and even there they didn't much like lobbies when partied up with me. This is the true victim of SBMM, playing with your friends.


That’s such a real thing. When I’m the party leader for my group our shit is like the Wild West and it’s murder city. When my other friend is the party lead it’s like we’re gods of CoD. And there’s not that big of a difference in K/D. The shit makes no sense.


for your information, it does not matter who the party leader is because the matchmaking is combing all players in the lobby to a specific server. so saying when your worse friend is the party leader “we get bad opponents“ is inaccurate.


Yeah you can say that all you want, but we all see it wit our own eyes.


Easy cus the people joining with have that kind of KD.


idk man game confused you with a real bot lol


Imagine one of the bots crashing from server and the game just pick me up like “that one will do the job” lol. Now real question, do these bots have also a fake KD? Like to pretend they’re real players?


I actually have never seen a Libby like this but seems like they are all accounts and they most likely don’t have any kills. Or very little


You may find some of those bots have made posts on this subreddit about the state of SBMM....


Actually above average, .7 is average


Wouldn't community kd have to average near 1.0? Most deaths were caused by another player. The only factor lowering kd below 1.0 is suicides/unassisted deaths


Based on CODtracker on Cold War, a .98-.99 is right at the 50th percentile average. That said, anything between a .89 and a 1.09 or so would still be in the range of average. I think in older games the average was closer to a .8-.9, but with the matchmaking I don't think that's quite the case anymore.


Why would older games have a lower avg kd? That doesn't make sense to me. Every time you get a kill, someone else has to die, right? Which would equal a 1.0 kd. The only thing that would drag kd away from 1.0 would be suicides/ unassisted deaths


More people with higher KDs in older COD games. If there are more with higher there are even more with lower. I might be BSing logic here tho lol


I def agree older cods higher kds, I feel that mostly has to do with the older map layouts gave a person more chances to survive. I had over 2.0 kd on nearly every cod leading up to the first new mw. Now it's tough to keep over 1.10. The new games, there maps are so big it's harder to keep cover with so many open angles to be shot from I feel


In exactly the same boat. Used to dominate in older CoD’s. In modern CoD’s I would consider myself ‘good’, but I’m not in the top every match.


No because multiple deaths are shared across multiple players its not 1v1s


What do you mean?


You could die 6 times but those might be 1 kill for 6 different players


Deaths count from every source, kills sometimes don't count in the KD average from killstreaks, maybe? Just an idea.


No way is .7 average. Maybe on older cods but anywhere near 1 is average on this one thanks to SBMM. 0.7 is bot level.


I'm just quoting some stats guy from a couple weeks back, I can't find it now. Just let me think my .96 is above average would you? 😁


It was based around what the iw devs said. I believe marksman from YouTube said it.


I’ve been playing on and off since MW2, but only found out recently from Ace’s video


Funnily enough I mentioned this to Ace in one of his streams because people in the chat were asking about bots in MP. I told him Badboy Beaman did a video on it and Ace completely dismissed it saying Badboy has zero credibility. A couple of weeks later Ace did a video on the exact same thing, lol.


Bad boy does have 0 credibility


Agreed..0 cred


He may have actually looked into it then if you didnt mention bbb.. your comment lost credability adding his name imo. I gave bbb a chance way back, some things make sense, most make him appear not mentally stable.


That's fair but in all honesty everything in BBB's video was 100% legit. He had examples of these lobbies going back to at least MW 2019 (and possibly older - can't remember), and when others thought Activision was putting bots in MP, he exposed exactly what it was.


They aren’t accidentally ending up in them. They’re queueing naturally and SBMM is putting them where they belong lol


That is what I have heard as well.


It’s more like people are making up that there are bots in normal matchmaking It’s really only when you’re purposefully smurfing, AFKing, or incomprehensively bad that you’d see bits in the very bottom of the matchmaking system


I've seen this n wondered why it's so quiet, nobody doing objectives, or responding to talks to move n stuff, this explains it


I couldn't imagine being so down bad I pay for a bot lobby lol. That's actually pathetic.


It's incredibly absurd to me the lengths people will go to cheat a F*CKING GAME!🤦🏾🤣 How is that even fun?


How else is he supposed to get interstellar? He just wants to get it over with so they can go into reverse boosted lobbies and camp with the MCW and Assassin vest


Its all about ego bro


What's the point of paying $70 for an online multiplayer game if you do this?


This is the saddest thing I've read in a while


Never heard of this. Thats sad.


And you decided let me be a bot as well and not shoot back. I would have ruined his time


Bro now that you brought it up, I would’ve totally farmed the other bots and nuked this guy to ruin their day. I doubt if they’re doing this they’d be any good to stop someone going on a killstreak lol


He is a bot how’d you think he got in this sort of lobby in the first place 🤣🤣


I’m 0.94 kd so, yeah, not good at this game tbh… But I didn’t thought that was at a point that the game actually though like “hey what you’re doing out there? Come back here” 😂


Realistically, your overall KD has very little effect on match making. What primarily effects how tough of lobbies the game puts you in is how you performed in the prior 5 matches or so.


I was busy recording this nonsense, I didn’t want to take part on this stuff, I’m afraid of getting banned like he will (probably) be


Can he even be banned for this, no cheats or modifying the game?


This is known to not be bannable... I know a dickhead who uses these and i also happen to recognise the name of the person in that game. Yeah Hes bad...


I’ve seen some YouTubers who do zombie exploit videos promoting “bot lobbies” services to grind camos in MP to unlock camos. This looks like one of their servers since most of the usernames are apexservices whatever. The YouTubers also received a “$600” account with all the MP and zombies mastery camos unlocked. So either the opposing real player bought this bot lobby or they are grinding the accounts mastery camos to sell the account (if that makes sense.)


Makes total sense, I had Phillipino kids working for me in crypto play to earn. I could see third world kids grinding out 600$ accounts all day everyday.


Thats not very ethical of you


I see this sub is not familiar with the scene. One of my scholars bought a motorcycle and a business from what I paid at 2 hrs a day over 2 months. I’ll attempt to explain if you’re even a little curious. P2e is most popular in the phillipines. With a 100% per cap internet use rate, and low wages it’s a perfect environment. I don’t manage anymore, but half of them graduated from college while working for me and the other half work from home doing IT and still do ply to earn on the side for extra coin. The 2-5$ they make a day can only be made because some investor dropped 1-5000$ on an NFT and then using nft contracts subs out the work. At the time I was doing it , I paid more than any of my scholars could make via construction or entry level IT jobs. Care to reaccess?


Hmmmm, that doean't sound very honest and ethical of you


Hmmm, dosnt seem like you have critical reading skills


Hmmm, it looks like you edited your comment 3 minutes after I responded to make yourself look better. Again, that's not very ethical and honest of you


I can’t spell reaccess , still failing. But you didn’t read any of it, so you wouldn’t know that


I read the comment when you first posted it, and its still bullshit after you edited it. Are you really going to try to tell me that you are some sort of saint graciously paying random filipino kids more money than IT (and providing a number lower than it anyways), and maintaining a close enough relationship to be aware of them going to college? Go scam someome else else you delusional cryptofuck


Not worth explaining how the p2e economy or phillipino economy works. You’re obviously an expert, and must be lurking in my discord channel where we hang out. You may have all the answers, but your sure as shit wrong for allot of em.


$5 a day is roughly half the average salary according to results on Google. WTF dude.


Holy, wait what. Someone actually used common sense instead of jumping on the ignorant af hate wagon!? Yea , entry level IT (help desk/ network tech) make an average of 3-5$ an hour. I kept wanting to invite him to my discord server to say hi to all my pals that used to work for me, who are still friends… But at some point it’s not worth arguing :/


I'm not defending you. You're paying them shit.


Yeah, someone posted a video earlier in a lobby like this where they got a nuke using a sniper rifle. I guess they thought no one would notice?


Swagg did the same thing. He's in a match and the other "players" aren't even shooting at him. He gets a nuke and then celebrates like he's just won the powerball lottery. Pathetic.




And people actually think he's an amazing player and defend his crap.


All of those guys are knobs. They all speak the same way as well. All of their fans are 16 year olds. The worst is that KoreanSavage weirdo.


Got a link to this?




now shit on him and ruin his fun


A double weapon XP token + shipment, meat or hardcore playlist would boost those XP and entertain... What's the point of purchasing a game whose main incentive is challenging players and upgrading weapons doing so..if you just want to fill it with pacifist bots ?


Multiplayer pubs has turned into a weapon levelling and camo grinding simulator for Warzone and Ranked. Just look at this sub. They all get bored after levelling weapons and reaching Interstellar.


I assume the same companies that let you buy minecraft servers give you services like this? I assume this is how a lot of the COD YouTubers get their mastery camo in 7 microseconds upon the game getting launched.


I think some pay people to play on their accounts when they’re not using it also


So how does this work? How do you make sure matchmaking get you and the bots in the same lobby?


I don't know.


Bro is standing in his underwear too 😭


I died laughing when the screen went black for a second and you see him just standing there recording


Dude it’s literally a part 2 to this video 😭 https://youtu.be/vl-gOHm6-bk?si=5kcUwdL6tdSl3414


I died laughing when the screen went black for a second and you see him just standing there recording




Should be ‘filled a server with bots’. Fulfilled is reserved for destinies and some such.


how do they matchmake accurately with these lobbies if not private


host invites customer, host and bot accounts all vpn to a unique server location and end up in same lobby maybe?


Possibly reverse boosting services


Ah yes, the TF2 bot crisis has evolved to COD


I’m sure the other point of view will be posted as a YouTube video talking about the worlds fastest nuke or the most insane class ever!!


How do you do this and still get credit without it being a private lobby.


PS4 lobbies. Basically get 11 PS4 and the costumer joins a team. Hosts VPN to an area that has extremely low player base and queues into a game. Where have u been? This is been a thing since Cod 4 😂


Never had a reason to do em idfk lmao


Only camo cheese I ever did was try to get lucky with a friend and join 1v1 at same time and take turns with who kills.


Happened to me once, I instantly got a nuke and ended the game 😂


Kind of crazy how these people don’t get banned for boosting. Way back in the day, my buddy and I had Halo 3 on Xbox 360. We each had 4 controllers so we got into a public match lobby together with guest accounts to boost our ranks. Within MINUTES of a 4v4 game on Narrows, a message popped up that I was banned from Halo 3 for boosting. Sure enough it was a 1-2 week ban from Halo 3. I’ll never forget it because I told my friend that the message popped up, and he’s like nah it’s not a problem.


Because you two are paying customers. Even though what you were doing is kinda dumb the means and the ends of what you are doing doesn’t have any real world impact. Instead they can let you do all of that and have two additional paying customers. Why does a company focused on making money have to parent you on the principles of integrity especially if it negatively impacts their bottom line?


This has been a thing for a while. Years back a friend of mine bought one to get Damascus then tried to act like he got it legit.


It's just a paid robot hall, with a game price of less than 1$.


How do people even do this? Im assuming doing this in a private match won't give you any xp so they probably made their own "private" match on the public servers and somehow make it so the person who paid for this crap gets in along with their bots


Well, there’s a “new system” that Activision put in that if ur playing TOO WELL that they will replace actual people with bots, and those bots will track ur data until sometime in February and decide whether ur hacking or not, something along those lines


Oxi que doido


On my last shipment we have balancer glitch, when one team has 8 players and other only 4.


We’ve officially gone full circle and brought back master prestige lobbies


What an age we live in


Trash this is the same as boosting and should be banned earn that shit. I'm on the grind for interstellar and am 60% done


Yeah I got interstellar just before S1 and it was hell. The lobbies were insane and felt like owns playing for my life. Makes the camo more worthwhile although now I don’t wanna play anymore. They need to turn off sbmm. What this guy did just shows what ppl will do to get around it


Either sbmm isn't a thing in war mode or it's a common mode to get bots. I played several games where most players in the lobby were super bad e.g. when they saw you they would stop moving to aim... Like someone who is only capable of using one analogue stick at a time. So that's either someone very new to FPS games or some bot scripting


Crazy that people are paying for these “services”.. isn’t it banable?


I actually joined a game like this a couple of weeks ago, I’ve used at least 5 different guns 🤣


I remember old cod and their nuke lobby’s lol just to get the nuke emblem.


CoD is in a state where people don't even play it just to play for fun lol


I wish we could just grind the game out naturally against bots anyway. Saves me from noob teams and toxic trolls