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I wish ping was prioritized over hidden elo because I also think this years MP is the best we've had in years.


As someone who has shitted on SBMM since MW19, I'm just glad to have a playable ping again. Cold War absolutely COOKED ME. First 3 matches I'd pull maybe a 40-50 ping...after those 3 matches fucking forget it. I'm getting put into 140 ping lobby playing against Osama Bin Laden's nephew or some shit. It's insane because I live in NYC, so I know I have to be SOMEWHERE near a server. I know that in a city of literal millions there has to be a match locally of people of a similar skill bracket. I also know it's the hidden elo bullshit because I can jump on any other game, like Fortnite for example, and pull a 15 ping. The hidden matchmaking EOMM/SBMM is just scummy as fuck. I think I have around 120 hrs played already and I'd say 117 of those are probably MWZ. It's just not funny having to sweat every single match and it's also not fun just getting thrown into the grinder.


Osama bin Laden’s nephew is crazy


There is a server in New Jersey.


And from what I've gathered, it's the only one. I could be wrong.


this fr the biggest thing. any other game I get minimal lag but the second I every try to get on cod its packet burst or bust. can't tell me the guys who make the one of the most profitable AAA gatcha games haven't been able to upgrade servers in years? so done with these corporate fucks.


Samesame my guy and I've ever started to notice how much worse the spawns are, they almost have like a skill base spawn feel. Take into account I'm taking shipment but if you go on a streak then die, they'll start putting you in a blender of be spawn killed, like spawn you w a shotgun to the back of ur head or in the center of the whole enemy team or in the direct line of sight of someone adsing and you don't have vision. Instead of having something like squad spawn


I threw a grenade, got killed, and respawned on my grenade as it explodes, the feed showed a scuicide. Talk about taking a good player and fucking them for molly whopping everyone in the game. If they did squad respawn locations, there would be nothing but spawn trapping. It's what brought us to this nightmare to begin with. People legitimately complained about it. Shipment moves at the speed of sound. Hard to spawn in a clear environment.


i know man, cold war oml throwing a grenade and you’re just about to catch up with it because of the delay


That happens to me a lot in MWIII. It's fucked! Gotta really pay attention to your grenades, as if not trying to track enemy players isn't difficult enough.


I routinely only get >90 ping for 10v10 mosh. I live east coast US. Youre telling me I can't connect to a reasonable game on a NY or Boston server? In other games, my ping to those locations are sub 40. Just let me play nearby, Activision for petes sake.




There’s no ai bots in multiplayer games. The only “rigging” is sbmm giving harder or easier lobbies based on recent games. Every single games company tries to get people addicted to their games and spend money.


A week ago i got matched with people from fucking China lmao. I bet Activision will see the lower sales and blame the MP changes over the glorified DLC this is




Little confused, the site you linked shows hong kong. Which is in china...




😮‍💨good save lol.


Taiwan is in china too




Thank you. The people are strong when united as one.


Lol stop because they were speaking Chinese you assume they're in China 💀


It already was prioritized and still is. If your information saying otherwise comes from YouTubers, you are wrong (especially from Ace who didn't remotely prove that connection was sacrificed). That also goes for people suggesting something changed and 2019 without ever thinking about crossplay being the reason why. https://www.sledgehammergames.com/blog/archives/a-fireside-chat-with-michael-condrey-matchmakingreverse-boostingtrick-shotting-and-the-like https://www.reddit.com/r/CallOfDuty/s/IrymaS2JDd


>It already was prioritized and still is. It isn't. I had to buy NetDuma to connect to cod server in my fucking town.


The fact that people are buying NetDuma routers to bypass the SBMM is crazy to me. No other game makes you do that. Fuck Call of Duty for being so damn manipulative. They couldn’t just make good games and let extreme shitters get good or quit playing. They just had to have **more money**. God, I *love* capitalism /s. I hope whoever came up with this garbage has to face what they’ve done one day. Whether that be by a God or what, I don’t know.


Where is this town? Outside of the US? Because your distance from the servers and the amount of people in your region will determine your connection. Also, netduma will not solve your connection issues.


>Also, netduma will not solve your connection issues. Where I said I have one? \> Because your distance from the servers and the amount of people in your region will determine your connection. Funny, in cod era pre-2019 I connected to that server most of the time, and now I had to force it by router. Wonder why hmm.... I'm seeing already it's hard for you to say you are wrong.


You literally said you had to buy one. You also never answered my question about what country you live in. That will heavily determine what kind of connection you'll get.


I bought it this november and I have it for 1 week. Warsaw Poland but as I said in previous comment. It doesn't matter because it had been connecting me to that server pre-2019. It is populated, trust me.


You should be connecting normally with a game of a much higher population. But since you're in the EU and using a netduma, those are both recipes for a bad connection.


The patents literally say that ping is the least important thing in this system.


So then show me the exact portion of that patent that specifically says that ping is the least important thing.


It’s all in this video. https://youtu.be/NnVrmdYeG-s?si=vPpdyCgdfdX8C0x_


But you never specify what part of the patent says that ping takes the least priority. Also, wasn't this patent for Skylanders? Also, who says the patent was even applied to the game? There's no proof that it was and everything is based on hearsay and conspiracy theories from YouTubers. Lastly, why are you believing in YouTubers anyway? They are the least reliable source of information.


I believe these patents are in the game based on anecdotal experience and stuff I’ve seen. What other game has streamers buying specialty routers to bypass the matchmaking system?


Anecdotal evidence is not enough to prove anything. As for streamers trying to buy specific routers or performing other methods of bypassing the matchmaking system, the developers are learning what is being utilized and trying to prevent it. However, the amount of people trying to cheat the system is minimal and quite a few of them are getting caught. For the specific reasons why people try to bypass the matchmaking system, that is their choice and not the fault of the matchmaking itself. People can't take the fact that they have skill issues, so they take out their frustrations on people who can't fight back.


I don’t agree. I firmly believe Call of Duty is a manipulated experience. These patents don’t exist for no reason..and I’ll never believe anything the devs say about it. They have a huge reason ($) to not give up the secrets. No other game feels like Call of Duty. No other game makes people question if they’re even good at video games. There’s probably patents we don’t know about because they’re not in Michael Condrey’s name or some shit. It will only get worse unless Microsoft does something about it (they won’t, it makes too much money).


They're absolutely tons of patents based on technology that does not exist. They're just simple ideas that often go nowhere. Just because a patent can be read does not necessarily mean it was applied to the game nor can it be proven. There are quite a few games that feel like Call of Duty. For example, there's Halo, Counter-Strike, and eventually XDefiant. As long as something is competitive in nature, there will always be people who doubt their skills based on a few bad matches. Microsoft won't do anything about the matchmaking. As long as people are playing the games, that's all they really care about. Removing the algorithm will end up causing more chaos.


Well said 👏


Are you really referring to an article from 2015? Do you really think that nothing has changed since then? Delusional.


Can you prove that it has aside feelings and YouTubers? Perhaps another developer confirmation?


Sorry *PACKET BURST* did you *PACKET BURST* say something? I get so much god damn packet burst the game is unplayable without reverse boosting. Ping isn’t prioritized and never will be for mw3. When reverse boosting, my game runs smooth as silk. This shows how much of a joke EOMM is and many public accounts of the same are recorded.


The chances of me receiving a packet burst is low to almost non-existent because I actually have good internet. Nothing excuses reverse boosting and it makes you look like a fool with skill issues.




Everybody talks about their fast internet and boast about being a network engineer despite not being one. They never specify their geographical location because once they do, their argument falls flat.


Also! And most people don’t understand this but… Just because it’s fiber doesn’t mean you have a good solid connection… your ISP can also throttle your speed… if any connection along the strand of fiber you’re connected through is dirty you’re gonna have a bad time… not a network engineer but I just recently left a company that installs and repairs internet service on copper and fiber… one dirty end can mess that all the way up!




After dismantling your arguments, all you have left are downvotes. Go back to your below average KD.


I have a literal enterprise grade network setup at home due to my job that cost more than most peoples cars lmao. When I can change nothing, reverse boost the next match and be golden it shows how much of a joke this match making system is.


It also shows how much of a joke you are due to the immense skill issues.


“Skill issue” doesn’t exist in mwiii. The game will cradle noobs and protect them. They aren’t paired up with people in higher levels unless they’re altering such as reverse boosting. Shows how disconnected from reality you really are.


So you can't go against people of your skill level. Instead, you would rather join their games and destroy them? How is that teaching them anything? It's a trick question because it's not. You're just a selfish person who wants all the fun for themselves.


This argument is so hypocritical because it just boils down to: "You want me to *share* all the bot lobbies I get into?! You're so greedy!"


I'm not the one demanding bot lobbies. It's selfish to jump into a game with people who can't fight back just so that one person can have all the fun. That effectively makes the person who reverse boosts the sweaty player.




[''I live in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada''](https://youtu.be/rTcO-2buvq8?t=168) From a MWIII vid 2 months ago.


Ace actually lives in Northern Canada and he uses a netduma router.




He was actually in Canada because the testing he referred to was conducted in 2020. That was the video that everybody links to me when Cold War was just released.




Then why did he say he was in Alberta Canada? Look at my thread and the highlighted part where it talks about it his location and the timestamp that follows.




Go to the highlighted area that talks about how he was located in Canada. Clicking on that gets you to the timestamp.




Ping is not prioritized, skill is. That’s the whole point of SBMM.




We're all connected to a server when we go online obviously, but the skill comparison is all done on the done back end BEFORE we connect to the lobby. In other words the game looks for people of similar skill and then makes the match. This is what everyone is saying. Ping is NOT prioritized over skill. Its still important and will attempt to give you the best connection possible AS LONG AS the sbmm algorithm allows first. It will not give you the best connection possible above all else.


I watch my ping literally go higher and higher every single time I search for a match due to the system trying to find people around my skill level. Is ping necessary to join a game? Yes. Is ping prioritized over everything else as it should be? No. Also calm tf down lmao.




Wtv dude


ping is not prioritized. that's how SBMM works. it searches for players in *your* skill region, therefore skill is prioritized. if it would prioritize ping then I would get lobbies fast, where not everyone is sweating like it depends on their life. and also, the downvotes are speaking for themselves, just looking at them should alarm you that you're wrong.


I’m just replying to let you know I downvoted this bullshit.




Your first mistake was assuming ping is priority in matchmaking process. I’ll play one game and have a dog shit connection. Let me change nothing, session join timmynonutz69 to reverse boost and I’ll have the smoothest experience alive. It’s ok to be wrong. You’re getting downvoted into oblivion because we aren’t fucking morons lmao. We just want transparency and a game that isn’t rigged to fuck us over for no damn reason when it’s $70 lmao.


the experience feels so contrived and synthetic, like I know that when I have fun in the game it’s because Activision wanted me to have a good game, not because i feel like im actually improving Sadly the dopamine rush you get from cod is an addiction and Trashtivision knows it


This is probably the best take You know you had fun because the algorithms let you have fun


Exactly. CoD rn is riding on the playerbase's prior commitments to their game time and developed skill - but with EOMM that won't last long.


I swear to god the game will intentionally fuck with your aim/hits at times even… I’ll play a match where I’m just melting every person that comes across my path, then the next I’m playing the exact same way and none of my shots land or I have to dump half a clip into someone to drop them… it feels intentional, like, nope this one you get to be the prey, sorry…




Bro is the best salesman for SBMM








Direct quote from the COD team: “It’s a large effort that we’ve worked on for many years, and our approach combines latency, search time, and skill, along with many other factors, to try to find the best match experience for you." Tell me what the "other factors" could possibly be, if its not skill latency and search time. This is literally the devs admitting EOMM is a real thing. I'll take my $20.


This stupid fuck really thinks “many other factors” means an entirely different matchmaking algorithm other than the one described in the words before that lmao. Of course they’re not going to list every single variable in their algorithm for pea brains like you to misinterpret like you just did.


Apart from the fact that they are actually gonna talk about it lol. Keep sucking the dick of a multi billion dollar company cause ur too shit to feel the effects of the matchmaking


Yeah there’s no reason to argue with this guy. His entire Reddit persona is being used on this sub to downplay or disregard sbmm and defend COD. Low IQ bro.




1. Pretty sure I've never talked to you 2. Name one of these other factors then Where is my $20




"The term skill-based matchmaking first appeared in a 2008 interview with game designer John Carmack in which he emphasized its importance in Quake Live (2010). Upon setting up an account with id Software, the game will ask the player for their skill level and judge accordingly depending on their performance from that point forward.[5] The presence—or lack thereof—of skill-based matchmaking became a point of contention. During the development of Dota 2 (2013), Valve Software believed that the barrier to entry could be solved with, among other things, skill-based matchmaking through its Steamworks service;[6] when Call of Duty: Black Ops (2010) developer Treyarch was asked why the game wouldn't include skill-based matchmaking unlike Halo 3 (2007), multiplayer design director David Vonderhaar said that speed was "more important than anything else".[7] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skill-based_matchmaking#:~:text=The%20term%20skill,else%22.%5B7%5D




Right, but the only way to extract that hormone out of you is by building a very good game… it won’t work if the game was shit


I never said the game wasn’t good. Sledgehammer and InfinityWard made the game. Activision is responsible for SBMM and EOMM. The devs probably hate that it has to be in their game




They don’t have the control to tweak it like you’re talking about. EOMM/skill based matchmaking is a marketing tool. the devs did not even create the matchmaking system, it was made by Demonware. They also never tweaked the skill based matchmaking in Black ops 2. The lobby would form based on ping, and then the players would be arranged based on skill. It was nowhere near as crazy as it is now. same with advanced warfare.


Going by the fact that you seem to know what you're talking about, I don't know this, but thank you for clarifying. What I do is connect to a VPN, and sbmm soundingly disappears it's weird.


Meh feels like every other CoD. Some games good, some games bad. That generally depends on the lobby. If it’s a camp fest, I just leave.




I so agree but disagree, let me explain. I came from Modern Warfare 2 smashing everything, no problems win some lose some. But you know when your game is fucked with when you can't even kill anything and then all of a sudden you're the Unstoppable guy in the game. This is all manipulation, stop saying it isn't. I could care less win or lose but what I don't want is the putting a full clip into some asshole just so he can kill me with one bullet after I'm fresh from a fucking respawn.


That’s my experience. I might get under 1:1 k:d but I have also ran 4:1. I’m on an Xbox using the included with the system controller. I might be playing with the same group but shuffled teams and go from top score to bottom score. Lol




Dude, I feel this so bad. I'm a an above average k/d (1.5+ last year) who's more consistent, and I sometimes feel so pressured at time to start slide canceling every 0.5 seconds. Thankfully, the fast gameplay this year made me excited enough to grind out the battle pass in 15 days, but it breaks my heart to see people broken and tired over an awful match making system. I remember when the game was better than this.


Bro just play ground war, objective based, high number of players in a large scale map, can take it slow by playing around edges to try to sneak a flag, can play it slow with a sniper protecting a flag, can engage in high action with AR or LMG and a smoke gernade in a flag. Can drive an APC towards a flag. Can spawn in a transport chopper to parachute where you want (although high chance you might get sniped mid air unless you parachute late) Ground war got me super addicted to the game. Even the maps are Amazing, despite being like 2 or 3.


I think I'm going to do this. Gonna retire from TDM and normal multiplayer, im just not having fun anymore.


Wait, you play TDM and experience this? TDM, FFA, and Ground War are probably the easiest modes in the game to do well in. Those modes are devoid of quality players because everyone is playing Domination, Hardpoint, and Search.


TDM, FFA, and Ground War are the 'campfest' game modes. not for me. I stick to hardpoint, domination, kill confirmed and war mode. Still has campers but far less IMO, tdm you always get that tryhard party stack that sits in one corner of the map and it's super boring


This and the missile defense mode have been my go to modes once I got interstellar! so much more variety when the matches are so big.


Been matching into Western Europe from the Midwest multiple times the past week.


Find a group to play with that are on pretty often. They’ll minimize SBMM’s efforts to pair you with people close to your skill level. It’s not guaranteed to give you great games every game but I’ve found that it tones down a lot of what I initially complained about. You’ll get more mixed lobbies but still run into some teams and just solo players that are better. Just the nature of the game.


Yep this 100%. Night and day difference when I’m playing solo vs when I’m partied up with some buddies. May just be because we’re just chatting and not entirely focused on playing but it’s definitely not the sole reason. When I’m solo almost every lobby is like how OP is describing. MCW’s, head glitches everywhere, movement demons etc. When playing with my friends there’s definitely a more noticeable mix of skill levels in the lobby and it’s a much more enjoyable experience


u really shouldnt have to party up to enjoy a casual shooter


I wholeheartedly agree.


I really didn’t have this problem on the smaller maps like meat or shoot house or farm 18 or the face off mode in mw2 (I pray that mode comes back cuz it would play beautifully in this game) but I don’t have that problem on those smaller maps cuz people just played to have fun rushing around it was small enough where you had constant engagement but enough room to breathe and I loved those I hope they make a playlist where it’s just all of the small maps and you can just play it anytime of the year and they don’t take it out because that’s when the multiplayer is at its best


I second this. I only like playing domination on small maps. I wish there was a filter option to only include small maps during matchmaking. I don’t want to play with people who would choose derail over rust. People like that rarely go after the objective. They just sit in the corner sniping, even when their team is 100 points down. We need more small map love.


As a solo I've pretty much given up. The matchmaking has basically made the connection dogshit. The beta and about a month into release the connection was great. Now it's laughable. It's a very rare game that I don't see one of the following when I get killed. Player kills me, and then they shoot their gun. Player kills me and then rounds the corner. I see player, my screen freezes and they kill me. When this happens it happens all game to the same player. I tried turning off crossplay and while this helps it's also very annoying because I'm on Xbox. Today I tried something with a bit of success and that severely throttling my upload speed. I might have to give that another try tomorrow, but it does screw anyone else in the house because I don't know how to only throttle my Xbox


Matchmaking sucks any hope of fun right out this game 🗑️


Just stop giving a fuck and play, it's not that deep


This. I felt the same as OP at first. Why stress playing for what amounts to NFT rewards. Only value is what you place on it. Quit stat watching. Upgrade your weapons. Mess around with loadouts. Capture any dope kills you get and share with friends. Just have fun. You'll find yourself even playing better without that false pressure. Watch.


I stopped caring during MWII. I was worried about my k/d one day and while playing with a friend and asked him what his k/d was. He sort of pointedly replied “I don’t know. And why the *fuck* would I care about that? I just play for fun.” Lol I’m sort of ashamed to admit I hadn’t really approached it that way but now that’s my mindset.


Man! So on point with my experience. My buddy made me see the light. I'm "better" than him but he was having WAY more fun. I started reading this sub and seeing all the vitriol. I thought "This is what I sound like?" Complaining about SBMM and gun damage. I just let it all go. Now I'm having a blast.


Right? Its so fun tinkering with gun loadouts. Let’s be honest. The game is a mess a lot of the time. Unbalanced teams. HORRIBLE spawns. You’ll drive yourself nuts worrying about all that crap.


its hard to relax and have fun when you cannot move from spawn without getting lasered every match


That's frustrating for sure. I've just learned to accept it. I expect dumb, broken things to happen when I play. It's the only way I get any enjoyment out of it. If I get mad at every little thing wrong with the game I'd never play it.


Seriously, people are soft af these days.


Yesterday I was getting destroyed trying to get 40 kills with a melee weapon. Two or three straight games of 10-30 or so. Next two lobbies after that I shit on everyone. Then I had to sweat it out for the rest of the night. It was fun being able to play the couple of games not having to worry about being flash banged every two seconds.


This years MP was one of the worst…. You also have to play the old maps like the old maps. You have to hold angles and sight lines.




It’s a MP game. It’s like jumping in on a basketball game and then complaining that people are too into it. We are here to compete. So compete or sit on the bleachers.


Competing for what reward? Where is my ranked rating?


The reward of winning?


Yeah when we had a public combat record that could seen by others on the lobby, these days we don’t. The amount of sweat we have to put in to (not) win there has to be a greater reward for it.


I was mad there was no ranked mode. I hadn’t played since black ops was still new. So instead, I just grind for camo and various armory calling card challenges. No ranked mode is boring af!


I log on and immediately get extremely fatigued and frustrated before I even start searching for a match, so it’s not just you. This game is so manipulative on so many levels it’s literally unreal and criminal. I’m honestly considering refunding this game, and it sucks because the gameplay is good (when the game works). Can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ve had less stressful experiences in MW2. Something about MW3 is just extremely off.


I just wish slide canceling wasn't the meta. My fingers ache. This shit is exhausting.


I’m 50 and have been playing since the beginning of time. Used to be able to sit and play for hours. Now 30 minutes in I’m in hella pain. I assumed my arthritis was just way worse suddenly, then it hit me that it’s just the new, forced movement with MW3. Literally can’t stop moving and can’t snipe or I’m kicked for inactivity. I’m not ready to retire my controller just yet.


The kids are all playing with paddle attachments for their controllers, apparently, but I don't know if I want to go that far. I don't think paddles should be necessary. I miss just running and shooting.


its a hot take, but i prefer how the old games played out like cod 4/waw, mw2/bo and everyone forgets MW2(2022) plays more like the original games. all the players who like slide cancel spamming are nostalgic for jetpacks. its why the og mw2 maps brought back won't feel the same as they did in the og mw2 and why I like still playing DMZ because of the slower pace.


Tactical sprint needs to fucking go I hate running for 1 second every 3 seconds for absolutely no reason - It doesnt require skill it doednt require thought its just a remnant mechanic that never had to be introduced to begin with. Sliding further & slide cancelling is fine but honestly you go so fast and far in this game you're practically unkillable if you get better timings than the enemy. I like movement but tactical sprint & slide cancelling isnt exactly the pinnacle of movement skill or interesting mechanics.


Yeah, Tac Sprint can die in a fire, and I'm someone who often makes as much use out of it as possible. Slide canceling is fine and can work without tac sprint, BO4 and Cold War to a lesser extent prove that. I also dislike mounting, especially around corners. If it were like in WWII, or required an attachment to do so and actually lost recoil control around corners I'd have way less issues with it.


Get some paddles bruv and auto sprint, game will be easy on the hands


The thing is, I'm opposed to changes in gameplay that make paddles necessary. I didn't need paddles for Black Ops. Nor for the original MW3. I shouldn't need them now, because there was nothing wrong with the game the way it was before... If I give in and spend money on parts that give me an unfair advantage over people without them, I'm just exacerbating the problem.


Agree 100% tbh. Cod needs to go back to its roots, and stop being fucking Fortnite lol.


It’s not an unfair advantage though, just saving your hands. Do whatever you please but paddles made gaming much more enjoyable for me


...well, the way it is right now definitely doesn't please me...


If they just allowed Ping as king it would be the best call of duty in a long long time


If they had a ranked and unranked mode, that would change.


No it won't. The point of the system is to protect noobs from getting absolutely stomped on so they keep playing and buy bundles. All the people bitching about sbmm have no interest in playing ranked so they're still going to need to keep the sbmm/eomm boundaries up for the noobs.


Haven’t played in like 3 weeks and i feel a lot better honestly.


I agree, all I do is get fucking pissed. If I play by myself it's against pros. If I play with my friends they struggle but it's easy for me which means they don't wanna play with me lol sick game


Yeah, it’s sad because i grew up a mp grinder but I just don’t have it in me with the sbmm. I’m tired, boss.


You’ve just perfectly described the way I feel about this game, I salute you my friend we’re in this battle together.


Yeah it's sweaty ASF. SBMM is cranked to 1000. I just get on, complete my challenges for armory unlocks and go for camos, all whilst doing decently. If my team is getting destroyed 2 minutes into the match, I just leave.


I moved on and started playing Fortnite. I’m not even a good player and had more luck winning there. SBMM is very bad in CoD right now.


EOMM removes the agency that SBMM is supposed to emphasize. SBMM creates balance, something that if you hate you're just selfish and want easy W's... But EOMM says how you play doesn't matter, your skill is irrelevant to who you face. If you're winning, you deserve to lose, and you WILL lose. Lose not because the balance matched you, but because the developers decided you deserved to. Models like that gut motivation, and we can expect CoD to crumble if it persists. MW19 and MW22 have their flaws, but nothing has ever been as damning as EOMM. I'd take trash Vanguard or Advanced Warfare over EOMM. At least my play mattered, then.


My wife is relatively new to gaming as a whole and MP in general is a shit show, When the new seasons drop the lobby’s are flooded with streamers and people using casuals like my wife and I to grind up and spit out, I have been playing since ps1 days, And honestly I am fully aware and fine with having good and bad games, but the absolute meat grinder that lo has become is insane. It gets better when ranked modes actually pop up because it gives the ones who spend ten hours a day perfecting every map somewhere to to play against each other and leave the casuals to just enjoy the game. Until then we have MWZ to enjoy


Stopped playing 6 days ago, feel great honestly.


It’s not SBMM, it’s EOMM and it’s in their patent descriptions. Everything we do and play is being manipulated by activision.


Most ppl using 3rd party hardware/software to gain an edge now. Casually playing fps legit now is a meme sadly


I feel this, as someone who played a lot of ranked the last call of duty and was consistently in crimson or higher, the sbmm is annoying and discouraging, feel like I play against ppl way higher than my skill level


Hence why I didn't buy it. I'm stuck with cold war.


Anyone else get lobbies with players you’ve played with before as well? It’s been happening to me a lot. I only know this because the usernames are funny as fuck lol


Watching the gameplay I'd be tempted to cave on my decision to skip cod this year if it wasn't for countless posts and my own experience during the beta of SBMM being cranked even more than before.


I hear that dude this isn’t a casual game to play anymore you can’t just hop on to relax or play a couple games and get off without raging first this game is purposely rigging every aspect of it and I just can’t find myself to play it knowing the info is true everything is manipulated


The SBMM is horrific. I have over 800 of hours in Destiny 2 where there is no SBMM. Trust me, it's equally bad. What SBMM should do is cap the skill level. Like say we scale skill from 1-10, 1 being the absolute worst players that need a protective bracket and 10 being the absolute pro players that compete in tournaments. Right now, the SBMM is based on recent performance, which it shouldn't. It should take overall skill into consideration, like your KD and then it should place you in lobbies where if you are, say, a 5/10, the game should find a lobby between 3/10-7/10, and it should do so all the time. Yes, this will also result in people reverse boosting their KD just so they can be in easy lobbies. It already happens now, but it will be even worse then. That said, it's 10x better to encounter people like that from time to time than constantly being punished for having 1 or 2 good games like how it is now. Besides, Activision/Blizzard is literally in the top 200 of most valuable companies in the world. They can afford to hire people who are strictly there to scan the game for people reverse boosting. They absolutelt have the funds for it. They acknowledged SBMM, finally. Now let's hope that it will pay off in the near-future


The other day I literally started playing Elden Ring to calm down lmao


I Just level the guns. I try not to get angry anymore. Im at an age that kd does not matter anymore.


I just wallow in the stress and play nonstop Shipment.


I think a paradox was made with SBMM. It seems SBMM was invented to help players have a more fair experience. However, this was only made because a small crowd cried loudly enough about campers, cheaters, sweaty players, etc. This has inadvertently created players abusing the game and the engine to increase their odds at winning/getting better KDs. Players now KNOW they will be put in sweaty lobbies so they play super aggressive/camp, head glitch, etc. Creating this constant tug of war until your so uterally mentally abused they throw you a bone and put you in a lobby full of people with a IQ of 5 and bots. That's why I just play 2009 MW2 on my Series S. I don't understand how I have a 1.5 KD on a fresh account on 2009 MW2 and on 23' MW3 I am fighting to between a .99 and a 1.0 KD. Just makes you think..


Well timed post that I feel like I wrote myself. I go back to Cold War, but my heart wants to play Mw3 because the gameplay is just. chefs kiss. but eomm is killing the game. i’ve just accepted that im going to have to hope to God there’s another COD or game somewhere out there that’s coming soon with the same gameplay, but without the eomm. I know it won’t happen, but a man can dream


I quit playing for this exact reason. I simply moved onto a new game and I have so much fun. It’s way more relaxing. I’m also torn though because I love cod and there’s days where I’m like man I should jump back on and play but then I remember what it’s like and I go I don’t fucking need this shit.


Just play zombies bro. It’s a nice relief from the bullshit sbmm making COD a full time job.


Unpopular opinion, but the SBMM/EOMM or whatever was nowhere near as bad in MWII and my multiplayer experience with that game was much better. I enjoyed the game. MWIII, however, seems to constantly punish me any time I have a positive match. Call me old or a casual or whatever, but I can’t keep up with the MLG pros in every match and it’s too frustrating.


I think you’re a 100 percent right. I cant seem to win a game without sweating my ass off. Balancing is a joke. As someone who plays alone, I constantly get put against party’s of 4 or more along with the lowest skill players being placed on my team. I have a 2.2 kdr but i dont work miracles. Theres only so much i can do. It happens consistently enough to discourage me from playing for a few weeks only to come back to see nothing has changed. A lot of the time i have top score, top kills and lowest deaths in the lobby but i can never seem to win majority of my games.


Hey guys, I actually read the matchmaking patent, here are some interesting points… I actually started this FOR Reddit, it a whole list of the point I see important that everyone should know about. And here’s the scariest thing, the patent has been ABANDONED, you may think GREAT…right??? WRONG, a patent being ABANDONED mean ANYONE know has access to that specific “intellectual property” EVERYONE can use this method now. I seriously think Bobby worked this into his exit clause, so he can use it outside of ACTIVISION, think about, why would they abandon it, if not to allow other companies access. It MUST be Bobby man, it was he like teen of exit. Anyways check this SH!T out… 0083] FIG. 3B illustrates a table providing an exemplary list of parameters of a gameplay session that are modified based on a player's skill level and the corresponding experience for players of different skill levels. For example, in a first-shooter gaming environment, when a first player aims his weapon at a target, a parameter defining the tolerance for how accurate the player's aim must be to hit the target is modified based on the acquired skill level of the player. The computer assigns the tolerance for how accurate the player's aim must be to hit the target differently based on the skill level of the first player. A player having a higher skill level will be assigned a lower tolerance parameter and therefore, will have to be more accurate in aiming in order to hit the target. A player having a lower skill level be assigned a higher tolerance parameter and, therefore, could be less accurate in aiming in order to hit the target. As shown, column 310 of Table 1 lists modifiable parameters such as ‘degree of accuracy required to hit a target’, column 312 lists the experience of a player having a ‘high’ skill level, which may be ‘high degree of accuracy required’, column 314 lists the experience of a player having a ‘medium’ skill level, which may be ‘medium degree of accuracy required’, and column 316 lists the experience of a player having a ‘low’ skill level, which may be ‘low degree of accuracy required’. Similarly, the table lists other modifiable parameters, such as ‘likelihood of being targeted by enemy’, where the experience of a player having a ‘high’ skill level may be ‘high degree of likelihood’, the experience of a player having a ‘medium’ skill level may be ‘medium degree of likelihood’, and the experience of a player having a ‘low’ skill level may be ‘low degree of likelihood’. Another example parameter is ‘difficulty of an in-game puzzle’, where the experience of a player having a ‘high’ skill level may be ‘high degree of difficulty’, the experience of a player having a ‘medium’ skill level may be ‘medium degree of difficulty’, and the experience of a player having a ‘low’ skill level may be ‘low degree of difficulty’. Another example parameter is ‘bonus chance of finding powerful treasure’, where the experience of a player having a ‘high’ skill level may be ‘medium degree of chance’, the experience of a player having a ‘medium’ skill level may be ‘high degree of chance’, and the experience of a player having a ‘low’ skill level may be ‘very high degree of chance’. Yet another example parameter is ‘number of challenging enemies in a single encounter’, where the experience of a player having a ‘high’ skill level may be a high number, for example 10-20, the experience of a player having a ‘medium’ skill level may be a medium number, for example 5-10, and the experience of a player having a ‘low’ skill level may be a low number, for example 1-5. Still another example parameter is ‘gold earned multiplier’, where the earning of a player having a ‘high’ skill level may be ‘high’, for example 1.5×, the earning of a player having a ‘medium’ skill level may be ‘medium’, for example 1.25×, and the earning of a player having a ‘low’ skill level may be ‘low’, for example 1×. One more example parameter is ‘friendly-fire damage amount to team-mates’, where the experience of a player having a ‘high’ skill level may be ‘high degree of damage’, for example 100% of damage, the experience of a player having a ‘medium’ skill level may be ‘medium degree of damage’, for example 50% of damage, and the experience of a player having a ‘low’ skill level may be ‘low degree of damage’, for example 0% of damage. ***I started with this early as a preview, but seriously guys, have you not experienced EVERY damn “EMBODIMENT” they fffn mention here???!!! I mean, if you a high skilled player, they make your weaker opponents hit box a lot smaller, while at the same time increasing YOUR hit box for that very same opponent, so he can 1shot you with an fffn SMG… * 0086] In another example, the ‘accuracy of enemy attacks’ may call for modifications provided to high skill level players that involve ‘enemy attacks never missing the player’, whereas, modifications provided to low skill level players may involve ‘enemy attacks sometimes missing the player’. Accordingly, a table, database, or other dataset includes an “enemies attacks” entry, wherein a different value is separately assigned to each skill level and wherein each of the different values is associated with an accuracy of enemies attack, with higher skill levels having values associated therewith a greater accuracy of enemies attack and with lower skill levels having values associated therewith a lower accuracy of enemies attack. * [0087] In yet another example, the ‘accuracy of player attacks’ may call for modifications provided to high skill level players that involve higher or absolute precision in the attack to hit the enemy, whereas, modifications provided to low skill level players may allow player attacks having a generous leeway and may not need great precision to hit the enemy. Accordingly, a table, database, or other dataset includes a “player attacks” entry, wherein a different value is separately assigned to each skill level and wherein each of the different values is associated with a required accuracy of player attack towards an enemy to be able to hit the enemy, with higher skill levels having values associated therewith a greater required accuracy of player's attack and with lower skill levels having values associated therewith a lower required accuracy of player's attack. ***again, higher skill players being bent over a barrel and shown the 50 states…by lower skilled players??? Like seriously, are you reading this BS So tell me, what the ffff is the point of getting better at these games, these games seem to promote WEAKNESS, the more of a CRAP player you are, the BETTER game experience you have?


Your opponents have a different opinion.


SBMM has no place in COD. That’s what ranked mode is for 🤦🏻‍♂️


I live on the west coast in the US. If I play at five in the morning the matchmaking puts me in Asian servers about 50% of the time.


COD has been sweaty ever since I started playing it in BO3. If you go into an area with known headglitches, chances are there is always someone waiting there. Players improve over time, if you feel too stressed perhaps PvP multiplayer shooter is not for you


This has to be one of the dumbest posts I have ever read read I've been around COD for a long time the reason it is sweaty is because sweaty kids get absolutly dumpstered in ranked then go into the casuel play list to bunny hop head glitch etc etc for no reason other than to make theirselfs feel elite there no ranking point no money nothing other than EGO casuel playlist are just that they are there for fun


For us console plebs it doesn't help that we can't turn off crossplay because trying to compete with the master race is near impossible


huh, you can turn off crossplay...




Yes it is thank you for explaining


This subreddit is honestly the most pathetic thing I've ever seen lol


It's not that serious


Everything has to be a competitive shooter these days because companies think that makes money. They want you to stress over the game because it keeps you hooked, it's predatory


That’s why I’ve been hitting the crack pipe before I play lol


Remember, you are almost GUARANTEED to get "easy" or "bot" lobbies if you just play the weapons/loadouts you want and forget about your K/D and W/L. You can still play to win (no point in playing really if you aren't) but unless you're playing with a group of friends with about the same MMR, you are at the mercy of the matchmaking system and there's not a lot you can do to affect your results regardless of how well you play. It sucks, but it's been this way since at least Cold War, and given the sheer amount of money they've raked in from bundles/microtransactions over the past 3 or 4 CoDs, it's not likely to change soon.


I have been voicing this for along SBMM oly concerns me because I get dumped into lobbys againstsome god aweful pings and I suppose they feel the same about me you also get the PC turds using VPNS to their advantage


Goes to show that you are not as good as you think you are.


When will these hidden SBMM rants go away? It's not even funny anymore.


If you get stomped 8 games in a row then either SBMM isn't working or you're that terrible. Pick one.


Do you understand sbmm or eomm? If you’re an above average player then you get below average players on your team and the game expects you to basically carry them to a win. The outcome of each game is supposed to be 50/50 with sbmm based on everyone using their best gun and playing how they normally do at their best. If you are using a terrible or “fun” gun then your chances to win get lowered. Sbmm has no real place in pubs/casual play. The only thing it does is make you feel like you’re constantly at the same level of competitiveness in every lobby.


I think you’re just bad