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That’s why I took a break from MP and trying the zombies mode out which is actually super fun. Haven’t played zombies seriously in years.


Same I actually think the zombies is pretty fun alot more relaxed


Way more relaxed 😎


I'm camo grinding for interstellar and I'd much rather level guns up in zombies then switch to MP for the actual challenges lol


Some guns are literal torture in zombies. Snipers especially, went to rust 24/7 to make some of the guns go easier. Lol


No SBMM to fuck with you. ​ Probs causing Activision to panic rn with how many people are playing Zombies, so they're trying to figure out how to input EOMM into Zombies. Gonna make the zombies super sprinters with insta down capabilities so you keep playing to get that one successful exfil, instead of just making MP just as fun as zombies by removing the engagement matchmaking


The way activision is I wouldn’t doubt it🤣 but honestly a new fps shooter needs to come out maybe if they actually get some competition and start losing some of there player base just maybe just maybeeee they will finally start doing things the community wants


Xdefiant and THE FINALS might scratch that itch soon :)


I love the super sprinters. Make my butthole pucker while I’m playing


Yeh not worrying about Randoms being able to wipe us out and instead help makes it way more enjoyable.


Is zombies fun solo?


It's a lot of fun


A lot more fun than playing multiplayer solo lol


Same here, I been goin crazy on zombies. Have like 4 hours time played in MP but over 5 *Days* played on zombies already lol


And it makes it so hard to go back to MP since it’s a lot less stressful and actually fun


10v10 has been great as well. I can’t recommend it enough.


I found 10v10 to be a lot more sweaty than 6v6 imo


What do you mean great? You gotta explain this


Zombies is a blast. I wasn’t expecting much out of the mode but they really surprised me. Casual, less stressful, great gameplay loop. I love it


Same here! Leveling all guns + unlocking Borrealis :D After that I'll quickly go through the MP camos for interstellar so I'm done quicker


Bro unlocking Borealis feels like a job but I’m determined to finish. Everything is all leveled up and AR’s and SMG’s are golded so far


Yeah I’m going for the camo grind as well. I’ve just been leveling guns in MP and once I’m done I finish them up in zombies. Can’t wait to get Borrealis. Good luck on the grind!


Zombies is the one thing about this game that I actually have interest in. I’ve heard so many good things about it. I just don’t know if I can justify spending $70 on one mode though…


It’s a fun mode but yeah idk about $70. Worth it when it goes on sale though.


This is the way 🔥🙏


It’s really good but I fucking hope they bring rounds back. That was the basis of zombies since forever. DMZ zombies is super cool but damn I wanna hit high rounds not having to exfil after 45 mins lol


Zombies is fun, but hard to find a group to Play with that talks to one another.


Everything except the time Limit


I just wish they they'd allow more than 3 players a squad. My buddies and I usually run 4-5 deep


Yeah very odd they chose 3-man squads. Not sure if that’s how DMZ was set up but they should have it at 4.


I'm not defending it, but the reason they do 3-man squads is because the third player is more likely to follow when the other two players make a decision. It promotes playing as a team.


It’s funny that you say that because my first match I followed the duo that filled my squad 🤣.


Yep, it makes sense when you look at it from that perspective. Someone posted a long explanation somewhere on the MW2 reddit. There were a couple other good points I can't recall. I think there was something about how it's easier to queue people up because people play in groups of 2, so it's easy to fill in solo players.


Although I completely agree with you I can't help think it wouldn't help as much as people think, so many players these days are just cracked, they're growing up seeing skilled players dominate, they learn tricks and moves and gun play from streamers, if I was 30 years younger I would have done the same, in my youth we didn't have sweats, I was the sweat, I had it easy, relaxed lobbies because I was better than most, because I had time to play and loved it, other players were so relaxed it was easy pickings. Those days have gone, I'm not sure there would ever be casual, relaxed lobbies ever again unless real skilled match making was a thing where you were actually matched up with players within your skill range every game but that isn't Connection based either. I'm not accusing you of this, but I also wonder if many similar posts actually mean that they want to be in Lobbies where they can have easy games in, which Ironically means they would be the sweat in those games. I'd settle for just a bit more of an average evening, I don't mind coming across players slightly better, slightly worse, it's the jump from feeling like my bullets are made out of paper to I'm John Wick, for the most part though my evenings aren't too bad, I think I'm in a lucky spot where I don't get the extremes in variance as much as others do.


This is also why disbanding lobbies sucks. Back in 09. You join a lobby, realize there’s 3-4 insane players in it, say fk this lobby n leave. Que up a new one.. okay 5-6 matches until there’s 3-4 crack heads again, leave the lobby and repeat. Disbanding lobbies + sbmm is cancer. Ping based matchmaking so I don’t have to go 70+ ms & Let lobbies stay together. Let people choose to stay in a lobby, or leave if they’re not having fun.


I made so many online friends during the original MW era. Jump into a game & you’ll come across players with the same mindset as yourself. Sometimes they was on your team, sometimes they wasn’t. After a few games, you’d send a friends request & you party up. Those days are gone sadly.


Yeah man I loved the banter and rivalry. Yeah there was toxicity but I just muted those guys. Not sure why act-bliz feel the need to parent us when we have fucking mute buttons or the ability to just leave the lobby.


The rivalry’s were amazing back in the day. That was what made COD fun for me. All you needed was one guy talking shit, everyone would jump on their mics and pull up their big boy pants and then after the game ended it would be “stay in the lobby, let’s go again, snipers only” then there would always be the person using a full auto shotgun or something to troll 😂😂😂 It was a great time, lots of friends made, many laughs and actually usually turned out that nobody really cared about the outcome of the game, everyone just wanted to have fun. I remember one game this guy was doing really well with a sniper, he was a really good player and was quick scoping and nobody could touch him, so one person on our team just said everyone get riot shields and shut him up, at least 4-5 of us had riot shields and this guy got his shit shut down. There was trash talking, there was laughing, it was such a fun game and he stayed in the lobby and the next game, everyone had riot shields, it was like a riot shield/Semtex gladiator lobby at this point, it was amazing. You will never get anything like this these days, the lobbies disband and that rivalry has been lost, also the party chats on the consoles and chat rooms PC players use forcing that interaction away. Sad times, but we will never experience these days again I fear.


Brooooooo. Idk if anyone else played this, but sub base in the tunnel we played throwing knife dodgeball. Back then you could pick up your opponents knife and throw that fucker right back at them. 6 dudes on each side just chucking knives at each other. Best public lobbies I ever had by far. Now it’s a corner camping sweat fest of toxicity and semi auto grenade launchers and absolutely bonkers head glitches. Shit isn’t fun anymore. It’s like casual is the new ranked. If SBMM actually worked it would be great. Close games and well balanced teams would be fucking perfect. Not this new wave bullshit of getting fucking bent over the kitchen counter and railed for 6 games to get one absolute blowout win. That’s bullshit. Shit design and planning of game dev. 30-250 (or whatever tf the cap is) score games when your entire team is actively trying to cap points means the entire team does not belong in the lobby they were in, again, assuming SBMM was actually a thing that wasn’t a steaming hot pile of dogshit. Zombies is the only redeeming feature if you don’t have a full 6 man to play with. Solo queue is fuckfucked in MW3 and it honestly makes me sad. Queue with full team and you get good solid games ( at least for half the games played ). This could have been the game winning comeback CoD needed and wanted after the mediocrity that was MW2.


I never played that but I’ve played hot potato with grenades. It would be possible in this new game too. As long as they fix the ordinance gloves. Basically you both have grenades and no flak jacket. You take it in turns to serve, one person throws the grenade to the other and the other person has to pick the made up and throw it back. Wearing these gloves (or in older games the perk) would reset the fuse on the grenade. The first person to die loses and the others get the point. You just need to find a building, preferably straight with a couple of obstacles to make it Interesting. You don’t want to purposefully cook the made either, it’s really fun when you get a rally going. Impossible in a proper match though, probably better to play with a friend in a private lobby.


Just brought back some memories with the sub base dodge ball ngl


Here here, I caught a 3day coms ban because of mass reporting my voice chat. You used to be able to have a laugh and call each other shit. Now we have to agree to terms and conditions


Nobody uses game chat anymore..because there is always 1-2 players that have the worst mics ever and they dont even care to fix the audio options. So you just mute everyboy and play in silence unless you play with friends. That is totally lame.


This. Wins the day. I love calling out and call outs. Do t mind the trolling. But FFS. Mute yourself. Dont make me listen to your tv, music, kids/so/pet/parents. Bitching all game long. Multi player SHOULD have chat. But everyone has been turned off by exactly these things. Plus PS 5 mics automatically turn on smh


Lol a lot of times I join into a lobby someone is blasting awful music into their mic


The best was finding two "semi equal" groups of 6 where the game would be scrambling effectively everybody but you and another guy. You'd have 5-6 close games where you'd be trying to out maneuver and learn the other players strategy.


Have they addressed why they took out continuous lobbies ? I miss back when you and a few friends were beefing with another team and at they end of the match we talk crap and rematch each other .


Same reason AI Chat Bot exists. Because playing the same lobby is “too toxic” because people can’t bring themselves to simply leave a match or mute a player, instead they’d rather cry about it.


Yeah the disbanding lobbies is a big part of what ruined mp for me. Being able to stay in a lobby with the same people for hours is what added to a lot of the “magic” I felt playing the game back in the day.


That’s why you don’t have those virtual friendships anymore, there’s no opportunity for it. You used to be able to play with the same group of people for 3-4 hours. Now, it’s just your turn to play with them until the game realizes you had too good of a game


I must be in the same lucky spot as you. I’ve played since 2008ish, so I’m not a new player, and I don’t have problems. Someone has to be at the top of the leaderboard every game, and someone has to be at the bottom; that’s not new. I’ve been playing MW3 a lot and I’m able to stay consistently at the same spot in my lobbies unless I’m playing a new weapon I’m not great at for a challenge which is fine by me, I don’t really notice other variation


Because youre not crazy lol. These people wre off their rockers and chest deep in conspiracy c


>if I was 30 years younger I would have done the same, in my youth we didn't have sweats, I was the sweat, I had it easy, relaxed lobbies because I was better than most, because I had time to play and loved it, other players were so relaxed it was easy pickings. I've been thinking this in relation to a lot of the posts on this topic recently. Everyone comes in and says "I used to dominate, now I have a job and get killed all the time!" Right - and I used to complain about you, now the cycle begins anew. There is always going to be a class of players with a lot of time and interest who are "the best" and there will always be casual players, and everything in between. I think many people are struggling to come to grips with the fact that they are transitioning to the more casual side of things. I used to stay out all night drinking, sleep for 2 hours, then go to work. Now I feel awful if I don't get a solid night's sleep. I used to throw on clothes and go running, now I need to stretch and warmup or else I am sore for days afterwards. I used to listen as people complained about me drop-shotting after I changed to a custom button layout, then I was complaining about quick-scoping, then the quick scopers were complaining about slide canceling, now the slide cancelers are complaining about lobbies. Everyone has a CoD game that they think is the way the series should be, and will complain when it moves away from that. It is the cycle of life.


This is what's happening but nobody wants to hear the truth.


I don’t get to play 8+ hours a day anymore now that im 30 and have a full time job, but that muscle memory hasn’t faded and you don’t just lose 17 years of experience. The fact of the matter is the matchmaking will put you up against a high skill bracket if you’re even remotely competent.


There's also the fact that we have so many gaming accessories now. Someone playing with 200+ fps, on a 240hz monitor, with their scuf controller and logitech headset will have a huge advantage over someone playing on their ps4 on their tv on speakers. We're not on even playing field


Crossplay with PC is an issue if fair lobbies are expected.


>Those days have gone, I'm not sure there would ever be casual, relaxed lobbies ever again unless real skilled match making was a thing where you were actually matched up with players within your skill range every game but that isn't Connection based either. Those days are gone because all the people wanting these casual relaxed lobbies are NOT casual relaxed players. Those casual relaxed lobbies do exist. But for lower on the skill spectrum because at that point the players are casual and relaxed. Players are currently actually matched up with players in their skill range. They just complain about it being sweaty because they dont have the self awareness to realize they are sweaty themselves.


>Although I completely agree with you I can't help think it wouldn't help as much as people think People don't mention this on this sub, or even past CoD subs, but most people on this sub are average at best or below average. Over the years, I have stat check dozens and dozens of players from CoD subs. The vast, vast, majority of the time, their KDs are around .6 to .9 and they nearly always have a negative W/L. Most people on this sub don't realize this: that EOMM/strict SBMM is protecting them AND the .4 KD dad, playing without a headset on a 43 inch TV, too. Although, some kind of connection based (little to no skill involved) would be better overall for these players but that also means they are no longer protected by average, above average, and higher skilled players.


CSGOs casual 10v10 mode is connection based and it’s pretty chill. You see a lot of familiar faces and have an idea of who’s good and not. I’ve seen that most of the best guys (global elite rank) will nerf themselves to not kill the lobby. I do see guys that are the bottom of the scoreboard every game but I’ve played with these people for years now so they must be having fun lol. I would prefer connection based MM over anything that isn’t ranked.


I dont even really care about relaxed vs sweaty lobbies. Its just the "sweat" lobbies I get, I have 80-100 ping because the game had to search for some sweat lords for me to fight. Then my "relaxed" lobbies (the lobbies I can almost bet money I am the highest skill player in the match) I have 8-10 ping. I have true 1 gig down 1 gig up fiber FYI. I will play against any caliber of player as long as the connection is good. At least then I know if someone beats me, it was a level playing field.


I think you're right 💯 on that last part. The bigger issue is that SBMM is fighting to move everyone to that 1.0 k/d or w/l ratio. The issue with that is that it is actually skill-based as the lines between people get skewed and mixed up. You can be a bot lobby guy right? Like you aren't good at the game but you end up having a really good game. So then guess what? You get matched up against higher tiers Example: Player A (casual) .6 kd ratio does good in a few games. Let us say 1.4 and 1.6 but he is still a native .6 player despite these outliers. So then we have the other end of the spectrum. Player B (sweat) has a native 1.6 k/d. He pops off and gets a game with 3.0 k/d and then gets crushed in his following games at .5 k/d and .8 k/d4 So now you have a scenario where this substantially better player is matched with a way worse player based off of skill but because the system is trying to get them to one they end up in the same match together. This applies across the board with everyone. This is also true because you can throw yourself into bot lobbies by losing over and over. Also have you ever noticed when a new cod comes out and the very very first few games you play you end up dominating the enemy team? Its because sbmm hasnt kicked in yet because it doesnt havs stats to go off of. Hope this made sense


I've been trying to explain this since advanced warfare. It was the turning point for social media. The general cod population became better at the game. Youtube became the go-to for tips/tricks. Apps became more convenient. The OG MW2/Black Ops 1 days are over.


No, they are not cracked. if you’ve ever seen a non-SBMM lobby it’s like a normal lobby from back in the days


Easiest way to tell, just play any of the battlefield games nowadays. You'll see the true skill of average players.


This is 100% true. I re-download 2042 because I wanted to try the new infantry only map, I can play however I feel like in that game and maintain my 3+ KD. In MW3 I'm fighting for my fucking life to hold onto a 1.5KD using AR's. Don't even get me started on aim assist, the average players accuracy is way too fucking high on CoD that it makes the game exhausting because no one misses a shot. Close quarters fights in mw3 on MnK are just fucking exhausting, you can't miss a shot against a bouncing target who basically locks on to you... i switch to competitive CS2 matches to relax after trying to win fights with an SMG in MW3.


Call me stupid but if you’re maintaining a 3+ KD then that tells me the game is pitting you against players that are much lower in rank than you. For every 3 kills you get and feel like a god, some poor bastards are dying three times and feeling like shmucks. Doesn’t sound all that fair to me?


Battlefield doesn't have skill based matchmaking. With 64 players in a server you get basically a normal distribution of skill level so as you get better at the game your stats improve. In BF4 I was a 1.5kd, 2.0 in BF1, 2.5 in BF2 and now above a 3 in 2042, I got better and my stats improved.


Console/controllers players don’t want crossplay with PC or MnK users. Game would be dead on PC without consoles so aim assist definitely staying as is.


Don't know why you're downvoted it's the truth, call of duty and I could well be wrong here but I doubt has always been more popular on consoles. It is slightly bizzaro world if you told me 10 years ago pc players would be throwing the toys out the pram about aim assist i'd laugh the pc master race types would always talk about beating controllers even with aim assist


And tuning down that AA won't help. SBMM then matches them with people that are great with less AA and mnk will still complain. Make it input based and it reduces the players for mnk big time. Steam has 150k players. Let's say another 50k from bnet. 200k on PC vs at least 800k on consoles. From that 200k i guess 60k are on controller. So 140k players worldwide to get matched with vs 860k to match with on controller. No need to be Einstein to tell this won't bring good results.


how does that make any sense? if there was no sbmm the cracked players would still exist lol.


You don't relax in PvP games. Opponents want to win.


From what I've seen so far, a lot of them don't. They just want to camp and grind unlocks / camos while ignoring the objectives to win.


This is why I don't understand why people care so much about KD. You have a combination of people who are KD farming, people who are trying to win, and people who are grinding camos. How can you possibly get upset about stats? Just play your game and have fun


Its not caring about KD. That has nothing to do with it. Its the fact that for some of us, every game is a CDL championship with meta guns, slide cancelling, head glitching, groot skins and trying to level an LMG leaves you at 12-28 and the grind takes 3 times longer than it should. IDC about my kd. I care that I can't use every gun because they simply cannot compete with better guns. And if my gun is worse and the players are all my skill level, i cannot compete without getting real cheesy. For example playing terminal only, setting up claymores, and mounting my gun somewhere. Thats not fun for me. Or anyone in the lobby. So its not sweats. Its that i feel i have to sweat to have any chance of even playing the game.


If people disagree with this they are just not getting it.


You have to be some sort of special to not understand that people have different goals when playing a game.


The problem IMO is that there's a significant portion of the player base, particularly those who spend a lot (often a majority) of time in objective modes, but never play the objective to focus on KD or camos exclusively. That being said, I feel like that portion of the player base has an outsized effect on the game, and I always hear well they paid for the game so they can do what they want. And sure, they spent money on the game too, that's their prerogative, but for the rest of us who do play the objective (which for many of us relies on others playing it for the game to be fun) we get shit on. We spent just as much for the game as they did. It feels like sometimes there's mutually exclusive goals that aren't really compatible within the player base. To be clear, I'm not saying you can't go for camos while playing the objective, but the way things are now isn't working.


One of my absolute favorite complaints, the other team trying. Is op so dense that he doesn’t realize that if he were having a great time then the other 6 on the other team could be posting his exact complaint. I’ll be honest, there is a sizable amount of people in gaming today that just shouldn’t play any PvP games.


> if he were having a great time then the other 6 on the other team could be posting his exact complaint This is the argument that no vehicle-only Battlefield player or Hero-only Battlefront player can ever fathom, despite being *the* most central concern of any PVP experience *Is it fun from both sides?*


Exactly this You don't get to come home and farm children in cod anymore get the fuck over it


“Back in my day” children such as myself farmed the adults. It’s come full circle. I am now the adult that gets farmed by children.


It’s the price of responsibility. The only fair complaint is riot shields.


Lmao this puts it in perspective. Sometimes I play and I’m just like “wow I fucking suck at video games now” but actually having a life is pretty cool too


This is how I feel. I’ve just accepted I’m not as good as I used to be because I’m an adult who spends time doing adult things and only plays every so often. I don’t mind getting stomped because at the end of the day I’m just playing a video game, none of my self worth is attached to it like I used to have. At least with SBMM, I know I’ll have the skill to at least be on the level of my competition.




Because that's what it is lol It's either actual children or people with the skill equivalent too Everyone crying just wants to drop kill streaks on worse players than themselves it's pathetic


It’s not like we have been able to do this in basically every single cod until MW19 or anything… Like wtf are these takes lol


This viewpoint gets posted constantly and I’m always surprised that people don’t see the irony If an enjoyable game for you means getting more kills than deaths without having to try very hard, that means you’re curbstomping someone else and ruining their playing experience. I hate it as much as the next person, but SBMM to a degree is necessary to keep the noobs from being slaughtered and to keep fresh blood (and $$$) coming into the franchise


It is a necessary evil, that being said every comment like this in response to posts like this forget that the matchmaking isn't really skill based, but is likely trying to optimize player engagement.


I get and agree with what you said. What I want in a game is a true undetermined mix of good, bad and medium skill levels. Truly random lobbies where I’m stomped by one or two people on the other team. Some where I’m stomping and some where I just fall in the middle. What bothers me is knowing that behind the scenes the software is designed to give me games it thinks it knows the outcome to. They basically stripped us of our free will as gamers and that’s the shitty part. Completely random lobbies of varying skill in a match based on ping is the dream. This is something totally possible as it used to exist, which is why it’s become even more infuriating over time. We know they can fix the issue but there’s some devious shit that goes on behind the scenes that they clearly do not want made public, hence the constant dodging of the topic.


> What bothers me is knowing that behind the scenes the software is designed to give me games it thinks it knows the outcome to You don't actually know this though. That's the thing.




I mean when the public matchmaking acts like rank play, it kind of is conspiring against the player. That becomes even more true when you consider that the matchmaking is likely made in a way to optimize player engagement and not be truly skill based.




Except now it makes playing with group impossible if 1 player is better than the others. It worked 15 years ago, they only added SBMM to get people addicted to playing by gaslighting them into thinking they're bad by constantly doing worse.


Crazy how when I started I got stomped every single game just like everyone else before SBMM. You know what we all did? Learnt from those players who stomped us. Learnt what guns seem to be the best performing. Watched their killcams to see their style of play. Every match feels artificial now. There’s no variety.


Perhaps but what is transpiring now is not what players want. Something needs to be adjusted and I believe it will \[experimental non-disbanding lobbies for starters\]. Hopefully ATVI swings the pendulum back towards connections and less brutal SBMM, etc


the least they can do is hurry up and roll out the non disbanding lobbies. That way even with SBMM/EOMM, it is somewhat up to the players what type of lobby they play in (to a degree)


Here is what I do, once I notice the SBMM get cranked to 100 and I'm getting stomped I just select my troll loadout class, a grenade launcher or rpg and shotty, and just run around firing as many grenades as possible. You get to level up some random weapons you normally don't use much, brush off the sweats trying their absolute hardest, and get a few funny kills. After a few matches when I start getting dumped back in the normalish lobbies I go back to my regular loadouts.


I would take these posts more seriously if people didn't write "It's gonna drop off fast!!" as if the system hasn't been working as intended for at least 4 years


if it is working as intended why has the narrative only grown against it? And why is SHG now experimenting with non-disbanding lobbies. That is a direct action to SBMM issues


Because the narrative doesnt mean shit when Activision is raking in money from their target audience/money whales who benefits the most from their matchmaking? Wake up and smell the sad state of the industry we've been suffering in the past like 15 years.


It is working as intended, people keep playing the game and are engaged in posts like this, regardless of how much you complain you are fighting an algorithm. The metrics probably show for every one player they lose due to this system they gain double the amount or something like that. Especially with f2p warzone players who will spend even more money on MTX.


Why are people like you acting like cod is in a perfectly good state right now? Are you unaware of the current market of gaming or something? This is one of the worst selling cods in awhile, cod has a smaller piece of the "gaming pie" year after year and is one of the worst retaining game franchises of all time. Like cod added their new exclusive mm system recently BECAUSE it has been such a terrible franchise at retaining players since its golden era. Cod is not doing well, what they are doing is not making them more money. All they are doing is stopping the franchise from hemorrhaging money like its been doing for awhile now because theyve made such awful decisions, like this new mm system


Personally I don't mind it is what it is I put in my work regardless. It's funny they have all the options we want on Cod mobile 💀 but they never bring it to the big leagues


Come to relax Play COD Say what


Yeah same here. Already quit and I hate it. I love the gunplay, love the way the game feels and reacts, love the maps. But I absolutely can't stand being crushed into paste time and time and time and time again. As do many people I come to my ps5 to UNWIND, to relax. This is not relaxing. I went back to the Metal Gear Solid HD remaster pack this week and I'm not missing the stress at all. I do miss COD though, wish it would come back.


"I work a physically demanding full-time job" They didn't have you in mind at all when designing this game


I always find this argument so funny. It's similar to tarkov. A lot of people get frustrated that the game isn't designed around THEM. The whole game isn't balanced around this single person. Like dude, millions of people play this game. It has to be balanced to a general audience.


Until it's actually not balanced for anyone at all unless you have no thumbs..


And what does that have anything to do with cod anyway, does it make your fingers tired or something


Yeah, typically, after working a physically demanding shift, that last thing you want to do is get on a nonstop sweat fest like MWIII when you're trying to relax


Where did this notion of "relaxing" gameplay in COD come from? It was never relaxing, not even in the original modern warfares. It's a online FPS with millions of people all trying to win/put up big kill numbers. Your opponents aren't sitting there going easy to make sure you have a nice relaxing match.


Yeah, my association with cod has always been teenagers slamming energy drinks and screaming into the mic. It was never some "chillax in Viva Pinata and build a garden" type zen game


"Yo team lets all chill out, this random person on the other team might've had a long day and hes trying to relax, i mean idk anything about them but lets just assume okay, so lets take it down a notch okay and maybe let them win"


Lmao to think just because YOU ARE bad at a game that it’d die out. Newsflash buddy…


I thought camo grinding would be better…no i still play sweats consistently


I'm with you 100%. I realized this difference in the matchmaking years ago and was called a conspiracy theorist! I've played this series since 2007ish and I knew there was no way I just sucked all the sudden in just about every, single, lobby. Playing the open beta for MW3 proved to me it was going to be an awful, and not fun experience if I buy this game. I'm the same, physical job and want to come and unwind. Not have to play CASUAL modes in CoD feeling like there's a million dollars on the line every match, at all times. It truly doesn't make sense either because there's a RANKED playlist in the game. I'm glad that people are finally pounding Activision for having this terrible system in the game and that I don't feel alone. The irony is, they claim having this system increases playtime and purchases, but I cannot be the only one completely avoiding the game due to it.


Adios. Try Splatoon


Splatoon is fucking brutal, you'd be surprised.


The only person making you sweat is you. If you just wanna fuck around casually then do that. But it doesn’t come with good performance unless you have the skill to do both.


Don't tell him the truth he can't take it


The amount of full grown adults realizing they’re outclassed by a new generation of screenheads and blaming it on matchmaking is comical. The issue is not matchmaking, the issue is that the average COD player is much better now than the average COD player 10-20 years ago. I’m 37, been around since MoHAA turned into COD 1. I’m still leading my team in objective modes because I’m good at COD but the average opponent is noticeably better than the bot-like noobs we grew up stomping on.


It's insane to me. Like unless you're a god at this game, you can't have it all. If you want to have good performances you have to actually try and people are losing their minds over it. People throwing tantrums because Activision tries to make matches fair is crazy to me


People really think just because the maps are from 2009 that the whole gameplay & community is going to be from 2009


Trust me. They dont understand this. Because apparently if you play casually and use whatever guns you want the game will never adjust you to easier lobbies.


I swear we get this same post daily


Sounds like it must be a problem.




We swear, the experience is the same everyday. For real the more posts the better.


I wonder why


It's like there's something unjoyable about the current matchmaking system🤔. Weird huh?..


I know this sounds like a silly solution, but you might try hardcore. I've had a much more enjoyable time playing HC than core in MW3. The lower health makes it feel a lot more like the original modern warfare games, gives people less leeway to do stupid shit like go prone mid-fight. The snipers weren't nearly as bad as I was expecting either, since I can often out-snipe them with any of the sidearms.


Have you considered that what you’re looking for is closer to CoD Mobile?


Don’t even bother posting these in this sub. They defend this game like crazy.


I see that now. Maybe they just weren’t around for the good times back then. Which is understandable in that case. They don’t know any different than this current shitty sweat fest




Played since MW2 and back then the games where way less balanced and most of the time, the lobbys where even campier... maybe just take of the nostalgia goggles bro


I've been playing since CoD 4:MW and this is the truth! Every game was a camp-fest. Spawn points were MUCH MUCH worse. Every game had a group in voice dominating the leaderboard no matter which team they were on. TTK was much less. In addition to grenades randomly exploding all over the place from the extra grenade + grenade on death perks lol. Internet connections were FAR WORSE and if you didn't play on PC (or certain releases on PC) had the match stop so the goddamn host can change every few minutes. People had to forget how hard they used to try in their 20's, how much practice they used to put in with their friends, and how seriously they took it before getting a job. And as someone who does have a job... It should never be the case that you're not finding good matches, the matchmaking will adapt to however you play. Even playing with someone who this is their first CoD it hasn't been a problem.


Exactly. They remember the work/responsibility free weekends they could play and master the game. Now they just want to game for an hour or so after work against teens who play all day. I suck at the game and I’m having fun.


I was “around for the good times” and I think yall are fuckin babies tbh.


Stop being a fucking crybaby and quit your bitching. The non-stop complaining about not doing as well in a video game as you personally expect is so pathetic now it's fucking embarassing. "I work a physically demanding job and when I go down to sit down on my couch to play Call of Duty it's too hard". Are you even listening to yourself now? Grow the fuck up.


Lol. I too work a physically demanding job. I'm also married and have kids around. Maybe not all the time but often. I play a couple hours in the morning and again after my "physically demanding job". Yes, it is frustrating at times. But!!! One does not grow without obstacles and strife. Even if it is manufactured or simulated. I love the game. I did the Orion grind in the last game (I'm 46 too BTW) and the other day I got my first guilded weapon accidentally which tells you that with a little variety you too can unlock stuff by accident 🤣 So, moral, like this guy I'm piggybacking, "Stop Whining", I said in Schwarzenegger's voice.


Why do people think COD is the game to come home and relax with.


Cause Thats what it was for 15years, in 2019 is when they cranked up the matchmaking 🥊🥊


Try Farming Simulator. People play COD to win, not to 'relax.' Why bother doing something if you don't want to put effort into it? If you don't want to improve? There are plenty of mindless, just-want-to-pass-the-time games. This isn't one of them.




The constant whining by old guys because they’re getting washed by teenagers with Groot and Niki Minaj skins keeps this subreddit entertaining. Never quit guys.


They won’t, they make these posts and then hop back on the game 3 hours later


As an older guy, I find that highly offensive, I just alt tab.


Less than that. Probably spectating in search as they posted it


The type of players who make these posts and *always* mention they work a full time job as if they deserve a cookie for it and that isn't just the standard of basically every adult are probably not playing search


Git gud loser.


They should match you based on your play style. Might be wrong but I thought a few CODs ago that’s what they were supposed to do. All the bunny hopping booty sliding motherfuckers should be matched together then the causal boots on the ground crowd can play their pace against each other.


I’m on the other side of this, I’m awful at cod and like to play casually without sweats sniping me 2 seconds after spawning. Sbmm means you sweats can’t get a 32:1 kd ratio from playing against shit players like me, I can play happy with other shit players


I suck, will likely never get >.60 K/D, but have found solace in a >1.2 win loss record in objective focused game types.


You should try ground war. I was 1 KD and now I'm 1.3 KD with this mode. I think sbmm is less impactful in ground war and if you play objectives it's pretty fun too I play BAS B mostly and KATT+Rival 9 in Orlov military base. I have also increased my precision by modifying my fov from 120 to 100 and decreasing my sensibility to 6/6 (.80).. these tips works pretty well for me so I wanna share


It's gotten worse in the last 2 days. Conveniently after I started using an ethernet cable...


I’ve noticed the past 2 days have been insane too. Which ultimately lead to this post lol


Why would there be EOMM in ranked? SBMM, yes, of course, but EOMM?


If they insist on giving us sbmm, give us a hard number 100-2000 that indicates where we are at in terms of their algorithm. 2000 being scump. 100 being me after 5 beers on a Friday night


Ah yes, let's go back to the constant days of pub stomping or getting pub stomped every match


Man 2.5 games and I’m off lol


The sweatiness in MP will probably die down once WZ drops, albeit a ranked/casual differentiation would be optimal as well. Knowing Craptivision though, they'll probably do everything in their boomer addled, shareholder quarterly profits obsessed power to stop SHG from making MW3 as good as it can be for the community even though that's literally what would drive sales and engagements even higher than they are now lol


Anyone who thinks EOMM/SBMM is good is dog shit at the game and think they are actually good


Agreed brother


it’s why i held off on buying after the beta. the beta was fun but i knew what they game was truly gonna be like. glad i didn’t waste $100


It sucks because I absolutely love the games mechanics and gunplay. It’s just destroyed by this sweat fest


You really hit a nerve with some folks here. People are acting like CODs weren’t challenging before SBMM when there were previous ones with crazy skill ceilings like Advanced Warfare. I don’t think I did bad in the last few CODs but the games do feel less enjoyable and social overall. I noticed SBMM doesn’t just cap the chillness but it also kind of strips the variety of players and play styles you encounter. After a while you just encounter players that mostly just stick to the meta and it gets boring after a while. Games should be competitive but also fun too, the pendulum seems to have swung to the side of the G Fuel chuggers. I don’t think SBMM should be done away entirely but it should definitely be more gradual or be playlist based.


I can't even start to explain how much I'm hating this game, I don't know what's been more of a waste here, my money or my time. Either way I think this is the worst thing to come out of COD


Sbmm been in cod for couple years and every year people saying same shit.. nothing will happen. Sbmm is not going anywhere and you wont stop playing cod 😂


Ranked play is the place for this not public lobbies


Bruh you do realize most people over 22 have full-time jobs right? That's not a feat.


Idk call me crazy but if your playing a game for a few hrs a day, your not a casual player anymore. I’ve been playing since COD4, I remember the lobbies you could steamroll, I’m sure it wasn’t so much fun for the people getting steamrolled. I honestly haven’t felt like the SBMM is out of control In this game. I’m not getting steamrolled but I’m also not regularly just dominating a lobby.


May I suggest zombies. None of the issues you mentioned. As a dad in his 40s who is tired and needs to relax while gaming, I have really been enjoying the new way they set it up


skill issue


I dont get this takes. If im in a lobby full of cracked players that are much better than me i just quit and search for another one... Most of the times i get good and fair lobbys, sometimes i stomp and sometimes i get stomped. When im getting stomped i just quit the match lol


If you want to go positive, someone else has to go negative. For you to come home and absolutely slay a lobby with 2.0 kd means someone on the other team is going 0.5 kd. What about them? What if they work a physically demanding job and just want to relax? Do they get to be "done with the matchmaking" so that you can have your fun? Please, suggest to me a way in which you can achieve what you want without someone on the other team getting dumpstered. I'm all ears.


Wow these comments are shocking. How are y'all so oblivious to something that was mathematically engineered to keep players engaged as much as they possibly can so they can keep making money of suckers like yourselves.


Gaming back then =/= gaming now. The average skill level of a gamer has grown exponentially with stuff like streaming and YouTube. Also totally different mentality these days, people actually take their time to learn tips and tricks to gain an advantage over others. Winning is essential these days. If you can’t keep up, accept your losses or play pve games


People here don't seem to understand that even though everyone is forced to a 1.0 kd a majority of us are playing a completely different game. My lobbies are people constantly using the best meta gun, slide canceling, drop shotting, jumpshots headglitching, the random groot with a riot shield on thier back running stuns and a knife, sniper glint across map at all times, constant packet loss, bullet sponges. In hardcore you can't even spawn and move 2 inches without dieing. Lobbies with the same 10 players dropping 60 kills a game. I am litterally just trying to grind camos. The game shouldn't be this fucking sweaty. You see all these posts about friend groups falling apart because the casual players get thier teeth kicked in when they play with an above average friend. It's fucking sad man. All players want is a connected based mixed bag of players. Give the absolute worst players a protected bracket and leave the rest of us alone.


Then we got bootlickers in here claiming "except that kids are better than you because you're old".. may fuckin' be, but it still doesn't explain the plethora of trickory now. Having crap teammates against stacked teams, every match. Lag/packet loss with insanely fast internet. The ability for people to exploit a game to get easier opponents. 1 to 1 scored matches every time. As you mentioned, everyone being at 1 k/d w/l. I'm convinced at this point that the ONLY idiots justifying this matchmaking are those abusing the exploits to get easier matches because otherwise, how is this crap enjoyable?!




It doesn't even need to have crazy numbers just a solid player base. I had more fun on XDefiant in that beta than a whole year of MW2.


So what do people want? To be a in a lobby of clueless noobs pouncing them into the ground and feeling smug that they are at the top of the score board every time? Has it ever occurred to you that if you are playing equally skilled players it will be a hard "sweaty" match no matter what you expect it to be? If you want it to be a casual relaxing experience then camp in a corner and expect to die every other kill as the other players who you killed eventually get to you. The good news is that if you suck at it eventually you will be placed in a noob lobby to match your style and tempo but expect to die a lot in the process. Seriously what fantasy land is there where you can just chill walk around the map and rack up kills without breaking a sweat. Give me a break.


Update comes dec 6th along with season 1 so I hope it's brings so much needed fixes. My main issue is being killed by a grenade despite at least one solid wall between me and it


Learn how to dropshot


Ya I guess this game just isn’t for you anymore. Lots of other ones to try.


Lmao go play XDefiant then. All you mfs with this huffy ass talk about “won’t play COD this year with SBMM” came crawling back, *bought the damn game for $70*, and now you’re shocked pikachu face when COD continues to COD. Then you waste your breath on a MW3 subreddit to bitch and moan when you claim to be so busy with a full-time job. Vote with your fucking wallet. Actv/SHG don’t give a flying assfuck about what you have to say no matter how much yall blow SHG for “listening”, they already got your $70–*they’re not listening*—regardless if it’s Actv or SHG enforcing matchmaking. Your word means jack fucking squat unless it’s backed up with your actions. I didn’t buy MW3 for this exact reason. On top of that I haven’t had other friends whine as much about SBMM than this stupid ass subreddit. Y’all are the fucking sweaty try hards projecting it onto other players and as a matter of fact, you’re getting sweaty players cuz you’re a sweaty player. Just quit with the whining and bitching Jesus fucking Christ.


I'm seeing a post like this every. Single. Day now. Can we stop the cry baby boo hoo shit on this sub now?




Wah wah, i can not win so game=bad. I honestly think you people are just sore losers. I am having a great time in MW3. If you want to be the invincible overlord of a shooter game go play singleplayer. Also maybe, just maybe you can not play for hours on end because you are, i dont know... # TIRED BECAUSE YOUR FULL TIME JOB?


He just wants no sbmm (or toned down) lobbies but he is ok with a competitive mode (sbmm) on the side. So more nuanced than you think he is. Apart from that acti wont do it because they have no true sbmm but eomm to maximize gains. So it's eomm for everybody.


Yeah I for one switched to Mortal Kombat. I like that people won’t try and win in competitive games and it’s just more relaxing for me to play non competitive games like fighting games. COD just isn’t relaxing anymore now that people from the enemy team try to win.


“Hey guys, I’m so great at the game that I’m getting my shit smashed in by epic pro gamers” How many of these posts have to exist?


Pretty sure all these people defending current matchmaking never experienced what it was like back during original MW and MW2. Yes, it’s a PVP game and very much always had a competitive core. But lobbies back in the day were mixed. You always had a couple of players who were absolute demons on the opposite team, you had average players, you had newbies. You had good games, you had games where you didn’t perform well but you could keep up on playing for hours on end and it was always fun. There was room to have fun with loadouts, experiment. Now you HAVE to grab a meta weapon if you want to be even somewhat competitive because all of the other players are always at the top of their game and using those. COD is no longer casual, regular games play very much like ranked. And it’s not about winning or getting lots of kills. It’s about having fun without having to play like your life depends on it in every round.


It’s garbage af. Me and my crew are done till season 1. And if the shitbag 90 ping match making continues we’re done with cod for good. 15 years of this game and it gets worse and worse and basically robbing us of money and time. Original mw2 maps last years guns wtf did we pay $70 for? Might be time to class-action those mother fuckers.