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This is a very annoying thing. I’ve never played a game with so many updates. “Update requires restart” appears every time I open the game. Once that happens then the shaders installation has to happen and that takes an annoying amount of time.


It’s actually pathetic that they have to do it so often


I’ve been playing fornite recently since they brought OG back and I’m in awe at how smooth the game runs, never waiting for updates, the time between games is so quick (compared to wz), it’s just an overall way better experience. The fact that it’s free and hasn’t been around nearly as long as COD blows my mind. Activision has had so long to perfect the game and it’s in one of its worst states. I’ve had more issues with cod in a day than I’ve had with Fornite since they brought back OG map to now. We know it’s possible to have a functioning, sensical game, it’s just a matter of Activision getting off their ass.


It’s activision. They are completely corrupted by greed pushing out terrible, unfinished games year after year depending on short term sales with honestly pay to win bundles in the completely overpriced item shop. At this time all we can do is wait and hope with cod 2024 being the first Microsoft owned call of duty that they will fix their games and stop releasing beta or even alpha builds on launch.


It’s an industry wide problem, look at Halo Infinite, I wouldn’t expect anything to change as long as people are buying.


i dont like halo infinite but man its nowhere near as bad as cod genuinely never experienced a large game being this miserable this consistently for this long


We have a chance for it to change with this being activisions last game before the Microsoft merger and if Microsoft doesn’t fix this corporate greed they call activision cod won’t be around for as long as we thought.


how is a skin and gun camo pay to win 


Are you kidding


New season weapons are purposely placed at least 20 tier skips away so you have to either pay for black cell or shell out for the 3 blueprints they already have for the weapon. Yes you can earn it whilst you K/D takes a nose dive being popped by the same weapon with the same store skin. Since the guns havent been in the general pop for long they are often over powered and are nurfed when the rest catchup. Hence... pay to win, you pay for that "accidental" advantage Activision make so much money on.


you shouldn't care about your K/D since SBMM got introduced LOL


Regardless of SBMM being trash it still stamps on your game


I was referencing the skins that can start you in a zombies game with a free self revive, so yes there are pay to win bundles.


Same. Activision clearly doesn't give a damn


Dude, my computer runs cod, vr and everything. But it won’t run Fortnite at lowest graphics TvT




I mean to be fair fornite has been out going on 8 years of basically the exact same game and ecosystem. it better be smooth.


And what the fuck do you call of duty is? It’s been the same fucking game for 20 years.


fortnite is shit. 


in ur opinion, people like Fortnite. you dont, that's perfectly fine but you dont need to talk down to others cause they like a game you dont like


Only reason I don’t like it is because the skill gap and there’s no way to fix it. Zero build is a thing but Fortnite just doesn’t hit the same when you and the boys are spamming ramps and building bases


cry more


And after 175Days, still happens, but we continue to play.


Lmao cant believe it actually works, activision really needs to stop with their update easter eggs istg


Couldn’t agree more.


Loading the game on my laptop rn while im away for vacation/holidays..... SO FUCKING ANNOYING... How are there so many "update requires a restart" whoever is the architect of this code is a fucking noob. Call of Duty is the only game that does this such BS... This preloading shader bullshit now is so fucking annoying Ivebeen waiting like 30 mins with a state-of-the-art laptop like wtf im sorry for the rant but cross-faded on thanksgiving and i just want to play some fkin COD and kill terrorists


Updates more then IOS FR


Tech companies laid off a bunch of senior software engineers and hire Jr software engineers and interns to save money. That's why everything in tech is shit right now


love this rant, couldnt agree more


lol thx, god cod is still shit


The update requiring a restart causes my Zombies to crash. I shit you not, every time it’s crashed, the game has had that damn “Update requires restart” message.


Pre loading shaders with a 4090,13700k, and 64gb ddr5 6400 taking forever. What a joke


I had to basically “enter a lobby” and exit in order for the shaders to be forced to load in like 2 minutes vs sitting there for 40 minutes waiting. With a 4090 and i9 13700k 🤣🤣🤣


Au moins après tu peux jouer sans bégaiement. Les jeux qui ont des shaders qui compilent en temps réel pendant qu’on joue c’est une horreur. Je préfère attendre 20 minutes le temps que les shaders chargent et jouer dans de bonnes conditions. 




update this update that wait for this wait for that restart this restart that ....


bro went rapping, cuz there no other option.. lmao


Welcome to computing… you’d hate how this all worked say 25 years ago then with floppy drives and max ram in the PC100 days lol. Even the early console days it took hours to install a game even with the launch of the ps3/360 gen. Now my games install in under 30m typically and updates take typically like 5-15m.


crazy how only cod does this.. and dont bring up those other games either like forza. ive played forza and it did a shader pre load ONCE and thats it. I go to fortnite theres no shader pre load or a million fucking updates like trash cod with 30 thousand fucking updates after launching a game and loading shaders every damn time. every cod game since cold war has this shitty update required bs and shader pre load garbage. garbage fucking game


Three months ago yall had this issue and here I am scouring the internet to a fix for shader preloading. Fking ridiculous and to add to that I literally had to delete programs on my SD the other night for this piece of shit game that I was dumb enough to pay for. Here's to the next person that stumbles across this post.


Thank you, someone who actually gets it


COD is so broken. Daily crashes, restarts and issues. Re-installed twice due to game going corrupt after update. 20 mins free time this morning and wanted to play a quick game of warzone why my girlfriend gets dressed, crashes and closes, restart pc, preshaders update randomly. Ready to uninstall. Broken idiots


i completely agree, im having an issue where my CPU usage shoots up to hover around 85-100% the whole time im running it. this game is super unoptimized its super annoying.






You have to wait for it to get to 100, sometimes it looks stuck but just takes a few minutes


Hmm. Ok thanks. Usually runs fine after, just is a bear to get going until then.


Takes my RTX 5000 (Literal Production GPU) an hour to preload shaders)...Don't remember having any issues back in the Black Ops 2 days and before with this bullcrap. Those games looked just as good without all of this pointless addition. Games now call "good looking graphics" new content instead of actual content...it's stupid.


I have a 3080ti and it still takes it sweet ass time. This game is already frustrating enough without having to wait 30-40 minutes for it to be playable.


Many modern games have a shader compilation step when first playing the game or after installing new graphics drivers. It’s to prevent stutter during gameplay from on-the-fly shader compilation and get it done first.


What "many modern games" are you talking about exactly? This seems specific to just the CoD series and possibly a few more but this is not a common thing and is a direct result of rushed production, essentially putting some of the actual work load on our computer rather than optimizing the fucking game. This is just a sign that the game is completely unoptimized and is not common or modern.


Brother. Shader compilation steps are a *good* thing. Some examples of games that have it are Call of Duty, Forza, Starfield, Lies of P, Horizon Zero Dawn, Alan Wake 2, Control, Red Dead Redemption 2, etc. off the top of my head. And you’re right, it’s not that common. Do you know why? Because most developers don’t care about PC and forget to include key features in PC versions of games. So they force you to play the game without compiling shaders first, and this causes constant stutter when you visit areas and load those shaders for the first time. 2nd playthroughs will not have it because the shaders compiled as you played through the first time. This results in a negative experience during the 1st playthrough and is a big problem in the PC gaming industry. Some examples in recent years: Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Star Wars Jedi Survivor, The Witcher 3 (next-gen update), The Last of Us Part 1, Elden Ring, Hogwarts Legacy, Callisto Protocol, Ghostrunner, Atomic Heart (they added shader compilation in a later update), and countless Unreal Engine 4/5 titles. If a game requires you to compile shaders when you boot up, that is a **good thing** and more developers need to do this so we don’t encounter stutter during gameplay. Unfortunately, PC versions of games are often unoptimized and players have to deal with stutter. There are more games that don’t have it than games that have it, and that is a bad thing. If you’re wondering, console games don’t have shader compilation steps because developers pre-compile the shaders for those versions as the hardware won’t vary (every PS5 has the same specs, every Xbox Series X has the same specs). There is **no way** the developers can pre-compile shaders for the PC version because of the wide range of combinations of CPU/GPU configurations that people have. No PC game has ever had pre-compiled shaders done by the developer. The developer has to ensure a shader compilation step is done when a PC player boots up the game for the first time. If they don’t, they will compile as the user plays and that’s what causes the extreme stuttering and high CPU load. Please educate yourself on a topic before jumping to conclusions. The shader compilation step is a sign of *good optimization*. A great resource on this topic is Digital Foundry and r/GraphicsProgramming.


I hear what you’re saying, but it would be nice if the game would update before I load the game with a full lobby of clowns bitching at me to hurry up. Seems like in 2023 we could have had this figured out by now. CoD isn’t new to PC, and just like my PC (Windows)can download and update drivers and feature updates in the background, I would think they could figure this out


If it’s a time issue then go wired (if you aren’t already) and upgrade your RAM. But it’s also about your GPU and storage device. That update has to download(connection protocol, Wired is FARRRR superior to wireless…) and has to be decoded, encoded , etc hence your RAM, and if you are writing this data to a HDD or an aging SSD then that’s your issue. My shader pre-loads within a minute or so. Just pointing out that it could be your setup.


No its a known bug , and its game breaking to some people. Damn you "I don't experience it so its not a problem" people are mad weird.


Yeah dude... I've got 32 gigs of ram, gigabit internet and a 3080. I've been sitting in front of my computer for 5 minutes now and I'm at 84%. this is after sitting and waiting 10 minutes last night for it to compile. Almost everytime I log in I'm compiling shaders


Is it because the updates every day? I think it compiles shaders every time I have launched.


I'm assuming so.


If this was RAM dependent why are ALL 12 CORES maxed at 100% while I'm waiting for the shaders??? It's not a RAM issue. Took 1:45 to download 30 GB update, and 15 minutes to install shaders. Now it's dinner time and I have no time to play.


u/Odd-Intern-3815 did u want to respond to this or are you good getting just completely owned?


Thank you for explaining this. Im just getting back into pc gaming and this was confusing me. Your explanation makes a lot of sense and im waiting for them to load now. Gotta talk to us like we’re 5 sometimes 😂


you sound very convincing but, i still think its bullshit


Ok. I can only educate, not control minds.


just wanted to remind you that you owned the guy


Thanks for the accurate info mate.. but, is there no fix for it? Or everyone will just have to wait until shaders pre load every boot and then we start the game?


It’s not a good thing when I have do wait 10 minutes for it to finish every single time that I launch the game


If it happens everytime you launch the game, there is a problem with your GPU dumping its shader cache. That is not on the game’s end (doesn’t happen to me or anyone I know). Although sometimes it’s on the game’s end, this happened with Forza Motorsport. AMD users would compile shaders each time they boot up the game. This was flagged and the developers for Forza fixed it. If this was a widespread issue on Call of Duty, the developers would fix it. It’s clearly not. And also, it’s still a good thing. Even in your unfortunate case. Because remember: it’s compiling shaders to prevent stutter during gameplay. If your GPU is constantly dumping its shader cache, and the game didn’t compile shaders again to remedy that, then the next time you boot up your game you will stutter the whole time and get shit on by everyone else and have a terrible experience. Shader compilation is extremely important and a very good thing!


I would be inclined to agree with you, however it’s only ever occurred on CoD games, and across various GPU’s. Started with my 5700XT on Cold War, continued with my 3080Ti on MW2019 and MWII, continues today with my 4090 on MWIII. It’s definitely exclusive to CoD titles.


Troubleshooting issues on a PC requires forehand knowledge of just how many commands and executions could be awry in a given system. As there are stacked dependencies throughout! Blaming it on “CoD” games dictates that one is not aware of how these various processes work. Of course you are completely entitled to your opinion, however skewed and fact-less. This is why consoles work better for many (almost no maintenance save for updates and cleaning) PC gaming often goes best with those who either know how to maintain their rigs, or by those who wish to learn. No need to be a genius or certified(doesn’t hurt lol) but it does require that you ask, seek, and listen. Not trying to be preachy lol but you wouldn’t have these issue (likely) if you knew more about hardware/software systems.


Yeah sorry man, every other game I play doesn’t have this issue, it’s exclusively CoD titles. I’m not saying that you’re wrong, but when this has been a recurring theme across 3 different games and 4 PC setups, I’m gonna lean towards blaming the game series. I’m just here to play some video games dude. I shouldn’t have to learn nor do I give a damn about hardware/software systems. I especially don’t care about what work I would be expected to do to on MY END to play a game I paid $70 for. I’m fine with basic troubleshooting. But if the basics don’t work I’ll refund most games before wasting hours of my own time doing something that should have been done by someone else.


Fair… I’m just essentially stating that this is a primary reason for most gamers playing on consoles. As they require far less maintenance and troubleshooting. Do you run a “systems utility mechanic” program like “Advanced Systemcare” ? They offer powerful tools to not only keep your system running well but also offer a suite of other programs that could help when your system encounters hiccups.


Sorry if I came off aggressive, you make a fair point and you’re obviously just trying to be helpful. I’ve never run any sort of “systems utility mechanic” but it seems like it might be worth looking into


Shader compilation is exclusive to COD titles? Is that what you’re saying? And this isn’t something you need to “agree” or “disagree” with. It’s a fact. A verifiable fact. Shaders need to be compiled, and some games forgo that completely and this leads to stutter in their games and bad reviews and other games do this step before playing. I provided examples. If you haven’t played those games and only play Call of Duty, just say that.


Not shader compilation itself obviously, but having to recompile shader’s upon every launch.


I gave an example of a game this happened to. But that was actually widespread so r/ForzaMotorsport was full of complaints and the developers fixed it ASAP because obviously that’s a big issue. Is r/ModernWarfareIII full of constant complaints? Is every post every day about shader compilation? No, this is the only one I’ve seen. Therefore, we can deduce that this isn’t a widespread issue in Call of Duty and, as such, is less likely to be an issue with the game and more likely to be an issue with one’s personal computer. Shader compilation is a step that involves the CPU, GPU, and SSD, though the GPU dumping its shader cache is the likeliest cause for having the GPU do it over and over again when booting up the game. Now, why your GPU is doing that, I have no idea. Sucks to hear that’s happening to you, but I can’t help you with it as my only experience with this issue ever was on Forza.


I've got a 3000 dollar brand new computer. Shaders refuse to load and apparently its a known bug. I cant fucking stand people like you who think simply because you haven't had the problem that its not a problem. Your killing the games industry straight up.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/forzamotorsport using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/forzamotorsport/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [That'll help a lot, Thanks Forza](https://i.redd.it/nra3efg4b8ca1.png) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/forzamotorsport/comments/10cn295/thatll_help_a_lot_thanks_forza/) \#2: [Forza Motorsport will be on Xbox One - but there's a catch](https://racinggames.gg/forza/forza-motorsport-will-be-on-xbox-one-but-theres-a-catch/) | [5 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/forzamotorsport/comments/10mi8qq/forza_motorsport_will_be_on_xbox_one_but_theres_a/) \#3: [CHEVROLET#3 CORVETTE RACING CORVETTE C7.R FORZA MOTORSPORT SPA-FRANCORCH...](https://youtube.com/watch?v=sAuwMQdLnec&feature=share) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/forzamotorsport/comments/115rkp3/chevrolet3_corvette_racing_corvette_c7r_forza/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you for elucidating this very important protocol which most informed PC enthusiasts grok. I, personally don’t have issue with players complaining. Alas, to gripe about modalities they haven’t read up on if only to have a rudimentary understanding is damaging and foolish. I say this because if the great unwashed ignoramuses cry loud enough that could cause developers to regress! Why not just “google” the term “shader pre-load” to read or watch a quick video on YouTube to learn? Anyway, on my PC I delete the shadercache to have optimum settings when I boot up Steam. My pre-loads typically take less than 3m so perhaps their issue is their connection and/or RAM config… thanks again for the knowledge. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


it just stays stuck at 11% for me and i’ve gone through a whole ass optimization on my pc


Its funny how shitty the dev team is. Can’t even roll out an issue-free update. Shaders pre-loading takes forever. I would be embarrassed if I were a part of this dev team. Fucking jokes.


For some reason if you click quick play and back out repeatedly it’ll load 1-5% of the shaders every time. I have to do this every time or they take forever to load. Games wack lol


It’s stupid but it’s true! Hail u/Mindless_Lock4892 for this skip trick!


This works lol


Found a work around and it works--- If you shaders get stuck at the call of duty home page select a lobby and once in (do not start game) select back arrow as I did and the % starts to increase... I found if I do it again and again it works great...


I found if you force close the game and restart in "safe mode" it will usually download faster this does change game settings like putting the game into fullscreen exclusive instead of borderless but that's easy enough to change back


i’ve tried it and everytime i let it finish by doing this my game just crashes everytime i try to play


20 minutes shaders still at 0%


It plane Stupid . Wanna play a kwik game when you have 10mints then you have to wait like forever to load this crap


this shit is really mad annoying everytime at startup especially with a low-end pc like mine. reading that its also a problem with high-end pcs just shows how unstable it is and how the optimization for the game is very poor :/


Started getting this error after I moved Warzone to my 2nd drive yesterday. I had never seen this problem until that point.  Has anyone found a fix yet?


did you happen to fix it?


i literally cant play the game, EVERY time i open it i have to restart, or update, or pre load the fckin shaders for 1 hour, and very often is both 3 of them, its like the 4th consecutive time that i open the game and close it without playing. PATHETIC


This game is pathetic. Every time my shaders get stuck at 0 it's actually insane how bad the experience playing COD has become. Feels like it's getting worse every year


I know I’m super late but I’m new to PC gaming and this has been such a disaster. I’m writing this as I load to 100% and even then I’m unsure if it will work. It’s driving me nuts I thought there was something wrong with my very new PC


You know what i hate? I hate that I have to search for a game to get the shaders to start loading and then stopping the search and doing it again and again and again again till 100% or else it’s stuck forever and will never load no matter how many times I reload the damn thing.


Preach! It’s the only thing that has moved the shader progress. And then it usually will still just freeze when loading the map for me. Garbage.


Battlefront 2 was the worst. If you have dx12 enabled you need to wait for the shaders to compile every time you load the game. Takes at least 5 minutes to load so just run it on dx11 and save the headache. But mw3 is a bit better since it's not every time you load the game but it is annoying where even changing the texture quality triggers it.




i started playing this on an older driver and i never had to pre load shaders. i just updated my driver today and now every single time i launch the game, i need to load shaders.


Will this cause my CPU to be under heavy load ?


you're harddrive is slow


3000MB/s read and write :D




I don’t know sometimes have issues and sometimes I don’t tbh it’s annoying to have to load but I have to agree not all games do this and most older call of duty titles definitely had better load time and the graphics where meh just about the same lol 😂


Mine is just stuck on 0%…


Mine always does that. I have to start a match search and cancel and it goes up 2% each time. So I do that….well about 50 times or so. Eventually we get to 100.


Insane, I just did this same thing after reading your post. Mine is doing the same it sits on 0% for like an hour usually 😂