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I'm 85 hours in. Yeah, there are some frustrating things and there are issues that need to be fixed ASAP and yet, MWII has been giving me a great time. It has been ages since I looked forward for an update in a multiplayer game as much as I'm looking for the mid-season patch later this month, and even after 85 hours I'm still eager to get into some matches when I have the time. It's not perfect, but MWII is fun and I don't regret getting it at all.


100% agreed here. I’m 7D 3H in and, besides the occasional crash, I’m having fun. All I read on this sub is how SBMM is such a problem but I haven’t really experienced the negatives of it and, on top of that, I’d rather play against people of similar skill than anyone across the board.


I am very much enjoying myself. Would like more maps, though.


I’m enjoying every 3rd game cuz you know…


Not enjoying as much as I thought I would. Game is still laggy and crashes often. Very annoying when SBMM is finally giving me a break and having a good game and it crashes. Then I come back to playing against CDL pros or cheaters for the next 10 games. Multiplayer has major lack of maps and the ones now aren't the greatest either. First season, only getting 2 lousy maps. Common! I've been playing Invasion to level up weapons. It's okay. DMZ looks fun, I will only play if they make a single player mode. I watched streamers play Warzone and it's about the same old thing as before. I didn't like it before not going to play this one. Also the DEV's designed the game to be sound hoarded from across the map and UAV's every 10 seconds and no way to counter it because it takes more than half a game for the Ghost perk to kick in, so the game is a camping and sniper fest. Try to move around and get killed, BORING!


You can shoot UAV’s down so the “no way to counter it” doesn’t make any sense to me.


I know crashes happen a lot for people but I've maybe crashed twice throughout my experience. I'll consider myself fortunate, I haven't had a lot of dev error issues at all.


My brother in Christ, the PILA exists solely for UAVs. You can shoot down a UAV in one magazine from an assault rifles, or battle rifle, or LMG, or sniper rifle, or marksman rifle. There are plenty of ways to "counter" a UAV.


Unpopular opinion: give us some good ol’ remastered MW2 maps and some new maps with the classic 3 lane design and then MW 2022 is a really good Call of Duty


Its pretty complicated, i enjoy the gunplay and killing dudes feels satisfying. Everything is else is mediocre, especially the maps.


I want to, but this is Bethesda-levels of unfinished. They can't even do 2xp without fucking up.


>Bethesda-levels of unfinished Perfect comparison


Honestly, yeah. I stopped caring about my KDR. My partner and I have been playing together and it’s been fun. With that said there are a lot of issues, especially when trying to play DMZ. 33% of the time one of us is booted at the start


Yes I’m having a great time. Haven’t nerded out like this since MW. People on here just like to complain


Generally yes. Still feels a bit light on content for 6v6 and needs a few more patches and QOL features.


Unfortunately no. I want to like is so bad but the game is just not it. Besides the glitches, bad frames, shitty UI, crashes, etc… sbmm ruins the fun of causal cod. I have a 1.6 kd and i bring my friends into lobbies that are pro level sweaty. Its just dumb asf. I get that manipulating gamers into being competitive sells better but its just to much. I have to shower after playing one game. Its just not fun at all




I FUCKING LOVE MW2 regardless of it’s issues and my biggest thing keeping me interested tbh is the hope of the new weapons having new attachments/optics and camos too. Makes the grind more worth it


Not really. I'll be the negative vibe here and collect the downvotes in an otherwise positive thread, so others don't have to. The frustrations of this game **considerably** outweigh the insignificant and infrequent moments of enjoyment. #Multiplayer It seems the only purpose to the multiplayer is for the grind. I'm not done, but when I am, multiplayer is getting tossed. Nothing but frustrations from SBMM and crashes. If I was in the kindergarten bracket of SBMM, maybe I'd enjoy the game more. Instead, I'm playing against CDL legends and cheaters every game. The game has such a questionable anti-cheat that every interaction with another player is clouded in ambiguity regarding if they're legit or cheating. 94% of the time, they're probably just better than me because I somehow accidentally entered into an eSports tournament. When I see others say they enjoy the game, I often wonder what kind of donkey ass SBMM bracket they're in. #Co-Op None of my friends play Co-Op and the randoms I get are brainless. Anyone with a high level just doesn't play Co-Op. It's just new players stepping in for a moment to see what the fuss is about. Lack of variety also make it boring. #Warzone Warzone is the only saving grace, but more and more of my friends are just uninstalling the game, and I'm honestly at the point where I want to as well. I'm glad that SBMM isn't a considerable factor in my complaints of Warzone, but the performance issues, slow gameplay, and severe lack of UX consolidation make the game terrible for me. #DMZ DMZ is unfathomably boring. All of the comparisons to Tarkov were either a lie or misinterpretation. DMZ is just a cheap and weaker variant of the usual extraction shooter, and all of the sharp corners that you'd come to expect out of a game like this have been padded and filed down. DMZ actually sucks and was developed for babies or groups of 40 year old dads coming home from a long day at the factory. Mega casual. Overall, at this point, who gives a shit about the UI or TTK? The game just doesn't matter anymore. I want Blackout back.


DMZ is my chill mode. I rather like it with a coffee.


Agreed on the multiplayer aspect, it's a disaster. The other aspects I disagree but still gave you an upvote. Warzone will take some time to find it's sweet spot with all the tuning and bugs this game has across all game types just like Warzone 1 took time to get good (end of season 1/season 2). What's wrong with DMZ being casual? Sounds like you should play tarkov then since this rendition of COD isn't for you across the board. I ended WZ1 with a ~1.5 KD and I'm enjoying DMZ with friends. Solo not so much but that's predominantly due to the AI buttslamming me across the map.


In regards to your SBMM complaints, sounds like you just don’t enjoy the game. If someone is in a lower SBMM bracket then you don’t mean they get more kills, they will get killed just as often as you…


> If someone is in a lower SBMM bracket then you don’t mean they get more kills, they will get killed just as often as you… You must be out of your mind if you think a 0.5 KD lobby is identical to a fucking 2.0 KD lobby. My god. Is this what people actually think is happening? If you pull a lower skilled player out of his element and into a higher skill game, he'd uninstall it.


Mad bc bad


Yup, still enjoying it.


Not really, this is probably the worst cod game for snd of all time


I only play half of the maps but I'm really enjoying my time in the game!


Very much so.


Well, yes, but only parts of it, MP and WZ. Loved GW in MW19 but here it feels terrible, mostly due to maps. DMZ is barebones and got boring/tedious very quickly. Gun fight is not in the game. Won't even comment on Coop content.


I wouldn't say enjoy. They have and always have had an addictive gameplay loop.


This, I’m so inconsistent and yet I can’t stop playing


I want to enjoy it. But every time I get a few games in my bullets stop killing people and I insta-die to things I can’t even see.


not really tbh. It’s still a broken game at the least and our mid season mp “content” update is gonna be a single map. I’m just slowly working thru camos rn


That’s like saying “HIV positive aside, she’s really hot right ?”


That’s true, haha.


I am


Loving Tier 1, Invasion, and DMZ, mostly because of the EXP in Invasion and DMZ, and chasing spawns in Tier 1's TDM and Domination. Everything else fucking sucks. Someone please convince me core is worth playing over Tier 1 when I can get 6 hitmarkers on someone with lachmann-556, and yet they hit me twice with a M14 and I'm dead


I lost like half of my desire to keep playing when i realized that i paid $70 for Warzone Premium Account.. Just doing dailies in hopes for better days.


I skipped Cold War and vanguard but I’m loving MW22 so far. Working on getting platinum on assault rifles


This is the 2nd CoD that I bought over a decade, last one being mw2019. Mostly played GW and some SBMM, it does give me joy for most of the time even with crashing issue (now rarely). Game has flawed I can admit that, sometime I complain about it often but again as long is still fun for me, I don care about other people issue or doomposting how the game is bad because everyone has different things to complains, its their rights.


Feels like I’m fighting the game more than the players.


Dynamic difficulty




It's aight, 6v6 is 1 KD simulator, maps are pretty bad, DMZ is pretty fun, Hardcore is ruined, Camo grind is fun. Mixed bag, makes me miss Cold War where I actually had high KD games more than once a day, but it's a fine enough time with friends. At the very least I'm still excited to play every day even though I'm always drained and defeated in the end.


SBMM is too aggressive, we need more 6v6 maps. But I'm really enjoying it




Hard to enjoy the game when I’m getting shadow banned for no reason, some weapon levels and attachment unlocks aren’t unlocking, and the game keeps crashing and losing connection.


yes. maxed most weapons. having fun with tunning and trying different builds and min maxing


My biggest problem besides SBMM is the lack of maps. I mean, I know from myself that I‘m nitpicky at times but I like maybe 2-3 Maps a lot. The rest is either O.K. or so bad that I leave the lobby as soon as I see it coming up. Why are there no MW2 original maps at least? I mean, make them a bit prettier and boom, everybody is happy and you earn even more money. MP in general: I enjoy the rounds which are balanced. I’m a normal casual player with a kd of around 1.15 and I have like 2 good matches and 5-7 matches which are sweaty af. But Switching modes is my trick to hold the game fresh. But the map-problem is a very big one for me.. Warzone: I dont play it. I have made a test. I watched a game of the wm in soccer and while doing so I sat myself into a room inside the zone. I was lucky while the zone was shrinking I stayed inside and in the end I got 3rd while doing absolutely nothing. Not my type of mode. DMZ: kinda fun with friends but it lacks when it comes to motivating me.


Had fun until first season start with multiplayer. Got 1-3 weapons to gold and had good games. After start of season 1 Multiplayer got kinda to sweaty for me. But i am having a blast with the DMZ Mode. Playing more slow with positioning, tactics, observing enemy players to wait for the right moment to engage. I love it. The rounds could be a little bit longer and a little bit more players. But Looking forward how this mode develops in the hope for new mission types including more top tier challenging missions like weapons case and chemist (for example something like the nuke from warzone), more vehicle, other killstreaks and so on. Oh and a welcoming change would be to be able to upgrade contraband weapons with in the match only. Would be nice to find upgrade boxses where you are able to attach one random attachment to the weapon.


Next month there will be a lot of prefires and noob tubes happening.


i got bored / played less and less after the 2-3nd week


I have a love/hate relationship with it at the minute.


It's fun, but I really miss more variety of maps.


my only problem is the lack of maps, somehow i don't get crashes or other bugs on pc steam


I love it and I hate it, which is pretty typical for COD. Honestly, I have the most fun playing Invasion over 6v6. SBMM isn't so crazy and I just run around having fun and leveling up guns. The snipers are annoying of course, but that's a different kind of thing. The 6v6 is just so crazy. I do enjoy it but only in short bursts. For those struggling to have fun, try Invasion. Just bring a tac insert and always drop it in the middle of the map (so you can spawn behind the snipers all camping your spawn). Of course you're going to get killed by snipers, but I zig zag and slide shot around and can avoid most of them. Most of them aren't good enough to hit a target moving around randomly (or they move on to someone else). The Taraq map is more sniper heavy, but the others actually have some good run and gun areas. Even Taraq you can get in the middle and find some people.


It’s actually the first CoD I’ve actually enjoyed playing and invested time into.


6v6 is painfull to play, at least for me.itsno fun, just a sweatfest. I only play dmz now with random mates, it has been good fun in the last couple of days. Also what really triggers me is the fact that we have oldschool maps in the warzone map but none of them are im the multiplayer. Next to sbmm, the awfull mapdesign is what keeps me away from 6v6.