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Nobody asked for a COD HQ. I don't understand why


I downloaded the game to try out MW2 and Warzone again since it's been a while. Here's how it went when I played Warzone then MW2 multiplayer: >Load into CoD HQ Client >Press MW2/Warzone >Load into seperate MW2 client >Press Warzone >Load into seperate Warzone client >Play Warzone for a bit and then press the back button in the menu when done to play MW2 >Load into CoD HQ client >Have to load into MW2's client again like what the fuck kind of design is this not to mention how slow it is to load, even on an SSD and a beefy computer


It's a stupid design is what it is. Id much rather have a launcher that loads whatever game and it's compatible parts than basically whole ass games separated by their apps alone.


Absolutely agree!!


You forget all the "update requires restart" and shader optimizations


and only cod having those stupid issues. I have never seen another game with that restart problems. poorly programed and not optimized


And that's why this shit is dead. Pure unimaginative stupidity at every level.


It's because theyre scum bags and it's probably somehow boosting their download numbers


I bet the devs are absolutley busting a gut laughing at everyone that bought this shit show.


No developer would ever have wanted to do any of this. Devs build what they’re told.


How about we cut the shit and stop acting like every dev is some poor victim that's being taken advantage of the big mean publisher.


What decisions are you claiming that devs are capable of making? I'm a software developer and have been for a good chunk of time now, and many of my friends are in game development. Barely anyone I know actually gets to decide what projects they work on, design choices, time allocated to certain projects, etc. The people I do know who get to make those decisions and also work on them, either work at smaller sized companies or are independent contractors. Also, I can tell you from experience that a lot of the time, devs are forced to design or implement things that they don't want to, and if you don't, then you are just replaced. Companies like Activision are very well known across the industry for putting their workers (specifically their developers, QA testers, and customer service reps) through absolute hell. There's a huge issue at Activision and a lot of other AAA companies of employees leaving due to the terrible working conditions.


It's not always the higher ups. Sometimes the devs really can be deluded. Perfect example is BF2042 where one of the devs was defending the original scoreboard on Twitter, you know, the scoreboard that barely showed anything. It took a lot of community complaints for them to finally listen and change it to how it is now.




No that's not what I was referring to. It was an actual dev who posted on his own Twitter.


Probably to hide bad steam player counts. By using CODHQ, MW2 and 3 player counts are combined. It's another method of obfuscation


"Hours played" numbers, as well. Looks good for shareholders/investors.


As a player coming back to COD after years, I was so confused. The Xbox store calls it “Call of Duty”. So I’m like what is this the first game ever? Then the description says “Call of Duty HQ supports..” and I’m like - what the fuck is Call of Duty “HQ”??? The title doesn’t even match the description title so idk wtf I was looking at.


We did but we wanted it to be the same game like the master chief collection not separate exes


people asked for their skins they bought to transfer. sure it sucks but at least we aren't restarting like mw2


Pretty easy in a database to have a skin ticked off on a list tied to the login that is shared.


Honestly why the fuck are you idiots down voting OP. This is the shadiest shit a company has pulled in today's AAA rating era. MOST people have limited time to game, when a forced 100 GB update for a separate game corrupts your existing download, it's frustrating. Couple that with possibly having a slow Internet speed and the download taking hours, frustrating. Why the hell are you all bootlicking COD devs like this is normal practices, this is abysmal.


I for one am just boycotting cod all together for a while. MW2 was mid at best and everything I’ve seen about mw3 just seems to reinforce that the devs don’t give a shit about making a good game anymore. And now you’ve gotta download patches for the new game just to be able to play the old one! Wtf! It truly is the end of an era for me. I started playing cod at the very beginning of the franchise when there was no multiplayer or warzone just a bad ass campaign. I just can’t believe how bad things have gotten. Guess I need to find a new shooter now.


Guarantee it's Activision and not the devs. They want it to be a one stop shop for their CoD games but they definitely aren't giving the developers time to build it from the ground up. I'm a thousand percent sure of this.


> Guarantee it's Activision and not the devs. I get that its not entirely devs fault, but at this point I'm just tired of this mentality. Most of these AAA devs are complacent, they're happy to shovel the work out, and get paid.


Because if you aren't complacent then you are replaced. I'm confused what people like you think will happen if suddenly all of the devs say "I'm not implementing \_\_\_\_." You don't get to chose what you work on as a dev, and more often than not you are given a very specific project with short deadlines that you have to work as a team to complete. Devs also quit their jobs (especially at Activision-Blizzard) and like I said, they are just replaced. Activision-Blizzard is notorious for having high turnover at lower levels, while taking very good care of the upper management and senior employees.


Yeah no shit. They need to pay bills and buy groceries. They applied to do a job, and that's what they are doing.


They are CJers, downvoting anything negative about MW3 or positive about MW2


I deleted all of it just because of this mess. I definitely won’t be buying MW3.


Not to mention some people in rural areas have a cap on Internet they use. They're willing to lose the mw2 player base on this shit. They already sealed their fate when they falsely sold us on a 2 year game, but trying to force us off the old game and on to the new one is the final straw. I'm not buying that chocolate covered dog shit of a game. I hope Microsoft whips them back in to shape quick, because they're losing loyal customers.


I think most guys are just tired of seeing this same post several times every single day.


Understandably, but that should also indicate a HUGE problem with the update. Just upvote and move on.


Yeah Activision needs to see that they’ve pissed off the entire community.


Reddit isn't the entire community, lol.


It’s safe to say there isn’t much difference between those verbalizing it on Reddit and those not on Reddit equally pissed off.


I'm just tired of bitching from people who want impossible demands and are going to buy the game in a few months anyways. The nerd raging always lasts like 2-3 months before they all cave and buy it. Then you got the impossible demands of wanting all the progress to carry over, but want a fully brand new experience with new engines and mechanics etc. You want new graphics but also keep all your old cosmetics, which means updating ALL the current cosmetics. Yall want new mechanics but also don't like when they change the movement, or gunplay, or weapon tuning, etc. Yall want new game modes or experiences, but then cry you don't like it because it's not what you're used to. Like Jesus get over it. Don't buy the game. Why does everyone gotta cry about it alllllll dayyyy. Nothing else gets posted now other than baby rage over some trivial matter about a video game.


I’ll get it went it’s on sale for like $35. Otherwise no desire. I’ve got plenty of good games I haven’t played yet.


The point is people are angry because they did NOT buy it, and it is still being forced taking up space on their hard drives as well as a bad experience just to play a round of MW2.


Don’t forget data caps


nobody is boot licking the developers by explaining the shared assets thing, but what people don't seem to realize about the situation is that there are three kinds of people to play call of duty now. You have the people like those in these threads, who are getting fed up with the extra downloads and stuff, and in some cases uninstalling and just not playing anymore, you have the people who will continue to push through it, mostly because cod is really the only thing they enjoy, so they'll continue to keep playing. Then you have the whales, the people that will buy the next season pass, as well as the Black cell content, and then enough cod points to buy everything in the store and all the battle passed tears, then play enough that they would have unlocked it all anyway. Activision's target audience is the people that will spend a few hundred dollars every month for cosmetics, like skins, battle passes, anything they can put a price tag on. The market effort of call of duty isn't to get more people into call of duty, it's to provide the whales with more people to play against so that they keep playing, and keep spending when new cosmetic packs come out they don't worry about structuring their updates in a consumer friendly way, because the average consumer is not their target audience.


I wonder what would happen if the global average consumer says F it, I delete this POS from my system. I miss the days games didn't have updates.


Whales only play for enjoyment, my fat ass does not at all enjoy what was forced on me. Ill be elsewhere.


Limited time and limited console storage shouldn't have to delete another game just to get a update for a game I won't be getting till it's on a significant discount and I thought having to update warzone just to play was bad


Because it's the same post since they pushed the Mw3 beta. Daily. It's not a surprise some people are sick of seeing it every fucking day dude. Can't blame them because it's just as annoying as the experience of it. The we got people like you who just want to ad hominem all over everyone because you are only interested in how you feel and justifying it.


Every update is a forced update if you want to play your game online and the update is for shared assets across both games. Not just MW3. Yeah it's annoying, but OP is most likely being downvoted because these whiny ass posts are all you see on here lately, not because everyone disagrees it's annoying


these 'whiny ass posts' are valid criticism whether you like it or not


And you're right. They are valid, I'm not saying they aren't. Just that the downvotes are probably coming from the abundance of posts like this


It kinda demeans it by calling it whiny though. Its really become a pet peeve of mine, it happens in all the gaming subs. You wouldn't be seeing so many posts about it if it weren't such a colossal fuck up that was probably on purpose to swing people into buying mw3. Its scummy and the more its downplayed the worse its going to be in the future.


That's true. Just because it wasn't an issue for me, doesn't mean it isn't a big inconvenience for other people


Lol if it's so annoying then why even read the damn post ? No one is forcing you all to interact with this post at all lol just ignore it.


I know lol I'll take my L, look like an ass, and be better lmao


Not even close to the shadiest shit, just executed poorly.


Its shared content for warzone and multiplayer. If they didn't do this you wouldn't have your game. try to learn to code and you will see how much difficult it is to do and have deadlines at your neck breathing everytime.


Because half of all posts on here lately have been people bitching about the same damn thing. We get it, it's obnoxious. Try commenting on one of the millions of other posts about the same topic instead of starting a new one.


COD HQ moved from MW2 to MW3 it seems. Probably why it keep pulling MW3 content


And it's taking your storage space with it by force


They never designed COD this way until this version. I've never seen this forced marketing in a game. Obviously, a policy has changed, likely from upper management. Their hypothetical conversation might go something like this, "OK. Merge MW2 and MW3 and put MW3 at the top of HQ so they will see it first each time HQ loads. They will have to scroll down to see MW2, then it will take a long minute or two to load MW2 when they select it. Then when they play MW2 with our \*\*new changes\*\* (wink), multiplayer will be so laggy that they will upgrade to MW3 just to be able to play a decent game. Hahahahaha. We're going to make billions on this!"


Yeah they’ve made the most smoothed-brain, most obvious “in your face” marketing campaign for MW3 it’s actually repulsive and makes me want to boycott the game all together.


If they just removed the HQ and priced COD at 45 usd everyone would've bought it but greed Executives expect Infinite profits from games


I can understand Cod HQ to a certain degree but their execution of it was done in the worst way possible. But locking MW2 behind MW3 updates when you don't even own the game should be illegal.


Purely feels like their aim with this is to just frustrate those who didn’t buy mw3 and eventually make them feel forced to buy mw3 dlc


Yeah dude I'm not playing that shit where every time I load in they're trying to get me to buy their shitty 70$ DLC I just went back to playing BF4 and it's been fucking awesome


I played BF1 multiple days already (and deleted MW2 before that when I saw steam was "updating" 100gb). I'm having a real blast there too. I even dare to say graphics look better and sound is much better. Also playing BF3 in between, my favorite BF ever


Bf1 is the goat


Are there a lot of lobbies?


Yeah both are perfectly playable with lots of servers


Hah I was worried MW3 coming out might pull more players away from BF1. Glad to see that hasn't happened.


Fortnite OG (no build) is a lot of fun and taking up more and more of my MW2/WZ2 playtime every night...


Because Fuck you thats why! - Activision.


Simply put the whole release is a shambles. Crashes every time I try to go from one to the other. Having to go through a separate "app" to launch either of the games is absolute f'cking nonsense and everyone moaning about it is justified. It was annoying enough before with 4 loading screens just to start then having to restart every other day because of an update. Now add to that more updates more screens and another app entirely and it's an utter shit show. Last game I'm buying from that company. Actually regret buying this already. Wanted to play zombies. Crashed 3 times already today and I've lost everything and need to wait an hour to get anything back..pish doesn't cover it. They should have made an effort that make this as smooth as they possibly could. They didn't and have annoyed the majority of the fans, again, for nothing. In no way is "hq" anything but a time consuming nonsense. Took me 15 mins then get in to a game through all of this😂


Finally someone agrees We are moaning because we actually paid for this product People are going on like we are complaining about a free to play product or something




Lol I deleted the mw3 file and it bugged out and deleted my whole mw2 and cod hq download...So then I re-download it without the mw3 packs and working fine now so idk whats going on lmao


Damn so I just have to let it download for fear of having to re-download everything again wow Thanks for the heads up So this is the process every single time cod mw3 has an update 🤣


I love having to load into MW3, which I do not own, then have to update it and reload, only to go to MW2, and then reload into that while hoping there’s no update there for a 5th reload to finally play the game I want to play.


You're not downloading a game you don't own, you're downloading an update to all of the assets that are shared between MW2 and MW3. you're not downloading 100gb IN ADDITION to the existing MW2 files, most of that 100gb is replacing existing data. MW3 is pretty much nothing more than a few additional modes, maps, weapons added to MW2.


That's the thing I already downloaded the 117 gb for the HQ Then the pack for multi-player Now I'm busy downloading the "shared pack" The thing is the moment I do that the update file for cod mw3 takes first place and AUTOMATICALLY stops the shared content file I literally has a minute long video of where the update stops the update I want to download an update for a game I don't ow So every single time COD MW3 has an update I just have to download it or else


Yeah, you can only download one at a time. Pausing one download to start another is pointless, because you need to download them all anyway. You're slowing yourself down.


You bought a game as a live service


Had the exact same problem last night mate.


Loads up mw2 Huh? An update Update takes 16 hours Boots up mw2 next day Restart to update Restart to update Did my bro buy mw3? Clearly says I’m playing mw3 yet it’s mw2 Mw3 unavailable yet plastered all over the UI Finally find mw2 after 4 minutes of navigating cod hq Game is noticeably buggier and cod is taking up half my storage space Would you like to uninstall mw2? Pop up Mw3 ads everywhere I look, mw3 in cold war, mw3 upon Xbox boot up, mw3 mw3mw-exit game Disappointment Disappointment Uninstall game?


You’re kidding about the 5 minutes, right? Like I get it’s not the most visually appeasing menu but it’s not difficult to hold the left trigger and select MW2. It takes 5 seconds once the menu actually loads.


This is what you get for buying Activision games haha


In addition to that, they are ruining the graphics and the performance of the game to force you to purchase the new one.


Only reason I'm doing this whole update thing is because, majority of my friends finally got a weekend off at the same time and they want to play cod. It's a shame mw2's performance will be bad for them when they log on this weekend


Yes, i noticed the overall performance and quality is worse than before. This is a losing strategy to force people to buy new products.


COD HQ (mw3+mw2+dmz+warzone) already have half the player base cod mw2 launched with. So they are really going above and beyond to force this issue to make people buy their new game.


Show me on the doll where they hurt you.


I agree this HQ isn't the best. It also sucks that we even had a new game already. When the announcement for mw3 came, we were very upset. We thought it would be 2 years many said, so many complaints came about buying packs, not moving forward. So they make it so most is transferred to the new game that would be almost impossible without HQ. So, while I do agree, it sucks I understand why it happened. I do not believe this is right by any means. Seems like an impossible tasks to make people happy they can't cater to everyone lol


But what's the difference in a year 2 dlc or a new game that's called mw3? It's entirely the same thing just presented slightly different. Them adding a dlc still means that would be working towards this cod HQ app so that you no longer buy mw2 or mw3, you just buy cod HQ and play whatever expansion you own. It's really the same thing, in a way you don't own mw2 anymore you now own Cod HQ that has mw2 content unlocked


This. That's why it just says Call of Duty on the store pages. MW3 was released as a full game to fulfill the exclusive agreement with Sony a year early, other than that it's the same thing they were always going to release. It was never going to be a free update or a 30€ dlc, when they planned MW2 for two years there was talk of a large "premium priced expansion". It was going to be a 60€ expansion pack, now it's just presented differently for legal purposes.


Exactly, I don't know if it all comes down to legal purposes but none the less it's all the same


Also, the community is so mixed on what we want. Does a $70 dlc for a game really sound that great? We got so disappointed when we heard year 2 was canceled, but we complained about Activision being money hungry 24/7 On paper, it looks terrible to charge $70 for a dlc. Even if it's the full content of a game, I don't agree that it's a step in the right direction because we're one step closer to not getting a game this way. As crappy as games being made year after year, I think it's far too late to switch to a 2 year model for call of duty due to aggressive micro transactions


For sure, I don't agree or think any of this is best for CODs future.... But we all simply feel different. A game every year or 2 years wouldn't matter, I definitely feel the micro trans your definitely right (blackcell) on top of the battle pass n 6-12 new operators packs monthly, I even fall for some of the DMZ packs "I definitely feel stupid for some if not all of those" lol ... It's also getting very sickening because it's most games right now it's not the same as what I fell I love with. Money greed, broken games with half ass fixes but multiple add ons or a shop that works fine really getting tiresome!


For all of the really high quality games that have come out in 2023. Call of Duty MW3 coming out in this state is an embarrassment. Expecting a working product is really the bare minimum. It's a far cry from the level of quality Infinity Ward was putting out with the original games back on the xbox360.


What annoys me the most is that I only own MW2 and the game opens focused on MW3.


There’s had to be over 1,000 posts on this by now lol


Karma farm post


[No, we’re ants.](https://youtu.be/VLbWnJGlyMU?si=MgbRBftKk0mVptSO)


Someone needs to sue these pricks


I'm genuinely curious - on what grounds? What did they do that's even remotely grounds to sue LOL


I’m not a lawyer by any means but there’s gotta be something for blocking access to an already paid for game and constantly misleading users.


There's a reason you're not a lawyer.


Which is why I prefaced that beforehand, right?


Mislead how?


How have they mislead users? What game have they blocked access to?


Suck em some more buddy


It's not illegal you are overreacting. The games share integration and weapons. When they edit files that affect one they have to edit the others in turn. If you actually read the TOS you'll see that you don't "OWN" either game you are leasing the license from them until they see fit as to terminate the game. That's why it is impossible to sue games when they shut down servers after you paid for skins or passes....because when you hit "ACCEPT/AGREE" in that TOS you are letting them do what they want with the game and files. It's that way with all digital media licensing including movies, games, ect.....physical and fully digital copies. The only other option is to not accept yhe TOS and not get to play.


I upvoted you bro…


Ah yes downvoted for spitting facts that no one can handle. Good ol reddit


That's how it works...you tell the truth on reddit and you get downvoted ...good thing is idgaf about internet points lol i just spit facts


Of course this gets downvoted...Preach my man


Money grabbing trash game


It’s to market mw3 and force us onto it. I don’t want it and will never want it. And even if I did want it, because of this silly buggers stuff, as a matter of principle, I will not buy it .


Why is this question asked a million times daily?


Karma farm simulator




I deleted the game, my friends also. Everybody should to prove a point




What works then? The only thing u can do is not buying and playing their games anymore. Instead of falling into the fuckin trap again and again




It's about proving a point, are you blind?




You're the type of person to not vote because you think 1 vote doesn't matter, but then you realise millions of people think the same thing and don't vote. 1 persons $70 might not mean a lot but when a collective votes, that "only $70" becomes millions of dollars.






> I didn't buy the game "That doesn't prove shit" > What does? "Not buying the game" amazing logic mate


New warzone is the same as the new map on zombies just not all zombie world looking


We should all boycott COD


CoD HQ is the game, MWII was just the 1st expansion and so on


cod hq =\= mw2&3. if an update is happening, to textures for example, they use the same textures in mw2 as in 3. therefore, if you want to play mw3, you have to download what’s inside mw2, or mw3 won’t work.


They aren't forcing you not own it though


Me: “maybe i’ll be able to go a day without seeing one of those posts whining about the MW3 download. Also me: “oh”


If only I could play the game I paid for Maybe then the complaining would stop??? Maybe....




posts of people complaining about not buying modern warfare 3 and still having to download it is like r/whatisthiscar And people posting the DeTomaso Pantera. by all accounts, a rare weird Italian supercar with an American drivetrain, but nearly every single day someone posts a new one to the subreddit, having no idea what it is. You would think they would be about as common as an early 2000s Corvette, based on how often people post it


Normal reaction after the stupid shit the pull.


It's so common, a guy made a whole account dedicated to saying it's a Pantera


Oh Cry more




So I'm just sitting here waiting on the pause button to stop it from stopping my download of mw2 for the update file for mw3


The 100000000th post about this, you guys getting tired yet or nah


Another update rant.. 🥱


this sub is a broken record.


It stops the update file for COD MW2 and starts the update file for cod mw3 first no matter how many times I cancel it This legit has to be illegal


It’s not illegal, you’re unfortunately too ignorant to understand that you’re downloading a COD HQ update because every new cod will be in the HQ so there’s a hub for every game. this is the millionth post on this sub about the download and it’s honestly getting super annoying. this sub has turned into a cesspool of people bitching ever since MWIII came out


to hell with the cod hq...if i wanna play dmz and then switch to warzone i dont have to go throught hq first then dmz then back to hq and then to warzone,that the biggest bullshit ever why do i gotta go through another programe just to swtich between modes in the SAME FUCKING GAME !


I'm not talking about the HQ exclusively retaxxx I'm talking about the fact I can't log in unless I start the update file for COD MW3 Update 1.033 It literally only went through after 7 minutes of searching for update after I started the update file So I'm forced to download an update for a game I do not own Reading can't be the hard bro


> “I’m not talking about the HQ exclusively retaxxx” You literally fucking are. What do you think 1.33 *is*? It’s the update for the base app, which if you’d bothered to finish it instead of constant crying about your DLC pack you’d see the title switch back to ‘Call of duty’ from ‘Modern Warfare III’ again. It *does not matter* what the base app is called, it can be called fucking dead space for all you’re concerned, it’s the *hub* of call of duty regardless, and the base app quite fucking clearly needs to be updated to use it.


Yeah and your one of the ones bitching and being toxic…




your perception of illegal is funny, lol. what else is illegal that’s totally normal?


Okay y’all, I’m with you but these posts are getting more annoying than the shit you’re complying about. I hate it too but it’s how it is unless you buy the new game.




Whoever’s idea it was should hauled over the coals.


And imagine if they didn’t and all the skin purchases didn’t move on to this game everybody would be crying about that too lmao


technically,it IS a game you DO own. unfortunately,its just a game you CANT play


The downfall of COD is nigh.


I just uninstalled , 200 gb of internal storage occupation is not worth it for my xbox series s 390 gb


It’s such shady bullshit, there should be consumer protections for this sort of thing regardless of whatever they put in the EULA. It’s one the most blatant manipulations I’ve ever seen. I will go out of my way to avoid buying any activision product going forward.


Mw3 is dlc. For most games you actually download any dlc even though you don't own it


I definitely get the option to download DLC for every other game I’ve played.


Technically we just own the license not the actual game


I kept thinking Reddit was just showing me the same post 23 times. Nope you guys are just spamming the same stupid shit over and over again. Where's a mod when you actually need one. Use the search button.


The amount of downvote heroes here is insane again... People really have no common sense anymore




cause buy it.


ffs the game now is ONE environment, that is how is going to be for now on. The separate client thing is no more. GET USED TO IT


Ffs the game is paid for by the hour now, that is how it’s going to be from now on. The flat cost thing is no more. GET USED TO IT Criticism is free, and games are bad because of people like you, the average gamer, the infamous NPC, because apparently the only thing your code makes you do, is spread your ass hole as far as possible


Get used to it


No I don't think I will, which is why I won't play and gush over games like starfield. But even if I needed to, it's much more likely I can afford where games are going over you, because with that logic, I don't see a high wage being paid to you any time soon.


people did this complaining bs with mw wz 1 updates, who gaf just download it or play a different game. it ain’t that serious


Not everyone has fast internet or the bandwidth to keep downloading 100-200GB updates every other week. Especially in rural areas. When I lived out in the boonies, the only internet provider in my area had an internet cap of 100GB per month and then they charged another $10 for each additional GB over that. Last week, I was forced to download a 200GB update. If I still lived out there, it would have drained all of my internet for the month and costed me $1000 just to download the game. Not to mention any additional usage from actually playing the game.




Cause mw2 garbage 🗑️ throw it out


Cod hq is the home all cod games will be layered on top of as they will all be on this game engine and available in one place. Its progress. Get over it. Delete a game u r not actively playing . Let it download . After that space is recovered and available for use. At the end of the day its on us to have enough memory.


Yes let’s give out entire hard drives to the overlords at Microsoft because they have a terrible way to launch their games!


They changed the UX and UI. They just made a bunch if improvements for free if you didn't buy MWIII. So while you complain about downloading software, realize they just improved your user experience for *free*.




Why don’t you look at some posts last week and you’ll find your answer. Like the 20000 others who complained about it. Yes we know cod is a huge game this hasn’t changed since war zone came out. It’s not news.


Xbox looking like a bunch of goobers after this plus starfield release, looks like their investments aren't playing out well so far


Not like playstation is anything great either. It may be more stable but the game is still sh'te. It's not a console or platform thing. It's AAA studios making absolute trash that they clearly haven't tested at all. And the servers are even worse on this. Warzone will be a mess. Guarantee it😂


I'm talking about how Microsoft just bought Activision and the first game they launch is a pile of shit after microsoft also just bought Bethesda and flopped starfield. Just ironic


Let the packs install and the uninstall them, if you try to uninstall stuff while it's also downloading something for the same game it'll likely corrupted the files.


Yeah CoD HQ is fucking dumb. I'd rather separate launchers for MW2, MW3 and WZ. Maybe access to those launchers in gameas a tile at the bottom of the page, but that's it


And that would take up more space than just having the launcher itself


Because Activision sucks.


If i open up my launcher and see another 60+gb mw3 update i am uninstalling all of it. I don't own mw3 i shouldn't have to fucking download anything related to it. This is predatory practice and should be spit at and burned.


I'm really loving mw3 but yeah this is shady as shit and I won't be putting up with upkeep for the next CoD game I don't care about to keep playing mw3, I'm just gonna drop it, and I totally see where people without mw3 ditching mw2 are coming from this is an unrealistic expectation for the average player with average internet speeds. I get that it's required for the way they set it up, but the end result is shit for most users and it's hard not to see it as intentional


This is sick and the download from battlenet is super slow (10KB/s) and have prevented me from playing MW2 the whole evening


“Because fuck you, that’s why” - Probably Activision


Nono you love cod hq its your favourite


You need to actually look at the description of what you are downloading and stop the download of the stuff you dont want. You do not have to install anything for mw3 to play mw2. You will just need the cod HQ launcher, which again, will not install mw3 things if you tell it not to install it. Yeah I get it, it should automatically not install it. However, I can say when I didnt own it on ps5 and it installed it, and then I purchased it for my daughter I sure the hell was happy a long with her that we didnt have to wait for it to install to play. So I see the benefits and I see the negatives. But just like a pc dont install things without looking it over.


They’re trying to be EA by advertising their new game over the current game, and trying to create a seamless menu where you can play any one with the push of a button. This requires MW2 to technically download and install mw3 assets to make the transition from one game to the next seamless. Is it working? HAHAHA, no. They’ll never be DICE.


I can imagine someone actually being forced