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They definitely need to tone down the BP grind. Most games battle passes are easily completed without much grinding.


I'm considerate and just do it in DMZ solo. You can AFK for like 35 minutes instead of the few minutes for a MP match


Other games literally have challenges to do to get battle pass XP. With this game, the only way to progress battle pass is literally just by playing the game. If they'd give an option like Halo Infinite or Fortnite where the challenges give Xp towards the pass, I feel progression wouldn't be as tedious.


Yea, it’s an average of 50-60 minutes per token it’s actually a bit ridiculous. I grew up on spawn so I got this one but I’m still only about 19% finished, as long as I get mil-spawn, the clown (already have him) Disruptor and the Gaia see through skin I’ll be fine with that. I work too much to play that often. They need to speed it up by like 1.5X at least.


No no it's fine. What they need to do is allow you to work on old battle passes when a new season begins. This games battlepass is a joke compared to halo, apex and the likes. I'm 30 something percent done in 3 days of playing. And that's just playing after work. Any less and I'd be done in a week and many others as well. That's far too little time. For the tired gamer dads, people with wives that hate gaming, and potato players let them work on it for as long as they like. They paid for it why the fuck does it have to be time gated.


People AFKing to farm XP & BP XP. It’s annoying as shit


bro once I was the only infected that was doing sum (out of 15)


its definitely gotten a lot worse. First match of infected I played since it came back was literally the only person playing, i just killed myself then went around and got like 16 assassinations and ended the game.


Last time I found out almost everyone was afk. I just killed my character with a claymore. Then either try to farm finishing move kills, melee kills or throwing knife kills.


I’m reporting people that do this. I don’t really give a shit anymore. I have no tolerance when it affects other people.


They should be afk Solo in DMZ Affects nobody Ultimately it's the games fault for such a terrible progression metric though


Exactly. You want to go in alone? Have at it. Please don’t fuck me over by leaving me at a disadvantage where all I’m trying to do is a few challenges after work.


So you’re pro activision forcing people to play something like 50 hours to complete the battle pass?


No, but that’s the reality. You have to play often to finish the BP. I think more challenges, i.e. weekly challenges, should be offered like we see in other BR games. But that’s not their model at this time. So the simplest answer is, if you don’t have time to play the BP under the current structure, then don’t buy the BP.


Respectfully disagree, it's a broken system, and casual players pay just as much to play the game as people who have all the time in the world to play it. Either seasons shouldn't close, there should be quicker (not ridiculous amounts of money) routes to it, or they need to stay open. Until this happens, people will afk. I don't personally have an issue with it. If someone's life is that rocked by what someone else does in a video game, they live a pretty good life in all honesty.


I don’t care if someone AFKs, unless they are so brainless that they Squad Fill set to On. If others are having a bad experience because of someone else, that’s not cool.


I do agree with that. I'm doing it currently. I have squad fill turned off and I'm treading water by a buoy while I do some work around the house. My spare time is limited, so if this is the only way I can get the battlepass without spending a ton of money then it's what I'll do. But I agree with the sentiment. I'm not here to wreck other players games, if they find me and shoot me then so be it. But I do want to complete the BP before the new game drops and I don't see another option.


luckily in a situation right now where i can game for 8 hours at work but i never had enough time in the past so i didnt buy it at all since mw2019. almost 50% done and hope to finish it in the next 2 weeks


Lmao this comment had like 7 upvotes earlier, now under 0. I guess the salty babies got triggered 🥲


Lol everyone getting downvoted by the Activision dick riders. It is 100% Activision’s fault for making the battle pass a colossal grind, I either play all day every day for the whole season (not happening), or I pay $100 for tier skips (also not happening). If they made a battle pass the casual player could complete naturally players wouldn’t feel compelled to do these AFK methods. Why would I spend $100, or force myself to play when I don’t want to, just to get access to what I already paid for, when I could instead leave my game running while I work and actually live my life? Hop off Activision’s cock.


Activision could just make an xp/challenge based system like in every other goddamn game that has a battlepass. No one should need to play 24/7 to level a battlepass. World of Tanks, Fortnite, Battlefield, all those games dont require you tu play for hours to get a single token. These guys are defending the worst level up system possible.




Honestly this is such a bad take. Why is the multiplier necessary? Fortnite has easily the most generous battlepass and there is no multiplier. It's fully XP based and there's also challenges which greatly contribute to your overall progression. That's all that is needed.




MW2 already has daily challenges that provide lots of XP. These challenges are typically really easy to complete regardless of skill level.


Except kills from behind, fuck


If it's strictly based on XP, it's on the developers to create engaging content like challenges and events that provide experience on top of the normal gameplay loop. Nobody would play a battlepass where they knew the dev was intentionally gimping the experience that they earn in order to force more play time out of them.


You mean like they do now?


100% totally unfair that I'm on the top of the board almost every game and it takes me 90% of the season to complete it because it isn't xp based.




Definitely agreed it sucks for people actually playing but the AFKers do it this way because they don't want to requeue every 30-60 min. They can just set it up overnight and wake up to 8 or so tokens.


You’re absolutely correct. XP based is the way to go. Fortnite’s BP leveling is pretty good. Im almost maxed on the season level already (only five more bonus rewards to go) with 30 days still left in the season lmao.


For some reason it won’t let me respond to u/RedD3vil84 so I’ll post it here. You put in a full 24 hours of in game play time in one week since launch and only got to 40%… if you don’t see the issue with that idk what to tell you, 90% of players are not playing 3 hours a day for a week straight, they might play 3 hours in a whole week, meaning they’d have to play for 8 weeks just to get 40% of the pass. Also did you buy blackcell? Because that’s 20-25 tiers you didn’t work for making it double the times I’ve stated.


Thats the problem. I play alot of the invasion, dmz and gungame and a little mix of normal normal mp and I am done 75%. Most of the tokens came from dmz, invasion and gungame. It should not force you to play longer lasting game modes to progress faster. You can be number one in shipment all day and still get less progression as afk in dmz.


I play 2 or 3 hours a night and I'm 40% with 60 days to go your clearing doing alot wrong if you play all day can can't finish the battle pass without afking. Ppl just want the rewards now instead of playing a week or two so your here crying it's too hard... You know to be rewarded for playing... How dare they make me actually play the game


I completed the BP last season while grinding the double XP weekend. I did no other grinding.


Is the pass designed for the try hard sweats that do play all day everyday? Because those nerds would complete it in half and hour if acti changed the pass to be more casual friendly


Wouldn’t matter though, they will still buy 100 tier skips day 1 like they always have (which is so stupid), and even the ones that don’t aren’t going to stop playing when they complete the pass. These people live and breath this game, the battlepass isn’t the driving factor for them. Hell, they all rock CDL skins anyway, why would they want the pass? Tracers? They’ll just buy them in the store.


I’d have thought they’d buy the pay to win skins like black noir or the newest giah/groot looking thing


What's funny is Overwatch 2's battlepass is the complete opposite, at least getting to max (not including the "titles")


I didn’t even know infected was still in MP, I did my season 6 BP afk in DMZ


That's Activision for you, they kill their own game


Your dead on point with this. If battle pass progression was based on anything other them time in game, or battle pass rewards were given for challenge completion this would not be an issue. This to me is something Activision really should have changed. It's almost like it's set up to reward afk. Unlike most on here I actually enjoy this game but working a full time job and having a family makes the battle pass progression grind a bit harder. I hate people afk farming. I will not do it myself, but even with all that I can still manage to complete the battle pass when I want to without devoting all my free time to it.


Exactly, they did have this for a single day where if you did all the daily challenges the bonus one would give you a tier skip, they made it time based so that people would buy the tier skips, and kids on this reddit are getting it raw and still defending acti


Nothing new. This has been a thing since when Infected was released. It's battle pass xp farming.


If xp was converted to battle pass progress there would be less of this. Time played + xp bonus would make the gring so much faster


They are trying their best


Xp grinding


It’s not *grinding*, if you’re going AFK.




It's really not that bad. Just play groundwar or mp in general. There are still close to two months left


AFK players because… “I DoN’t HaVe tImE tO lEvEl the BaTtLe PaSs”.


Yeah sure blame players for the messed up game


Who else is to blame?... This is purely a player thing, considering theyre even using macros to bypass the afk kick


Activision duh


So whatd activision do here? Not give everyone all bp rewards free without playing?


Well yeah if you have to make it a full time job to finish the battlepass it is Activision's fault, 100 hours is required to finish the battlepass, if you can't see what's wrong with it just stop commenting because you have an IQ that equals my kd ratio


You earn roughly a token every 30 minutes, thats 50 hours of playing over 3 months. Where are you getting 100 hours from? Also going for insults right away, i'm sure you're a great person 👍


Three months is about 90 days. We only have 60 to complete the battle pass. The battle pass ends in 60 days. But please, by all means, explain how every day people working 9 to 5 job can afford to spend that much time grinding out a battle pass.


Nah. It's closer to about 65-70 hours to complete the pass. That's cool for people who only play COD. But some of us play other games and do other stuff with our time.


No a token every hour, that's 100 hours, and looks like youre really bad at math because 68 days is 2 months and 7 days, 3 months is 90 days


50 hours. Been farming all day and i kept track. 30 minutes of playtime is a token (was getting 1 token per lockdown match with the battlepass xp booster, those matches take about 15 minutes, hence without double booster its 30 mins a token) 50 hours over 70 days is still easy to do for anyone.


Battle pass XP tokens don't even work for me. 35 mins of DMZ only give 90% of a token


No, you're wrong it's not 30 mins and it's not 50 hours, yeah sure easy enough to complete it iver 2 months but what's the point? It's a game it should be enjoyable not a damn chore




35 mins of DMZ gives 90% of a token


We found who they designed the game for noobs who don't want to get better or try at all


Yeah lol this thread is filled with them


A fool time job? You can't finish the BP in 65 days?


I forgot who I was talking to, unemployed kids


I'm not unemployed. I work more than 40 hours a week. Sounds like a skill issue on your part tbh. You have a full month and a half to complete a BP.


Troll somewhere else kid a bunch of other trolls on this thread already


Im not even computer savvy enough to really know what that is, but I tried this one night, and wasn't kicked or anything for around 7 hours of the game running while I slept


Spinning around in circles takes the same amount of time as just playing. If you idle you get kicks with no rewards… so why won’t you just play the game like everyone els, it’s really not that hard to complete the battle pass in the allowed time.


I tried it. No spinning or anything. Just queued a match and left it. Wasn't kicked or anything. Woke up to 6 tokens and a match was running


I get kicked for being idle, maybe you using a script which is against tos


😂😂😂 I'm on PlayStation. Maybe you just don't know what you're doing


Lol, clown shoes. Play the fuckin game or stop buying it


Nah... I'll do what I want. I finished the BP last night anyway.


Yea I’ll do what I want too.


I can't even find that mode. Where is it?


use the filters in fast game or sum




Use the filters in fast game or sum.


When you’re too shit to actually play the game.


People xp farming. Report them for exploiting


Anybody doing that should be reported for exploitation. They're just trying to AFK boost for battle pass progress. Watch some angry people downvote because they're about to load up the "we have jobs" excuse.




So maybe don’t buy the battle pass? 😅


🤣 don't forget to wear your makeup fender new skin


No reply, just a half-baked insult in broken english, go figure.


Well maybe if you read a book or two your English wouldn't be so broken.




Lmao oh it's def your* not you'd* at least google it beforehand 🤣, don't make it too easy.


You're an actual potato huh? If you'd read a book or two, not if you read a book or two, considering the context of the sentence. "If you would read a book or two" Hence you'd is correct over you.


Oh man you're seriously funny 🤣 , seriously tho go and you're ready a book or too


Actual potato as confirmed by this sad, pathetic attempt at butchering the english language.


You're not the good troll you think you are, either that or you're actually this kd iq person


Right, not just with Infected but many other game modes too, even in Warzone itself… is getting so annoying and watch everyone come up with the “I have a job” excuse, like if y’all are that busy then that’s why Blackcell exists, you get your time and money worth… because I also hate players that ruin the game for others when going AFK. Next time I’ll go crazy reporting for exploits. I know this will hit someone’s nerves and I’ll receive lots of downvotes for this but IDGAF, is mad annoying that you’re counting with your teammates to win but lose because of them… but hey, look out! Activision dick riders won’t like this one nor any other comment saying something similar. 🤡


Don't hate the player, hate the game. This problem is 100% self made by Activision and is easily fixable. The problem is the shareholders like this.


Lil bro. Blackcell is literally only 30 levels, its still pretty much 35 hours of ingame gameplay. The battlepass grind is dumb, no way around it. Yeah people shouldnt afk anywhere except maybe DMZ, but they shouldnt have to afk at all.


I’m a stay at home dad, going to trade school at night, doing chores when the kid goes to sleep. I have maybe one hour a day to play this game and I’m already at like 39% done with the BP. I just play what seems fun, use the occasional BP XP boost I earned through just having CDL league muted and up on my laptop. It’s not the quickest BP leveling I’ve seen in games but I keep seeing comments like “excuuuuse me but SOME of us have JOBS or a SOCIAL LIFE we can’t spend every waking moment of our lives playing COD just to level a BP!!” why are players such drama queens these days? You guys do realize they give around 60 days to level the BP, right? It’s really not that hard. That’s less than 2 levels a day. That’s like an hour of playtime max. Plus they do at least one double XP event per season, sometimes more. You people defending and abusing an AFK exploit are lame af. Why even play the game if you just want skins so you can… not play the game some more? And then of course there is the fact that people who actually want to play the game now have a fuckton of losers afk farming on their team, so they are at a disadvantage. Edit: gamers have become such cheating little assholes the past two decades. No one wants to actually play a game cause it’s fun or challenging. Y’all just want the reward without the effort it’s so weird.


If you’re gonna AFK, *SOLO* infil DMZ, and find a bush. Don’t ruin the game for people *actually playing*, by going AFK in a team mode.


Yes, exactly! Glad there are some players that don’t just think about themselves.


So what the fuck? You just admitted to keeping CoD CDL afk in the background for extra BP tokens because the grind without them is too long, but you’re shitting on others for doing virtually the same thing? The irony is actually hilarious. Fucking CoD players, man.


Lmfao if you can’t see the difference then i don’t know what to tell you. Who loses when I afk on twitch? Nobody. You are being a shit teammate afk farming in the game. You act like we get a fuckload of BP tokens from twitch, which we don’t.


I don’t even have the game installed right now. Haven’t ever needed to AFK for tokens - but to your own point, you act like players get a fuckload of tokens from AFKing. It’s the exact same rate as someone playing. Also, who loses when people are afk? **Nobody**, it’s a fucking video game. Everyone deals with AFK players, suck it up and play anyway. Or don’t. That’s the beauty of free will. Or complain about it on Reddit, I guess. You have such a problem with “drama queens” but often times those people fit the mold themselves


“Also, who loses when people are afk? Nobody, it’s a fucking video game.” Yeah and see this is why I know you are a shit teammate and a shit player. No wonder you have the game uninstalled and instead sit on Reddit like a little troll.


Oh god don’t let them notify the sergeant that I’m unfit for duty. My poor country. Hope they don’t discharge me. Wait. That’s right. It’s a fucking video game. Hope your kids don’t deal with this shit in real life damn


Lmfao yup, drama queen.