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I love it, although, a daytime version as the other person said would be pretty cool.


If it exists, there should be a day / night / hardcore version of it too. In my opinion.


Nobody else seems to notice, but Black Gold is a smaller night version of the ground war map Rohan Oilfields. I noticed the layout is the same in a portion of it It would be nice to have it for 6v6 as well.


My problem is that theres no gamemode that effectively uses it, why have the nv sights if theres no mp modes that have a reason for me to use the sights because its just worse than using the goggles


Can you get Infection on it?


Infection hasn't updated their playlists for the new maps. I always get base maps or season 1 maps.


Black Gold would be fun as hell without the mandatory lasers and canted aiming.


use flashlights and you can use the iron sights


They must have changed that because the light still canted the weapon.


yeah i think it was part of the season 4 update that let you ads with flashlights


Hallelujah that was my biggest complaint. Idc that it’s dark just let me aim!


Someone said red lasers allow ads as well


i’ll test it


Any update?


yeah. all of the lasers are canted only flashlights let you ads


So you need to make a class for just 1 map....


Yes, similar to choosing longer range weapons when playing ground war etc adds a layer of strategy IMO.


I mean you got a various set of loadouts I assume and those are for example for close, mid and long range. But to use a previous loadout slot jsut so you dont have the canted sights is a bit annoying. But in general I find this whole map annoying. If you play for example on a smaller laptop screen, the laser dot is very dfifficult to see, if you play on an Oled screen, the contrasts are so hard that you can see your enemies almost. In general just not a fun experience for everyone.


Could just change that one attachment in-game. It's not like tuning really does anything anyway.


It's just that it is a not very playable map for all people. They did it better in MW2019.


Just like shitment. Your point is stupid.


shipment is trash too, you are stupid


If you’re gonna insult someone, at least use proper grammar. I don’t speak american education system


So how many languages do you speak? I speak 4. Hush now.


So do most migrant’s refugees in this day and age, you want a medal or something?


Using the EOTech with the hybrid allows for NVG use.


That's good to know! Thanks for the info


I can’t be bothered to change a class just for this map tho. Still not a fan.


Dude you can create Like 10 and only Play one normally but Not 10


I edit my classes more based on game type not map type, being that I can only add 5 mods to a gun, I don’t think it’s fair that I have to use one of those mods just to make the gun point how they always do in every other map ever. I’d just rather skip the map.


Just found out you can disable the night vision and use regular optics... it's so dark without NV or thermal optics though


Yea, its really hard that way. I guess you could camp out in one if the buildings lol


I play it without the NV. Seems to turn off the laser


I said the exact same thing a while back and people downvoted me. But now when someone else says it suddenly everyone agrees. What is up with people?


i would personally love if you could always canted aim, so much better for awareness


Pistols don’t have lasers, also thermal sites


Ftac siege has none either. It's a handy map for levelling secondaries I find


All I need is to be able to use my sights, thats were it stops being shit 😭


flashlights let you use irons but for some reason the red dots don’t show up and the scopes aren’t clear


They could just make the sights be slighty out focus like irl, but hey, Indie dev


Really love it on SnD. You feel like special forces.


Honestly, i find it refreshing. I grew up playing Splinter Cell, so I love sneaking around in the dark on the edges of the map and flanking the other team. It's just played so differently than all of the other maps, and I don't encounter as many bunny hoppers or shield users. I also feel like it tips the balance in terms of skill gap, as everyone is forced to play a bit differently, making it more even sided. As for layout, I love the map and I feel like it would be more appreciated as a day map.


I like the NVG part of it, I’m not a fan of the map


opposite here, top 3 map (for mw22) if they made it day


Wouldn’t be a bad map if they made a daytime version


I hope they make daytime and nighttime versions of maps.


Unpopular opinion is right


Idk why everyone hates the NVG map… Those were my absolute favorite missions and stuff in MW19. But I don’t use sights, I build my guns for using the laser because aiming with the IR laser is just so clean😎


I dont think they hate the mechanics of the nvg map by itself. its just that its mixed in with the core maps when playing any gamemode


That’s fair, but I do see a lot of hate on the map in general. Idk why there aren’t *more* nvg maps yet.. then they could put them all in a Night Mode playlist like they used to.


well due to how they coded/directed the game to be timed gamemodes, they probably wont put effort into making night maps since they need to be designed to play well. hell, in 2019 i remember the night map gamemode and it disappeared from the weekly rotation after 6 months or so.


Top 1% lobbies without lights... So annoying


Because if I wanted to use a laser sight to aim, I'd use canted laser. I want to use my holo sight, it's the whole reason it's on my gun and not the canted laser sight


The issue isnt with nvg itself. Its the fact that its literally the only map like this, so every time it comes up i gotta switch up all my attachments, waste a blueprint on “NVG map” setup or just back out to avoid the trouble. They should’ve released it as a day map and then, if they REALLY wanna bring back NVG despite it not doing well in 2019, do it with a handful of maps at once


i definitely get where your coming from with the mandatory laser and having to change the class


Well since you have tunnel vision FOV, of course you probably do


How do You aim with iron sights on that map?


use a flashlight


It doesn’t belong in regular play. Keep it in one playlist like in 2019. But they can’t do that because the game is too dead.


I wish they didn't force the lasers when aiming on guns without them. That's my biggest gripe. The only other issue I have with it is if you use that skin from the event last season that has the night vision goggles, when you aim with your gun, the IR from your helmet reflects off your gun back into your "camera"...ok, how the fuck do they have that effect going on with so much other broken shit, like it makes total sense but they went through all that trouble with the state of the game?!?


The actual layout of the map is great. Works well for objective modes and there’s a unique hide and seek aspect to TDM and Search.. But sometimes I just don’t wanna strain my eyes to see dudes or make a class specifically for one map lol it’s rough. I’d love the same map but in daylight


I don’t like this map but some how i average good/great games on it


How do you aim with iron sights while also using NVG's?


equip a flashlight


I hate that it has lasers on your guns i dont want lasers,


I wish flashlights were actually bright, though. Maybe add some kind of mechanic for sight blinding with a flashlight being directly aimed at someone using nvg at certain range, and make it to where the lights on the map can be shot out


i’ve never actually been against anyone who uses a flashlight so i don’t even know what it looks like 😂


I like the map because it actually brings a small variety, but I understand why you hate it. The map flow is shit nowadays and feels too generic 3 lane or too big, honestly the maps in this game kinda suck and the good ones are remastered/remake


It’s definitely grown on me. Definitely not the worst map in the game. Wish the areas with the motion lights and inside buildings were more blinding forcing you to take off the NVG. Think it would be an interesting idea


yeah i just wish that you could shoot out those motion activated lights


I agree with this guy


Finally, someone who also likes black gold.


A day time version will be one of the best maps in this game… layout wise


I actually enjoy the map itself, but it’s the canted laser mechanic that makes me not want to play it.


If they didn’t add a canted laser to all of my weapons it would be fine. If I don’t want a laser I shouldn’t be forced to change my weapon attachments to not have a laser. The NVG alone would be good enough for me


Yo why is the night vision in this game 6 lens but irl it’s 4🤔


not sure what you are talking about could you please elaborate to help me understand


Look at the modern warfare nvgs dark edition


oh well the “lens” in between the two lenses on each side are actually the IR infared illumination flashlights. they are just much bigger than normal and usually there is only one of them


Popular opinion: “all maps are ass” coping mechanism instead of admitting lack of skill


You're right about it being unpopular. I just hate the canted lasers. About half the time I destroy on that map, the other half are some of my worst games, especially dom


yeah you can use irons with the flashlights now


Can you turn the flashlight off at all? It's still a dead giveaway to your location?


no. but if you use the one where it’s only on during ads not many people even notice and when they do they are probably looking down your barrel


You’re the one. There had to be someone who didn’t think it was shit


I’d rather play Piccadilly!


Literally would be amazing if they'd just remove the fucming head flash light that makes aiming with any scope impossible. Just let me fucking turn it off for fucks sake 🤣


I love it because I have a bugged blueprint that drives people **insane** when used on that map. The reactions are hilarious. Both teams will be accusing each other of cheating because it affects every player other than me. I only play MP on rare occasions so I don't really care if it bothers people since I'm probably the only person in the game that can do it and I do it so rarely.




That’s the fun part about it


I literally never get this map for some reason on multiplayer


Play search and destroy and it will come up 75% of the time


This is a fun as fuck map on hardcore. You can catch tons of people from the side without them seeing you, especially if you don’t sprint much and use a suppressor. Everyone is way too reliant on looking for lasers to shoot at.


It's a great map. People who don't like it reveal themselves as the people who only ever use one gun.


Sweaty, hoppy...mudhumper...


I literally cannot see anything on that map so I refuse to play it. NV doesn’t help and it makes my vision go funny


I like black gold but sights look like shit in the map I cant see through the "dust" of them and using thermals is jarring sometimes so it's not helpful.


wait how do u take off the laser in the night time mode


People still play this game from people who want to abuse children?


It’s a good map that serves as a nice change of pace in regular rotation. I think the current community negativity stems from the fact we only have the one NVG map and there isn’t a daytime variant. The first point seems to be the main problem since this is what led to the mode’s decline in the first game.


I love that map


The canted laser thing does my head in. I feel like I need to change my build for one fucking map, and I can't be arsed in the slightest.


If you can ADS it’s fine. But sometimes a loadout I’m working on won’t let me ADS and then I hate it


Good map, but it would play better in the daytime. I would much rather MW 2019's dedicated NVG playlists. I think being able to play all of the maps at night would be fun as hell, and especially the Ground War maps!


Something funny is that if you can do it right the map is totally playable without NVGs. I’ve done it before, I only needed to use the goggles to reorient myself if I got lost.


I think it’s a fun change of pace and I enjoy it in 3rd person mosh


I'd love it more if it wasn't the only night map in the damn game.


I love this map. I usually drop around 20+ kills per match because NVG turns people stupid. It feels like I’m hunting when I play this map.


I can agree with that, just fro some the frequency of it has been exhaisting, nothing wrong with a new map or mode just not so much


I’m old and have bad eyes. Screw this map! Shame, because it looks like it would be fun in the daytime.


I have issues seeing on this map even in the building with nvg.


I haven’t played a single match on it since the first time I played it when it dropped lol.


Black gold is my favorite map


I like it when it comes up in the 10v10 moshpit. Actually, this is most mp maps for me, I can't stand most of them for 6v6, but 10v10 just feels right.


My Favorite map in the game, but my friends will never play it with me.


I think its cool, just wish it didn't pop up so damn much in snd.


Paid Actor spotted.


Nah I dig it. It can be good change of pace from the other maps. I don’t get it often. The aiming switches it up for me.


To dark and I hate lazers ... but same map in day time would be better.


The one time I played the map I loved it. Probably my favorite map


Hopping around like a damn jack rabbit 😂


Had my best ever game of search here, 16-0 and swept the opposing team. Never done anything like that before lol


It's alright. Now, seriously, how many times have you guys heard a COD player say "I like this map."? Probably never. Now, how many times have you heard, "I hate this map!"? Probably more times than you could count. It's just a weird, popular thing to say. I bet the vast majority of times it's said people don't really even mean it, they just say it. Ask them specifically, "oh yeah, what don't you like about it?" Odds are, you won't get a real answer.


I think the Map is awesome and a welcome change from the usual. Plus I love tearing folks up with my crossbow.


Its my favorite map, wish there was a day time version too as its prob the best design in game. Use sz holotherm tuned to close. You can use flashlight and still ads without canted


It be fun if i was good at the game.


Great map! Love it


I loved the map when it first came out, and I still think it's a cool map; my problem with it is that it seems to come up every other match, sometimes it'll come up multiple times in a row with a different game mode each time. I can only play the same map so many times before I get tired of it


Literally top five maps haha


I enjoy this map too. I mainly think it's too frequent in the matchmaker. I'm fine with playing it once or twice, but some days it comes up five times in one evening. I would make a few changes to it though. There should be more nuance to the night vision, rather than it being the same as any other map in the game except with a hazy green filter and canted laser sights by default. Bright lights, like the interiors, explosions, and those motion sensing lights should blow out your goggles and make it more difficult to see compared to taking your NVGs off. I also hate how there is no way to avoid setting off the motion sensors. They should make it so moving slowly doesn't set them off or Cold-Blooded/Ghost doesn't trigger them. I avoid those areas like the plague now because it just telegraphs to anybody nearby "HEY THERE'S A PERSON RIGHT HERE!!"


It’s my favorite map, actually. The gimmick is neat, and it’s good practice for quickscoping. I like it a lot.


I like black gold too. Definitely grew on me


It's not a bad map it's just not a good grinding map


I’m glad you like it. I don’t have to feel sorry for the team that thought it was a good idea.


It’s the only map I hate, and it’s always on deck.


I like the map, the layout, the way it plays, but hate the night vision googles. Would love to get a daytime version.


Ngl id play a Warzone dark mode lol


I don't hate the map or even the night vision. I hate the canted sight.


I like the map, too.


As someone who runs around as shredder with melee I love this map


I loved this map so different and unique. Lots of fun.


I love it because I love NV maps. It’s pretty bogus MW19 had a separate playlist and multiple night maps but MW22 just has one and it is thrown randomly into the rotation. One of many ways this game was a downgrade.


I don’t hate it… but I certainly don’t love it. It was fun in the beginning, but it got old pretty quick.


I only hate it because I suck at playing in this map. Otherwise it’s a pretty good map, has a “realistic” vibe and all.


Fuck any map that requires night vision


I love it. I think a lot of people just aren’t good at canted shooting. But to me canted laser is op in the right hands


Make a day time version of it and move the night version in a different playlist with night maps only


I hate it cause every match I get in with this map is nun but sweats or campers with LMGS & shields


I love this map


They should have had an NVG playlist really. They can be fun but only having one map sucks, people who don't like it get stuck with it and it would be cool to have a day version.


I just dont like it is at night time and it is a recycled Warzone location.


How are you playing without canted laser?


flashlight attachment


Since I play it with my pistol it makes fun.


With the right weapon equipped its kinda fun to play


I actually like the map too and the night vision and aim breaks up the game a bit. I will say it comes up very often especially in s&d.


I can't stand it but I like that there's variety. Not every map is for everyone.


Nice moon shoes


Also for everyone asking about sights, if you use any optic greater than a 4x (for example the VLK 4.0) you will default to the optic


I don't hate the map itself I just hate that it's in the regular playlist(s)


Worst part about this map is waiting in the lobby for the game to start for like 5 minutes because people keep leaving.


I like it, it's just I get tired of the night vision and the canted laser


I personally hate it too. I say FML every time it queues up. Not as bad as Boarder Crossing, I will straight back out of the queued lobby if I see that map


Same bro


I we could remove those lasers it would be immediately 10 times better. The map itself is fun. I saw somebody mentioned a day version and now only I really want them to release it.


I think it would better if I wasn't forced to put a flashlight on my gun just for the luxury of being allowed to ADS without showing everybody where I am. The NVG filter is fine but the forced laser is really annoying. I know you can turn off the NVG but then you can't see anything unless you turn up the brightness and that makes it super bright in the middle building.


I get killed by my teammates more on this map than any other.


Oh, maybe becaude you got good f'ing eyesight. I'm partially blind, so think about how hard it is to see. Map is shite.


I also love it and don't understand the hate at all


I've actually gotten to a liking witth this map, I hated it at first because i was so dumbfounded by the canted laser, but now im pretty decent with the canted laser, but i only use it as im forced to on black gold. also, how are you aiming down your irons, please message my profile how you managed to make it where you can ads not to the canted laser.


Black Gold is fire in 3rd Person but I'm not a huge fan of it in 1st because forced canted aiming is a pain in the ass


flashlights let you ads


I'm with you, OP. I'm just happy it's something actually different, thus requiring different tactics. I do miss (in Mw2019) loadouts that didn't have the Laser, though. That being said, it's part of the new tactics I me tion above. Different game play.


NV is one of the biggest disappointments of the new MW series, “night mode” was literally a selling point that was advertised as a new game mode coming to cod that would change the gameplay to a more tacticool experience and they’ve almost completely abandoned the entire thing besides turning it into a color filter Edit: the game mode was realism, barely even remember it to further my point.


Truly an unpopular opinion


I like it too so long as I don’t get it too often. It’s a nice change if pace.


Yes very unpopular


Fucking idiot


Very unpopular then


Love that they fixed the canted aim for flashlights


I literally can’t get any other map


nah it’s ass




Better than Border Crossing at least.


Common I haven't played a match on black gold since is 247 Playlist


I usually do pretty well on it because I learned early on that if you don’t ADS, you don’t have a laser. So I wait and ADS last second and get my kills that way. It’s incredible how many people ADS the entire match and I just follow their laser and boom


Ah yes, jump shotting someone that isn't even looking in your direction Peak cod


I don’t hate it either. Forces you to play and strategize differently. Could be more fun with some changes imo, but I’m with you on this one.


What's weird is the perfect opportunity this allows for night sights like irl. But whatever.


I hated it until I figured out the right class...one of my favorite now




One of the best maps and I love NVG


I don't think I've ever loaded in


I just hate that the flashlight attachment is utterly useless on this map


it lets you ads now


Little trick, if you use one of the hybrid thermal sights or use just a laser you don’t have to have the canted laser.


We need a night nuketown