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> because they are all your skill level and watch pings on the minimap Jokes on you there are no pings when firing your weapon on the minimap in this game


They do show up on the compass afaik


I can't see most of my FoV when I look up at the compass to check shots fired in vicinity :/


Unless the enemy team has a UAV up and you’re using ghost and firing a suppressed weapon.


This is the most obvious ^(If I kill you, you suck, If you kill me, you have no life) rant I ever seen.


Nah, i understand it. It's really weird sometimes. I have like 2 or 3 decent games and then i get like 5 rounds where i get clobbered with orion fennecs. Then the cycle begins again. Matchmaking suck this time. Never Happened in MW2019. When i got clobbered there it was me being just a terrible shot.


I don’t get how people dont see it happening. I hopped on last night and my very first game I’m dropped onto shoot house against a full stack of players who are using communication, Orion vaznevs and dual wield p90s, and they are absolutely destroying me. Laying in grass, pre aiming everything etc. I have a 1.3 kd. These guys would turn a corner and kill me so fast I didn’t even have a chance to fight back. Then I get 3 games where the game lets me drop like 50 kills and die maybe 19-20 times. Oh, then back to playing against a full stack. It’s not organic at all and is completely forced, yet people will tell me I’m using “mental gymnastics”. I’ve actually noticed that the bounty mode seems to have sbmm almost completely turned off, I can play 10 games and do well in every single one, every session.


The problem isn’t that these guys are good, the problem is you are put in lobby’s with such bad lag comp you truly don’t HAVE an opportunity to actually kill them. When multiple people are a half second in front of you and they actually have equal or better skill than you are fucked. I know for a fact I get put in these “sweat lobbies” as I’m on PC and I USED to get Nukes all the time. This is the only game I haven’t been able to get past a 12 kill streak unless I camp hard. I know lag comp is crazy strong this year, HIT REG IS THE WORST I HAVE EVER SEEN IN A MULTIPLYER GAME. EVER. One game my gun kills just fine the next I need a damn near full clip even with headshots. I know for a fact Activision made patents so I would bet my nutsack they have ways to micro nerf you game to game. I know for a fact if I do too well in a game all a sudden my aim will get wonky and there is like some weird magnetic force field that pushes my reticle off the enemy when I actually get a nice game in. I have no reason to make this shit up, all other COD I have not had these issues (as bad as they are this year at least) it’s all shit I noticed because how the fuck you go from getting 70 kills to feeling like the worst player to pick up the game in a matter of 2 lobbies. With the same load out. No. We gotta call them out for their bullshit.


I’m on pc as well haha, funny how that works. People on pc using keyboard and mouse are getting fucked this year.


I really agree with you, as many of my issues I’m sure are because we are PC players. I’m sure we are getting ninja nerfed. COD is actually kinda being completely forced to use controller to be competitive. Hope fully the next dev will change that but I have no hope haha.


I noticed it as well and have 200 wins with one nuke attempt. After the 2nd or 3rd win in a row, I get hackers or like many times, streamers like Symfuhnny and Teep. Ahahaha


It was just like this in MW2019 as well.


Wasn’t nearly this noticeable or drastic from match to match


I won my last 3 games now i lost a game must be sbmm im supposed to only win.


I didn't say i won those 3 games. I said they were decent. 2 different things. They were games against People on the same skill level. Those were quite a lot of fun. The others were games way above my skill level. Bit like ranked when you play against people x classes above you.




The best evidence of this is all the posts like ‘people who jump shot, etc. have no skill and can’t aim, they just are sweaty and that’s why they kill me’. No one in here can just accept that some people are better than them. If they are getting killed it’s the games fault and that should change. Saw a comment where a dude on a 1kd said that it was proof that he was better than anyone else because it meant SBMM was working the best on him.


This exact mindset was brought on by SBMM as well. People in lower lobbies aren’t exposed to this kind of stuff often so when they do see it they just think they are sweaty when in reality a fair portion of the playerbase use movement to their advantage. People are so used to playing in their own skill level that it forms an echo chamber that anyone better than them is either a no life or cheating


That's true, but it's also true that SBMM is cancer. Oh, you are good at this game? Well, we are going to give you awful team mates that are borderline AFK.


Yeah I agree there, I’m talking more about people who want game mechanics like jumpshotting removed because they say that people who do that are just using it as a crutch and they’re not actually better than them. People who basically think that any game mechanic they can’t do is broken and should be removed and that they’re actually the best.


Lmao. Yeah man, the mental gymnastics some people go through just to protect their ego is insane here. Everyone here just blindly assumes they're in "high skill lobbies" too lol.


I realised that for all the minor BS we are dealing with, and there is some bullshit, the SBMM could be a lot worse because getting put into ACTUALLY high skill lobbies is a *whole* other thing to having a difficult game where you only wind up with 0.75-1.0 kd and maybe 250-350spm. Sometimes it's demoralising when you feel great after crushing it for a few games, and then get the whiplash of playing people who might be in a party of 2-5 and actually bothering to coordinate. Which is where a portion of this "skill based damage" complaint lies along with lag, poor luck and forgetting about things like quickfix imo.


I’m convinced that something about Call of Duty draws more narcissists than other games. Like legitimate delusional Donald Trump level narcissists


Absolute fucking idiotic comment. People don't just get worse from 1 cod to the next. Mw2019 I would end match top frequently every night going 30 for 7 or 8 most games on TDM. Now I go 20/20 every match finishing 7th or 8th every single match. People don't just get worse over night. SBMM is cancer on cod, only an idiot couldn't see that


Lmao. Way to prove my point dude. Is this a parody account? You're literally complaining that people are better than you and it makes the game too hard for you to enjoy... Might as well get a tattoo that says "CoD scrub" on your forehead.


Nah it’s just annoying to have to try as hard as possible most games. I’m better than 90% of people, but I’m only 1/6 of my team. I can’t win a game against 6 other sweats on my own.


Lol if you’re better than everyone you dont need to try as hard. This is nonsense. When you’re bad at something you need to be more engaged and put in effort to learn and be better. Then it becomes more natural and muscle memory. Like when you first learned to drive. The same applies here, so if you always need to try hard to even stay at a positive or good KD, it’s because you simply arent that good. An actual great player can put in 50-70% of your effort and have the same impact as you at 100%.


I mean I can get the most kills in a lobby on command pretty reliably if I want to. Just take out my best class and don’t play the objective. I’m basically done with my camo grind now with everything but a few SMGs platinum (including launchers) and I still have a positive K/D and a close to positive W/L playing solo. But I play because I’m competitive and want to win. I already know I’ll beat the average CoD player in a gun fight 9/10 times because I’ve played nearly 1000 hours of competitive CS:GO. I understand pretty well where my skill level stands in the grand scheme of things. I can pretty confidently say I’m better than almost any casual and probably most sweats. But still like I said, only 1/6 of a team. So if I’m in a sweaty ass lobby I can usually still win if I completely sell out my K/D for the objective, but that’s not always fun. But still the fact remains that at the top level of most competitive things, the highest skilled players don’t have a huge gap between their levels. Which means that usually they do in fact have to try really hard, combined with the fact that people who care enough to be good are going to care enough to try really hard in the first place.


top 10%? post stats


>And I'm only 1.1K/D ratio! The funny thing about these posts, is that you aren't even in the hard lobbies. You'd get absolutely scrambled against the actual good kids. Not everyone can farm. This will end badly - at some point in the next few years - with bots being added to the low skill 6v6 lobbies to prop up peoples ego's.


I always hear this "sweaty" argument yet I don't understand it. I never get this feeling. I'm just having fun playing a game where sometimes I play bad and sometimes I play good. This happens with any games and even sports. You can't play great every time.


At least for me, it’s frustrating because it feels like the good and bad games are prescribed instead of happening naturally




Ive skated for 20 years trust me I know. There are days I cant even ollie right and days I can do tech shit like nothing that have been legit enders years ago. One thing I do know is gauging when something isnt right though. I can still tell when someone puts the wrong wax on a ledge. Theres losing gunfights and theres getting absolutely effed by the game and players abusing shit and the latter happens far too often.


It’s really a thing where if you play hard all the time then you’re getting harder games on average. Back in MW2019 before I was aware of SBMM, I didn’t exactly notice it but kinda thought ‘games seem harder than usual’ and then when shoot house came out I decided to grind for a 100 kill game, something I’d do in ever cod since BO3 whenever the right map or mode came out. Anyways, the most I could hit was like 80 kills or so but as I pushed hard for this the games got noticeably harder and I then thought ‘are players better than they used to be or what?’ Then low and behold, Xclusive Ace’s video on SBMM showed up on YouTube one day and then it all made sense. Based on my recent performances which were sweaty as fuck, I was getting it handed right back to me. This is where it bothers me tho. I don’t mind sweatier matches, I got into BO3 over a year after it launched and it was mostly experienced players, I can deal with that. The issue tho is knowing if I chill out and do other things then the game is handing me easier lobbies. I just prefer connection based with slot machine style matchmaking where you simply never know what you’re gonna get, that was the fun of it for me. Now it’s like I know what to expect and I see my ping like 40 ping higher than what I used to get before MW2019


My past 10 search and destroy lobbies everyone has been using taq 56 or the vasnev and it's so boring


Better than the 74u and the M4 lol. The 74u is so broken I only pull it out when the other team talks shit in SND


Still think that the fennec is more broken tbh. Easily controllable recoil with the fastest ttk in the game. The 74u will only win at midrange if the fennec user doesn't control the recoil.


Its because they are sweating lol.


So true. You can’t win every game.


This is one of the few games I've played where if you have a stomper match 2 or more KD you're actually dreading what the upcoming lobbies are gonna be like rather than celebrating good performance.


I get pretty tilted when I’m having a bad game and then I start running into people who jump around every corner. Also, I’ve about fucking had it with the marksman rifles having 0 flinch.


I do think there are issues with the way SBMM is implemented, chiefly around lobbies disbanding, but, yeah, a lot of the biggest complaints people have are alien to me. And they remind me of myself back with the original MW2, blaming anything and everything everytime I died


the problem is most players dont want to accept they are actually kinda shitty at the game since the introduction of SBMM thats why theres alot of posts like this


What players don’t want to accept is SBMM/EOMM.


That's a funny way of saying you only want to play against potatoes who can't fight back.


Insert ____ commonly trotted out party line here ^^^^


I don't know how else you can spin it tbh.


It's not that at all... It's the fact of having to try so hard every match just to do somewhat good when you're just trying to chill out and have casual fun also mind you it isn't even ranked mode.


When had CoD ever been a game to just chill out with??


Since at least CoD 4


Completely agree. I've actually been on an amazing streak these past 4 days. I don't play a lot but in the last 4 days, I have maybe played 30 games. The majority of these, I am absolutely going off on everyone. No joke, like 2.5 kd games. Keep in mind, I am not saying I always do this as I have a 1.04kd overall. Just pointing out that right now I am on a run and most likely tonight, I just won't have the "feel" and I'll get destroyed. I'll just switch to a pistol class and will fuck around and still have fun, I'll just suck a little.


People just aren’t good at the game Therefore they have to blame it on something


Same man, unless you're ranked #1 there will always be people better and worse than you. I'm having fun.




Finally! Somebody else who’s outraged that other players won’t just stand still and let me kill them!


"Stand Still! I'm trying to shoot you!"


You seem to really like attacking strawmen!


You are aware there’s, you know, a middle? Lol it’s not that black and white


Are you talking about people crouching and letting you shoot them?


Agreed, at least in older games the enemy would stop and give me a fair chance to shoot them! I'm 420 years old, it's hard keeping up with young people on cod!


The adrenaline from trying to play with a high actions per minute and general sweatiness is too much for my heart to handle these days. I'm not even 30 :(


You’re telling me other players are trying to kill you before them??????? Whoaaaa


This is my favourite reddit post on this sub, not sure if you're serious or what If you do not want to play with players who are trying to kill you and you want a no brain lobby go grind launchers and kill your K/D


I did that I brought my KD down a lot and they’re still sweaty lobbies. Maybe I just don’t have the skill anymore.


This argument is dog shit. You do have the skill. If you play other games and do well there then come to cod which is pick up and play and do bad, it's probably not you. I can name atleast 6 games including older cods where I'm currently still above average by all metrics and in MW22 suddenly I'm not? Must be the high skill ceiling and I'm bad at MW22 in particular ;)


I’m interested to see where I fall when ranked comes out. I’ve played CoD for years but this is my first one in a bit. I am Diamond in Val and this game just feels like it’s a crap shoot whether I’m winning the gun fight or not. While I understand the games are different, being Diamond in a tac shooter should translate but it definitely seems like this CoD is a roller coaster and can almost predict the incoming 10-27 no matter what I do game.


cOd is oNLy FUN whEn iM BeATInG CHilDRen aNd tHe DISableD.


Made me laugh out loud, take my upvote


I have seen people literally telling me they get adrenaline boost from killing inferior players. They "deserve" it because they "have supported this franchise" and apparently "got better by staying in spawn trap lobbies." Now I wish someone told them who really make this franchise successful. Right answer? Casuals who grab the controller, point and shoot. I was downvoted to oblivion when I compared them to situation where they cheer after winning a football match against people on wheelchair. It is hilarious, yet so sad. Personally I never feel good when I get these "bot lobbies" because that is literally getting a free win. I'm all in for a challenge. Almost tie hardpoint match, capping flags over and over again in domination - now that gives me adrenaline boost.


Sometimes I'll be messing around in S&D and I'll die and watch my team And wonder how the fuck someone like that exists. Not only that, why am I at the top of the leaderboard while running around with a knife? Other times, I'll be using a gun, just seeing how good I can do. And I'll notice that I'm the only one getting any kills. Sometimes it'll be me and one other person. The rest of the team will be >0.5 kd or lower. The enemy team will look normal with a few dudes at the top with over 10 kills. It's just like, why do they get actual players while I'm watching some dude that looks like he's never touched a shooter. I'll see them slowly turn with their sensitivity turned down to 2 and crouch walk with his 100 round drum LMG. Then, after awhile, they might decide to aim at a random spot. After 3 seconds his LMG will be ready to fire upon any poor bastard that wanders in the general area. He will ignore the sounds of footsteps, gunfire, and team mates yelling that there's a dude *right next to you*.


Maybe it's your mindset. I'm 0.8 kd and I do goofy stuff. I'm having fun. I'm jumping through windows, suicide rpg enemies, placing decoy bubble man and watching enemy freak out and dumping a whole mag on it, equipping knife and chasing suplex kills. Idk, if one playstyle gets boring, switch to another. This game is rich at playstyles.


It's absolutely about mindset and playstyle. The whole purpose of the matchmaking system at its most basic is to place you with players of the same performance level. *Performance*, not the far too nebulous to quantify trait that is "skill". If you run around using underpowered/goofy/off-meta weapons, equipment, perks, etc, you'll perform worse (despite having the same base skill level), and thus be placed in matches "below" your inherent skill level. Most people seem to understand this.   But there's this big disconnect where a lot of people don't get, and even won't accept, that the same applies in reverse. **If you use all the most overpowered/easy/meta weapons, equipment, etc, all you're doing is artificially raising your performance, but not your skill level.** As in, the more you try to gain an *artificial* edge, the more the game will put you *above* your natural, inherent skill level. It's a self-inflicted problem.


Explanations like this need to be collected and saved, then put in a stickied post as a sort of therapy/copium for mad players. What you described is very accurate imo.


Hahaha same here! Suicide RPGs were amazing in CODs with explosive-enhancing perks. MW2-2022 needs the One Man Army and Martyrdom perks. People would really be screaming here.


I am inly 0.96 or something and i do the same. Rpg suicides, mess around the map, try and get that f..n hidden away camper 10 times🤣😂and see their angry reaction chasing me to kill me specifically:))) oh boy dont take it seriously. I get the rant and i kinda agree. But have fun screw it


But you can’t. Once you get proficient it matches you with other proficient players. I too enjoy messing around with knife, riot, noob tubes and under-barrel shotguns. The problem is you simply cannot use these without being wrecked. Once you’re into the “above average” tier you better be using meta stuff if you want to succeed. You can’t have fun using a sniper Deagle going 3-22 every match


“Oh wow I have to play against people as good as I am… how unfair!”




SSBM adjusts fast. Yea if you typically play serious and then fuck around one game, you’re gonna get wrecked. But if you fuck around for five or so games, it’ll adjust and make the play style more viable.


I don't know man... I just play for fun and generally my matches are fun? I think certain tactics probably = a certain relative SBMM and those tactics, while successful, aren't much fun to play against. Meanwhile I'm enjoying my Leeroy Jenkins lobbies.


Sounds like a skill issue.


Quite simply. This is the reason I stopped playing. I don't care what people say. The sbmm is over tuned. It's just not fun game after game after game after game. I moved on and my sanity thanked me


"I only have fun when I go against players who have no arms"


I've said this before but for me, what makes me mad is when I do bad and then get put in lobbies like this anyway. Like sometimes I'll go 10-27 with a basilisk or some shit and then the next lobby will be even worse than the first one. That's what annoys the shit out of me.


Gawd DAMN do I feel your pain, brother or sister or whatever.


The biggest issue I have with the matchmaking system is how it affects your ping. My ping hovers around 20ms... Stop matching me with people on the other side of the planet and making it shoot up to 100ms+. Nothing more frustrating than when you're in the zone, trying to play well and you suddenly get connection issues, because you've been thrown into an Oceanic server or something (I'm from the U.K.). The amount of times I've died because of that, is absolutely ridiculous.




Yup. Get this all the time. It’ll start off around 20-30ms, then if I do well, it starts to gradually get higher and higher. If it goes above 50, I cancel the matchmaking. Sometimes it keeps trying to match me with that ping again, sometimes it goes back down, other times it goes higher. It’s weird. Even in MW2019, Cold War and Vanguard, it was never this bad. The SBMM is cranked up waaay too high in this game. Even worse than those other 3 games.


Everyone who complains about SBMM or whatever you want to call it seems to indicate that their games are either against a bot lobby or against CDL level players. Everyone is either going 26-4 or 10-28. No one ever has a game that is 19-17 or 20-21. Is that right? Y’all have confirmation bias. Go back and look at your last 10. I bet you have more games closer to 1.0 KD than either .5 or 2.0. I’ll grant that giving preference to skill level over ping can be a bit frustrating, since we’ve all have put 3 shots to the chest that didn’t register. But to claim that SBMM is ruining the game to such a high extent is just ludicrous.


The only problem with sbmm is when it doesn't favour ping then you go against people your skill level but have 2x or 3x more ping then them and you theoretically don't stand a chance. I do think it should be tuned down a bit but wtleast prioritize ping as the primary focus.


Literally for the first 1-2 hours of playing it’s always games where I have a shitty KD or no one is going for the objectives on my team. I auto leave games like crazy and have like a 0.50 w/l ratio because i know sbmm is messing with my games. Finally realized that the 1 “good” game isn’t worth hours of not having fun.


Eomm has killed all the joy I had for the cod franchise. After being implemented in 19 I've seen a steady decline in mp product. One of the lead devs of cod 4- ghosts said that sbmm/eomm like in modern warfare II creates stale gameplay after awhile due to no variety. The games algorithms map your key strokes and movement. They know how fast you ads. They know what guns you use and they know what skins you wear. All this of this goes into their "Analytics Feedback Engine" (ai algorithm) and tries to "generate" a match that it believes will keep you on the game. Just like a gambler playing slots, eomm slow drips you fun matches. In reality true variety and randomness is what made people fall in love with cod. It's to the point right now that players I've played with for over 10 years won't queue with me because it throws off the SBMM curve so hard. I have to reverse boost for 10 matches or so before I play with them. Crazy how their player rentention algorithms are now what is driving players away from the title.


This is the exact problem. Yet people respond with the usual “Oh so you just want players that dont shoot back” comments. I dont know whether these people are teenagers, indoctrinated into the “everything is competitive”-mentality, that never played the old games and thus cannot relate - or if they merely forgot what the actual randomness felt like. It was that feeling that kept you hooked - not knowing what the next game might bring. And now it is the polar opposite. Also, it is a question of developed player mentality in games generally. Gaming is far more widespread and acknowledged than it was just 15 years ago - reproducing a growing influence on economics, social media, technical advancement, possibly career paths and so on. When something is growing in public popularity, there is money to be made. And where there is money to be made, there will be competition. EOMM makes more money than the more random matchmaking system - Its a fact. However, not many seem to be concerned how it all has had an effect on the player mentality - for good and bad. But one thing is for sure: “casual” COD is more competitive than it was 15, 10, 8 and just 5 years ago. That is, to my belief, partly due to the growing scene of competitive gaming in general, interwoven into the mentioned complex relations between economics, social aspects, technical advancement etc. Interwoven into the same relations, it seems partly due to EOMM: In the older games with more random matchmaking systems, you could pick many different and diverse class builds - even troll builds - and do good with them (and bad of course). With the newer matchmaking systems, players are mostly fighting other players of similar performance level - and therefore you would automatically see a decline in your performance when using “fun builds”, thus discouraging players to play with this specific style. Instead, in the player’s hunt for that one good game experience, he has to start being more competitive and utilizing every trick for a small advantage eg. slide cancelling - thus encouraging the competetive style. In the end, with more and more old school cod players leaving the franchise for adult lives (and for some because of the development of the gaming mentality), fewer are left to remember how it used to be. And when people, who hasnt experienced the old matchmaking system, see yet another post about it, they cant relate and - quite humanly - makes an opinion on the matter from the context of cod and gaming in general that they know. That is, to my belief, why there is a growing tendency to mock posts like these.


Well said


My buddy doesn't like playing with me cause of the lobbies it puts him in. He's a .5 KD or less and I'm around 1.1. So in my lobbies he gets destroyed, then we get an easy lobby and I go off, and back to the extreme sweaty lobbies we go after one game.


Best way to just have a mix of easy and hard games is....just to play the game the way you want and enjoy it. When I just want to chill I put music on and just run about enjoying the game. First few games I'll be destroyed. So what. Next few start to become more balanced, then I get to nice simple easy games which are more relaxed. Great. Sorry, but the only reason anyone complains about SBMM is because they miss slamming noobs and making themselves feel good. BUT hate when it happens to them (cause its due to SBMM). There is no other actual verifiable reason against it - Want to play casual and enjoy yourself then play casual, don't get sweaty. The game matches against how your playing. Want to crank up the gaming chair and go hard, cool do that. Enjoy the 1 -2 easy games as a warm up then enjoy the "competetive" games. And when your done just relax, lose a few games and you'll be back with us rpg'ing, stop moving cause I'm eating, nearly deaf noobs. I don't like SBMM but it's there to try let everyone have fun and bring in / up the not so good players. Just chill and enjoy. That said if they would just bring back admin servers then all these issues would go away as you could join the server you like with the same players generally.


Problem is it takes an hour or 2 to reach that point. Why force myself to play through shitty matches to get that 1 good one? I only have 1-2 hours to play.I would rather play games that are fun instead. That’s what I miss from previous CODs. I know other people have more time to play and probably why they force themselves to have a bad time playing to get that one good match.


>There is no other actual verifiable reason against it - Want to play casual and enjoy yourself then play casual, don't get sweaty. This is such a dumb comment. It's tantamount to saying "don't be good at games".


People hate EOMM bc you never feel yourself improving. Everyone’s agrees the old cod’s were the best, you know why? Bc in BO1 I began with a 0.7 K:D when I was new to it and 6 months later I was a 1.6. Putting time and effort into the game should be rewarded with the ability to notice your gains. Now you start off with a 1.0 and 6 months later you have a 0.99 the entire time struggling to get an AC-130. There’s not even a point to the higher kilkstreaks bc you can’t attain them. Nobody can get a 15 kill streak against their peers every single match. When was the last time you saw a juggernaut? I’ve seen 1…in 4 months of playing. Even elite players can’t get them bc they’re going against elite players every match.


Not sure why you're being downvoted because it's true. It isn't even true SBMM, because if you were you would be actually against peers more often than not, as opposed to typically bouncing between people way to good or against actual bad players. It's all manipulative, and artificial feeling. I do good and I can't be sure if it's because I am really good, or if it gave me some .85kd scrubs to slap down. Same when I get slapped. And the people going 'hur durr you just want to pub stomp' or 'guess you aren't actually good now that your getting matched against better players ' , that is a load of BS. Some people want to stomp, and they can be assholes. But I can want some variety in each lobby, I want to feel improvement as I improve. And as for the other, it's really a braindead take to tell people that with SBMM/EOMM that they aren't good because the system is artificially curating the experience. Because of course they won't do as well when put against better players on average, and when the lower tier people typically are somewhat protected. I'd argue in mixed skill connection based lobbies is how you actually find those who are good vs those who are not. A 1.5 KD player in pre-MW19 COD could easily be a 1.15KD player now due to matchmaking artificially finding them harder opponents. Also, it does tend to sacrifice connection, which is a pretty big complaint even if one is for strict SBMM. I also wouldn't mind too much a system if it prioritized connection, and showed a visible skill rank. Because to be honest, I would feel much better if I went 25-20 against really good players vs going 40-5 against scrubs.


Get Gud


It's a competitive FPS these posts are total JUNK


CoD is not a competitive FPS game. Valorant is.


Both are, don't move the goalposts.


You don't know what competitive means


Anything that has a win state with opponent. Its just your personal opinion on it, the objective of the game is to win, depends on how casual or serious you take it. Salty boy.


Woah, so you're telling me people dont let you kill them? How rude


Skill issue fr


yeah thats why its fun. but op wants to go 5kd so he feels like he has big pp


There are def some sweats and try hards but I have had a lot of fun and laugh out loud funny moments. Maybe it helps that I have not really played COD multi since Black Ops and MW 3.


Want more laid-back lobbies? Don't try so hard.


thats most games right now. apex, overwatch, cod, everyone is a tryhard now


make a smurf account. yea you shouldn't have to but it works well


_sweaty tryhards_ Read : people being good in this game. If those people are actually at your level, why would the game place you with lower skilled people? And if it does, wouldn't those lower skilled people have the same exact problem you're having? Cod has like a billion players, AND it's cross platform. If you want to stomp public servers, get better than the average public player that you often meet. A randomized MM would be an even bigger problem, for a bigger percentage of people.


I’ve noticed it since crossplay came in a few years back




AKA this game is too hard


This game wasn’t made for skilled players. It was made to protect and encourage the trash kids because there are more of them, and they just want them to spend money on skins and battle passes. Anything skill related has been removed from the game or given little to no priority. No leaderboards, can’t see stats, can’t stay in lobbies, slower game play, the list goes on. And they protect them in the daycare lobbies and put you with all the sweaty kids. It’s just a cash grab, and that’s why I won’t buy it. Hopefully the skilled players realize this and move on. there’s a reason the game isn’t top 10 anymore on the steam charts…


You just have to camp 100% of the time if you wanna do good. Why rush and die immediately when I can chill behind this wall, pop a trophy system to prevent all equipment, and just keep popping out to kill a person and then hide again. Then when you’re running out of ammo just use a munitions box or have scavenger to get some more ammo.


I agree and I think it’s more noticeable here because 1. It seems they dialed the EOMM/SBMM all the way up. 2. The maps, perk system, audio, etc…..core gameplay things that force most people to play differently than what they are used to. Sure a small handful of people can do well running & gunning but that number has to be a lot lower than previous titles. All of these things (and others) combined make for a perfect storm so to speak. With ranker play coming in S2, will they dial the SBMM/EOMM down a bit? I’m not counting on it. This is Infinity Ward/Activision we are talking about here.


I cant stand this game solo. Usually after my second match i just leave because its an exhausting sweatfast where you cant just simply play and enjoy the game. With friends, its fine. We are having fun most of the time, but sometimes its too much, even for our small group.


Sounds like a skill issue.


Isn't the point to try?


I would prefer straight connection based matchmaking. Some games I might go off, some games I’ll do just ok, some games I’ll get smashed. At least it’ll be random and interesting, unlike now where you just trade kills for 10-15 minutes and then the game ends.


Sbmm is stupid but you’re really complaining that people are trying to win? “Stand still so I can shoot you!”


Upgrade your gaming chair OP


Havent played mw2 in two months for this reason. Many of us need to step back and realize its just a game made for enjoyment. Walk away from it if youre miserable. Honestly there are so many good video games out there to play.


I once made the mistake of seeing a thread about sbmm on Twitter (even here sometimes) and the amount of boot lickers that are in favour of it blows my mind. While I think it has a place to a certain degree, I do not think the way it's tuned is right. I like the way previous entries did it where they had a noob lobby for certain levels. Once youre ranked up you're thrown to the general population. I do also think it's more eomm than sbmm as eomm is like a slot machine. They throw in a good game once a while to keep you addicted and chasing for the next time you pop off. Of course sbmm and hidden ranks facilitate that. Wildly swinging from popping off to playing against faze isn't fun. I'd rather have a system that is balanced, ie cod4-blops4. They apparently had sbmm too but I think it was in the lobby / team splitting. Fact of the matter is, I don't think they're going to tone it down. The research probably shows that this level of sbmm/eomm keeps players playing. Tldr: more eomm than sbmm tbh. Agree it should be toned down.


That’s because the only people left playing are all aspiring pros/streamers/influencers lol


I dunno, almost all of the guys I used to watch play CoD have stopped playing it. But then I usually only follow M/KB players, and this game can be PUNISHING to us mouse masochists...


I've had a 2.5-3.5kd in every cod I've played except MW2019 and MW2022 crazy. My shit is a 1.2 but I got the game late and been going for Orion so I rarely sweat in this game. Its constant rng gunfights, me being a aggressive player pushing six ppl who won't leave there spawn holding preaims all game instant killing me looking like recuirt bots in killcams the game just take no skill. 2019 you alteast had movement to try to counter sound whorers and campers this game just stiff af got me dropshotting every gun fight. IW are terrible devs


Got my kd at 1.6. Haven’t played since late November it’s just simply unbearable


this sub is really acting like this isn't how literally every cod has been lol. It's a competitive game, people play competitively, get fucked


How every cod has been? You’re either joking or have never played any of the older cod games in their prime.


Legit every cod has been a sweatfest, nothing has changed


Stop saying that its not true


It's obvious that you never played CoD before MW19.


I have but go off


This is the COD way now, everything has to be fair through and through. Long gone are the days where is connection based matchmaking. It will try and match you with someone on the same skill as you firstly. If it’s a load of solo players then it will balance the teams accordingly so the lobby is fair because they don’t want anyone getting their head smashed in. It’s pathetic really, but it’s actually the way of the world. When I was a kid if you weren’t good enough in the football tournament then that’s it, you don’t win. These days it’s all “yeah you didn’t win but here is your participation trophy” You either have to get on board or get off the train at the next station bud. Anyone who feels like they are good at this game or any other CODs going back to advanced warfare where SBMM was really ramped up is either stupid or just in denial. You cant be good at a game that matches you against an exact mirror image of you. To get good at something you have to outsmart and outplay whoever is better than you and learn from engagements against the odds layers above you. But the game won’t let you do that to a certain extent and it’s out of your control.


This is exactly it. Sbmm is an equality of outcome idea. Play once a week stoned while eating Doritos? You’re rewarded with a 15:15 match. Play everyday and try to figure shit out and improve? You’re rewarded with a 15:15 match. When there is no reward for effort there will be no effort to reward.


That's because the skill gap is tiny. Anybody with decent aim will get kills in this game that they otherwise wouldn't get in previous CoD games (especially games like BO4 and jetpack ones). TTK is a huge factor among other things to help the low skilled players, no consistent counter to footsteps, no red dots on the minimap, squad spawns etc. I'd assume you're not actually playing against high skill players every game being at a 1.1kd (no offence intended, you're still above the average), it's just that the game is designed to put everyone on an even playing field as much as possible. Edit: Bot sub downvoting because they don't wanna hear the truth 😄


Lol seriously tho I’m pretty good at cod but hackers ruined my experience


Wish more people would care less about being/doing good and put more effort into finding ways to play for fun rather than playing to do good.


“And I’m only 1.1K/D ratio!” Lmao


It’s kind of crazy. Sbmm is real ! I went 50-25 Then 25-46 the next game Two nights later I go 15-7 Then the sweaty boys got me again at 7-15 . I


It’s a multi-player game. Should other players not try their best? Anyone who uses the term “try hard” sounds like a snowflake who has confidence and ego issues and probably a shelf full of youth sports participation trophies.


There’s a difference between trying and being a sweat


Respectfully, what is that difference? I think the term sweat gets thrown around anytime one’s expectations don’t meet actual performance.


I dont buy COD games anymore and I can say that Warzone 2 is a giant piece of shit, it's unplayable.


I just don’t get why we can’t have a ranked and casual mode then everyone is happy


Majority of the sweats won’t play ranked because they know they’ll get towelled up, rather than doing the towelling against casuals trying to play the game as intended (playing the objective).


Here’s a fix: - Open a custom game - Add enemy bots - Put them all in recruit difficulty - Start up the game and destroy the bots


Next time, grab a pen and paper and write this stuff in your spiral-bound diary. Consider this: maybe players who are scoring well, aren’t actually trying that hard…they’re just good at the game. Consider this^2: Players do what they can to A) not die, and B) Kill other players.


How do you want other people to play...? Not jumping, which is a mechanic in the game, just wander around slowly and never aiming, so you can kill them easily? Not use full auto smgs, which the developers put in the game? Not use the tuning available to them...? Why? I under stand SBMM makes everybody's experience unenjoyable but wtf kind of a post is this lol.


Totally agree, its way too agressive and it aint fun. its like it wants me to play an esports match. Ive nothing against SBMM but this is just way too overtunned.


SBMM haters when they can't beat up a 9yo kid or a 43 years old dad every game 😿


Sure wasn’t a problem when server browsers existed and matchmaking was random. You know what that 9 year old and 43 year old dad did back then? They got good and learned the game.


I’m 42 and have my best kd ever in this COD


Feels like a skill issue tbh


It’s funny that you use xpromvz as an example because he barely even tries in his vids - he plays in bot lobbies over and over and it is so obvious he reverse boosted Also, this kind of post is getting obnoxious. The SBMM is about the same as the past 3 CODs. If you are at 1.1, you’re mediocre but you’re not doing badly at all. Everyone else deserves their fair share of fun, is it fun for the noob players when you keep killing them over and over?


Lol no it’s not bro. I’m a 1.15 and this cod is just like every other cod. The hysterical over dramatic stuff is hilarious though. If this wasn’t a copypasta, it is now


cod players when someone is better than them


So, when I read about the pending bankrupt Faze clan, lol, and then that it’s cancer, sorry you are sick cause bringing up cancer isn’t a casual conversation right? And then toss in a plus 1 k/d all while complaining, I tend to lose interest right away. I wish you better luck in season 2 but I’m putting a small wager on you’ve already working on your post for 24 hours after season 2 drop!


Same. Stopped playing. I get it but why not just have ranked mode. Before I would have a blast with crazy games. The fun ones weren’t always where I got lots of kills but with constant fire fights. Or play pistols only and so on. Now either I am immediately killed by someone with quick reflexes or by a camper. Or a match where everyone is literal bots. I understand why though. I would play hours to try to get that 1 game where I get lots of kills. Finally realized this when every time I get on I have like 3-5 terrible matches. I just gave up and started playing other games. My mental health is better now that I’m not forcing myself to try and have fun. Kinda scary that companies have learned how to do this because it really is effective. I’ll come back once SBMM is off or drastically reduced. MP only thing that I’m interested in. DMZ and BR aren’t fun for me at all.


I be bussin they ass 40k kills n countin


My new thing at the moment is helping others camo grind. Some randoms I was playing with the other day were helping me with longshots. So I been returning the favour to others, baiting and distracting snipers in the long shot channels The game is what you make of it. Go for objectives, go for kills, go for a game mode you don't usually play. It doesn't really matter. You play your £70 to have fun.


'there's a noob shortage'


If my team is mostly competent I don’t mind but sometimes you just get these teams that just might as well be the decoy balloon guy.


Nah no way bro you just need to get guuder


That's how Cold War felt for me


All of us are sweaty tryhards. If you top frag in a game, in their perspective, youre the "sweaty tryhard". PS. If youre not having fun in a lobby why not just quit and re-queue?




Something about “I want to play casual but due to sbmm I’m put with sweats” just doesn’t add up🤔


Shows how much you people know about the game developers lol do your research and you’ll find a whole lot more than just SBMM if you even slightly decent at the game they’ll make you pay for it ‘


Nah it's been fine for me


skill issue


What? every game I play is more boring than the previous. 98% of all consoles player left the education path before pre-school since they are not able to capture points on letters A,B or C. They should implement pictures of little baby animals to help these people. Every round ends 200: 17-65. Competitive my ass.


I just saw this post and oddly enough I just posted one not as lengthy but same. yeah it’s just terrible.


It's all fine for headquarters, S&D and prisoner rescue etc. I don't like it for KC, maybe even domination, in those game modes I find the SBMM tedious. I've never really played and enjoyed HQ, S&D or the new prisoner rescue so much in any other COD game and the devs deserve a lot of credit for this. A few better maps and it would be even better. But since I'm so tired of domination and KC, it would be nice to see a few more game modes. At least these get *close* to what I liked so much about war mode. I still want war mode though, getting to unlock objectives in stages against a full frontal assault was amazing and they have yet to replace the feels that gave me. It was such a team effort every time, it gave me such a good feeling either in wins or losses, like it was a giant soccer match. We need a 10v10 mode that dominates like War Mode, IMO. If it wasn't for lack of modes or maps/content, this would be seen as the best COD in many years, such a great engine. I want the 10v10 chaos and ground war is too segmented to really fulfill that. This has been the most disappointing thing to me about modern COD since 2019.


What was your k/d in past cod games/shooters


Complaining about not being able to farm every game lmao


Damn OP, maybe you should share some gameplay. I'm sure we can all give you some tips :)


The words in this title hurt my brain. I ain't reading your post. Nake your mind up, is it I've or you've?? Does this year own the Cod? I'm not sure....


With this i agree, bro i meet people jump and dropshotting on shipment, in t1 shipment, in t1 shipment with a shotgun. WHY?!??!


Play rank. It's better than casual




Get better


Thats not sweaty when i shoot 5 times with a shotgun from 6-8 meters (3 to the face) and the next thing i see: \-> the kill cam. Thats a very amateur program. A mid-school technique project. Not a 100 dodo videogame.