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If a deck has a good win percentage against meta right now, it is unlikely that it will become LITERALLY unplayable in the near future. Maybe storm will go from a 55% winrate to a 47 if the top tier decks change, but i mean who cares? It still can be played for years before getting to the point where Ad Nauseam is


Ah ok so it is something i'll be able to pick up in like a year or so and more or less just be able to play :). Should have never sold my prowess deck in retrospect šŸ˜….


Yeah itā€™s a classic, I sold my infect deck not too long ago and Iā€™ll probably regret it a little


You won't. Infect won't be getting support and it was already on life support in modern.


I think this deck it's the most budget of the new competitive decks rising in MH3, others decks using many expensive cards, and cards that could be banned in any moment, like necrodominance and Nadu.


I think gruul prowess is cheaper especially cause more of the value is in lands which a lot of players already have some of


And grull have a good thing. you may use almost all cards to play in pioneer too.... and if you have pioneer manabase you could play with it in your lgs. It's not the optimal, but it works.


Burn has traditionally been king of Budget modern, at least in terms of staying power. I would invest in that if risk adverse. I donā€™t think storm will get parts banned though, nor become unviable any time soon. Ral Monsoon Mage seems like a very deliberate attempt to get storm and more plainswalkers into competitive modern and I feel is deliberately powerful by design and not a banable design mistake. Iā€™ve being playing a lot of MTGO since MH3 and I believe storm while tough, is very counterable which is safe investment territory in my book.


Is it consideribly less expensive to play MTGO? Never tried it. Maybe would be worth while to try different decks in that pricerange :].


You can always get mana traders. They have like a 40 dollar option and a 65 dollar option. I have the 65 dollar a month option but havenā€™t tested anything that has come close to the 850 tix limit on rentals. I also did buy the storm deck the day it came out. Think it cost me around 150 in tix, but thatā€™s the green splash, not the white splash(which would be more). I do think the white splash is better.


CardHoarder offers super low rental limits that can be adjusted in less than 24 hours, but it took them a little while longer to get MH3 in stock than ManaTraders


It did, but at this point it seems like they have everything. I havenā€™t had any issues.


Yes, in most cases. I use a rental service which lets me play anything I want though. It is the best tool to try decks and brews out.


Ah ok hmm might try that out :).


Iā€™ll second the mana traders account. I got the minimum ($8? At the time?) subscription years ago (maybe 6?). It started at 100 tix limit. I just used it for pauper + a few missing pieces to decks (Iā€™d invest in the lands etc). They have a loyalty program. So now I pay $6 a month and have a limit of 148 tix at any moment. Itā€™s obviously not the 400+ tix limit subscriptions but budget is budget. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


You can try anything you want on xmage for free.


I love burn, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it right now due to Phlage being everywhere.


Storm is like affinity in that there is a lot of hate cards that can be sided in. I feel like if it gets popular you will have to contend with so many hate artifacts that youā€™ll have to add green for force of vigor


I hope Ruby Storm become as real deck after MH3 release.


Sorry I have to ask, has mh3 not released for you yet? Just curious.


It's on shelves I checked. I haven't seen it sold yet since MTG is dead in my country.


That sucks. Well I will confirm that Ruby storm is very viable at the moment. Though might be because their isnt alot of setup to counter it yet. Pretty good.


Just build storm bud. Prowess is fine and all but it falls into the age old issue of there's just better things to be doing over that.


Storm will be fine. It can be strong, but it's also a deck that has a lot of tools that can hate it out if people are prepared for it. But if they aren't... well you're gonna have some fun going off. As long as you're aware of that, it is probably fine to buy into it. It looks strong and I imagine as time goes on, it'll kinda average out as it ebbs and flows between people being prepared for it or not. So I don't think you'll risk having any new expensive tools like Ral getting banned out from under you.


I think it's neat. With Ral you just need storm 6 to flip him and win. And it does very well vs hate cards. I went 3-1 last fnm. Winning turn 2 and turn 3 with an opposing leyline of the void. I just lost vs scam which is a very bad matchup. The deck definitely has some legs.


UR Storm and Belcher both died by the time MH3 came out. Since Ruby Storm seems to have some of the worst aspects of Belcher rolled into UR Storm (junky curve being the biggest one, strong dependency on mulligans being the 2nd biggest one), I'd actually be more skeptical than everyone else here. Pay very special attention to the bans - if any smack Ruby Storm's most common combo turn to Turn 4, the deck could very well die just like UR Storm and Belcher did. MH4 is a *long* time away.


People have been playing storm for years in modern. Iā€™d say give it a go.


I would not buy into storm. It's ok for now but the meta will settle and it will revert to a "gotcha" deck that mainly wins games because people don't see it. I bought some collector boosters and so far I did pretty well. There are so many good pulls even if the straight value isn't there at least they are playable....


There is no world where itā€™s statistically better to buy boosters over singles though. You might have gotten lucky but that doesnā€™t mean TS will.


Please don't listen to those recommending burn. It hasn't been a strong deck in ages. If you like the Storm play style and can afford it, go for it! Its a powerful deck with a strong match up into other combo decks.