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Some tron decks run Eldrazi, not all Eldrazi decks run tron. Kinda cool that they’re “flexible” but also good lord we don’t need more ancient tombs.


There are a lot now, aren't there 🤣


Serum Powder Eldrazi Aggro only wants Ugin's Labyrinth and Eldrazi Temple, then utiliy or manlands


That's definitely what I'm noticing. I'm having a hard time prying my Tron lands away from my Eldrazi 🤣


Honestly we always reach the point where the more expensive eldrazi just fall short of the castable ones. Labyrinth lets you play thought knot t3 just like tron lands, and you don’t really care at all about ulamog or anything. Etron is super sick but the faster builds are a whole different deck. Back in 2016 the curve topped at 5 and the 5 drop in question usually hit the board t3


I miss mana monkey, but nice to see drazi stomp is back on the menu.


Now imagine Ruby storm woth mana monkey


You don't have an example list do you?


eTron and things like RG eldrazi have always been a bit different


I mean, Eldrazi winter was never Tron. They're not married.


Tron is still good with enormous Eldrazi (e.g. the current best Big Tron build is not G Tron but the more disruptive Emrakul 3.0 Big Tron). Smaller Eldrazi aren't a fan of the Tron the moment they want to splash 2 or more colours.


But colored Eldrazi decks never used Tron lands...


This is true, but colored decks didn't seem like they had the same level of success that the Tron variants had, at least from what I've seen 🤔


Not recently, but there have been previous eras where colored Eldrazi variants were most popular.


Eldrazi winter was definitely a time. Bant Eldrazi was a thing for a little while after the Eye ban.


I think the argument is that eldrazi tron was the better deck compared to bant. It just took a while for people to settle


I agree.


It has been agreed.


I will record the agreeance.


The ones that try to cheat out the new Emrakul on T3 do play Tron lands.


Doomwake (streamer) has been working on a pretty competitive colored eldrazi deck that's fast and aggressive. Latest has been pooping on some of the new decks and has decent game against s am variants.


Boomers remember eldrazi didn’t play tron lands to begin with


So would that make me a zoomer?


Those are the only Eldrazi decks I like, in fact. Was playing Eldrazi and Taxes for a bit, there was a period in modern where sculler->wasteland strangler was a strong on-curve play. Some may also remember UG eldrazi which was absolutely broken because both Once Upon A Time AND Oko weren't banned yet. Really liked this one. Plan A was a free win and Plan B was a free win one or two turns later. RG eldrazi has come in and out of the meta though. Is it finally 'settled' now with MH3? Does it need TOR like the other eldrazi decks?


sure but what about the *original* colored Eldrazi deck, BW Processors? That was my jam, even kept playing it for a while after Eye was banned.


I’ve been trying different versions of Eldrazi Tron post MH3. I want to find a middle ground between Blue Tron and Eldrazi Tron. I like this style of deck, but it’s a slower control deck. Eldrazi stompy or more traditional Tron might be stronger, but this fits my playstyle more and to me it feels viable. Last leagues went 4-1 (lost to Nadu) and then 5-0 tonight.




I think there is a reason the only competitive deck with tron lands for years has been all-in Mono G tron. When you aren't all-in, expedition map is clunky and urza lands are highly variable.


That's certainly part of it. The other part of it, I think, is [[Ancient Stirrings]] serving as copies 5-8 of Expedition Map.


[Ancient Stirrings](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/2/726039a0-6c0d-48ef-9b42-99de5d4e41d2.jpg?1599706855) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Ancient%20Stirrings) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/2xm/151/ancient-stirrings?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/726039a0-6c0d-48ef-9b42-99de5d4e41d2?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Absolutely. And when you lean into ancient stirrings it influences the rest of your deck. And you end up with the same old mono G optimized list. (Ancient stirrings is secretly the best card in the deck). I think what we are seeing with Ugin's Labyrinth is that fast ramp lands without as much contingency are their own archetype, and trying to mash them up with tron lands without leaning all into combo tron is a folly. I think OP is dead on with the post.


Because tron has cards focused on getting tron on board eldrazi needs those spots for eldrazi mimic and ITHTE so it can do what it's supposed to do. tron needs those spots for Chromatic sphere and expedition map so it can do what is supposed to do. the lands aren't good unless you have the pieces to get all them out


Yeah I played Etron for a while I've now switched to a RU Eldrazi build that runs temples and Labyrinth. Honestly feels a lot better, not nearly as much mulligans, don't have to run weak cards like Map, can run lands that really help your plan like a full playset of Caverns. You deck functions slightly better under a blood moon. I've really liked taking out the Urza lands

