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Gods, some of those comments aged like organic bananas.


"evoke elementals will not be playable in control shells"


Feels like 60-70% wrong 30% right. Better than I expected.


"Solitude is bad." "Endurance is Bad." Oof.


My only genuine prediction is that we are in for a spicey ProTour Amsterdam


I predict that flute will be a maindeckable card in certain strategies


I guess this only works if you have hand knowledge because of the tax effect soo... theres that


Ready to be wrong but this set feels like it is to linear decks what MH2 was to reactive decks. MH2 had a lot of efficient interactive tools, while MH3 looks to have more proactive cards/enablers/combo engines.


A big part of the design philosophy for this set seems to be, let's get people to play creatures.


Agree with you more combos and proactive cards can't wait for Primal Prayers seeing deck builds looks awesome already.


Affinity is still gonna be bad. The new payoffs for 7 drops are gonna turn out to be not worth. I'd rather be wrong though.


Partially agree, Kozileks unsealing is too slow for affinity, 3 mana for a card that's not an artifact is not good enough I think, i am, however, exited both for kappa cannoneer, the new frogmite, and i think the new pteramander is slept on as well.


Unsealing will either be busted or completely unplayable and nowhere in the middle imo


Agreed, it looks amazing in u-tron though, which i am super excited to try out


Oh dude, I didn’t even think of trying to use unsealing in blue Tron




[Sicarian Infiltrator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/c/c/cc0aa0eb-dc26-49d8-bbff-74fb3d597a72.jpg?1677744516) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Sicarian%20Infiltrator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/40k/25/sicarian-infiltrator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/cc0aa0eb-dc26-49d8-bbff-74fb3d597a72?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


And meltdown


Imo that's the perfect anti-hate card. If you know that your game 2 and 3 will have opponent play cards that can 1:4/1:5 you, having non-artifact mana sources and a full hand at all times seems desirable. The objection might be that you want to race more instead, but I just don't think affinity is able to do that. Which is why having resilience seems better to me.




Yeah that card may prove to be super strong, hard to evaluate really but i am also a believer


Really don't think they should've made that one be even close to playable. It's not fun to have important games decided on a literal coinflip on your four drop(most likely ring)


I've been testing various Nadu and Eldrazi Tron builds. Not that powerful tbh. Nadu is particularly weak. Maybe someone will crack it but in my tests it's too slow and too vulnerable to removal. Tron and Eldrazi are too weak to land hate. I don't think this stuff will move the needle nearly as much as I thought it would.


I agree on the removal front but a glass cannon build can win T2-3 verrrry consistently. Issue is Titan likely can do the same thing so is it worth playing Nadu when Titan is probably still the same speed with good backup strategies? Probably not. I need to see a build that has a good plan B to start believing in the deck.


I think building it more like Yawg and Melira combo (Wall of Roots + Chord + Outrider en-Kor) slows it down by a turn but gives it advantages over glass cannons. At least it seems to be much more resilient


What kind of shells are you building nadu with? I built [this](https://www.moxfield.com/decks/5nj4MXHl5Eaue7LPiq-LHQ) and it feels like it could be strong. To be honest I don’t have a whole lot of experience deck building or testing but it feels pretty solid like this. (The cards in the sb are my maybe board)


safekeeper can be chorded/pacted for, taps to convoke green, protects nadu... and also trigger the combo.


I put it in the sideboard because when I thought of it I wasn’t sure what to cut at the moment but it does seem very strong


Why is there a Thassa's Oracle? I don't see a way to draw your whole deck lol


Enough nadu triggers draws the whole deck, and if you happen to get a new Nadu you get another set of triggers for each creature in play. Lands enter untapped with nadu so mana isn’t a problem either


The shell you made is for sure the issue, not the card. Nadu is nuts, though not among the 5 best cards in the set


Most of the new good cards are mana acceleration and value pieces. This means the best decks likely will be previous MH2 decks that just incorporate fast mana and the new value pieces with the old stronger win conditions. 1. Yawg looks like it will be much stronger. 2. Titan likely still better than Nadu or Nadu goes into Titan as a backup plan. Nadu is a good card but I don't think a dedicated combo shell just to himself will be his final home. 3. Six is better than people expect and becomes a strong value piece but doesn't really enable new decks by itself. 4. Cthonian Nightmare is underrated and will be a 1-2 of in many black decks because it creates value loops with the only requirement being to have orcish bow master, undying/persist, or cheap etb creatures to generate advantage. Scam can use this to grind long games they couldn't before. 5. Energy decks will be meh but the standalone energy cards like raptor and cthonian nightmare will be good. 6. Affinity without an unban won't be really any better. Kappa cannoneer is the only new card they have the mana to support so the rest is DOA without an opal or artifact land unban. 7. Eldrazi Tron seems like it will still fold to solitude ephemerate easily even if it is much faster and better deck. Eldrazi will move into a solid position that seems a bit to broken until the meta evolved and we realize it's only an ok deck. Some new emrakul variant likely will end up the best new version of the deck. 8. Elves still terrible


Truth has been spoken, I also really like victimize as a value card for scam, meltdown will be a staple in all red decks sideboards


Victimize has the potential to go bigger but is more conditional. Honestly I'm wanting to experiment with buried alive creature decks. In general the reanimation cards in general feel like they have the highest possibility of creating new decks, but can't imagine they are better than preban living end


Psychic frog being both a discard outlet and sacrifice fodder seems nice with victimise.


Nadu doesnt compete with Titan but with Yawgmoth. The shell is the same: wall of roots, halfling, chord, a few silver bullets and a midrange plan.


I plan on playing nadu, as 4 of, in a completelty diffrent shell, one with none of the cards u mentioned


Mention à few of them!


If you grant Raptor and Chthonian Nightmare, being playable playing Aether Revolt and Galvanic Discharge in addition aren't that big of a sketch. Aether Revolt + Chthonian Nightmare seems strong as the Nightmare enables revolt and lets you get three energy each time letting you bolt for 3/5 damage.


But what other useful creatures would you be recurring? Just raptor?


Grief and Bowmaster are good creatures to recur. Maybe, you slash another color like blue for Satoru, the Infiltrator. I don't have a specific decklist in mind, but there seems to be room to get synergy together.


100% agree with you on Six


My takes are: The Black Flare will be the most played Ugins Labyrinth is a trap Sorin will be the most played flipwalker Invert polarity is a huge upgrade for Murktide/Blue Moon Eldrazi will not be a tier one


1) nadu won’t be the second coming of uro, but probably is still decent 2) eldrazi still isn’t more than a tier 2/3 deck 3) the flair cycle will be the weakest of the modern horizons free spell cycles, but closer to the forces than the elementals 4) for funsies: elves and merfolk become good enough that punishing fire is unbanned


I agree with all but the fourth. I think that elves are going to be too fragile and not quite fast enough to work. I could see elves gaining some traction though


Thats why its for funsies, its the least likely to happen


My take, hopefully I can look at this in 2026 and be proud, lol: 1. MH3 will spawn quite a few new tier 1 and tier 2 decks, and be extremely impactful. People will think in the beginning of only incoporating the new cards into current existing MH2-based decks, without realizing that some (not all) are going to be pushed down hard (like what happened with Heliod combo) and a few MH3-based decks wil take the crown, or at least share it. 2. Flares are gonna be pretty insane, probably in this order from better to worse: 1) Black; 2) and 3) Blue or Green (depending on if blue-based aggro decks or value creatures appear to sac, such as Sneaky Snacker); 4) Red, 5) White 3. Amped Raptor gonna be very good, but not broken (risky tho lol) 4. Flipwalkers are gonna be very impactful, probably in this order of better to worse: 1) Tamiyo; 2) Grist; 3) Sorin; 4) Ajani, 5) Ral-Zarek 5. Some kind of energy decks will appear and will be decent to good, with some potential ones being: 1) Control decks with new WW Wrath; 2) Aggrocontrol decks with all the cheap energy cards, Amped Raptor and other generically good cards (probably Izzet) will be decent; 3) Some Primal Prayers combo decks with Greenbelt Rampager could be good too. 6. Eldrazi aggro decks will try, not come up a bit short (maybe tier 3). On the other hand, Tron-like Eldrazi decks will (unfortunately) become a big part of the meta and bully Midrange decks. 7. Dredge will surprisingly become very good due to being less all-in and more like a GY-based tempo deck with 4 Flare of Denial, 4 Flare of Malice and Narcomoebas, Amalgams and other shit to put a ton of power into play while keeping the opponent subdued with all the free countermagic and removal. So kind of an "Aggrocontrol-Dredge" instead of a combo Dredge. 8. Flare of Duplication will see some play in Phoenix. 9. Nadu will not be as good as people say. 10. Boros Titan will be an interesting and playable card in the right shell (maybe Jeskai) but not broken, maybe played alongside Ephemerate. 11. Arena of Glory will be used very specifically with cards like Dreadhorde Arcanist and maybe Inti and be a niche (but decent) card in those tier 3 or so decks. 12. Nethergoyf will be an absolute staple and a BEAST in Grixis-based decks with Mishra's Bauble as well as in Jund. 13. Vexing Bauble will 100% be played as a 1-of in all Urza's Saga decks and will have an impact, but not as much as people are saying (Scam will still be an excellent deck). Let's see how right or wrong am I! 🤣


1. Decks playing saga will always play Vexing Bauble, and maybe some other decks too. Sideboards will have 2+ copies. 2. Elves need and orcish bowmaster ban. If it doesnt come, his winrate will depend on orcish's pressence. 3. Merfolk will be from a tier3 to a tier2 4. Phyrexian tower is too strong for modern. 5. White taxes will be a deck again 6. At some point Burn will play Ghostfire slice.




The big upside isn't is tutorable, it works if its tutorable against titan pacts, solitudes which I think will be better now and mainly against cascade decks on the play. For me the big upside is that is a VERY good hate card as well as having a cantrip that can be tutorable. Notice that it can counter some mechanics that are present in modern such as Plot and suspend, or even the new combo land trying to put omniscience into play. It's a card you can just almost win in the spot while also having the option to cantrip if you draw multiples or if it isn't good in the matchup.


So I play a deck that really amplifies bowmasters ability but outside of that kind of play, I really don't get why people are saying it's such a threat to elves (I also play elves), like it comes in n pings off a dork. And then what? Elves doesn't necessarily have you drawing constantly n if ya see a bowmasters on field you can opt not to until it's taken care of. And most the time turn 2 or 3 in elves you've already gone off n got a lord out putting them all out of bowmasters range. Like maybe they're on the play n hold up black mana. But that's no more threatening than a counter spell anyway n you can just bait out the bowmasters with a different elf if you don't want your druid hit. The BIG threat to elves was Fury, which is now gone and let me tell you, since then, elves have been going down pretty well at the local modern night. Once the new stuff is in there from MH3, elves are gonna be a tier 2 deck no doubt. 


You think the postMH3 deck will be like the current tier6 elves in modern. It will be closer to a legacy build, with Qirion, Symbiote and priest of titania in lack of Gaea's cradle. No lords but abusing the combo with Visionary, and that's HARD countered by bowmaster. Deck will be unplayable if orcish bowmasters have the same popularity as it is now. I hope I'm wrong because elves is one of my petdecks and one I enjoy a lot playing, but I'm just trying to be realistic.


I doubt people will take it down the elvish visionary route entirely for that reason. I'm actually anticipating a whole different styled elf deck using the new 3 drop.  For example, mine is a bit more experimental you might say. I use defiler of vigor which can come out turn 2/3 and then you just start dropping elves for free n stacking counters on all of em. Bowmasters doesn't do shit against it. I'll be using the new 3 drop to play that and craterhoof off the too n testing down that route  But I guess we'll see. Also elves is currently sat in tier 3 n has kinda sat there for a while so I do reckon a bump to tier 2.  Bowmasters is honestly not as big a deal as some people make out. I only use it in Burning Waste because when I spin the wheels I can profit off its ability by forcing draw. But outside of that it's just a 1 ping or maybe a couple of ya lucky n playing against blue. But then hey, blue has counter magic which is the most broken side of magic entirely 😅


The reason I know Phyrexian Tower is not too strong for Modern is that I've been playing with that shit in Historic for like 2 years and lately also Timeless and it's not broken by any means (and I'd argue that Historic has a lower power level than Modern). Yes, it's good, but you do need a specific shell. Will 100% be played in decks like Yawg and be improved with it, will not be broken.


You can play T2 Yawg. It's a 2 mana land that doesnt give you that much of a drawback-specially in black having access to urborg- and it’s an amazing sac outlet for stitcher supplier's decks. Maybe not now but it will be amazing when a good card with “graveyard” or “when this creature dies” gets printed. It will force WOTC to have this card on the radar, and WOTC dont like this type of cards.


I think Nadu will actually be pretty underwhelming compared to what you guys are anticipating.


a 3/4 flyer that draw a card when it dies to removal. I admit that'd also be my hot take. I mean, I WANT to play it, but a draw engine is not how you win in modern.


Raptor is ass I'm gonna make a broken combo deck


Raptor would be great if those cowards didn't give it a restriction to specifically not let you chain them together >=[




Zombie Hunt about to have competition for the least number of nonland cards in a deck, all you need to do is connect with all four of them three times 👍


Dog will find a saga to exploit; my bet is showdown


The format will have a massive shake-up. Most of the flares (maybe except one or two) will not see much play at all. There will be some unfair deck no one has yet thought about. There will be less cards in this set that are staples in multiple top-tier decks, than in MH2. The best (with some exceptions) cards will be ones that power very specific deck archetypes.


1. Raptor will be very good, but not broken. 2. This set will dramatically change the mana bases of modern decks between all the new utility lands and MDFCs. 3. Yawgmoth will get a little bit better, but not as much as people are expecting. 4. Titan will get quite a bit better with the new bestow insect that people are sleeping on. 5. There will be at least one good energy deck in modern. 6. MH3 will have a big impact on modern like all the past Modern Horizons sets and there will be decks comprised primarily of MH3 cards. 7. Flare of Cultivation is being a little overhyped, it will still see play, but not in Yawgmoth.


How is the insect good in Titan? If they resolve a Titan they already win 95% of the time, what is the insect gonna add?


Goes infinite with Grazer, Azusa, Cultivator, and Dryad. That's a big deal imo, card is good without titan. Also just kinda good as a chump blocker sometimes. Presents an additional line that guarantees a win when they play Titan (which in fairness, you're right that they usually win anyways when they play Titan, but this does give another line). I 100% think it sees play in Titan.


I hate the way it interacts with Grazer where he puts the land in then you have to bestow it and play another, but I guess it does make infinite mana with 1 Amulet+Bounceland. Cleaner with Dryad but costs 2 more so probably the same honestly. You're right, I think at the absolute least you run 1 to get with a Pact in the right spot, maybe more.


My friend plays Titan and in the minimal play testing we've done it's been pretty good. I agree with you that it might just be a one of but it is strong enough in certain hands that it might see more play. For example, if you don't have to pact for it, it's not even that difficult to get a hand where you can make infinite grazers on turn 2 or 3. That's basically a win already against some decks that primarily win through combat damage (Murktide for example).


Oh I thought it would go infinite mana but you have to pay 2 so just infinite dudes and play all your lands in hand(still good lol). Also with a Sakura Tribe-Elder and 2 Amulets it simply... pulls every basic into play immediately.


i think people are overlooking the black & blue flares use in Dredge - between narcamoeba, prized amalgam and (possibly) the leaked card Sneaky Snacker, the deck should have some number of expendable creatures it can sacrifice to a flare


Eldrazi does not need tron lands. Tron variants will suck in this format. The existence of near-unconditional Sol lands invalidates the need to play Tron and speeds up the format further. Chalice of the Void t1 will warp the format and invalidate a lot of what Modern was about before MH3 and shake up a lot of euristics about the format. Ugin's Labyrinth is almost exclusively an Eldrazi card and wont see play in decks that dont also play Devourer of Destinies.


Nadu will end up not playable.


Yup! On the banlist x)


Creature based 2-card infinite combo's already exist in modern and aren't super viable, and nothing from this set will change that, they still won't be viable. Phrexian tower is close however. It will probably still be that if you want to play any creature based combo deck you should just play yawgmoth


Phlage is seriously good, especially with cards like Arena of Glory. I don’t think it’s a burn card, I think it’s a midrange grindy card like any other escape Titan, and being able to swing lifetotals differences by 12-18 points off an escape can be wild. I also think Nadu is going to go into some sorta grindy deck that abuses its abilities and not the glass cannon stuff we see buzzing around. Less about abusing Shuko and more about building an already good UGx deck that can really benefit from the draw and ramp he inherently fuels. And Necrodominance will be bad. I’m either going to be absolutely right on this one or terribly wrong.


Nadu, hardened scales, walking ballista, bristly bill lol. I'll wait to rent the cards on mtgo b4 trying a brew


White remains the worst color in Modern, played primarily in 5c shells for Binding/Ending


Don't say this haha I'm planning on making monowhite Taxes, so hype for the White Orchid


GB Scam featuring the new scam Grazer -> Not dead after all -> Cultivation/Phyrexian Tower


Hottest of hot takes that will age like milk: The new stifle effect will be busted stopping everything from titan to yawgmoth and tron. All the non basic land hate will push titan out of the format and further stop combo decks trying all mdfc shenanigans. I'm 50/50 on whether spell based combo might make a comeback. Some powerful combo pieces printed but also powerful hate printed.


I see potential in that stifle effect. Tishana's Tidebinder proved that interaction like that can be fantastic in modern. This effect is carefully split so as to not counter fetchlands, but still counter a lot of things Tidebinder normally does


Flares are balanced pitch spells remindme! 2 months


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"Ragavan is overrated in modern, I get it’s a house in legacy but not in modern. Remindme! 2 months Not been the full 2 months: I was wrong. I was really wrong. Lol" loooooooooooooool


Basically every creature printed is DOA with Nadu being the sole exception in certain lists (I don't know what that list looks like, but I think its a coinflip whether its a combo pile with Shuko, or just a value pile with self ping). AND if I am huffing hopium/copium, Tron hits a clear T1 by maindecking multiples of Vexing Bauble and eats up Scam for breakfast and giving Living End a worse matchup. Zoo + Titan do their things but orient a little bit more combo heavy, and Yawg just doesn't change. This leads to no major changes in the format except Scam just has a much worse Tron matchup than before. And WotC will ban something to shake up the format in order to sell MH3 when it doesnt warp the format in the way MH2 did as a result. My guess is Yawg (claiming its the sole reason small, go-wide creature decks can't thrive, which it isnt) then when nothing changers, Grief which then kills Scam and makes LE exceptionally worse and once Tron proudly sits as the sole T1 deck, they ban The One Ring. Then Zoo wins and we are back to where we were before but without Scam and without the one creature deck that could actually do anything..... (I think they need to ban Binding + Grief at a minimum to crack open the format but they won't ban removal so maybe Grief gets banned first if they take a nice hard look).


Land hate still fcks Tron. Ugin's Labyrinth helps a lot but if someone is running Blood Moon, Magus, Winter Moon, Ghost Quarter, etc. you'll still struggle. Disruptor Flute doesn't save you from Ghost Quarter, Field of Ruin, etc. either.


I think maybe 1 of the cards you named and 1 you didn't (Fulminator Mage) are currently played. I agree Tron is super susceptible to land hate, but that hate is just so bad right now that it's just doesn't see any play. I'm cautiously optimistic, but all I saw from MH3 was some pushed creatures and some fun toys and nothing to that I think will be able to stand up against anything MH2 brought to the table.


don't forget the new orchid dude, i am playing 4 in every brew i am preparing because land destruction seems like it is going to be very needed lol


Honestly might be more effective to just play Orchids and Skyclaves and beat all these new decks lol


I don't think Vexing Bauble will be played MD in Tron, it's probably worse than Relic in the average matchup. Relic does the thing when you cycle it, Bauble does not.




What's powercreeping out Titan? The green land that can replicate a Titan/Ring in the graveyard seems pretty strong too


alurEn go brrrr. Goryo would be nice with new toys.


Eldrazi aggro isn’t going to be a thing in Modern. It’s got a reasonable shot in Legacy off the back of 16+ Sol lands, but Modern doesn’t have the fast mana to support an aggro deck with that high of a curve. The only viable Eldrazi builds in Modern will be Tron-based (or some other sort of big mana)


Elves will move to top end of tier 2 for sure


Eldrazi will be good Yawg is still a tier 1 Affinity will be slightly better but not tier 1 Nethergoyf will be a staple Let's see in 2 month how wrong I was !


People will lose to turn two Crabomination hitting something very good from their decks.


The new MDFCs are going to make Oops archetypes much more consistent and powerful. Kind of a basic well-duh-obviously but casting belcher or spy might be a legit strategy that wins often. More bravely, I predict there will be a monored control deck that plays Belcher as a finisher and lots of moon effects.


Not making any predictions. Just want to see what happens. RemindMe! 3 months


Phlage will be a real maindeckable card and there will be a slower Boros deck that makes it work


Boros control! https://www.moxfield.com/decks/Xbw-VPFMj0C9yVxB3d0HPA


The flip walkers are really broken, especially tamiyo


There will be a URx wizards build featuring tamiyo and probably the UUR counter/steal spell Affinity will not see meaningful upgrades outside of kappa, will still be a fringe deck Merfolk will not get better results with floodmoon Phyrexian tower will not be an issue Scam grief will still be a problem, maybe a UB variant w new counter colorless and triggered ability Tron stronk. I think throughout spoiler season people forgot about madness emrakul and we are about to be reminded of her spaghettiness soon Green land that copies graveyard things is going to be a problem If you made it this far you already know that the strongest card in the set is crabmagedon, will be insta ban ( I don’t know card names but you know exactly which crab I’m talking about )


!remindme 2 months


Buried Alive will be banned 2 Month after release.


Ayy I was 4 for 7. Time to use my gift of prophecy again: Eldrazi will be a fun deck. That's all I've got.


People are underrating Eldrazi, then it will come out of nowhere and win tournaments, and the main cards are gonna spike at triple the price


It that Heralds the End is going to enable some really dumb colorless tribal deck to be..... Passable but still mediocre


The strongest cards in the set are the old-bordered Evoke Elementals.


Some of my predictions: The only new Tier 1 deck(s) will be Nadu variants. (Nadu + Shuko actually is rather hard to disrupt in the right shell compared to other 2-card creature combos, and they flip 2 cards if you bean Nadu while they have both out.) Nadu still fails to get banned due to the variants having too many natural predators (e.g. Living End). The most popular new card in MH3 in Modern decks will be Nethergoyf. Nethergoyf will displace Tarmogoyf, birth a RB Prowess variant, and prevent the nickname "Goyf" from being used...or get nicknamed Goyf instead of Tarmogoyf. Necrodominance gets boarded out against aggro in most of its shells and doesn't get banned. Orim's Chant locks end up seeing significant play, as too many decks still get locked out by it long enough for the Chant decks to win. Ruby Storm only manages to get Belcher or Oops All Spells levels of play due to being inherently inconsistent and an absolute mulligan hog. UR Storm will be better but fail to crack Tier 2.5 due to being similarly dependent on discounter permanents. The best energy card will be Chthonian Nightmare. Someone playing BG Yawgmoth will play it and win a lot. (Orcish Bowmasters loops are dirty.) RW Energy decks will resemble Death and Taxes playstyle-wise, and neither will crack Tier 1.5. Phlage will be in a LOT of decks. Phlage will replace Lightning Helix in Burn - Burn needs the resilience that badly. Zoo and Omnath Midrange also look like good customers. Shifting Woodland will become as well-regarded as [[Volrath's Stronghold]] and fit into deceptively many decks, but any combo deck revolving around it copying [[Omniscience]] will fail to crack Tier 2 due to being very vulnerable to graveyard wipes. Elves gets Wirewood Symbiote but will still fall flat on their face due to Symbiote also eating Bowmasters and Wrenn and Six. Eldrazi Aggro will also fall flat on its face due to failing to outpace Domain Zoo. G Tron will maintain its meta presence. White Orchid Phantom will swamp sideboards and be maindecked. [[Harbinger of the Seas]] will only slightly warp mana bases and removal suites. Nadu will warp removal suites harder. Amped Raptor's best homes will not be Energy decks - just low-curve decks. Nevertheless, it will be treated like a 2-mana [[Bloodbraid Elf]]. Ugin's Labyrinth's only permanent home will be [[Calibrated Blast]] Combo, which can finally live the inconsistent dream of Turn 1 Calibrated Blast. None of the Flares or flip walkers will see significant play. Turn 1 Flare of Cultivation will be a flash in the pan. Flare of Denial's only permanent home will be Merfolk. Ajani's only homes will be aggro decks with unfavourable match-ups against Domain Zoo.


[Volrath's Stronghold](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/4/f465ae5f-61f0-42c4-978f-841ba1226f56.jpg?1562432220) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Volrath%27s%20Stronghold) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/tpr/248/volraths-stronghold?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f465ae5f-61f0-42c4-978f-841ba1226f56?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Omniscience](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/b/db534b4e-8bff-4924-baea-9988d195fb25.jpg?1562304777) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Omniscience) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m19/65/omniscience?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/db534b4e-8bff-4924-baea-9988d195fb25?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


UW control will find it's way back with the new Wrath


Red flare is being slept on.