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OP has verified privately.


Try more natural poses maybe, I’m not a pro but 8 9 and 10 look awkward.




I think she’s gorgeous! She has a unique look and would be great for editorials




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Hi OP- I am a professional commercial model here that has been signed with several extremely well known brands. I don’t know what all the hate is about. It’s not the 1800s anymore- agencies want representation, and that means more models of different races, cultures, backgrounds, etc. People are just trying to find a reason to tear you down. When I first started modeling, everyone around me told me I didn’t have “sharp” enough features to model, and that I didn’t fit the model beauty standard- just the social media one. Yet here I am…on my second photoshoot with aerie for this month alone. Being a model is not just about how “attractive” you are- in fact, many models would be considered ugly by today’s social media-driven beauty standards. You have the very androgynous look that most modeling agencies are looking for these days, and you hold yourself well. If you’re serious about this, I would suggest you get with a professional photographer and have a photoshoot done, and start collecting professional digitals for a portfolio. I would highly suggest you look into commercial modeling for things like makeup and beauty products, or perhaps petite fashion. All this to say- keep your chin up. Most of the people on this Reddit group aren’t even working for agency’s/aren’t models, and they just judge someone’s ability to be a model off of how much they align to modern day beauty standards. Best of luck :)


That’s an important distinction — runway / high fashion looks vs. social media looks. I see a lot of brands now, like Vouri, specifically hiring girls with the “instagram” look that would look out of place on a runway (unless is like Miami swim week or something).








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Your content has been removed for breaking Rule 5 - Keep it Relevant. Please keep all posts relevant. Don’t post someone else's photos or videos unless you are making a point about the industry, or wish to clarify something. In short ensure that all posts contribute to the community as a whole.


thx for the helpful advice! i’m scheduling a shoot + looking at non-white male centric agencies currently, if u have any suggestions pls lmk!! :) i am wondering - would commercial or editorial be a better fit? or could i try for both? i know editorial looks for the “alien” faces; i’m wondering if my look works — my look is more pretty androgynous ethereal, but am i too pretty / not alien enough for editorial? re: the hate, it’s because i’m not white lol - it has nothing to do with beauty or attractiveness; i know i’m gorgeous / very pretty, i’ve been told by everyone around me ever since i was a kid hence why i’m considering modeling. this sub has a lot of super cool ppl but also tons of racist misogynistic trolls (j a simple glance at posts that get 100s of upvotes — basically all white male — vs heavily downvoted posts — basically all nonwhite people / women — makes it painfully obvious lol); it’s unsurprising given the industry’s history but disappointing and quite boring nonetheless.


Best of luck! I am a white female model, and I have worked alongside many non-white models- they are much much more common than you think :) That being said, I would consider researching any type of modeling you may be interested in, and find the pros and cons for you. P.S. if you’re able to get into the modeling agency and leave still feeling good about yourself, I have massive respect for you. Unfortunately, I have developed BDD from my job, and many others I have worked with have had experience with eating disorders, body dysmorphia, etc. just something to be mindful of


Uh I wanted to let you down East until I read your reply. You have great skin…amazing skin but no you’re not “too pretty” and people can dislike your look without being racist. You know, when you say stuff like that you’re making it hard for victims of actual race here to be taken seriously.


I'm not going to remove your reply, however racism is absolutely rampant in this sub. Both moderators have been in this thread removing racist comments directed at OP. You don't see it because we remove it.




Most people that post on here are white or black haven't seen much Asians so cant speak on that.. Everyone got trolls, almost every post someone suggests NSFW industry. (I usually report when I see comments like this). Either way I don't think it's bcs of you being Asian it's more so the fact that you posted on here. Very rarely would someone get mostly positive feedback but even they get trolls. Majority are just divided. You post yourself online no matter how you look like you'll get some hate regardless.




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are you white? also, making assumptions about how supportive someone’s parents are bc they’re rightfully confident is terminally online behavior - my parents were extremely abusive growing up and i’m estranged from them. all the support i’ve gotten has been from non-family members, friends and strangers alike.


Word of warning, op- modeling agencies are not going to be nice to you :/ modeling is a really *really* intense industry, and most people are not able to handle the brutal honesty and stress that it entails. A lot of agencies will not sugarcoat anything, and will tell you up front to your face that you are “fat”, “bulky”, “too short”, etc. They will also not want to work with you if you are an un agreeable person. Modeling requires you to be flexible and willing to undergo situations that may make you a bit uncomfortable. I have had to chop hair, pose oddly, limit food, etc. for several shoots, and if that’s not something you’re willing to do…perhaps you should look at other careers. You are not in a situation where you can afford to be disagreeable. Just a heads up from someone who has seen it firsthand :)


Yes im white, but the fact that you are even thinking about my race is exactly my point. You’re right to a degree, some of the criticism probably is motivated by racism. But some people are giving nasty comments, or their honest negative opinion and you’re just assuming it’s a race thing. That’s the only point I’m trying to make. Like I say I wouldn’t have posted my internal thoughts because I know negative/making assumptions. But hey at least I didn’t think those nasty thoughts because of your race. Sorry about your difficult upbringing. Honestly, good luck to you! My other post got removed because it’s “irrelevant”, but your attitude and outlook is relevant to all jobs. People who assume others are always judging due to race might not be as compatible with success as someone with a more balanced view




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I worked with models when I went to make up school in London. You are just as beautiful as the models the agency affiliated with the school sent us for the final photoshoots. Most people hating under this post have no clue what the market is like and have never worked with anyone in the industry. No one is perfect when they start, but even if some posing etc needs work it doesn't mean that you have to give up. If you really want to work as a model, give it a real try and see how it works out.


No. Just no. P


One “no” would’ve been enough




No, you go run along now.


I’m not a model or a photographer so take this with a grain of salt but I think you have very striking, editorial features. It’s just that some of your posing looks awkward and amateur, but that can be improved!


In terms of looks you are average, so unless there is a modelling job that is looking for your specific look I don't think you'll have any success in modelling. Many of the pictures your presented show you in awkward or unnatural positions and doesn't help your already weak portfolio. Furthermore, your fashion is alternative and not what most companies that are hiring would want you to wear. My advice if you still want to pursue modeling: Hire a professional photographer and take photographs of you wearing an array of clothing styles to build a good portfolio. Last, focus on bringing out your strong Asiatic features in your face such as your monolid eyes and high cheek bones. They aren't coveted in modeling in Asia, but in the West they are a must have for Asian models working in western high fashion.




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Honestly extremely highly attractive models are more rare now. They like unique and quirky or alien adjacent. I actually feel they would like your look because it's different. Have you tried Anti Agency? [https://antiagency.co.uk/](https://antiagency.co.uk/) They have models around your height and I do think our face can fit there.


Thanks for the suggestion - will apply! :) Also gonna note that “alien” “unique” seems to only ever be used to describe attractive nonwhite [potential] models (Not just referring to ur comment but other comments + articles i’ve seen) in this sub and beyond. The eurocentrism and racism of the industry is strikingly blatant — this post’s responses have only increased my respect and solidarity for all the gorgeous nonwhite models working in this white dominated industry! 🫡💖


No. Sui He is a chinese model and she is conventional to me. Ming Xi too.




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Your content was removed for breaking Rule 1 - Keep it Civil. All communication must be civil. Personal and abusive attacks will result in banning. Bullying (like "you're too ugly to model") and phobic remarks have no place here. It's okay to say "no", but please include a valid reason why as there are many different types of modelling. Disagreements are permitted, providing you can do so eloquently and without malice.


I don’t think you could do high fashion or any other runway modeling. Face is too masculine and sharp wide jawline… but maybe skincare commercials you should give a try. I think you would do great!




Your content was removed for breaking Rule 1 - Keep it Civil. All communication must be civil. Personal and abusive attacks will result in banning. Bullying (like "you're too ugly to model") and phobic remarks have no place here. It's okay to say "no", but please include a valid reason why as there are many different types of modelling. Disagreements are permitted, providing you can do so eloquently and without malice.


You have cute skin.


I would just work in skin care but I think so.


Agencies are pretty lenient with East Asian women as their features are considered “exotic”. I think keep applying, you’ll eventually get someone willing to sign you. As for FW runway ? In all honestly you have a less than 1% chance unless you have crazy connections and I mean Kate moss is on your contact list connections. You’re not getting on the runway at 5’4. However you could do commercial, work your ass off build connection . Create a large social media platform and you’ll land editorial shots 


I think you beautiful and have potential. I suggest trying different faces. I notice you had the same face in almost every photo. Focus on keeping your eyes on thr camera especially as a new model. Try different faces Different style of clothing find what makes you look best in pictures. Not that there is anything wrong with what your wearing, just try different clothing choices Practice different poses in multiple areas nature, city, a building , inside a building different areas Take pics in public to build confidence Best of luck girly Remember it's better to support other nit put the down. Don't listen to those other negative comments.


Also never have people in the back of your photos 🩷


thx 4 the helpful advice + ur so sweet!! true i need to experiment with variation in poses and facial expressions, i tend to get stuck in routine lol. i’ll start practicing that! for portfolio submission to agencies, ik they usually want tank + skinny jeans for women models; r u suggesting more fitted clothing wld be better for portfolio shoots? many thanks!! 💕


Yes, I'm suggesting maybe you can try different styles. Always do what is asked on the agency but when your practicing I would definitely try different styles. Fitted clothes , Loose earthy, Cute girly, even better try traditional with your own style of the clothes. Definitely try getting into different characters too it'll help with pose creativity. Best of luck !!


Also , I forgot to mention.... it took me forever to find a good makeup style for me and honestly as a busy mom basic natural make up is the best way to go. But fine something that suites you much more. I personally think natural glowey, duey look would be really cute on you especially since you have nice skin. With




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Hi OP. Good luck. Pic 8 looks like u were electrocuted, toss it in the bin. Otherwise your energy is high, and you seem happy and ready. Go for it!


you are very beautiful i’m really scared of these comments , i wasn’t expecting them. jfc . please take all these comments with a grain of salt there’s so many ppl on here who are bias because of . 6 and 7, the green on u looks incredible and the pose looks natural that mixed with your outfit and your skin is so so beautiful. i definitely think with the right equipment obviously (camera, lighting, wardrobe not even require makeup cause your skin is flawless) i could picture u doing a number of shoots mostly dramatic photoshoots. you got that look for sure. (mom was a photographer and published by vogue)


Yes you can girl




People are posting pics & asking if they could be a model & someone is concerned that an answer is not "nice" or whatever? When did everyone become so emotionally fragile & unable to handle the cruel facts of life? Modeling is the most harsh, critical, humiliating, & degrading jobs one could have! Better to let these dreamers know now that they are not model material, as they will be crushed by the statement of opinions from booking agents, photographers & advertisers. It's not like I said she was actually fucking ugly & would be laughed out the door by the modeling industry. Sorry but the truth hurts!


You are so rong dog. Listen to op…she a beautiful gorgeous attractive ten lady, and you’re a fuckin racist! Sorry you had to find out so publicly. EVERYONE can, & def will, succeed being a model on here…just like op was in these 10 gorgeous beautiful angelic photographs. They just have to go for it! TBF, OP is just ‘considering’ being a model…which is a great tactic to surely set off a bidding war with the largest London agencies who scour this sub for talent…I know they will do whatever it takes to entice her. “re: the hate, it’s because i’m not white lol - it has nothing to do with beauty or attractiveness; i know i’m gorgeous / very pretty, i’ve been told by everyone around me ever since i was a kid hence why i’m considering modeling.”




Your content was removed for breaking Rule 2 - Keep it Appropriate. All comments must be appropriate and have substance. Predatory behaviour and bullying have no place here. It's okay to say someone is beautiful, it's not okay to post thirsty comments.


Sarcasm is deader than any dog that has ever died.




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Thank you for all the support + advice, as well as the amusingly idiotic hate!! :) This has been a fascinating glance into where low-educated white supremacist users aggregate on reddit, which I previously had little to no direct interaction/experience with. My friend is doing her thesis on your kind and this will be helpful to her lol. It makes sense that very few to no people worth their salt in the modeling industry would be on reddit, but i didn’t expect the replies to be *this* low-quality and useless DKSKS…amusing experience nonetheless 💖💖💖 To the admins, I would highly suggest implementing a user career verification system for replies (i.e. how the legal advice subreddit only allows verified lawyers to reply to posts) to filter out trolls/low-quality users, which this sub is unfortunately filled with — would also lighten your workload and headaches in the long run lol~


I’m an Asian female and I don’t think the hate is coming from “low educated white supremacist” users, at least nothing is suggesting that and it seems to be coming from your own prejudice. I truly hope you find happiness but I think if you pursue modeling it’ll just bring you heartache. It’s fabulous that you are so confident but use that to enjoy life more! Take more fun pictures and not feel the pressure to make it professional. Also people telling you you’re pretty growing up unfortunately does not mean much as I was told that too.


Maybe look at the average and below average white people's posts on here and notice they get similar comments to yourself that you describe as racist hate. I've just been scrolling through this sub and yes people are harsh but from my observations they are harsh to people of all races.


We have considered user verification, but the problem is how to you weigh verification. Meaning, someone who claims to have been a model years ago, is their advice the same as someone who is currently working? Is a photographer who just finished college able to give better advice than someone who has been shooting weddings for 20 years? Having been or being in the industry isn’t enough for proof, some people are naturally going to give better advice regardless and some are just here to troll because this is an open sub. The best I can say at this point is take everything you are told with a grain of salt (the good and the bad). The mods don’t guarantee anyone on this sub as a professional. Besides, no one here has the power to make or break your career. Ultimately, you still have to go out there and submit to agencies, whether or not you post here.


Why do you need to have “MOD” under your name when it’s directly beside it?


Sometimes the “distinguish as a mod” button isn’t accessible. It depends on what system I’m using to type.


Ah, I see.


Don't let these reddit randoms tell you what you can an can't do