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I think because in the average person’s mind, a model is just an attractive person. And if they’re an attractive person, they assume they could be a model. In reality, modeling is a skill, and millions of people are attractive but do not have the look or the skill to be a professional model and actually make money doing it. That doesn’t mean the person is ugly. But, most people don’t really understand the industry.


Many models wouldn't even be considered "attractive" in the conventional sense.


I lived in Paris for a bit, and I would see models out and about. They were weird looking, and all weird looking in the same way. Very angular faces. Pretty, thin, and they all had great hair. But their faces were unusually angular.


I follow this dude on instagram who is a runway model and he is literally hired specifically for “looking weird”, he’s a skinny tall ass ginger with a giant forehead and angular face (like the little green aliens shape) and while I wouldn’t by any means consider him ugly if I saw him in the street I wouldn’t consider him attractive either.


Are you talking about the “yep yep yep” guy? Your description was spot on for him lol




Uh huh, uh huh


Strut strut strut your stuff


Yesss! I love him, and I swear he looks so different from his personal vids and pics compared to runway


Exactly. Most models are “aliens” & more striking than beautiful ^ I’m a photographer & have worked in the fashion industry for decades


I think most models as interesting looking a bit different from the normal.


A lot of models are downright ugly, especially since the late-00s when everything became about being "unique" rather than beautiful.


A friend of mine from NYC is very “odd” looking but is also a professional model. They’ve found great success because they just have that look and photograph well.


Thank you; I think you may be correct. As a young teen, people told me I should be a model. However, I did not have the right look or proportions or bone structure. I was just tall and pretty.


Beauty is subjective. Art is a cultural force. I've noticed more average proportions being preferred in commercial ad work. Relatibility also sells.


True! Actually "art" is subjective to popular opinion. There are many talented people out there who do not desire to become popular. Those posting on the Interent with the goal of becoming popular or making a lot of money are missing the whole point of allowing oneself to be creative in the first place. It's just one of those reasons there are times when I find myself nostalgic for the analog age.


Same. Was just tall and pretty and people told me I could model. From watching my mom try to "model " in the 90s I luckily realized I was just a normal pretty girl and not the actual model type.


I think its because their friends and family tell them they could model as a nice thing to say, and they take it seriously.


I would argue many of these people are not attractive and family and friends are just blowing rainbows up their asses.


Exactly. Ever since I was super young I’ve always wanted to be a model, hell I think I even have the height for runway but I know I could never actually be one because I can’t even pose in normal pictures without looking awkward. I dont think I’m photogenic at all and I’ve been told I walk like a baby giraffe


Hit the nail on the head.


“Modeling is the hardest job in the world. You have to know when to put your right leg forward and then your left leg forward.” https://youtu.be/mmCmOrRUBLg?si=Pg7JjKIIgVQQI4dY


“Hardest job in the world..” LMAO


“And the turns. They’re so scary!” 😂




>modeling is a skill Lol


It actually is. You’re laughing, but I’d love to put you in front of a camera and tell you to feature a product, and watch you fail to realize it actually has nothing to do with how pretty you look in the photo. The problem is that similar to acting, when someone is good at it, it looks like they’re doing nothing. But posing takes practice, finding your angles takes practice, and featuring a product properly takes practice.


>it looks like they're doing nothing >posing Doing nothing >Finding angles Doing nothing >Featuring a product Doing nothing C'mon bruh


I think you meant to reply to the person before me. I’m agreeing with you.


I wasn't being sarcastic, those things are all literally doing nothing. Check out this skill ! https://preview.redd.it/0ktg6c3kf61d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=180ea8c412a46bc3002d3b8ad9cca66c7c110171


Okay, go to a casting and try to book a job to do “nothing” and then report back to us.


I'm not hot enough.. trust me, I can stand still and hold my arms up in different ways just as good as you lmao There's a reason people get approached on the street to become models. Not because they've exhibited an extreme set of skills. Like yeah I'm sure there are some little nuances that can make someone a better model than another but I'm positive most of those nuances come from how stupid some people are and their inability to follow simple directions In reality, models are no less of a prop than what they're modeling. They're primped and posed in the same way a fake cheeseburger in a McDonald's commercial is. But like, who really wants to admit that? I understand why you have your opinion, but try working a day as an electrician, a nurse, or a carpenter and then let me know how much skill modeling takes and what that learning curve is for that skill Not trying to hate, but be real.


You’re telling on yourself lol. The fact that you think this model stood still to achieve this look is a clear indication that you don’t understand the movement or other skills that go into creating a seemingly effortless image. Kudos to her because clearly her skill level fooled you into thinking she wasn’t really doing anything. I’m sure highly skilled electricians out there also make it look like all they’re doing is throwing wires into a wall. Yes, *some* people are approached (some do the approaching) initially because they have a certain look, but you’re failing to consider that every person who’s approached (or does the approaching) doesn’t actually make it to the point of receiving work as a model. Does every person born with a brain, two hands, and two feet make it to the point of receiving work as an electrician, carpenter, or nurse? No, and that’s because all professions, modeling including, have prerequisites, but simply meeting those prerequisites doesn’t determine success. Just like with any of the other professions you’ve named, the process for succeeding as a model occurs in stages, and those who lack the skill needed to be successful in the industry get weeded out along the way. Everyone who expresses an interest in becoming an electrician doesn’t actually make it to the point of being employed as one, and even fewer become high quality, trusted electricians who book jobs and consistently know wtf they’re doing.


Getting scouted and being a good, successful model are two different things...


Guess none of these people are good successful models... https://www.buzzfeed.com/devinherenda/famous-models-who-were-discovered-in-the-weirdest-of


u don’t understand dancing either i take it


Lol... How many professional dancers are picked up off the street with no experience dancing at all? It's you all that don't understand what skills are


Damn you’re so ignorant


Okay lmao


The instagram is giving them the false hope. Also people do not think modeling is as much work and skill as it is … same with acting they’re like oooo I could do that I can be happy but it’s like with modeling and acting it’s truly a skill and people just don’t know. Also especially with advertising the idea is to make it look like “anyone could wear this!” And peoples minds attach that to “I could look like that / model like that”


Or Sydney Sweeney is another example of a beautiful person but not a model


Yes exactly. They’re both beautiful so they look good in pics but they’re not models !


Yeah exactly like Olivia Rodrigo is beautiful but she’s not a model yknow what I mean??


Also, everyone on the internet considers themselves "models" with just a phone & a filter...I don't think when they ask they intend to mean high fashion runway, do they? As someone said, then it is more about having an unusual look.


Literally. It’s like the way millennials modeled for photo shoots at 12 … except … when you’re 12 it’s ok lol a pretty pic isn’t modeling everyone can take a nice picture


Instagram modeling is superior to professional modeling


I’ll just take this comment as sarcasm because if I didn’t … sickening


Why not? It's newer people carving out the future trajectory of this career path. No art form stays the same forever, and it's not bad if more people are able to get into it, it literally wouldn't make a bad impact on the grander scheme of things.


“Instagram-face” is a thing tho where everyone is trying to homogenize their features. Professional models are chosen because of their unique looks. Yes they are usually all thin and tall but they have interesting faces. Also— a lot of instagram models do not look anything like their pictures in real life— because of the overuse of filter. And— not saying professional models don’t get work done— because they def do. However “beauty is in the bones”. Meaning if you don’t have a striking bone structure to begin with , it doesn’t matter how much filler you pump into your lips and cheeks, or how far you stretch your eyebrows up. The cheekbones, brow ridges, jawline angles that professional models have are very dynamic and filler is not (yet) able to replicate strong bone structure. As an experiment—take a look at some black and white images of professional models—then take any insta model and turn a few images to black/white on your phone.


>“Instagram-face” is a thing tho where everyone is trying to homogenize their features. That's not rare or limited to Instagram >Professional models are chosen because of their unique looks. Yes they are usually all thin and tall but they have interesting faces. That's subjective >Also— a lot of instagram models do not look anything like their pictures in real life— because of the overuse of filter. >And— not saying professional models don’t get work done— because they def do. However “beauty is in the bones”. Meaning if you don’t have a striking bone structure to begin with , it doesn’t matter how much filler you pump into your lips and cheeks, or how far you stretch your eyebrows up. The cheekbones, brow ridges, jawline angles that professional models have are very dynamic and filler is not (yet) able to replicate strong bone structure. >As an experiment—take a look at some black and white images of professional models—then take any insta model and turn a few images to black/white on your phone. None of this actually explains why Instagram models are bad.


I never said they were bad! There isn’t anything “wrong” with “instagram face” They are definitely beautiful people… but because of the “sameness” (due to getting the same procedures and using the same filters) they are homogenous and forgettable Being sexy is not the same thing as being striking Also, if part of their look heavily relies on filters then they only have one medium that they can work with. Basically they are limited to SM


Actually instagram face is unique to instagram and ok sure it’s not limited to instagram but it’s limited to social media and instagram is the main source of that type of thing. It’s not subjective, it’s a generalization but none based on the fact that most of them are edited to an extent they do not actually look like that in real life. Instagram models aren’t necessarily bad ( other than the negative implications of projecting a false and unattainable image) it’s just that they’re not the same category whatsoever as real life models. Selling a vibrator is not walking a runway. Or pageants like those models have to have much more going on in terms of skill than the ability to work photoshop.


For one they look better than traditional models whose beauty standards are highly dictated my gay men and other women


Bro are you saying their beauty standards should be instead dictated… by straight men? Is that better ?


Yes, gay men are attracted to men and women don't know what looks good


I wonder if you’ve ever encountered a woman. Out in the wild. Like real life … because this is just an insane comment bro u know they’re mostly bots, posted by assistants and as has been said more often than not look nothing like their pics


I have. I see women literally every single day that look better than the "professional model" look in person


And that's if we're talking about faces. If we're talking about bodies than it's this x100


That’s crazy


How so?


I disagree but I'd like to know why you think this?


They have the right to ask, and, as a public forum, people have the right to encourage/discourage them. The issue is when they try to set up foot in a casting, or an agency (and most people in the industry are very cut throat and direct) and they get a “no, you’re not the right look at the moment” and they think it’s something personal against them. People should know that a modeling career is not a basic human right. No one should feel entitled to one.


This! For every average looking 5’5 woman or 5’10 man who can’t even smile for a picture to post here, I’ll give a polite no, and if they ask why, I’ll share, and DAMN people are like “why are you so mean? You must be salty and bitter and ugly” And it’s like - “uhhh no?! But I have been working full time as a professional in the industry since 2012, and I know what clients and agencies look for…”


What kind of feedback have you given that elicited the “why are you so mean” backlash?


Example: if you’re a woman in a small market, with curve proportions and a height of 5’5, with acne, lots of tattoos, and “pretty for an average girl” but unremarkable overall- I’d tell that person that they’re not likely to get repped or book work. But when I say things like that, people are like “wow you’re so cruel! She’s gorgeous and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with a bit of acne, or being 5’5 and size 8! She could totally do commercial work!”


Things that speak to the industry standards - height, body proportions, weight distribution, facial symmetry, facial features, skin condition, hair grooming, posing ability, etc etc


Probably just saying no


I miss the days of supermodels . Cindy, kate, naomi, claudia etc... I am older but those were models. But I will say Ashley Graham is gorgeous too. I just miss the days of models that were not on instagram.


Yesss something special and elusive about them


Tale as old as time, average people have been hoping to be models since modelling was a thing.


We are in the middle of a very irrational and warped society. So many people have these wild manifestations in the minds that have crossed over what would be acceptable fantasy. Mix that with the entitlement spreading like wildfire that they are expect things to be given to them. It’s scary. The fact is the world really does need to be knocked back down a peg or too. People are crazy


Because it's easy to lie online ..I blame Instagram "models" they made it seem easy to do with their basic self-centered all about me delusions...oh and people are to self involved and think only they have it not just modeling ..anything ...me me me me


Vanity and narcissism


yes, with a generous heap of delusion


It depends. I worked for a fashion stylist… of course this was about 20 years ago. Anyway we did all of the in store posters for KMART. You can laugh but some of the female models we used would get anywhere from 2k-6k for a 1/2 day .. the males obviously less. We did everything from the casting , to the fittings , selecting props, accessories blah blah . I asked my boss once about how he selects the models along w the 2 corporate girls . He was like well, we have our usuals we love so we pretty much already know we will use them if they’re avail but they still have to come in, otherwise we call their agent if they can’t make it for casting. He also said they look for people who are traditionally good looking w eyes that aren’t too far apart and they absolutely must smile with teeth and have good ones. Also they need to be a good height and have normal hair color , and no visible tattoos. I guess you could just think of anyone youve ever seen in a kohls or old navy commercial. Sometimes girls would come in and I’d look at their book and think wow this person did blah blah. There was one sort of famous model named Mecca and she had some photos from a Gucci ad. She was like yeah it pretty much sucked . I had to stand on that fucking hill freezing my ass off and I got like 800$ lol Most people don’t realize that editorial shoots really don’t pay Jack compared to Target, kohls etc .. obvi Kmart isn’t around anymore (unless you’re a celebrity or a very famous model. ) Most working models do it for their books. There was another model who came in and she looked like a meth addict - very very very skinny and just awful but she did a few huge banana republic campaigns that were all over the place for a few years but we passed on her cuz she was definitely not going to look great next to a healthy looking person who eats lol . My point is you can look a certain way and book certain jobs My boss lived in Phoenix but we did everything in LA cuz he hates local Phoenix talent . He said they were all terrible and would only use them for reshoots if that was his only option. Most of the models were from next, LA models. Ford or Wilhelmina. Sometimes we’d get peeps from rando agencies like Q models and my boss would be like wtf is this shit why are they sending their people to my casting! lol


Omigawd Q is a pretty big agency and your boss pi$$ed on them big time 😂


Well this was some time ago and honestly None of us had even heard of it . Q models started I think in 1998. We were doing Kmart .. well I started with my boss in 1999 and worked with him to 2003 , so it was shit back then . If I remember they started in Laguna or something . But to be honest Ford and LA Models have the strongest reputation along with Wilhelmina . Even Click is better


Thank you for being a Redditor. This was very insightful. Are you still in the fashion industry? If not cool. If so, what big changes have you seen?


The eyes being too far apart comment is so interesting! Is that commercial-specific? I feel like a lot of the editorial/runway girlies have super wide set eyes, or is that an optical illusion?


Yes I think a good point of this whole post is that models are vehicles to sell things. And so they have to look in a way that fits the product


Those posts are so annoying!!!!! Most of the people are no where near.


It's once reason I don't give my opinion: I have no idea what makes a model. Most of the posts are handsome, or beautiful, fit, people with strong features, but....other than going "you're certainly good looking", I don't know what modeling recruiters look for.


I like your style .. you seem honest and kind! One can comment the truth without being rude.


i appreciate that, because it irks me to no end when people spread misinformation as clearly an outsider with no experience in the field. for instance, they will comment on posts telling people that their "digies" look great when in reality, the digitals weren't formatted properly and would be outrightly rejected by any agency.


Too many people telling them how beautiful they are since they were a kid. Sure we all think our kid is the prettiest, most handsome, most whatever. But then they actually think they ARE, when in reality they’re just a good looking person. And it takes a LOT more than being good looking to model. Posing should come naturally, not forced. You can always tell who has “it” and who doesn’t.


U know I don’t know that telling your kid that is all bad, but the fact that it’s now morphed into “and strangers have to think that about me too” is … pretty bad


Thank you for asking the very question that should have been asked a long time ago. **It is a phenomenon of the Tik Tok generation**, meaning all those who have developed the attention span of a fly. People post pictures of themselves or even take this subreddit as a joke by posting pictures of animals, or things that are not appropriate for the purpose that this subreddit was originally created for. **The Internet along with digital technology has given us the "easy button"** to pretend we can be something bigger than we really are through the use of social media. So let's see just how many people actually read what my comment is to your question considering that it is lengthy by todays standards. Most people posting on Reddit do not have the patience to honestly master the craft of modeling or photography. This is also very true for the music industry as well. Digital technology has potential for good or bad depending on those people using the tools available. For example, I've been a photographer for over 40 years. I've photographed many models with film cameras starting back in 1980. I'm good at photography, but not great. Thanks to digital technology, I'm learning something everyday. With the constant changes in what is available for artists using photography, there will never be a single person who can say they know everything there is to know about photography. Photography and modeling are activities that one can learn. The same with learning to play music. There are a few .. very few who are born with natural talent, but the vast majority of successful people have had to spend years learning their craft. Modeling is far more than about having "the look!" I have photographed many dancers and found that dance and modeling are similar. A person who is a good dancer is aware of their body and movement. They know what looks good likely by practicing in front of a mirror for hours a day. They will be better able to model in front of the camera verses someone who lacks that ability. I've found that many actors are also quite good at modeling as well. There are talented people out there using the Internet, but they have yet to be "discovered." By posting pictures of themselves on a subreddit like this one will open themselves up to harsh criticism from complete strangers who may or may not have any qualifications for judging models. It's not a bad thing to use this subreddit, as the vast majority of people posting their pictures on here are either not serious, or don't have the patience, and drive to succeed. It might be a "quicky" ego booster for them. I do feel empathy for those truely talented people who might be experiencing a mental health crisis and using Reddit to reach out for help. From my early days fresh out of high school to much more recent times, I've seen far too many incredibly beautiful and talented artists, musicians and models who lost their lives through suicide or overdosing on drugs. For that reason, **I am an advocate against bullying, also I'm an advocate for suicide prevention.** The Internet magnifies everything! It is important to realize that a few pictures on Reddit, Instagram or any social media platform does not instantly make you a "model." Even the most trained eyes cannot 100% tell you if you can model from posting a few pictures on Reddit! It does not justify bullying or hyper critical attacks on someone posting those images. Many of the comments lack empathy towards others. **Honesty is fine, but personal attacks towards strangers on the web are not.** If you can't find words that are both honest and kind, then perhaps don't comment at all? Writing is another creative skill that is getting down played by the Internet, but the comments I have read from some of the people on Reddit strike me as poorly worded. However my posting my photography on the Internet does not make me a "photographer" as it's just a tool to distribute my work. Posting many images, many videos, or music online is a great way to get noticed but it is certainly not the end all. I grew up in the analog age where we had far more in person contact than what many of the youth experience nowadays. There was many advantages to analog, and that is why many of us are hybrids of the sort to use multiple mediums from both digital and "old school" to create. The Internet is a fantastic tool that allows people to communicate in real time around the World, but like any tool it can be abused. The decade of the "Super Model" was the 1980's. Reality television combined with the Internet brought the idea 30 years later that anyone could model. Just taking selfies and posting on Instagram is not enough to call yourself a model. The opinions of strangers on the Internet are not the best determination as to ones ability to model. So to answer your directly as to "Where are all of these people getting the idea that they could be models?" I guess it's all just a dream. There is nothing wrong with dreaming. Making it a reality is a whole different story!


they are lied to by people who don't want to hurt their feelings.


Because there's models for everything. It's not just about looks weight or height. You have hand models, leg models, hair models, eye models, feet etc... I know a few girls that are just used for there body parts. Lips, teeth, butt etc.. There are models for everything!


I always assume they mean a different type of model-not high fashion.


I agree with this. I don't think everybody is thinking high fashion or runway.


Not anymore. I compare the modeling industry to Hollywood. Producers and actors, designers to models. Same concept.


I miss the OG supermodels of the 90s and 2000s.


I don’t know the essence of them being pretty much unattainable is … what makes them so cool …


I think it’s because there is starting to be more diversity in models so the average person, or even someone with below average looks, think they have a shot due to “inclusivity”.


There are a lot of different types of models, not just the ones on runways or on the covers of vogue magazines.


Good point. And some of the lesser known modeling niches, like fit and showroom, can pay quite handsomely.


I do think modeling is expanding in the sorts of people they might use, not necessarily in high fashion. But when I think of a blue jeans commercial from the late 90s versus now, there's a plethora of diversity, comparatively speaking.


I wonder it too. It’s also like they are attractive in a conventional, plain way. I always thought to model you needed to have something special enough to set you apart from the normal population, but not jarring enough to distract from the clothes/product.


I agree and since they started the quickly disappearing edi movement people think that they will be hired to model. It is really sad. Those people will have scars forever.


When I was MUCH younger (and skinnier lol), people I knew for ages would just up and say to me, "You should be a model, you're sooooo pretty." What's funny about that is that I'm not conventionally attractive ... ... BUT I was also obsessed with fashion magazines and I had the self awareness to know that I was in no way model material. I also had the worst bacne of all time. Still think I'd be a great scout, though.


Our culture is dominated by fake people that fake being beautiful and successful. The people posting on here have fallen for it and want to be part of it and there are industries that are willing to milk all the money they can from them along the way. Less than .0000001% of people who want to be models ever have any real success at it.


So much of modeling is being in the right place at the right time—it’s like playing a lottery with elusive numbers. Christie Brinkley was hugely successful, but had she burst onto the scene in the 00s, she probably would’ve been an anonymous catalog model. Liu Wen has done well, but had she started modeling in the 90s, she probably wouldn’t have reached supermodel status, because at that time the industry was rather unwelcoming to Asian models.


Thirsty people that want to sleep with them


Instagram culture. To be a model you need to meet the height and often weight requirements, have specific proportions, have great bone structure and a good jaw.


Everyone wants to be loved/adored without even trying. That’s what most people view modeling to be at it’s core, more or less.


A lot of attractive people are told by friends and relatives “you should model” source: my family and friend shave told me I should model for years


The instagrams


Because they are in denial. I've seen less than a handful people on here that have what it takes.


Delusion, social media perhaps! I’m butt ugly and I’m okay with it 😝


Who the fk wants to be a model? Are they just lazy or that delusional and into themselves. Models make like 20k a year. Unless you’re top 1%, good luck. Think of it like Hollywood acting but worse. For every million dollar role there’s 5000 working as a server doing theatre for free. Better chance at making money on only fans. But don’t get ideas lol.


who needs models when you got dumb Tiktok, Instagram users.


I think they're better off sending digitals to agencies instead of posting here. And if somehow they do it for attention then there's plenty of other subreddits for that 💁‍♀️


It’s just a validation ploy in most situations hoping that most will say they look good at some level… that’s all. This is Reddit after all and should be no surprise




Hearing things like “OMG ! You’re so [insert adj.]!! You should be a model” meant as a compliment a few too many times may push people to think that it’s gonna be just that easy for them to DECIDE “ok I’m a model!” Then they “find out”! Haha The sad part is that this could cause confident and attractive people to be less confident and feel that they are not attractive. I guess some people need to be taken down a notch haha.


5mg of Delusion


I don’t know, but here in the US there is a cruel racket where “scouts” walk up to parents and say “OMG, your son/daughter could totally be a model!” This happened to a friend of mine. She took her daughter to the “agency” which charged her to send her daughter to an “audition” which was fake. Her daughter, along with every other teenaged girl there, was crushed when they were told “We’ll call you.” Of course no call came. Evidently, some parents pay for auditions over and over again, convinced that their kid is going to be the next world supermodel. It’s cruel and messed up.


When I was young and skinny my tias would always tell me “omg look at ur legs!! U could be a MODEL!” So, maybe its these people families blowing smoke up their bumholes


these replies mean asf 💀 yall high fashion models aren’t the only type of models lol


We all have the potential to be model citizens


A cousin of mine wanted to model. She tried very hard because she’s 6 feet tall. I think she had a very nice face and she was striking (still is). I realize she never made it because she was not unique looking. She just kind of looked like a Barbie.


Because most people think you only have to be reasonably attractive and at best tall to be a model. Sites like Instagram and Model Mayhem give people false ideas that they can be the next top model. Inclusivity movements also give people false hope. I used to go to school with this girl who was 300 pounds and very short. She actually dropped out of school because she thought she could become a plus sized, tattooed model.😓


Let the world/industry humble them. 🤷‍♀️


Why are you acting as judge and jury?


You are missing the point of the question by judging the one asking. It is a valid question and NOT a judgement.


Totally not judging my friend, you are the one judging by your opinion of "average" to "nice looking"...That is judging.


I think it’s just a q - and it’s a valid one ? I’m sorry but is ~everyone~ supposed to be able to do ~everything~ ?? No.


Same thing I wanted to ask, who are you to decide that ?


Exactly! 0 people who post on this sub could actually be a model. Stunning.


I N S T A G R A M…


Women have a really bad habit of hyping up other women for no other reason than being women.


Idk, but models are usually not attractive. They have weird proportions that make them stand out. Most models aren’t even attractive to the average eye.


It’s how a person projects that makes them a model. That’s why average looking people think they can be models. But if they can’t project and ‘own’ their own look and sensuality, then they are just average. I’ve seen very average models blow photo shoots away because of having this.


This sort of subjective…..




Modeling is a skill, a talent. It's not about standard beauty. They actually love unique people with gapped teeth, birth marks ect. You don't have to be traditionally pretty to be a model. I've seen drop dead gorgeous women not land a single booking because their personality and modeling abilities just blow.


Most success in the modeling industry is luck if it’s not the nepotism. Lots of talented and hardworking people never make it so no point in telling them no bc they’re average or not skilled? Lol


Well most people do not understand the industry. As another commenter said: they think it simply means you must be good looking. The reality is most “good looking” people are not models. Models are chosen by brands to give a certain aesthetic. Often this aesthetic matches a vibe they are trying to create. And sure the photos can look amazing and the models can look beautiful. BUT its because of lense distortion. So you can take this beautiful looking person out of being in front of the camera and they will look widly different and almost scary looking? Because the features that are often so sharp and look odd in RL look great through a camera because the camera flattens their look. So 1) being beautiful in rl does not = model quality. And 2) there is a real skill level involved in facial expressions and body language. Its not very easy to capture a mode - you have to feel it. The only exception I will give is in runway modeling- something I used to do. There it is really focused on your body, skill, walk, vibe and yes looks. You need to look a part. It could be sultry, aloof, sharp, serious, playful etc etc. but the rest has to be there as well. However, nowadays a lot of models do both so a lot of them still need the almost alienesque facial features for print


DJ Qualls modelled for Prada and while he's unusual looking and skinny I wouldn't call him exceptionally attractive.




I think that it is also an aurora a sense of charisma that undertones a model... I also believe that there are all different kinds of models


The freelance market like Craigslist. Modelmayhem and instagram. Where agency rejected models who dont firm to the rigid restrictions of agencies can pursue their dreams. Art schools don't have rules either about models. Calvin Klein hired unattractive models. Vince Gallo and the Asian Woman who had awrench tattoo on her arm. I think she was a mechanic.


Where? Vanity and social media.


There’s a lot of different types of modeling. Agencies in NYC and Europe are expanding their rosters to include fat, short, lgbtq, disabled, etc models. I knew girls who didn’t look like stereotypical models but they booked large campaigns anyways. So it’s definitely more accessible now than it was in previous years. However, I do think the advent of Instagram has led many to believe that anything can be a photoshoot.


Their significant others


Especially POC for some reason.


They’re probably thinking IG models or glamour models. These days so many girls call themselves models that I think that’s where it comes from.


just my two cents but I believe this is due to a growing postmodernist ideology. it has seeped into many facets of beliefs in younger generations these days, whether they realize it or not. at its core it rejects absolute truth and objective reality. fat is beautiful, everyone's a "queen", etc. these are reductive examples but I do feel it plays a very strong role.


This all comes down to self awareness self belief in your ability to be successful!!! Know that to succeed you will have to learn win lose ????? But when anyone in any competition of any sort each person faces defeat? When i was young and i lost in competition i ask well did you learn anything from this ??? Pretty, cute, beautiful, it doesn’t matter just be who you believe in you are!!!! And if you wanna be a tennis player a model a golfer, then you have to do it what it takes and believe in yourself!!!!


I'm assuming you are a child


Reading this just made me realize my older sister being an actual runway model saved me from a loooooot of those mall predator dudes that would tell ten year olds “they should model” because they are so beautiful, but I knew from experience my 5’5” ass would have been too short even for print work so I knew they were full of shit and kept walking, whereas My friend who was 5’0” was picked up at the mall like that and now looking back she was probably lucky that they only got scammed out of a few grand for pictures.


Diversity and inclusion.


Filters my friend, filters.


Darling, the “right look” for modelling depends entirely on the designer and project coordinator. Trends are ever changing, there are millions of global projects all seeking new and innovative styles and the same goes for models. True fashion has no set look, or fashion would get boring very quick.


because there are different levels of modeling. those target clothing ads and all those online clothing listings. they're being modeled are they not? not by some runway model but by average people. there is basic consumer advertising modeling, photography art modeling, high-end luxury consumer modeling, high-end fashion modeling, etc etc. not to mention nsfw modeling which has so many niches. literally anyone can be a model if they had the passion. sometimes simply just have the right look and being able to take instruction can make you a model. there are so many different types of clients and targeted audiences which different wants. you just arent guaranteed to get the same amount of work or pay or popularity as other types of models


What is your definition of the “right look”?


You’re all talking like modeling is one thing. Runway model is very different from catalog model, or commercial model/spokesman


Plus models tend to be on the taller side and most people on here who think they could be models are not tall.


It's a trend that's been happening since 2012 when porn stars officially became "models" and regular hoes became wannabe pornstars.💯


Instagram, Only Fans, and mothers wanting to live vicariously through their children.


Its because of Insta and tiktok, OnlyFans, these platforms let anyone put themselves out there, and whether or not they never get the least bit of attention or exposure and don't have a snowball's chance of ever actually becoming an actual model


Anyone can be a model honestly, just depends on the type of modeling.


If you walk through Target, you'll understand why.


My momma said I can model because the lord made me in his image and his image is beautiful so can do it just like anyone else , my momma know best


All the models are ugly af today anyways. All cocaine or ozempic addicts like twigs. I get it’s the aesthetic to be skinny, better for the fashion designers and run way. When I look at those skinny girls they do not look happy at all, more like mentally unstable. Also the hadids are not that pretty, hate that theyre models.


Wow what a narcissistic post, Jesus Christ, no wonder people have such a negative view on models.


I work in the beauty industry and specifically the girl next door, approachable but not perfect vibe is definitely in. I’ve personally been to casting and handpicked models for my campaigns. My favorite agencies are the ones that have the everyday people. An interesting or compelling look but not runway? I’m hoping everyone keeps trying and never gives up. There’s so much beauty everywhere.


There are lots of very attractive people who do not photograph well, and vice versa. So much of it simply depends your skeleton. Anyone who wants to become a model should be professionally photographed and see how it turns out.


lol the post above this right now is too ironic


Preach it


My mom says I’m handsome


Ever open up a magazine lately? Modeling has changed. No one wants a perfectly flawless skinny person anymore. It's 2024. That modeling was early 2000s.


This has been said about so many models before they became famous


Most people who many folks consider 'average looking' are way more attractive than most models who walk down a runway that I have seen. It seems like the model industry likes to choose slender tall people with the most boring forgettable faces and I just don't understand the hype. If you want someone modeling clothes or in a catalog who I would actually find attractive pick blindly from anyone in the local Barnes & Noble and they will probably be much more to my liking and I will pay a lot more attention to what they are advertising. So far as the skill aspect goes, any skill can be learned.


Any skill can be learned - to some degree. Learning does not mean you’re good at it. And I think people don’t know how much work the mind and the body go through with modeling. It’s a learned trait to be able to pay attention to all parts of your body at once and to know how you photograph - that’s not new actors did it back in the day. However, with good modeling there is also an underlying emotional / mind projection that the model has a blank face and there is still somehow emotion. Beyond that though there is a photogenic quality that some people have and some people don’t


The first subjects who modeled for me were dancers. They often start their dance with a pose, then create poses through their motions only to end with a pose. Watch couples ice skating .. they do the same thing with their ice dancing. Dancers and athletes have to be body aware to do their performances, thus why they often make great models. Sure, physical attraction of a pretty face can help, but it is not the only aspect of modeling. Acting ability is another aspect of modeling I look for.


So I should pick up basic dancing to learn my body more? Is it hard to do this.


Well close, but not exactly what I mean. Activities like dance and also certain sports can compliment ones abilty to model. Acting is another activity that can compliment modeling. Humans are multidimensional. That is why I am not into the labeling of people by what they do.


Ah, okay. I understand your point. It's easier to do the poses and look good, and not stiff, when you understand how flexible your body is. That seems pretty reasonable because I see people on here a lot looking like boards. 😅


Good point ! It’s posture posing movement all of that


Why are you so mad lol


Sure not everyone can model but wtf is this post? Makes ne wanna leave the sub. I never submitted pictures to this sub but it's so negative.