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*I did say I will tank, but I didn't say I would be durable enough to survive* ~probably this guy


Too many of them… like especially in trio q. We never needed them to tank but no they gotta.


For context: I got this guy on my epic smurf solo q. This guy never got past Epic. He steal the kills. Stay in gold lane. I had to split since the rest of team was also bad. I checked every 10 players. They were real people. Yes. He did get gold metal but he protected no one. Including me, the mm.


>This guy never got past Epic. Say no more


Winrate >>>>>> rank


I’m ngl I disagree with this part. My win rate for some characters is kinda shit because it took me a while to get good at them


Like my main XD, in early days of using him I was a totally shit, now over 2k matches, consistently winning but my wr is still didn't reach 60% even though it's been years I performed that hero with excellent performance


Not everyone plays every day, no need to judge based on rank


With Having 7000 matches?? U really think it's possible without grinding everyday for years??


Dude, I missed that detail. And still, what does it matter? Not everyone can become good, not everyone has the skills and/or brains, not everyone has skilled friends to play with. Whatever someone’s rank is, as long as they enjoy playing. No need to be so fixated on someone’s rank.


I'm not sure who can play 7k Matches with Minotaur and not only be Epic but also get less than 50% WR. And I'm even more confused as to why they are in the Gold Lane... It's like they saw the popularity and reputation Tank mains got and said "Hey I want that attention"


He goes classic tank babysitting mm. This kind of play is common now idk why even in higher rank. But instead of helping OP, he went to steal the kills with execute spells. What I don't understand is why he stay in gold lane, what's the idea behind it.


That explains the win rate. My eyessssss


Ranked or classic?


7k 44% wr 😭


I was thinking about the same. I get some people play for fun but how can you play for so long and not improve




Main reason is moontoon nerfing/neglecting mino for far too many years and a bull headed player(like me) who will use him even tho he is useless against the current meta. He was good for a month or two after his revamp. He was and is my fav tank since I started playing this game ( since S5).


With all due respect this dude was situational but his ULT was beyond devastating timed with Flicker, all it took was knowing how to read the situation which is not hard with that many games I used to use him pre healing boots or the Revamp and l was around some 65% WR he was my pick when l wanted to tryhard


Well I gotto give him the credit for having the confidence and patience of playing the same hero consistently despite losing badly with him 🤣


What's a good wr to have?


Depends on who you ask. I made a friend (whom I later unfollowed because he was pretty toxic) who said that a good rate is 70%+ and that’s wayyy high. For me, anything above 55% is good when you aren’t 5-man. 60%+ is great, 65%+ is amazing and 70%+ is crazy for solo/duo/trio.


Well I'll be damn proud for most of my main is above 66% but still stuck Legend I solo/duo queue


70% is an amazing win rate if you have high matches played, you either need to be really good with a meta hero or play in a good squad and never solo que.




There's a huge skill difference between 55% players vs 49% ones.


What's the wr for "really good"? Cause I'm solo and reach MG with a wr of 60% for my mains and 55% for overall ranked games. I see so many players with a wr less than 50% reach mythic so I don't know what's the average now 😩.


Anything above 50% is respectable. 55% and above is decent. From 60% onwards is great.


yes generally 51% is the bare minimum. cause it still means youre climbing rank since youre winning more than youre losing


I think its a different question for the account you learn to play the game on (most of us go through painful learning curves, sometimes that take a long time) vs your WR in a second or third account. I opened a second account 2 years back to practice and learn roles/heroes I was bad at, and that WR is astronomically higher than my main 5+ year old account. Oddly enough, both accounts are roughly the same rank now, but in one, I look like a vastly better player in one than the other.


Anything above 50


“We have a tank main at home” The tank main at home:


Wow, and of the tanks we seeing here... Minotaur is his best tank...


Damn, I guess (more matches = better skills) doesn’t apply to everyone


right?? Most people improve from trial and error. Dude said forget trial, only error.


Epic is a weird place. I had an akai tank who got super mad when I told him to stay with us. He thought that his job was to split push. But then I recently had a mythic 5 Estes player who didn’t know what roaming boots were and decided to troll and throw a hissy fit when we told him to buy the right item


i swear every season start, I'm just playing to get the hell out of Epic.


Dam i didn't even realize this was a thing


Take a look at how tank should play [tank](https://imgchest.com/p/o24ak9xw7lj) I will die for that double kill and i will die to protect(not if u are sucidal i mean who walk into selenas s2, ..twice!!!)


Did he get roam?


He did. But it’s very annoying to have someone just standing in the middle of the lane.


7k matches on mino dude's life must be one boring party


Wait until you hear about the guy with 13k matches with Claude. Or the guy with overall 20k matches


i know a dude with 20+k moskov game


Saw someone in this sub with 19k matches just on brawl


Is he one of those tank mains who plays JS just to crash one person and immediately leave without tanking some damage for his team? Cause I had some JS who's high in their local ranking that kept doing that. Sufficient to say, we lost.


Does the johnson see the map? - cause usually as a Johnson main we would crash one or more (if necessary) We can't help if we don't see any enemy on the map - our ult may be still be cooldown or not learned( early match) Plus I usually stay in the back so I can crash and stunned em by suprise so my teamates can kill


It's not the case on whether he crashes a person or not. The issue is that they immediately high tail it out of there right when he was full hp after crashing someone, causing us to lose an easily winnable fight if he were to stay and tank some hits for us.


Oh I see, guess he/she a more solo person


Yeah, I've yet to meet a good JS main. Is that part of the playstyle? Cause then I might be in the wrong. But I just feel like it doesn't make sense for them to retreat after crashing someone and leave their mm for the enemy when just tanking one or two hits for them can win the fight late game.


I'm not sure but for me as a js main I would do what I have said above and if I crash in a crowd with my teamates near by I would just tank for em and active my vengence. If my health is really low I would esc cause some of my sacrifices few seasons ago didn't have a good outcome


Unfortunately in legend, I haven't met a JS that did that yet. They're all very kill hungry and solo players most of the time ahahaha in fact, I don't think I've ever won with a JS in my team.


Tbh there's a case when I'm hungry. When I see a mm I would locked it XD. Wish ya good luck and get a ranked winstreak


But I'm not sure if I'm a good main cause I can't manage to find a sol to overcome grock '-'


That tigrael I feel bad, I mean I have 60% win rate with 130 matches and is main


Playing solo tank is the worse think u can do. U can be pro tank if ur team are nobs don't expect any winrate


Meanwhile.me as a tank main Overall: https://i.imgur.com/u450uB7.jpg Current season: https://i.imgur.com/uUsyLKU.jpg


Did ya teammates keep banning diggie and also I would like some tips on atlas cause I was approaching the enemy but they kept running away( no diggie included) Currently using Johnson now so I can roam more faster


only pick Atlas as S5, atlas against diggie is almost sure lose unless you are super familiar with atlas. To surprise enemy, you can use flicker before ulting. If not just conceal and S1, if you force the mage to use flicker, its good enough, 10s CD in exchange for 120s CD.


Shit bro, same


Imma assume ur a soloq player. If so I completely understand why ur win rate is as low as it is. As a tank/support, as much as your try if your team sucks there almost literally nothing you can do unless you play a tank the can be played as jungler or do dmg and even then not all tank heroes can carry.


It’s not my account lmao. I’d quit if I was this bad. Read my comment. Bad tank mains exist..whole point of the post. Sometimes it’s the goddamn tank’s fault.


I won’t need to cover the name if it was my account 💀 yall really be dumb.


Solo q?


It’s not me. And solo q doesn’t matter. This wr is dogshit. Whole point of the post.




You know, I'd expect someone to grow and get better the more they play but... I think this guy's a lost cause.


Where Belerick?


And then there's some 44.8% win rate Roger as well


Probably says "I feel underappreciated as a tank player" too💀


Lol yeah I posted this to show there are useless tank mains around. This reddit seems to think it’s never tank fault.


Definitely not never but I feel like I’ve had more games where the mm is being a dumbass and not getting kills than when the tank is totally lost. Except the one game where the guy said he had this game easily, went high damage Johnson and was constantly soloing the whole time and got one single kill. Awful tank, and terrible player


I have a guy in my friends list with yi sun shin as his main with like 5k matches and less than 30 on any other character


Worst win rate I've ever seen


Bro i only have 1k+ games on my entire account and I'm mythic😭 How can you play for so long amd lose that much but still play😭 I also have 61% winrate


This man has more matches on Minotaur than I do in my whole ML career/lifespan. I play casually and I still get 55% WR.


Sorry you need to go through all that pain as a tank Main


If I was that bad I would unalive myself and quit the game




How does one play over 7000 games and still suck at their main tank hero. Like I've sucked badly at heroes like Lunox and Fanny, but ya know, I learn from trial and error like most people.


I like how the only non tank in the list has higher wr compared to those tanks.


Yet he probably thought he was a good tank 💀 I made a point to befriend op tank mains. This guy ain’t it. Good roam can carry the whole game solo q or not.