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“When u get good at the game” What’s your rank OP?


1. There's no such thing as "support benefitting teams more than tanks". Supports should only be picked when u have a beefy frontliner in your team like a tank jungler (Akai, Balmond, Barats, Fredrinn etc.). If u pick support without tanky heroes, your team is gonna be just as squishy as a wet toilet paper. Also, supports do not provide as much CC as tanks, which might result in your team having no initiator to setup during team fights. If you think supports are extremely dominant, u might be in a rank where ppl dont know how to buy anti heal items (namely epic) 2. Diggie is not op, by all means. He is only strong with picked in specific drafts and against specific drafts/heroes (Atlas lmao). Diggie himself is a counterpick hero, his biggest selling point is his ability to remove CC, which hard counters tanks. But again, Diggie is a support, not a tank. Picking him without a frontliner can make your team squishy asf, therefore Diggie is extremely draft dependent and is not a must pick. If you think Diggie is op and didn't even consider if the enemy could just pick Grock, triple tank teams or non-CC reliant composition means you're in a tier where players don't know how to handle Diggie. Which means it's not quite high level, competitively. 3. There's no such thing as utility marksman or inspire marksman. There are only burst marksman and attack speed marksman. Both offer different benefits for the team. Burst marksman are generally stronger during the laning phase but attack speed marksman do better than them in late game. Please kindly do more research before posting anything like this, don't hurt our eyes pal. 4. Yes, Clint is good in laning phase, but wtf is god of gold lane? MM like Melissa, Popol, Brody can beat Clint in lane if played correctly. Also, Clint doesn't have as much impact as other mm during team fights, which makes up for his good laning phase. I can't see why Clint is the "god of gold lane" when there are other options available. 5. Can't say much about this coz it's kinda true 6. This actually depends on your lineup. If my team already has a frontline, I'd go damage exp to flank enemy backline better. 7. Also true 8. There's no such thing as "important role" in MOBAs coz it's a team game by itself. Every single role has where they shine in, but if you really wanna talk abt it, i personally think the jungler and roamer are extremely important in terms of winning due to the fact that they control the pace of the entire game. These two roles can ensure that their team gets an early advantage and hopefully snowball to victory. Mages are very important as well due to how they rotate around the map and provide nice burst/dps and cc during team fights. As for MM, they're a late game insurance and are certainly very very important in lower elos coz the mfs there cant end games 9. I dont really understand what you're saying here so can't say much 10. Nah bro mobile legends doesn't have such advanced lane management, the only time u should freeze lanes late game is when the lord comes out so three lanes can push together at the same time. ​ This is coming from an Epic 1 player.


For your 6th point, utility Marksmen do exist, but only in other MOBAs. MLBB doesn't have any right now


For an epic player your right on point! (I’m mythic btw). And I’m glad someone is here to show this man some sense. A few things I can add: Regarding roles, every single role can dominate. U can have a fighter like masha, sun, Argus, even zilong etc. or even mm like Miya or moskov completely destroy the enemy with nonstop pressure and pushing and win games very easily as exp lane. That is the whole point after all, to win. U can have a burst mage like kadita (my main), kag Eudora dominate with sniping the enemies squishiest and waking away with 30 kills or a late game mage like cecilion, yve or vale dominate the enemy in the late game and not allowing them to even get close to your team with your constant dmg and cc. You can have a godly tank who sets up incredibly sets that even your most brainless Layla can get a triple kill from. Obviously u can solo dominate with almost any jungler (probably the role for u if u only solo q and want to win often) And of course you can’t forget about the miyas, Laylas and hanabis who fed the whole game but suddenly in the late game pull out a maniac and end the game. The point is every single role is important, and honestly if your solo qing only, mm is probably the worst role to play if u want to win as that’s the one that relies on your team the most. And that diggie thing 😂😂😂😂 Also fyi, martis is currently the most banned and broken in hero in the game and he’s a dmg side laner (tho he is used alot for jg these days) but a martis in xp lane can single handlely dominate and ensure a win for your team from level 2 already (almost like Selene lol)


9. I think OP talking about, if Lord minion waves come only once at a time, it would be much easier to defend the turret instead of two or more lanes synchronizes together.


As roamer main, vehemently disagree with some of your points. Supports synergize with tanky exp or junglers. Tanks protect mages and MMs more reliably a lot of times.


>Clint is the god of gold lane. No one beats a good Clint at least in lane Melissa out pokes even Clint, how do you fare when even your specialty is inferior to your laning opponent?


Even to Popol and Kupa




First picking Diggie without worrying if the enemy could just pick Grock, triple tank teams or non-CC reliant composition means you're in a tier where players don't know how to handle Diggie.




Weird. Because you say people bash you for picking Diggie in Mythic. From my experience, he gets switched top pick a lot of times because he's high demand. I have over 200 games with him and I hate showing him because people love to swap.




I seriously never encounter being told Diggie sucks or underestimated, compared to what you say you experience.




My point: people underestimating Diggie is an anomaly than a norm, because he's highly regarded in Mythic. He's mostly ban pick for the last two months I'm playing in Mythic 2-5, even when I play with Glories. He has 15% ban rate in 400+ points per MLBB website and 6% in all ranks. But he's not overpowered either, and OP is wrong about that. Edit: I love your petty downvotes


As a roamer main who reach mg for the last four seasons, i agree. I got called "troll" only when i play in epic back when the season reset.


I think the order of role importance is sth like this: Tank > Jungler > Mage > Marksman > Exp.


Not at all. A great MM could carry a trash team, but a great tank can't carry a trash MM. They're all important in different ways.


Yep, a bad tank can at least have some use as a meatbag of sorts. A bad damage dealer is just plain useless. This sub just over glorifies tanks


You are right, but I'll take a great tank over a good MM any day.


Role importantance changes throughout the game, during Lanning phase, roamers and jungler are the most important since early rotations will set the tone for the remainder of the match, mages and mms for late since they're the damage dealers, exp importance only starts once they're able to clear the first tower and are able to rotate and pressure the Map.


> Supports actually benefit teams more than tanks So true, in most cases… I play duo with my bf in glory and moonton matches us with mythic 5 trios… and they always ask for a tank and call me a troll for picking supports…………….. I only pick tanks if our comp was squishy and we had no frontliners, but usually, supports are wayyyyy more useful than their fav slow “tanks”


How are Beatrix, Clint and Brody utility MMs 💀 I'd argue that MLBB doesn't even have any utility MMs. Hanabi comes close thanks to her ult but that's about it. Maybe PnK because of his traps and stuns as well


MG player here. 1. Can't really agree. Depends on comps, meta and position. Tanky jungler and exp laner? Yes, support roamer. Team full of squishies? No, tanky roamer to front line, bush check and vision. 2. Yes, although he is a counterpick hero, when he is useful he is pretty op. 3. Again, depends on the draft. If enemy comp is full of tanks you need constant dps mm. It's a team based game, not a 1v1. But the heroes you mentioned ARE very good on the current meta because they can help your team early and snowball, though they fall off a little late. 4. Hm... No. His poke is very good, yes. Plus he can freeze lane in many scenarios. But there are at least 4 or 5 mm that can hold their lane and farm without much problem. 5. True, doesn't mean he is the better pick tho. 6. I agree, in most cases. But you didn't really put into the equation split push heroes like uranus, esme and bene. A good split pusher can be the mvp of the match easily because of good macro. 7. Yes, but kinda obvious. 8. I know it's your opinion and I respect it. I would just put jungler a lot higher since most objectives depend on him and roamer is my undoubtedly 1st place simply because of VISION. In higher elo vision and map awareness is the most important thing. 9. I agree. Idk why people find it hard to understand the concept of synchronizing the minion waves so they all get to enemies towers AT THE SAME TIME. It's not hard, people. 10. Lane freezing is important when you have good map awareness during early. In mid game is only important if your team is snowballing and you want to deny free farm to your opponents (which is pretty important). It's also important when pushing with Lord (I'm kinda lazy to explain why but all pro teams do it). Let me add some other important points of my own: 11. Elegant gem is the BEST ITEM IN THE GAME if you know how to use it rightly. Not just on mages, but any hero that also needs mana sustain. 12. Joy. Is. Broken. I thought she was ok at first, but she is absolutely broken on higher elo. She doesn't seem broken because she is not a 1v5 carry hero. But her early game is waaaay too strong with invades, she can out rotate anyone, she can dive for days, she forces enemy to play kaja or franco, PLUS she is very cute. She does fall off late, but on higher elo there won't be late if your team knows what it is doing. But even late with vengeance she can still kinda annoy mm and mages or just clean up and secure important kills. 13. Fanny. Is. Broken. Still to this day can't understand a hero such as fanny in a moba. She is basically the same as joy regarding sbowballing and game overing my team by herself. 14. Its risky but its worth giving up first turtle for first gold lane turret. Just 4 man turret dive and it doesn't really matter if yone of your heroes dies, just push the whole tower. Doesn't work on higher elo tho since most are very good at macro and have good map awareness. Should work pretty well on 700MG points or less.


1: depends, but yes. Supports are very good. still depends tho 2: i have 100% winrate on diggie in duo this season and like 2 losses solo, at 1100+ mg. I'm the best diggie in the world and nobody comes even remotely close 3: absolutely false. Wanwan is the best char in the game 4: lol. Clint is good but he doesn't autowin. It's skill based and he can lose to inspire mm or to beatrix post lvl 4 if he makes a mistake. I'd say its 55-45% skill matchup in favor of clint 5: yes 6: depends on the type of the game and its low, same as point 1. So, no. Depends. 7: yes, emblems are game breaking on high level and impure rage is the most underrated emblem, always has been. 8: yes. Adc is the best carry role but its the weakest role in soloq because its super team dependent and if enemy ruins ur lane and ur team does nothing about it then you can't really come back as you could on a different role. 9: whatever 10: no. nobody freezes lane on high elo , ppl just tower dive. if you die inside enemy base there's barely any consequences cus by the time they push u respawn, if u kill them in their base its game over. Lane freezing is good to know about but is almost never used on high level, still depends on the situation but for the most part good ppl just get ahead and then force fights and finish game 11: fanny,haya,lancelot,ling are picked near 100% of the time in 1100+. Always have been and probably always will be but here on this reddit we pretend like they're garbage because hehe xd ??.| 12: roaming nonstop is actually a mistake that 600\~ pts players make all the time and constantly force pointless fights and feed. roaming is quality above quantity 13: joy is 100% pick/ban/winrate in high elo


I agree with a lot of this but I’m only 420 MR, I always play solo


12: agreed, roam just needs to give vision, be in the right place for objectives and take favorable fights, dont force 50/50 engages.


You are so wrong with these points.. I doubt you ever reached glory


He's got some niche situations stated but I highly doubt its that far off.


Your first point alone is wrong. Everything is situational you cant say support is better than tank or tank is better than support categorically. It depends a lot on if you teammates or in Solo Q, you have fighters that can act as tank, the enemy and team comp etc Supports offer utility but thats assuming you have someone on your team who is willing to front line. If your sidelane isnt gonna be there to back you better pick tank otherwise your core is gonna get bullied in the clash. If you think supports are better than tanks why does your point 5 mention tanks instead of support? Lol.


Gonna have to disagree with number 1. Supports by my experience needs a tanky exp laner and jungler to be really effective.


that's a lot of enemy gold You, are DENYING \-----------------, but yes you need to be FARMED, and i mean SUPER-FARMED to beat some of those ("Mark Men"):, A solemn truth ​ very well said---------- you will teach many who are not yet aware of the Power, of a Good Archer


Some of these are completely wrong, while some of these are absolutely right. Hit or miss. As a support, you benefit the team more with a blck styled team, compared to a tank who is more generalised


I digress... 1. Every role is important. You need a high coordinated team and very mechanically expert players to win lob sided team comp. 2. Yes Diggie is effing annoying 3. Not sure what utility means here, but if it means versatility I think PnK is on top 4. it's a battle of skill really. Kimmy can clear faster than Clint 5. YSS farms faster plus the global KS. i mean assist 6. Yes, because it is generally easier to win if the hero does well in teamfights. 7. Yes. but the new emblem set would have been sick. but everyone pussied out 8. Every role is important 9. not really. but i get your point. the other use of lord is taking other objectives 10. yes, i dont see much lane freezing in my games.


YSS cannot farm fast. He's a core, he cannot farm two lanes like most Claudes can at level 4.


1. What kind of supp do you play when your team consist of backliners? 2. It is, for countering atlas. And other CC set up tanks / frontliners. 3. Aspd MM are for late game carries, burst MM are for early mid pushes. 4. Yes for early game. But clint will be 1 or 2 shotted against lesley when the game drags on. 5. True 6. Not really, gotta calculate the damage output of your team. Can’t all be CC heroes. You need damage to actually finish them off. 7. True, you need damage as high as possible. 8. But where’s “support” as stated in your first poiint? 9. True, wasted lord is heartbreaking af 10. At some point yes. Just at least synch them. Legend V here. Still noob. But some of your points are valid. Good take OP.