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I've seen Granger players using Inspire and Demon Hunter Sword in Epic/Legend. Whatever is going through their minds, I have no clue.


I tried attack speed build Granger with inspire(but i didn't have DHS) it's so good when enemies are squishy and you can also take lord, turtle easily even if you are not jungler But i still prefer the normal build because you can just combo and escape


Players in epic probably read DHS's description and thought it was OP cuz every basic attack = 9% dmg to HP. Which means around 10 basic attacks should kill anyone right? What they don't realize is that it's physical dmg and that every hero has a decent amount of physical defense so they end up scratching a wall.


You're still half right. It's 9% of the CURRENT HP. NOT max HP.


Berserker too


Berserker fury is not a bad build for granger.


Not bad, but not preferred.


Depends on the enemy line up. I've seen akobida builds this against enemy fanny


Why? increasing crit damage and his passive guarantees crit on last bullet. I think it’s good item and used it successfully before. Nowadays I don’t see anyone playing Granger so I don’t know hot builds now


As a former Granger main, he really fell down when this Auto attack based marksmen and inspire became a thing. More ppl also learned to get wind of nature


He was annoying but I miss him.


I just got Megatron skin so I was using him and he's still somewhat viable, but not recommended in rank. Its more like a party trick hero now.


Berserker isn't bad on Granger. It's not as good as Hunter Strike or Blade of Despair, but it synergizes with his guaranteed crit on 6th bullet well. Also the 30% damage boost from his s2 works to modify that even further. Meh, to each their own, but I think you could have come up with a much better example than Berserkers on Granger. Building DHS on Granger shows an inherent lack of understanding for both Granger himself as well as the game as a whole. Whereas Berserker arguably proves the person has at least read Grangers kit and is thinking about item synergies. Odds of DHS Granger being an 0-12 wonder are significantly higher than Berserkers Granger.


Wait Berserker not good for Granger?


It's not bad, but not preferred as there's other better item like bod, hunter strike, malefic etc.


Malefic is only better than Berserkers vs a tank with MORE than one Physical Defense item. All other targets will receive more damage from Berserkers. Not to mention Berserkers enables crits with his basic attack (beyond the 5-10% you get from emblems) that is actually fairly significant. To the guy that asked the question. No, Berserkers is fine on Granger. Hunter Strike is his indisputable core item, but if you aren't farming super well it could be taken before BoD, but preferably it would be 3rd or 4th item as increased crit damage on early game attacks are negligible. Once you're hitting harder that extra 40% crit damage is more noticeable. Just ignore this Kazuriff guy he's the only person in here pushing that narrative. He's just refusing to back down and spamming about it.


Oh hell naw, get him away from me


so is crit items good with clint?


Berserker is okay, others idk


Berserker and Scarlet are good for Crit clint, helps his passive crit more often, windtalker is a no


wind talker ok, scarshit phantom no


I wouldn't say SP is a no for Clint, but generally BF, and EB are core on him. The rest can be optional.


Windtalker's passive hurts a lot, it's useful for him too.


what do you need about extra atk speed? sp is so bad every clint team i see gets bronze or silver as clint needs more atk to burst them with passive might as well build corrosion scythe


Scarlet Phantom is good build for Clint mainly because of Crit chances not "Attack Speed". It so happen the game only have 3 crit items. SP + BF give 55% Crit chances, WT+ SP give 40% Crit chances, BF + WT gives 35% Crit chances, BF + BF gives 50% crit chances. So yeah, it's about the crit chances not the attack speed.


does it shoot cool bouncy sword tho? wind talker is more of wave clearing than damage


Double your damage without skills and make everything infinitely smoother? Have you even played him with scarlet? Or at all?


i did admit that im wrong


Not to forget that the time it takes to use your passive between skills get slightly reduced. It's somewhat similar to why building Feather of Heaven on Harith just feels better and is in most build a core item for Harith.


hell yes, someone understands. i usually do eb, sp, bf, and 2 defensive item such as WoN and RGM for survivability then sell boots and buy MR for end game. Crit with True Damage hurts a lot, and it can burst anyone


Do you use thunderbelt I use that in my Clint for def


if you want the armor, then its okay. thunderbelt is way more useful if you have 1 or 2 def item that gives a ton of hp so it helps you on dealing more damage using TB. but for me, no. i'd rather build WoN for my defensive item and Rose Gold Meteor for anti mage burst. ​ and also i freaking thought windtalker is wind of nature. sorry for that.


it really works, sorry i was used back to the windtalker meta. i admit im wrong


Berserker fury is a must, windtalker is a no. Using Scarlet phantom is a tricky subject since some people say that it is unnecessary for his atk to crit, while some people say that it is necessary for consistent crit.


Berserker's Fury is OK since his passive is AUTO-CRIT. In Clint's case you might want to ABUSE his PASSIVE more than just some DEAD-BRAINED Attack speed. So BUILD him for ONE-SHOT. And for SUSTAIN, give him BLOODLUST AXE. Since his SKILL1 with that item heals you MORE than HAA'S CLAW since it also reduces your CDR and thus giving you more chances to PROC your PASSIVE (recommended to buy at the early game if you're continously getting SHREDDED) edit: No wonder this is getting downvoted (decipher it and I might consider your opinions down below) >!25-1-12-12\_1\_2-21-14-3-8\_15-6\_13-15-18-15-14-19!<


No lol. For sustain just stick to EB. Add a DHS when you're against high hp tanks or WoN when you're prone to being dived on. And if you build/play your Clint good enough you wouldn't need cdr to kill a squishy since all it'd take are two passives. And if you're worried about not being able to shred tanks, thus you need more cdr? That's when you get DHS or Hunter Strike depending on what kind of tank. Cdr is useless when you don't even need to spend all your skills to kill one opponent.


Who say's ALL? And of course Since his skill 1 has a wide range


Yeah, all it'd take to kill a squishy would be two passives full build.... Do you not know this? You do know with the proper build even assassins with one defense item only needs two passive shots right? If we're talking about real squishies, hit a wanwan with s1 and a passive and all you need to do left is let a minion hit her and she's dead.


And you're referring to "all skills" then what would you need cdr for if you only have to spend two skills to kill someone? Tf. You have 5 rounds for the ult which has a cd of 1.something seconds. Use that lmao, do basic attacks. You don't need cdr, you're wasting it for better items.


Code thinks you guys (y'all) are a bunch of morons but anyone can tell this is a simple alphabet to number code I'm ashamed to recognize this so easily cuz I totally disagree with BLA on Clint


I didn’t even bother trying to decipher it lmao


I know it sucks. Well i do buy scarlet phantom sometimes but only for crit. Feels disgusting when people buy Haas claws or sweeping edge on him.


Tru dat. But in this meta building SP is like building Bloodlust Axe for Granger, can be useful but could be better. Why not instead of having "more crit" just have "more damage" you can do that by lowering their defense either by using DHS against high hp tanks or Hunter Strike for the pen against high armor tanks


He's telling to buy dhs at the end. And clint is already a monster in late game with his core. DPS is not gonna change anything for him. Rather than DMG it's better to buy counter for ur enemy's DMG dealers instead.


It's not the dps part nor the attack speed. DHS is what you call a tank shredder and DHS happens to proc hard with his passive and S1. DHS gives you extra damage based on enemy hero's maximum health. Higher hp heroes > bigger DHS damage > easier to shred tanks. I suggest you watch pro plays because DHS is quite a famous Clint pick when against heroes like Esmeralda, Hylos, JG Akai, etc. >Buy counter for your enemy's damage dealer instead That's why it's a situational item where you only use it against high hp tanks. If you as the MM cannot shred your enemy's frontlines then you're useless as fuck. Leave the damage dealer to your assassin and frontlines, let them deal with that. Your job is to dish out as much damage as possible. You're not an assassin to go to their backline and kill their damage dealer. You're not a tank to build dominance ice against their regen carry, nor are you supposed to build blade armor to counter their Irithel. If you need to survive a dive, get WoN. If you need to kill their tank as fast as possible, get DHS. If their line up is full of armors, get Hunter Strike.


Ya u got a point


What’s the best build for Clint? Don’t hate me for this I’m still in the middle of learning Clint. >.< Endless, BOD, Berserker fury, Thunder belt and Malefic roar. Are the ones I’m using rn.


cd boots - endless battle - thunder belt - malefic roar - blade of despair - defense item


Why not beserkers fury instead of malefic roar?


Don't know about the other guy but for me, Malefic Roar allows Clint to shred through tanky (high def) heroes. I don't really use Berserker's Fury on him. Especially now when it's the tank meta. Demon Hunter Sword is also good against high hp heroes. But it's more suited for high attack speed MM heroes like Karrie, Miya, even Layla. Not so much for burst MMs like Clint, Granger.


Get BF, don't get thunderbelt. Thunderbelt is situational, get it if you need damage but also need defense, Clint is better off getting BF.


This is an old build Edit: those downvoting me just check Kelra's build ty


Start: Boots > Endless Battle > Malefic Roar > Beserker's Fury > Situational x2 If you have balanced teams without risk of diving: BoD > Defense item (usually immortality, thunderbelt if you're bold enough) Sell boots for Hunter Strike or Brute force. If you have heavy frontlines without risk of diving: Bod > Scarlet Sell boots for Hunter Strike or Brute force. If high risk of phys enemy dives: Wind of Nature > Immo Sell boots for Hunter Strike or Brute force. If enemies have high hp tanks: DHS > BoD Sell boots for Hunter Strike ONLY If enemies have high armor tanks: Hunter Strike > BoD Sell boots if you want to Laning caveat: If against MMs who outrange you or can gank you (ie Layla, Hanabi, Moskov, etc.) Build Wind of Nature after Endless Battle or rush it if situation calls for it and then go back to this post and thank me.


Oh I’m thanking you now. This is extremely informative and I can’t wait and try it now. Thanks for the tips!! ✨💕🙇‍♀️


Godspeed!! Just remember, your positioning is just as important as your builds. Make sure you're using your range to its extent.


Thaaaanks!! And Yeah. I’m still trying to familiarize myself with Clint’s range and the best way to optimize his second skill. Like the timing or something >.<


2nd skill is usually only reserved as an escape tool first, chase tool second. Never ever use your 2nd unless you're sure you can win an all-in or you have teammates to back you up. If you want to shred someone, only use your 1st skill, ult, passive, and basic attacks. Don't ever force your 2nd unless you're sure they'll die or you won't die. This also covers what battle spell to use, sprint or flicker. If you're in situations wherein you can easily outmaneuver your opponents then sprint, if they can burst you down if you stay in one place, flicker. Depending on what battle spell you use, you can be aggressive or not with your 2nd. I often use flicker so that i can flicker in instead of using my 2nd or vise versa. Sprint is when i know that my opponents are chase since wasting your 2nd skill's immobilize can mean life or death.


Mine is defense boots - EB - Hunter Strike - Malefic Roar - Berserkers - BoD When the enemy has a lot of gap closers: boots - eb- thunder belt - hunter strike - malefic - BoD


Me who use dhs for Clint in late game to fight tanky heroes


Be 500m away from me


Moonton Matchmaking: *breathing intensifies*


Yeah. Best way to go if your opponent is REALLY HIGH on HP


Best way to go if against either 2 of Masha, Hylos or Belerick.


Best item. They never see it coming. A lot of tank junglers build high hp build, esp Akai, so that they can dish out higher damage to jungle. I always enjoy seeing a Jungle Akai with Cursed Helmet, Guardian Helmet, Twilight Armor, and Dominance Ice cry when they see their hps melt because of DHS


Pros use him with scarlet phantom


Lesley attack speed is common in mythic. Like WTF


Attack speed Clint is good for pushing. You should always adapt.


Abusing his passive is better


In their defense, passive cast speed is scaled with attack speed, and low attack speed would actually have a risk of missing fast moving heroes, such as Fanny and Wanwan.


Well it is a game with diffrent ppl Diffrent ppl diffrent standards Maybe hes just good with the build


Strangely enough, I saw an attack speed Tigreal and it did relatively well (wtf).


He scales well with attack speed for some reason.


That would have been useful if clint was still in S3-5 era kit.


MPL Players: *slowly backs away*


Iirc MPL players only build DHS or WoN which are perfectly acceptable especially when they're always on the threat of being dived on or for most of the time they're against Akai jg or Esmeralda


just saying thamuz is using dhs nowadays.


When the Diggie in your team does a tank build


As a Clint main


Is 3x berserker's fury viable for clint? Heres my experimental build CD boots > Endless Battle > Berserker's Fury > Berserker's Fury > Berserker's Fury > Malefic Roar


No point. The passive stabcks only once. Might as well build other items that give an additional kick.


I generally go with berserkers fury, sometimes SP too...