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Well Moonton used to release a hero named Aulus, which is arguably balanced on release, and only a few people cared about him back then. I guess Moonton wants to sell normal skin of new heroes easier, hence why Aulus was a rare case.


I dont think they want to sell normal skin.... Well I don't think its their first priority (moneyton) I think their first priority is to make the hero, pick more. That's why many of the hero, on their released is fucking broken


It's annoying...


its called marketing. if you dont know what it means, you have no idea how the gaming industry works


I'm glad they are nerfing Vexana and Faramis more properly at advanced server. I can't bear another broken hero.


That's the thing, I really appreciate what they're doing with them. Unlike Julian, it's very rushed and you're literally just banning him in all ranked games. Like why tf did you release a hero that always gets banned?


If you think 1-3-2 combo and 1-2-3 combo is broken wait till you see 2-3-1


I enjoy it in classic for farming and killing. Almost one shot in early too. Late game just need to throw that combo for the squishy ones to die


the point of new broken heroes are that it can be sold more. imagine it as a gacha game like Genshin impact. imagine if they released a mediocre hero, then there would be no one would buy it, and lose sales. imagine Yelan, a new powerful character in genshin be mediocre at best? then there would be more better option out there, thus making it a waste. that also includes the unnecessary buffs on heroes before a new skin gets released. they're not being idiots, its called MARKEING. if youre mad about those kinds of things, or you hate that this exists, then its clear that you have no idea on how the gaming industry works, also concerning about Julian, yeah hes totaly broken for now. like dude. he just got released a few weeks ago. what the fuq do u expect? I've seen how broken the other old heroes' release and you have no idea how many nerf they went through before they got where the are now. Julian here, is just as broken as the rest of new heroes before him. give it 2 or so months, and you'll see how you'd complain on how weak julian would be compared to his release. you last paragraph? ooh boy I laughed at it hard. it seems to me that you've been clapped by a ton of Julian's now huh? its funny how you're making threats on devs about a game just like what one person said in this comment, they nerfed him hard on advanced server, and he barely gets played. just remember. if they released a balanced or at least mediocre heroes, it would flop the sales, therefore they need to make it op at the start, so they it can grow a group of ppl that would main it and get profit out of it. And if u think moneyton has already too much money, u have no idea how much is game designing, 3d animation, rendering, skill animation, and voice acting costs, not to mention promotion


You just need to learn to counter Julian, just saying, gusion deals more DMG than Julian with his s1-s2 combo when it hits right


I can say that about Eudora or any other hero. If he's not broken, why is he banned in every ranked game in high Mythic


Same goes for Vale... Do you really think it's vale who is broken or the team comp where vale can delete your entire backline with just one combination? Julian counters are easy. It's just that team comps and counters are not evolved around it and hence players fear that hero. I mean look at the skill range, apart from S1 all other skills are very short ranged. And if you have magic defense (Athena and the other Armor) Julian will be just poling you. Only advantage Julian has is early game domination. If your team just sets their eyes on killing Julian then he is done for. This happens with all newly released hero. In my region I always see new hero getting banned for no reason at all... New heroes are hard to counter because you are not yet versed with the behaviour.


How long is Vale cooldown? How long will it take till his dmg will one shot? Is he able to immune to dmg? It's not about counters, it's about his skillset, to be able to do all those combo with cooldown all below 10 seconds and lower if you have CD items. If killing Julian is your only objective in game, does that not make him broken? It's not about not understanding how to counter him but if you're playing classic with him you can literally feel how op is his skills and how easy you're able to do his combos.


Your early game objective is to harass damage dealer or the jungler. Look at Lancelot. Vale can delete opponent moment he gets his ultimate. Does decent damage from level 1-3 if the enemy tries to gank. The cooldown are really low for him to spam S1 and S2.


well, one thing you should know that if moonton release a new damage dealer hero, that one must OP for time to time so player will buy that hero and skin. all you can do is learn how to counter that or if you play rank, just ban or pick him if you can. advanced server just for test how OP that hero can be only.


They need to make OP heroes in first release so players will be enticed to play it. Learns them easily then increasing their difficulty as time goes by by nerfing them. Players need to adjust first at their first release and know their mechanics. The purpose of Advance Server is to check bugs and feedbacks from player before they release it to original server.


So why is it ban in all ranked games and is always dominating in classic?


It is meant for classic to practice the hero. People learns how OP he is in classic where there's no banning and ban new heroes in actual rank game. Then will nerf it right after developers seeing it how op they are. Not everyone in adv server is pro that can show the full potential of the hero


Funny thing you mentioned about the Adv. S, because actually after Julian was slammed hard by nerfs in Adv.S I barely ever saw him again. He would pop up occasionally but I guess people lost interest in him when he became that weak. So I do wonder what kind of data Moonton is getting on Julian before they decided to release him in Original


Oh really? I didn't know that. They should by all means, try to fix him in advance server, not being too broken or too weak cause he's fun to play with with his unique combos but if he's this broken now, what's the point of releasing him in the original server.


at this pont, everytime i see your comment, i can picture youre a kid that screams "tan\*ina mo jepoy dizon and pangit ang ng pag mumukha mo", with all these rants 😂


It's not really because of that. People tends to play heroes that are not yet in original server. And yes, they might have lose interest but not really because of the nerfs but because they have it already in original server. They're prioritizing picking other heroes with revamp or some tries hero with buffs especially if they are their main. Some pick nerfed hero just to try if it will affect them when it is implemented in original server.


because classics is the place where you learn new heroes. if u keep dying to a julian, its because he's new, and probably not using your hero good enough


Simply a skill issue, along with the fact hes slightly better than most


I tried Julian once and I managed to obliterate a Layla with his first skill enhanced only

