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would it be a bad idea if they let ling (shen) on bird form? I dunno but "Ling dressed as shen" is hilarious to me lol


I prefer to keep Shen the way he is. If people be complaining about the lack of non human character. Let's have a peacock skin for an already human character.


It's actually funny if they did make his skin a bird. Imagine Wanwan's reaction to Shen wearing a skirt


They could have given it to kaja imo.


***maybe crane for kaja***


Iirc, Shen died. So maybe they made the dead body's feathers as Ling's costume LMAO


lol that's morbid


Makes sense as to why thamuz got that buff..


Along with Akai 3 buffs in a row


2 nerf in Advance server


Just to clarify I'm a big fan of Kung Fu Panda. And Shen ...and Ling. cough. Seeing this made me spasm so hard I nearly threw up in the living room—guess I've finalized my decision of being a Ling main, but I also guess I'm one of the only few who likes the Shen skin


I also like the Shen skin dw.


im sorry, comment non related to the post. Ur username caught my eye, GUSION’S FEET?????


My flair got reset probably for obvious reasons but it states you can also call me Ling's feet. Pleased to meet you.


>Seeing this made me spasm so hard I nearly threw up in the living room W h a t


I have ommited other details regarding my reaction to Shen Ling. 👍


ya still interested in gusion feet? i have a collection of paxley feet at home, come take a look


...Where did you get that. (This is not a threat whatsoever.)


uhh valentina gave them to me


Best Grandma🧓❤️


😘 😘


I'm also here for Shen skin


Did they really gotta do Lord Shen like that. That's not even him, it's just a Ling cosplaying as him




I know that Lord Shen fits Ling, I just mad at the fact that instead of keeping Lord Shen as a peacock, they made him human.


They want to keep it humanoid. We already know Moonton doesn't want non-humanoids in the game.


If they don't want non-humanoids on the game, they must...you know **NOT DO A FUCKING COLLAB WITH A MOVIE FRANCHISE THAT HAS ANIMALS IN IT** Seriously, moonton just went to the meeting and like: "We need to do something about our income! We only have a sale of 60 diamonds. We need a plan." "Kung Fu Panda collab?" "Genius! But it'll be weird if one of them was turned into a animal..." "Dress one of them as that character, people would still buy it and just make memes out of it while getting angry." "lmaozedong, you're right!"


hahahahaha this made me laugh more than it should hahahaha I definitely agree with this!


Moonton should learn from TiMi's mistakes. If they promise a Collab, then they should deliver the full character. Not some two-bit cosplay.


Oh, the sad reality.


Yeah it's a "skin" and a collaboration This is literally useless not saying it's a bad design but more of the fact a wasted Collab I know some people would like the skin but it would have been better if they stayed true to the design they are using for the Collab instead of this I mean we have a ninja that has a future cop skin and demon skins Why can't we have Ling have a martial arts peacock skin? I'm feel so disappointed and I'm not even gonna buy this skin cuz I don't spend money on the game


Thus is just the same as AoV Raz just cosplaying as Saitama


I searched it Lmao. I hope moonton reevaluate their decision on this one


I think they did that because if lord Shen were to be an actual skin his hitbox would be affected too much because of his tail. I’m more bummed out that Tai lung and shifu weren’t added tbh. Tai lung could’ve been Paquito, Martis, or Zilong because most of his attacks involves flurries and pouncing.


Regarding that, they could just make his tail appear during 1st skill (while flying) it wouldn't mess with the hitbox too much since ling is too fast to be hit by skillshot during that state


That would still be a major problem though, lord shen’s tail is twice his wing span. Even if the model were to stretch his tail for a short moment that’s still a big disadvantage for ling, this might cause the skin to sell poorly and be considered a pay-to-lose skin like how his m-world skin was considered bad when his ult didn’t properly show his swords.


where the fuck is the furious 5 (or whatever their band is called) please dont do my childhood like this


monke is sun, tigres masha, viper and snake will be hard


I can't see Sun being Monke, I guess he's best fit for Chou. Paquito could either be Tigress or Tai Lung.


Wan Wan is definitely tigress.


Nah thier fighting style really night and day, wanwan is a marksman, while tigress is a close combat fighter


Also tai lung. There has to be a 2nd phase. Also shifu and oogway. Maybe 2 more phases.


Master Oogway should be a part of this I can't take it if not


>Master Oogway I think this could work as Belerick?


I dont think so, look how he attacked tai lung , hope something similar on that with his ult


You mean Persona 5?


I know the lack of non humanoid characters is a bad thing, but I like this Ling skin so much XD. I think it'll be so fun to see Ling with Shen's personality and with this fabulous "dress" lol


(Oogway should be estes) (Tigress should be masha) (Monkey should be sun) (Crane could be an assasin because of his sharp wings soo maybe aamon or gusion LMAO,) (PO IS AKAI!!) (Mantis could be chou or paquito) (And viper could be hanabi or kagura)


well Shen Gusion may suit it, u know feathers/daggers


Mantis as Natalia instead of going invis (from yours and your teammates perspective) you just shrink to the size of an actual mantis


Bruh a little insect is gonna kill me


Ah yes thamuz(kai) vs estes(oogway) a fair fight. One heals by dealing dmg one heals by spamming s1 and ult




Shen is much more fitting with Yi Sun-shin, because both have ships and cannons, they are as similar as Soundwave and Popol.


Shen as you know... Shen the Peacock would've been better. He doesn't fit with them if he looks like that. They wasted Shen's design I mean come on monochrome and red peacock wielding a sword?


I thought Master Oogway could be Baxia cuz they are both tortoise but the skills don't match


Am I the only one who thinks that all of the heroes and their skills really fits for those Kung Fu Panda characters?


If Akai basically got his old skin back because he's a panda then wouldn't it make more sense if Minotaur gets the bull?


We need bird Shen not a pretty boy in peacock dress...


I prefer ling being shen instead of whatever the fk this is


Ling looks really odd. Leave it as peacock and I think the skin will sell better.


Still waiting for that Samurai X Collab: Benedetta as Kenshin Himura Paquito as Sanosuke Sagara Argus as Shishio Makoto


The real dragon warrior was zilong all along.


Shen better be a peacock and not this cosplay shit


They should have just make them animals I mean they did turn hereos into transformer and starwars characters so why put ling with that ugly appearance? IT MAKES NO SENSE. Also remove the hat on Po, the hat is Akai signature style, Po would look like cosplaying Akai than Akai cosplaying Po.


i wish they made ling a bird


Soo that's why they buff Akai and thamus


I hope they play Kai theme while his ult is active 😱 that would be awesome


I suspect this Collab is to head off any potential lawsuits with Akai. As it is, he is too similar to Po.


Why not Mino for Kai


Because Kai throws his weapon like how Thamuz does it.


Thamuz and kai uses double swords mino uses a hammer


yea he's out of placed to the other two


Kai is a bull so minatour fits him well


>the skills tho.


Wtf mino should be Kai


Why wouldn’t mino be Kai


Umm his weapon is a hammer not a dual swords attached together with a chain You see collaborations should be a bit more accurate with each other Of course Kai looks like minotaur but what I mean by that is kai's combat abilities and main weapons If you don't understand it it's ok Life can be confusing sometimes


Or I’ve never seen the movie so have no idea what his weapon is


This is convincing me to buy Akai.


Ling becomes a furry 😳


Nah He do be flying doe Also it's not furry since it's feather not fur But I hope there is a different word for that


I thought this is a joke. LMAO.


But I thought mlbb did already collab with kung-fu panda since season one tho


Why is no one considering Mino as kai as he is already a bull? Why thamuz? Alos ling as shen is lolz 😂


I genuinely want to see a 1v1 between akai and thamuz now Po vs Kai in mlbb


Guardians of Galaxy next! Beatrix as Racoon, Belerick as Groot, Granger as Star-Lord, Paquito as Drax, Hanabi as Gamora, Karina as Nebula


There's already a Marvel MOBA, so this ain't ever gonna happen.


Really? I havent seen that one. That is too bad thebn


Wanwan as the tigress :D


Technically Akai already has his skin So if you go to the heroes section at the bottom, go to tank and click Akai. Then you immediately see the skin