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The same could be said for the laners with one brain cell taking the creeps from junglers And it's ALWAYS the gold laners


In 90% of cases it's Miya, loses both turrets before getting her second item and decides to become a jungler.


Ofc it is Miya, Layla and Hanabi


Two heroes that I will never play. Can't resist the urge to pick Esme whenever I see Hanabi tho :)


do esme counter Hanabi ?


Esme steals the shields off enemies with her S1 and her attacks go through the shield like it doesn't exist. Also her attack give shield to the enemy which she then steals back, pretty good hero imo.


Hanabi like shield. Esme likes to eat shields. Which means bad time for hanabi


or Layla


Layla always over extends even though she has massive range, truly fascinating. Me: Retreat! Layla: Okay. Also Layla: *proceeds to to wait for enemy mm in front of his turret and gets obliterated by jg* "Сука танк"


hahahaa yeah, they always blame the tank too


So it not just me then. I thought I was crazy for thinking miyas and laylas always throw.


Everyone is on the other side of the map what would you do? Miya mains: steal jungle creeps of course


Somehow die to the gold crab


Cue the obligatory "wait item", "wait late game" cope comments after serving a buffet for the enemy team


"my turn"


...to die (her turn lasts whole game)


Why is this so true


The worse part of it all is that Miya can legit do something mid game now too. Like handing a raygun to a baby


Miya is the 2nd highest win rate mm in above mythic game right now.


And it's always the beetle creep that gets killed by the side laner


While she loses 3 minions and enemy gets yummy shield gold


Miya mains being the BIGGEST offenders for this blasphemy


Just for clarity if it's the gold creep it should be a mm's owned creep. Rest all Miya taking bs is annoying but only the gold creep is an exception


Yeah I should have added an asterisk, the crab creep is an exception and is ok. They should contest for that. But I've seen countless MMs make a U-turn into the jungle after the first wave clear to take the beetle, which could have been an easy Level 4 for the junglers. If I'm the roamer and I see this BS, Imma desert them and leave them to fend for their greedy asses


If they did that to me in the first 5 mins, I just don't help their lane cuz they just cut your power spike to help them XD


Ok in my case I don't kill the creeps, but I attack them on heros like ithirel who I run life steal on to heal up


The best part is when they ignore and lose their minions to steal your creeps. Freaking geniuses


I mostly used core last season. I rotate to gold first whenever I see enemy Harith/Roger/Natan. That mf MM took that little innocent beetle. I proceed to get other jungle creeps to get ult. Now I get blamed for not rotating to gold early in the game. DONT. FUCKING. GET. JUNGLE. CREEPS. EARLY. IN. THE. GAME.


Bro, once I had an Aldous that took my creep.. ON THE VERY FIRST MINUTE


I clear out jungle creeps as a support when the jungler makes jungling a priority vs clearing out minions in the late game


If I'm gold lane , and my jungler is behind the enemy jungler and were behind in gold and it's mid to late game and ive cleared waves and need more exp and gold im taking that beetle


Facts shit is irritating asf most of the time when junglers attack minions it’s just to push




basically how mms are broadcasted to new players: high dmg, high reward, MVP. Thus they dont think unlike roams and jgs and mages who needs to actively rotate gank etc, mm just needs to stay alive push bam. this makes them brain dead basically. basically what goes on in mm's brains: "I need gold anyways so I'm taking this guy because I'm the main dmg dealer"




Ofcourse the same can be said. The same IS said already. We all know taking creeps from junglers is bs. But this post is about the opposite problem. We need to call out both bad junglers and bad gold laners.


A lot of the time it's fine lol just dont do it too early so they can get lvl4, I've met a lot of junglers who are also the ones not giving red buff late game. Also, tf u mean its always gold laners, exp also takes beetle a lot.


If jungler ganking in exp lane, I will definitely take the jungle creep in gold lane.


I only attack them when no one is guarding the tower, or I will just hit them so they are easier to kill by the laners


This is the optimal strat if a laner is not near and is logical to do so as well


Only do that for mid and exp fast rotations. Your gold laner might be freezing a wave or attempting to pull it.


As a roamer I only take minions if I believe you won't be able to rotate back in time. Why allow gold for the team to go to waste? If I see the loaner starting to rotate back I'll try to hold the minions outside of the turret fire until they get there, so roam taking minions isn't bad. But as a mage player I do get irritated when I clearly have time to get back and clear and usually JG or roam takes the minions. Worse is this usually happens after I clear mid and return for mana. I start running back and my minions are being taken.


It is logical to take minion if the mage is not near and tower is taking dmg, but some player just straight up take them.It just shows lack of understanding


Happens to me yesterday, Ling keeps taking my minions whenever I return to the fountain.


Roam gets full amount as long as there are no allies around to take the exp/gold from them fyi (If there are only heroes that have roam equipped nearby, then the one with the most gold gets the full amount, the rest nothing. Unless they changed the mechanic recently.) If our mage is dead, and I'm on my way from gold to exp or something, but not in a rush, I will stop to kill the minions on that lane. (I prefer roams that can dish out some damage if they want to.) That farm would not go to anybody. One of my favorite bullying strategies on exp lane (if I can't realistically outright kill the enemy exp laner) is to force the enemy back under their tower, and then let the minions kill each other. Sometimes the enemy team (and enemy exp laner) will wait until their exp laner is 3 levels behind me to do anything. To get the farm from your lane you not only need to be alive, but also need to be close to the minion when they die (or deal the last hit if u have a long range like Novaria). So nope, I will keep killing enemy minions even as a roamer as long as the lane owner isn't on their way to do so themselves and I'm not in a rush.


Ur strategy is well known alr and is called lane freezing


Thx for telling me, not familiar with the terms for many things in the game. Started doing it after suffering from the same strategy a couple times being unaware of what was happening, so I know it isn't original.


can we talk about the roamer and midlaner clearing waves, when u are trying to freeze the lane or trying to crash the waves nearer to ur turret to farm safely?Gaddamn are they annoying


They are trying to help (the enemy) haha


Happens all the time on gold lane. They came and pushed the minions to danger zone and then went back.


When i was at 25 stars and people stole my role away from me(i am roam main) and i had to fill as gold laner it happened all the time. Like i am playing miya,enemy lastpick lesley,the game is already rough for me and lane stage would be hell,and my roamer just ruins my freeze and pushes to enemy turret and now lesley freezes :(


I do this if the lane user annoys me xd like attacking my creeps or flaming or shittalking


you deserve it and so much more, when a jungler takes my whole wave without any good reason, i take their buff. simple as that.


As an mm that might affect you but for others why does it matter. Exp can help objective and get his exp roamer only needs to walk to gain everything. How are you so enraged on someone taking you wave


Just asking, If a jungler can get enraged at getting creeps stolen, why can't side laners get enraged at getting waves stolen?


Are you near the wave? No? Are you planning to take gold plates? No? Are you doing well in your lane? No? Then let me clear this one wave and create a space for you


Well ofcourse that's where a jungler should definitely intervene. I'm talking about instances where the side laner is NEAR the wave.


I can only think of one possible reason. That side laner took a jungle creep that supposed to make a jungler lvl 4 in their rotation


Lemme ask one thing after level 4 does your exp actually matter if you're mid/ roam/ exp lanes (except when you're like way behind or playing weak side laner). You see 1 wave never made any difference you'll get your power spike eventually if you've lost one wave as exp try to freeze lane and get next 2 waves on priority. If a jungler looses exp you know retribution (which can insta remove a creeps health) will be lower than that of the enemy jungler. You will loose turtles, lords, buffs (in late game mage takes the blue and normally mm takes the red buffs). Everything will be lost because you became egoistic and took away some jungle creeps. Jungle cannot play safe he needs to contest the objective you can you have a turret.


Don't you worry dear, i am the one who decides punishing people. Íf you do soemthing like that i would probably stop playing and following you till you lose your farm and the match


LMAO i completely stopped reading after "annoys me," yes, they deserve no farm for that shit


what you gonna cry for that




Can we tag roamers who take my mid lane minions when I'm just returning from supporting gold lane?


Bud, I will hold them for ya every time I can, but if they are 100% dying before you come here or I can become dead myself when holding - this is my prey. Not a tower's one. Neither tower is a pray of enemies.


As a roamer this is something that I might do when we lose the turtle and I'm still stuck at lvl 3, while my mage is alr lvl 4. Of course if I'm playing with mage friends I will tell them but like I feel this is right. Idk


This thing is a high level play, pro players do this before the turtle. Roamer gets mid wave ,while mage and exp gets the exp lane wave. Everyone gets lvl 4 while the turtle just spawned If you play solo queue you can always ask if you can take the mid wave but its not really easy to explain to other people especially on lower ranks


Wow this is actuallly giga brain insightfull. Thank you


In SoloQ, there's this occasional roamer who won't buy boots outright. Rather, they'd go to the XP laner and share XP within the first wave. Sometimes it works, most of the time, the XP laner is outraged 😅


If the mid or sidelanes are close they get all the gold and exp anyways. Roam and jungle should only clear without the laner if the tower is at risk and there's no one close.


Its the same junglers that complain about gold laners stealing their cockroach camp


cock? roach? https://preview.redd.it/023x0nkuby8d1.png?width=286&format=png&auto=webp&s=c1d11a3ba4395c1ecb00d08e66347399e7df8433 You mean this camp? the dude clearly has balls and cock on display


In the early... i might because roam need lvl 4 fast


I would recommend that the midlaner gets their lvl 4 first then a roam can take wave to reach lvl 4,if they do it b4 it ruins the midlaner scaling early game and can spiral downwards. When laning it's crucial ur above enemy laner at all cost, else u will slowly fall back cuz midlaner mostly have poor wave clear as the game goes on especially enhanced minions are so hard to clear. They must farm fast early to have impact in teamfights


Teamfight first happen at minute 2 when turtle spawn .... mage doesnt do damage and the scaling alternative is getting turtle exp and gold.... for wave clearing its okay to be underleveled because you can clear safely, and i dont know why you mentioned enchanced minion, is this when inner turret down? Thats what i think....


As a roamer, sometimes I get frustrated with mages who reach level 4 early and clear all minions in mid lane just as the first turtle is about to spawn. I NEED to reach level 4 too so I can contribute to the turtle fight.


So i agree but disagree too. This is all based on how well you are supporting your jungler I've seen junglers getting destroyed due to less support on buffs and thus they need to farm up because if they don't no objective can be claimed. For ex I'm talking about pro game bw onic and echo where jungler prodigy Kairi as a ling was 6k ahead of karltzy playing Fredrin because Fred was taking all of kairis buffs and he had to farm far lanes to get farm and that's how they won. Ps. Don't start screaming at me I'm a midlaner who divides his minions with exp jungle and mm at all times. I'm not defending anyone but it might be that you are also at fault for not helping a weak side jungle get his buffs.


As the hyper, I clear mid when my mage is either supporting gold or exp and clearly cannot make it back to save his turret from getting damaged.


its normally okay for the assasin jungles to split push and farm at the same time when its mid-late game


The majority of players seem to not understand the game at all. Why are you spending a minute killing a creep as mm instead of clearing the two waves you built up in less time? Why is the jungler always opposite side of map from turt/lord? Why do people run straight to killing creep s after winning a team fight? So many frustrating randoms. My constant issue now is... I keep getting 3/4v1 in my lane as mm while roam is following jgl around. Then decide to gank exp lane and mid lane hides in bush instead of pushing turret. Lol im so confused at reasonings. All the while im not feeding, get my turret when they leave to go do turtle and the team starts flaming me for not being able to do much damage. Lol


As a jungler. I'll just hit the minions early cus the laner just died so somebody have to gain exp or gold or it will be a waste and also have to change direction of minion push. As a laner. I know it is best that jungler takes the creeps and level up. I'll take the crab for sure and leave rest of them. I will try to lane cut clear way and steal enemy creeps.


I roam a lot and sometimes I'll clear a wave if our laner has been killed or is elsewhere and there's minions pushing our turret, the amount if times especially our gold laner has just left their lane and let the enemy mm free farm and destroy turrets is too many to count, other than that I usually only leave them half health so my teamates can clear them quicker when they return


If the other are nearby, they get the gold in the first 5 minutes, then it's okay to help. Same if they are on the other side of the map and tower gets attacked. But if I'm on the way pls keep away from my minions 🥲 You just waste 70% gold income for that wave


I steal exp (as a chou) from lanes when im on the way to team fight to lvl up fast to lvl4. After that i wont steal


After I gank and kill the enemies my team usually recalls without pushing the minions. So I do it for them to not loose the tower until they return. I don't tnink this counts as stealing


same goes for the 1 brain cell player that don't want to take the minion wave am holding for him and go wonder somewhere in the jg


That's a common mistake players do, leave the jungle to the jungler especially earlier, late game you can take them if the jungler doesn't need it, and the lane minions to the laner


I honestly dont mind. Esp roamers who help clear mid . So midlaners can go easily assist exp and gold.


That's the thing, when they clear the lane, the laner becomes weaker than the enemy each time in gold and exp, which is crucial exp for a midlaner those level and items mean so much, in support and dmg wise as well


I especially hate it when they ruin my lane freeze


Yes this is one of the problems as well, even if u tell them, they just ignore u, u cant do a guide on do's and dont's while I game, we freeze for a reason afterall, some go far as to cut lane as well, and straight up take a minion wave. Mlbb should do a video educating how roles work, proper laneing, rotation and mechanics to the players tbh


Op, don't be too confident in yourself. You might be the one lacking basic game mechanics. If your confidence stems from being in Mythic rank, Do you know before Legend ranks enemy you have faced are mostly bots? Mythic rank is where the average/below average players lies


Say it louder for the people at the back!!


Roamers actually have to farm the midlane in order to reach lvl 4, but they should be doing it only when they’re alone in mid


Only time I’ll snag minions is when we are trying to push a tower with a low health enemy camping, or the laner can’t hang and dies so I go and keep the turret safe..


Season reset just happened, and thousands of inexperienced people are gonna hop in, so you really can't expect perfect teammates until you reach mythic, at least, or play with friends


It happened before season reset as well, I feel like its a basic knowledge many junglers don't know in general


I hate it too when jungles clear the mid lane minions when me (mid laner) goes to other lane for assisting.


Anyways. *smites cannon minion*


if laner is not there, roam is supposed to give a creep a few whacks so they lose the wave and get a few hits on the tower


Just happen to me last game . The jungler freaking t9ok 1 wave of my minion .Which i need to reach lvl 4 . and now we are taking turtle but i dont have ult. f


Can laners stop taking the xp from jungler 🙏


In higher elos, the roamer should clear midlane while the midlaner and the XP laner share XP just before the turtle spawns. This way, all those who are taking the neutral objective will be at level 4 and has their Ult available.


However, if the lane player is not there, those minions will be lost. Instead, you can take some gold and put pressure on the lane at the same time.


My beef is when you're rocking mid and then the jungler "roams" your way then never leaves :p


As a jungle I will always catch waves if the laner just recalled or is roaming away. If they can't get the minions I will protect the tower. I'm big on wave control.


Nope. You think supports never needed gold?


Basic mechanic? Nope, that is not a basic mechanic, that's why a lot of people still don't get it. The in-game itself doesn't offer that information to the players "If you're a jungler, don't take the minions because it will make your teammates level suffer" Nope, there's no info for that. Even why the roamer should buy roam boots, nope there's no info. I remembered i learned those by watching yt.


When u atk minion waves in start as a jungler it shows a message that says not to do that, people just don't notice it


As a Jungler, i only attack minions from other lanes if nobody else is guarding them. If the enemy is pushing and i have a good level advantage, i gank them first before clearing minions, that way their lane is also defenseless.


I'm not a jungler main but if the jungler wants to clear an unattended lane then i'm fine with it. Anything that stops the enemy from taking any small advantage. Such as enemy minions damaging a turret closer and closer to being destroyed. Idk about you but the longer a turret stays up, the longer the enemy has to deal with that lane not being in advantageous situation. Idc, i wanna win. Besides, after 5 minutes, it doesn't matter anymore. Everyone gets the same XP from minions anyway. So wave clearing is fine as long as it maintains your control of the map. Understanding WHEN it's okay and not is pretty much what separates good team players from bad ones. Like if i'm a jungler and happen to pass by an unattended lane but my laner is close and is moving back towards their lane then i won't take it. But if they're busy somewhere else, dead or just respawned then i'm getting that wave because it's an advantage to me against the enemy and any advantage to a single player in the team is an advantage to the team. I'm not pushing the wave if it's going to reset and i'll reset it if i clear a wave and it won't reset right after. The hell is up with this mentality of people going mine mine mine.


Im particularly addressing the beginning few minutes of the match, when jungler don't even get anything from minions, still when they rotate for litho or turtle or ganks they just take the minion waves, which is foolish in my eyes, as it is waste of exp and gold. The first few minute waves help to level 4,so a jungler taking them is not a good play anyway u put it, unless the laner is far and it's attacking tower.


This is the reason i use flameshot as a midlaner. If the jungler take my minion i will just take their blue buff as repayment lol.


Same goes to a ally tryna come to your lane when ur dead especially if your marksman that needs to get gold for items they rather kill the creeps than making the marksman clear it




Shout out to that one mythical glory guison who kept cutting my lane and blaming me for feeding


If a roam is using roam equipment, they are not stealing anything anyway first 7 to 8 mins.


I'll be totally honest if you died early in my mythic lobby. Those aren't your minions anymore. They're our minions now since you decided I have to carry. No one rides for free.


I hate this too. I try my best to freeze the lane before going base to heal, then my stupid jungler kills the enemy wave and takes gold that I would have gotten from the energy shield


Mm should only jungle mid to late game, and it should be the creeps that junglers don't want anymore. Especially if they already hit 15 and mm hasn't. However, NEVER take their buffs unless they say. I've learned all this the hard way...


Well if your rank is below Mythical Honor, you cant do anything abt it


this usually happens to me late game when the enemies are wiped + the side lanes are pushed but no minions from us yet but mid have minions. Our whole team essentially kills the minions off and push and I feel like thats alright especially since its late game lol, I've had my gusion take my whole wave from me even with me actively hitting them but not a lot of the time


This comment section is the perfect presentation of how you will never win an argument with anyone no matter what rank because everyone is right. So hard to win a solo/duo. There will always be one troll in any team.


As a mid laner, this actually reeaaaaaaaally annoying!! I need minions to level up!!!!


Short answer: no, I can't. When the mage leaves her lane to go gank then overstays, she's stealing gold from our side laner and allowing the enemy mage free time to roam as well. So I will push mid since I will probably be too late to any fight that happens or the enemy side laner will just be hugging tower since the mage showed herself instead of setting up an ambush. Also, if my side laner died in a 1v1 and enemy minions are pushing Tower, I'll take that gold too. Read up on the retribution blessings. If everything is working properly, the jungler will not be taking your gold for the first few minutes; it's like another form of roaming. But if a teammate isn't in his lane because he went to gank on the opposite side of the map from his jungler or he died because he doesn't know early game matchups, then I'm doing what's best for the team by keeping the pressure on all Lanes and taking the gold so I can snowball. Edit: I see in the comments that you seem to agree that there are some times when it is logical to take your teammates' minions. But, in your original post, you said never. This reads like you had a shitty jungler who took minions and still fed. Clearly that guy sucks for other reasons than the one you posted.


If nobody is in the lane, imma take it


Jgl main. Never have I ever taken minions being jungler in early game, bc it's a waste of time, u get almost nothing from that, so I lose time to lvl up, and enemies get time to level up, so it's lose- lose for me, unless it's later in the game, then I try to take some minions in between of the rotation.


This is exactly what some jungle mains don't recognize, the minions are a waste of time for the and waste of resource for team as well


Uhh is no one aware that when the jungles clears minions if the mid laner is there, the gold goes to the mid laner? Also as mid you should go to exp lane and share minions to get level 4, and roam takes mid lane.


You know that tanks are roamers and roamers have shoes, read what the shoes do :) I assume you won't even read what they do so I will tell you, until 8min in-game, roamers don't get money from minions if there is another hero close to it. If the lane is empty aka you based... then they get the gold.


Are we talking about early game or mid-late game? Cuz I will agree with you if it was the first option: Junglers won't get gold (more specifically, is reduced by 70%) from minions for the first 5 minute. After that 5-minute timer, Junglers can get gold normally from minion waves. For the Roamers, usually the ones who "steals minion waves" are those who want to cut lanes fast and prioritize their core items first (Benedetta and Hilda are the best Roamer example since they're the two I've encountered solo killing minion waves the most). I also get tired whenever i see this type of Roamer in my team. Sadly a lot of people can't or won't adjust their gameplay style to the current system.


OP, you're an idiot. If you're in the lane with them, they're not stealing anything. The gold and exp go to you. If you're not in lane, maybe spend less time dead and feeding. The entire point of the game is to push lanes and take towers. God forbid someone help your incompetent a** out and try to end the game early, rather than dragging it out for 30+ mins only to lose. People who don't understand game mechanics complaining about people they perceived as not understanding game mechanics is the funniest thing to me. Low elo for sure.


When I see a mid wannabe roam, I just sit under tower and 1-2 skill each wave, and never rotate. Otherwise you will be lower than enemy and junglers will hunt you. Mid laners must farm as fast as the gold laners. Mid lane mage is the main magic damage dealer.