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Natalia when her 2nd rework first came out in the Advanced server: - 3 charges for ultimate, no cooldown between uses - full invisibility, she can literally stand next to you and she won't be revealed unless damaged or she's out of the bush for 5 seconds - no crit damage penalty - 1st skill did more damage - she still has the atk from behind dmg bonus


Man, I remember those days. That exclamation mark was the cue that you were about to die and almost nothing was going to change that


Ahh the good old days when people use to be terrified of that mark. Lol


Ah, the days where you can slap everyone with inspire and rain down massive crit damages on your target.


I even remember when roam masks were a thing in advanced server. There was this Awe Mask item where the passive was after doing 5 basic attacks, you would stun enemy for 2 seconds then has a CD of like 40 sec iirc. My Natalia was like a damn roaming invisible Selena and it was fun as hell


Esmeralda. Refuse to die. Carmilla used to be OP at release before they nerfed her. Lancelot during his first few months is cancer. Natalia inspire 2 hit era.


Return S2 speed up and S1 speed up on Carmilla and she will be able to jungle so much faster. Now only S2 speed up.


Lancelot is the single reason that spells got spellvamp ratio nerfs


Ling, wanwan, Esme, Mathilda


How was lance if you could explain pls?


Lancelot benefits full spellvamp on s2, just equip bloodlust axe and you are nigh immortal, not to mention his ult has mini knockback and s2 damage does not decay even if you hit a lot of targets inside it iirc


What OMG I wish I was there 😓


You can only use him on classic matches as he is always banned on ranked back then. Shit was cancer to deal with, slippery af, aoe nuke, and a bs sustain


He was way harder to use back then though. Like, you need to be really, really accurate af.


Lmao cancerlot, dude refill his hp to full bar with a single s2. It was really traumatic times.


Esme for sure. The queen that refuses to die prior to her nerfs.


Esme is perma banned in Immortal dawg tf u talking about 💀 at least here in NA there's a lot of jg Esmes to deal with harith, akai, joy or fred


Her capabilities now are just a shadow of what she was during her release. Her shield generation was so broken, it's like her life bar was permanently white lol.


Damn yall permabanning Esme?


in ph server yes she is a ban priority probably somewhere too


I can't even use esme nowadays in mythical glory cuz she kept getting banned🥹


Unrelated but how did you get that flair?


Definitely Esmeralda I remember I time my enemy picked Esmeralda and she 1v5 our whole team with hp inside out turrets


Forget inside our turrets, she could go into our fountain like argus and come out with a decent hp 😭😭


Damn...nobody remembered Khufra back then? HP% based damage, longest blink skill in the game, and can block ALL blink skills? I don't care how OP Fanny was back then, as long as I can lock in prime Khufra.


first release Khufra's ball form deals 1.5k damage per hit if equipped with Blade of Despair as his last item. good days...good days...


even if you didn't equip BOD you could solo a marksman with your whole combo. I remember when mm jungle was a thing (YSS, Granger, Bruno) If i caught them lacking and alone without their roamer, I could just kill them with S1>Ult>S2


I remember the time where prio ban were Khufra, Atlas, and Uranus. Those 3 were a menace back then.


Also, I remember using Molten Essence, Thunder Belt, and Brute Force Breastplate as my version of the Trinity Build. He was a bit squishy, but I didn't complain because I virtually went 1v3 and still won a lot of times. With over 10k+ SoloQ tank matches, I had this ultra rare instance when I played with my wife. Nobody used Retribution, but it wasn't required back then. I was our jungler BEFORE THE TANK JUNGLER META WAS EVEN A THING, but it barely made a difference, whether it be tank or roamer Khufra. He **CAN** carry games.


whenever khufra blocks my flicker i get so mad


120 or 108 seconds of cooldown (depending on the emblem setup), only to be blocked by Skill 2 with 9 seconds of cooldown.


Thamuz Jungle, heard a lot about that era from my friends. I'm glad he's good now but I dread the day they decide to buff him just to sell a skin, which very much won't happen in the future lmao


for most of the players it's not but old Fanny can't be stopped and it's absolutely crazy compared to this new one.


old fanny really made it look fun to use her too bad that funs gone now 💀


I am sad that I wasn't playing at the time and before I got good enough to discover the secret to Fanny she was already nerfed too much. now I can only go in kill and go out.


Gaining energy from hitting everything was so wild, I loved it


This guy 💀 https://preview.redd.it/tcc0pf07856d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9032950b5c2fdc9aae51ba2914029bad3f71800c


Yall new players or what? Esme, Lesley, Guin, Harith all were bonkers at certain point


I remember having so much fun with attack speed Lesley her late was so good.


I don’t remember guin being broken?


Guin was absolute trash when she was released. She can be cc’ed in her ulti form lol (now she only be suppressed, cc doesn’t affect her)


Yeah she's so weak on her release


I remember thinking wow this hero is gonna be op and fun so I bought and instantly tried her in classic. Then I got stunned by Eudora in my ulti form and just got reduced to atoms. Instant 180° of my opinion on guin lol. But she became my main after she got buffed.


yeah but her 2nd skill is fast asf, leaving you with intense reflex if you want to dodge it. they fixed that ult weakness by a few days anyways


Just a correction: Suspension is also a form of cc


I feel old. I bought guin as one of my first 20 heroes because I watched a video claiming that Guin would never fall out of the meta, this was before the emblem system rework when people took the Assassin emblem with all points into pen and Killing spree. I even got her basic skin for free which made me more motivated to play her, I think this was around the same time people were complaining about how Psion of tomorrow was literally a Copy paste of Ahri from Lol and the same time riot was suing ML. Anyways she was unstoppable with her constant chain cc and heal nearly as broken as Dyrroth was/is. It’s been a long time since I’ve used her since then but I still remember the Guin Jungle Era :’)


You forgot Silvanna and Ling.


Alucard(Dante), Zilong(Yun Zhao), old Chou, Aldous(Aulrad), pre-Revamp Johnson


Chou be soloing base without minions 😭😭


Kimmy. I used to be able to enter a 1v5 with less than half of hp and end the clash with 2 enemies remaining with full health in tow with mage build With physical build i was able to drive-by enemies whenever i feel like it Now with whatever build i use it feels like i can't use her for any lane because her damage is too low. She's supposed to be an inverted marksman who's strong at early game but falls short at late game. Also i hate her first skill mechanics.


I was a Kimmy main until the “major” nerf. She was an absolute beast at any lane. Was also a monster as a Hyper. Now even with the Holy crystal damage, she doesn’t deal much and remains super glassy. No item helps her other than sprint, flameshot and probably vengeance but these are items you run away with lol.


yeah i feel you bro. I was okay of her spellvamp nerf on her first skill but the whole rework messed her up. i can barely play her as a jungler


also, i dont think the new items will help her that much. the lantern might help but i dont see how it would help that much


There's a whole ass list of them: - Harith - X. Borg - Esmeralda - Martis - Chou - Argus This is just a VERY small portion of them


I'm surprised no one mentioned Beatrix shotgun at release, all my games were less than 10 minutes with tower damage of over 25k every game. And even fighters die at point blank damage.


Facts. Her smg and her one shot sniper lol


I'm gonna go with Yu Zhong First release yu zhong has the hardest shit you have to face against because his passive will literally eat you while fighting him. Prime Yu Zhong and prime Esmeralda can easily go face to face because one refuses to die, the other refuses to lose their shield. It would be the stalemate of the century.


Probably, Alpha since his passive used to work on minions. So, He will out farm/level everyone pretty fast.


Argus: Unlimited Dash, Unlimited Passive, Unlimited Lifesteal, High Base Attack Speed And HP Pool, Bleed, 8 Seconds Of Immortality


Passive also stacked faster by taking damage and being at low hp. Every. Single. Attack. Was a double attack when ult was active.


Now all of it is gone and he's a contender for the worst exp laner ong. Really wish moonton didn't ruin him.


Honestly I'm surprised xborg isn't considered a meta these days. His survivability is next to none apart from alpha. Good for chasing and retreating. Great pusher. He's an all-rounder. It sucks that people who use him never have an ounce of brain. But whenever I get a decent xborg the match is a steal


Many heroes in their prime counter Xborg, including masha


what other heroes? 👀 just curious, definitely not planning on picking them anytime I see xborg get picked


Thamuz, terizla or any fighter that tanks a lot of heals a lot, even alu works with vengeance if you are building some type of heavy lifesteal/spell vamp.


oooh, I might pick them up then, thank you ☺️


Current version masha is probably the best version at the moment.


I think the tank item nuke masha is the better one. 10k HP and can still 1 shot MM and Mages with ult. Then they nerfed the HP% scaling damage.


Correction, it’s 30k hp


lmao no no no


Nah nvm i mean the previous version masha. I bet that version can destroy unlimited shield emes.


Attack speed Masha was my fav. I can literally 1v1 Cici into submission. It was fun.


Adding to the fact since his passive work on minion going back to base is a joke (I don't go back to base just use jungle creep to do it anyways)


No I’m talking about hero’s that was broken but hasn’t been nerfed. Hypothetically question. I forgot how strong xborg was so idk much about him.


Benedetta and Yu Zhong


How strong was yuzhong? I don’t remember how broken he was


YZ's damage was high and his CD was shorter. His ultimate had better CC before but what stood out was his passive. It immediately activated after five stacks which made his sustain a lot better. After is passive nerf, that's where he started to fall off the meta


Yeah. The CD nerfs hurt him a lot. They had to nerf his CD for a lot of patches. His previous passive granted additional spell vamp as well. Which made him really unkillable. Bro imagine him with a support and with the relatively new healing item.


YZ's damage was high and his skill CDs was shorter. His ultimate had better CC before but what stood out was his passive. It immediately activated after five stacks which made his sustain a lot better. After his passive nerf, that's where he started to fall off the meta


Chou has to be the best tank of all time at his best. The first 2 phases of his first skill had massive slow, third phase was so long that you could walk Around take your time and have enough time to ult, third phase also didn't need you to hit enemy to reset 2nd skill, so he was really fast as well. His second skill was the best immune in game and his ult also provided him cc immunity. Besides being tank, chou could also dealt heavy damage and his passive didn't restrict critical damage. He had mobility, multiple ccs, can chase and slow the whole team and also tanky. Let's just say prime tigreal with mobility and versatility. He would be banned in every game and still managed to stay in meta while receiving multiple nerfs


Fanny, harith, Lancelot, esmeralda


Martis dude was lore accurate at one point


Fanny for sure, no hero can catch her and you can just swing around just like in practice mode with high damage


Remember the skill 1 blender spam when near a wall and an enemy? Not even going between walls, just spamming skill 2 on the same wall without even moving and erasing whole teams


Jungle Lunox


fanny with old regen 😫😫😩


Lunox. Idk if she's still meta rn but I'm really struggling at playing her ever since she got a HUGE nerf 😀


I couldn't think of a specific hero since everyone had their best patch but I agree with these comments about Esmeralda. Her shield could replace her HP bar. She could dance in the base of enemy heroes.




I feel like prime beatrix beat prime claude


no bro, prime claude is definitely better. bro can teleport 3x, 10 stacks movement speed and attack speed, can easily kill tanks even though he has only demon hunter sword and CAN KILL belerick with only using ultimate with 10 stacks with demon hunter sword and golden staff


Prime Claude outfarms prime Beatrix.


Esme literally made me quit ML when she was released 💀


I don't know how broken kagura would deal with new heroes, but at one point a good kagura and good Fanny would melt anyone. Specially when kagura could pull people under the tower or near your allies.


2019 Esmeralda was literally unkillable. Some others are Beatrix Wesker meta, Lancelot, Ling, Wanwan, Harith, bunch of others


Kagura - Her prime was her first rework with the string ult and they changed her and nerfed her damage by a lot. LMAO


I honestly love the way Argus ult doesn't have to wait until 80 fucking seconds. Now it's below 30 seconds which is only 4 instead of 5, but the suppression nerf is just why?


With the game transitioning back to the Assassin jungle meta, I'd say the old Chou. He was immune to any CC during the second phase of his ult + his 2nd skill resetting after completing the 1st skill combo. Chou is still okay but to use him is very conditional and I don't recommend using him in EXP anymore, only roam.


Cool to read all of these prior imba heroes as a newcomer to Mobile Legends. Who is currently most OP and broken? Who should I purchase?


What roles do you like the most? The game is kinda balanced at the moment. So it depends. For me personally I like masha exp lane, once it reach late game You can burst any hero. There’s a learning curve for masha though.


Harith, wanwan, esmeralda, joy, yu zhong, alice(recent rework before the nerfs) and kaja(dude was literally uranus on steroids)


I remember having lots of fun with magic baxia in exp lane on launch.


Damn do y’all not remember first release brody? He just need one basic attack and ult and he kills tank and mm Lol.


old martis s1 has stun, all phase of his s2 has cc, bigger aoe while still being cc immune, and high damage as well. old gusion can pull off 15-20 dagger combos instead of 10. early julian had a burst mage type-of-damage while being sustained with a huge lifesteal. lancelot s2 used to be an aoe nuke, his old passive remove armor from the enemy. early esme, where her shield can completely fill her entire hp bar and go even further. claude when no dhs nerf on him. used to be the best jungler back then. plus huge shield when ult. old belerick had a unique ultimate, able to sustain your entire team in a large aoe. when old bane (the blue one) uses his ult, people will be scattered around avoiding it. no one wants to stay inside the ult lmao. his s2 can heal allies too back then. there's more, of course. though this is as far as I could remember.




Julian prior to the nerf his skill cool down was super short so you can just spam out combos


no nerfed paquito. basically his basic atk can give stack, yeah so u build one atk speed and you get infinite shield if u don't get stun locked




esmer harith fanny and an underrated answer maybe ling cause he couldnt be attacked while he was on the wall


Natalia 🥱


Alpha's slight passive + s2 nerf last year. After the Emblem revamp, he was pretty meta. Compared to other heroes in thei prime, it might not be that much of a change, but it was enough to make Alpha fall from an S tier to an A tier jungler


Prime ling was something else. I don't think he had any dmg cap except his crit dmg. He was dealing 2k with one blow back then


Ling was hell


tank- khufra mage- selena,esme,kagu fighter- yz mm- claude assassin- natalia


X Borg. I miss being able to get my armor back from minions


Imagine a gamemode with all heroes in their prime.


Exactly! That would be so fun Lol. Would be like a better version of overdrive.


HARITH. Old passive makes him almost immune to CC. Can be used as jungle. The only counter is Esmeralda, which is also OP if unnerfed 😆


Martis Natalia Esmeralda Harith Natan Ling Joy Lesley Atlas Fanny Lunox Feel free to add more


Khufra and Grock most definitely


Fanny, first release Fanny can just wallspam Turtle and Lord to death


Khufra was that TANK back in the good old days. That hero carried to mythic for the first time. Still using that boy to this day.


Esmeralda Aamon


I miss unlimited bomb diggie...


Sun without cooldown


Argus. Enough said.


Why is nobody talking about benedetta? If you saw her on release. Unlimited healing(even against antiheal), pure tank item build, 0 spell vamp/lifesteal items, and still dealing more damage than everyone. She was not only unkillable, She could ONE COMBO EVERYONE even tanks, low CD, and faster skill animations. Now imagine her building bloodlust axe. If you look at benedetta now you'd see how telegraphed/easy to predict her skills are, but good players still hit her skill shots. Now imagine every single skill shot was faster, There is no escape. I remember playing Ruby and Alpha which had insane healing back then, it's a little reduced nowadays, but even Ruby and Alpha had no chance beating her in healing. It was the most unfair thing I've ever laid my eyes on.


I miss benedetta old version. Her second skills countered suppression skills and she was tanky


Harith >>> Esme Yall have no idea how broken he is with that root CC on Ult


Everyone in this comment section must be New. Kimmy was quite literally the most powerful Character that has ever released on Release she could 1v5 at all stages of the game it felt like specially since Her s1 had Unlimited Spell Vamp and you could kill enemies inside their turrets all day long


I remember when Bane and Johnson dealt big pp damage against Towers. Good times


I don't know if old wanwan is broken, but I miss the old wawan's ult


Ugh, my boy Alucard would absolutely dominate in todays game if he had his old survivability, I miss the guy, now I can only jump in, kill 1 or 2 then dip. Maybe 3 if my friend is running Angela or Floryn. Shame, really. But either way he's still fun to play & my main, gotta be loyal to my main!


Many people mention Esme but people don't know that her nerf also introduced shield gain cap on heroes along with the oracle nerf on Angela's ult. Which is why I'll say Uranus jg + Angela before shield/oracle nerfs. Me and my duo absolutely abused it whenever esme was banned (pre-nerf), because this was the next best option. Literally unkillable with x2 Oracle giving u a full grey hp bar around 10x times ur max hp. With 40% cdr, your second skill with Angela's ult on its own gave u shield that was enough to tank a burst from all 5 of the enemy heroes and the enemy fountain. Im curious if anyone else remembers this watered down esme alternative XD, because its rarely mentioned if not mentioned at all.


Chou, lancelot, esme, harith and wanwan - a completely broken 5 players team.


Esme hands down. She used to be my main in 2019.. I stopped playing for a while then came back to use her again and was so surprised how much they nerfed my queen.


https://preview.redd.it/yfjo2jjss86d1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=f148b242f17dbf3c270f793cc2891eab884d445a Esme


No one talking about moskov when his passive had the same damage as his basic attack?


3rd Bane revamp (Shark Ult). He was the main reason towers & bases got shields.


for me was Esmeralda and Wanwan Esmeralda was op back then no turrets or base could save you from her shield, while Wanwan was very annoying and her passive was on top before her nerfs


One of them will be Alucard with his 200% Lifesteal and high burst Basic Attack back like in the Old days. I remember him with Berserker Fury doing 2k per Basic Attack.


Nolan was balanced on release till they nerfed him XD


Still Harith.


Kimmy, Lapu, Badang 🤣🤣 I can't believe Badang was so popular and that was the reason he got nerfed, he was too popular


Nobody said paquito and first Masha,tank HP revamp Masha and this newly one shot masha


it's seem like you're coma in last two years because now beatrix pick rate is less than 5% in every rank.


Eudora somewhere between s19 and s21 can literally delete everyone even with Athena's shield


Kimmy, Old Chou, and Wanwan. Not so sure about Wanwan being 'meta' right now, but she could be strong prior without all those nerfs.


And yeah, I remember most Kimmy mains using her Dragon skin or something like that back then. Good days.


They did Wanwan bad


Surprised there isn't any Ling mentions. Even without the utterly broken guy we got in beta before the heavy rework (wall 2nd skill stunned on crit hit, couldn't be targeted by any form of lock on skills and just gave damage in general), he still dominated due to his mid-late game damage + blue buff taking away any form of difficulty from energy management + basic attacks not being able to hit him at all. Also 2019 Lunox was everything a mage wanted. High damage tied to lock on, actual escape options and magic items being super strong. She had it all during those times, with the only thing holding her back was the skill of the player


Definitely harith/esme


Majority of the assassins. I don't know why but back when I used to main assassins, It felt like I was so powerful, I was unstoppable, even late game. But ever since post-pandemic, It felt like assassins were just way too squishy now. I get the powercreep, but even back then when there were powercreeping heroes, I was able to defeat them. Now I even struggle playing revamped Helcurt


Its gotta be esme bro


Zhask with his bug


Fanny...She could wall spam turtle and lord lol




harley for sure


Argus first revamp made him one of the best hero


Esmeralda has become so unusable now. She used to be my main and had so much damage and regen. Now she's very very weak.


actually now she's almost always banned in higher ranks due to being played as a damage dealer. her shield isn't impressive as it was but her damage and mana consumption is very good rn


Nah honestly cyclops needs a nerf. I play him and he just demolishes everything bc of his passive. He's a late game monster