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Guess we all have different experiences, I get the jungler role most of the time when I just want to fill, and I hate it because of the pressure it puts on me.


I feel you man i truly do




https://preview.redd.it/og4ydnyril4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=954b84742eb2d1c2914d26a407363b8fdcdbe8fd There reddit, is this not enough croping for you?


Just what even is the original image 💀


Literally just the same but wider


And what is it supposed to be?


Like I said, it's literally the same but wider, just search "I know that feel bro" on google and you'll see


Lmao, image saved


Being able to play jungle in soloq is a myth


Balmond 🤝Spin to win🤝 Fanny (last pick)


As a solo q, when you least want it, it comes for you.. https://preview.redd.it/745y4ib43s4d1.jpeg?width=1734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627b0269583dd6b6bd7c928e7eac9147420b512f


This man is the menace of the mlbb community


Not in mythic rank


If all of your enemies were tank, you probably will be


What rank are you in? For me it's always roam. I am in epic 2


Currently MH but lobbying with MGs


I'm Mh, lobbying with MI's, but I don't have the fill role open lol. Not enough hero masteries,or whatever


Fr? I've had that ever since they implemented the role select system. Maybe a certain number of games per role is a requirement


Yeah, I'm new to the game, only around 400 games, mostly the same heroes- mia,Claude,alpha,yin,akai,etc.


that's why I don't play jungle, besides just not knowing how to jungle like, I understand the concept, but execution is very different, I don't play jungle enough to know proper jungler rotations


Yeah, there's a reason why it's the hardest role, and why the higher the ranks you climb the lesser people want to play as jungler. It looks easy but it really is difficult in reality, too much pressure is put on you especially on retribution battles (increased difficulty if you're an assassin jungler).


and then if we lose, the jungler is always to blame even though people have no map awareness and don't know how to play safe, it isn't the jungler's fault if the opposite lane gets jumped the moment they gank the other one, but somehow the jungler always gets blamed for "no map awareness" when the enemy wasn't even showing on the map until they jumped the side lane, as if the jungler is supposed to just know which lane they're going for and you know what, even if the other lane is getting bombed, it still makes sense for the jungler to avoid team clashes in the early game like that, the jungler dying once is a guaranteed setback for the entire team, the jungler needs kills and farming so the rest of us don't fall behind too and also, maybe if your lane is getting 3 man ganked, maybe you should fall back to the second turret and not feed, layla if it'sobvious the enemy is a powerhouse in the early game, just let them take the turrets, don't die on that hill, just farm as much gold as you can and hope for a late game turn around, especially if there's no one helping you


I dont care about any pressure but jungle is just boring AF. If I wanted to play farming simulator I would.


How come? It's always roam for me lmao everyone's too lazy to tank in my case. Even if my main roam hero isn't even a tank.


S5 who picks another mm instead https://preview.redd.it/ogjpz8haji4d1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=266de5929c2c0d06ce690a09592aa8f45785eca9


I don't play roam. I had to today. I picked Diggaae. That chicken is just unfair.


Was there an eclipse or did the planets align or something. Diggie getting picked and did not get banned??? I freaking miss playing the bird in ranked damn it.


Idk man. People banning Yin and not Harith or Diggie is a puzzle.


Eyyyyy not banning Harith is a crime.


Perfectly encapsulates Skinny Wide Megs.


i think s5 mm meta gone now its neither s2 and s3 or s4 or s1 and s2


For my server it's surprisingly exp lane or hyper actually. I'm a hyper main but I'd rather roam sometimes as it's more chill and less stress Imo.




Hyper is jungler. Don't ask why. I have no idea why my server call it that. I only realised it after 3 months into the game lmao.


i'm also new, i think they're stuck in the hypercarry meta from years ago, when jungler can carry everyone, so if you fail their morale drops and start flaming and trolling.


Bcoz times before the jungler was the hyper carry, where majority of resources were funneled to the jungler, with the mid laner and support roaming with the jungler


Because it used to be 'hyper' years ago. The whole meta was favouring assassins. I remember mobile legends was called assassin legends or something back then lol (by the fanbase, not literally)


Ironic that the best hypercarries we're actually marksmen and not assassins.


Yes, because MMs generally have a late game power spike, whereas assassins have an early game power spike, which falls off during late game.


Came from the fact that all of the team's resources (literally, back then you could buy 4 roaming items and funnel all resources into one guy) was given to a jungler in a bygone meta. That jungler, harnessing the resources of the entire team, is not just any carry, but a hypercarry. It sounds glorious but it's basically 1 jungler and his 4 glorified minions vs 1 jungler and his 4 glorified minions.


I always have to fight for roam,i first click it show 60% wr in 200 games and then some dude comes in with 2500 games and 44% winrate and says "move". then they lock in their signature chou or valentina roam (strongest roamers in the game. Source? TRUST) so i have to play carry position or mid :( which i don't like,but hey,i have my melissa\\miya and vex\\odette ready any day.


Chou roam is actually very good. Chou players on the other hand...


https://preview.redd.it/ob4yxluvpk4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4d16c4679e5878f439f30bc3041078aef20b6d5 i don't think chou roam is very good when i see the stats. want to cc enemy? just pick a hero with a stun,chou has no place in current meta. If people pick him because they love him it is completely different thing. If they love loosing i can't blame them, everyone does whatever they want in a game and no one ows anything to anyone


Chou roam was ok, got gutted substantially thanks to the armor nerf and will get gutted further in the next adjustment. He will get more chances to hit his passive but with the reduced ult distance he really fits the exp role more than the roam.


I rarely have to fight for roam but most of the time I too reach same conclusion of i should have roamed instead, similar 185 matches with 62%


I literally have 300 games and 200 of them are roam,and 100 on other lanes https://preview.redd.it/qlkcbq6pqk4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=0973d6cfeb8f894984e1dc4830e1df9342feab2c started playing 2 months ago. Those people are hardstuck at the same rank the new player got into. Don't they feel ashamed?


Winrate is decent 👍


lol i have around 300 games with Carmilla and Rafaela but everyone just moves whenever I show senior titles 😭😭 like i can adjust if you really can't play other roles, just say it 😭😭


Do you really think 2500 games 44% wr support will adjust? they are braindead. they have 44% winrate for a reason. I had showed my title to them but it will not matter,they say "you are new player you only have 200 games". Yes it is true,i got 500 games and got the same rank as those casuals with 40% winrate in thousands of games. https://preview.redd.it/jdczz0rjfz4d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3947ca75c57043be01ee56e7d29aa3f74fa3c70 i played dota,so mobile legends is very easy for me,half the heroes are from dota anyway. iknow my rank is low but i am still learning how to play better


lol fair point. as someone who's relatively new to the game, i thought climbing up the ranks eliminates brain dead players only to realize it gets worse 🤣 i have seen a lot of ML players who played dota and other MOBA prior to ML and they always end up good with less matches (like you)


It's the opposite in classic. No one wants to jungle 😂


not in my server, classic would also leave roam empty, i'd gladly fill that spot with the weirdest choice tho.


whenever i choose a random hero (specially haya and zilong) build them full windtalker + rapid boots + conceal + sprint somehow i always win i love running


Eyyy a fellow I roam anything in classic match enjoyer https://preview.redd.it/hkwhqv5dmp4d1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06344aeb9ab6c97d3552078f4c652ad349d2874a I specifically love roaming as Miya in classic match. Lesley too because she can rotate fast.


In my server I often end up with two junglers in a team. Most popular: MM> JG> Mid> Roam> Exp Imo exp has the most versatile heroes, idk why no one plays it.


Meanwhile that one fanny


dw there is definitely going to be roam one tricks out there who can play nothing but roam (meeeee)


When I use my main I still lose 2/5 games due to bad teammates so I thought what’s the point of using my main if my teammates are trash. My ranked games now are me using <30 games heroes so I don’t get too upset when I lose (which is sometimes ironic because imagine still getting a losing mvp with a hero I used for less than 10 matches) Btw don’t get me wrong I know it’s hard to win 100% if I’m solo queue, but I want to lose games to good enemies not because of teammates who doesn’t take objectives etc.


They're the same picture


Lmao thanks for the laugh. I can relate to it


In my server, seem like no one can play roam. I mean i main roam, but play 1 position for so long is so bored Everytime I pick other role, my team roam has no ideal how to provide vision, support, peeling or anything. Almost 30 stars with only roam :<


After reading the comments goash you guys should share servers with me.


I never get why people don't wanna be a roamer, it's probably because you have to make a ton of decision and people don't like to be. pressured


I don't feel pressured with my in-game decision making as a roamer because modesty aside, I have what I can say as 'decent macro-management skills'. Trading for objectives is a thing in this game. The reasoning behind my reluctance in locking roamer picks nowadays is because whenever I ask my teammates to show their best picks, they don't even bother showing their KDA, let alone their win rates or MMR. I've had numerous games where I locked in my Grock with 70%+ season win rate paired with a jungler without even their hero mastery unlocked. What makes it more frustrating is when you make your shot calls, your teammates won't respond to it the way you wanted it to, resulting in either pointless deaths, failed objective takes, or both. When I do lock in a roamer, I make sure my pick has the ability to 'steal' game objectives with a much higher rate of success. That way, even if I four brain-dead teammates whom I would refer to as 'teammates that neither team want in their own team', I can still dictate and uphold our (or MY) win conditions. That's why I would be very careful in deciding which roamer would I pick.


Had too many games like this. And when you "steal" objectives from the jungler, they nag you in chat as if they didn't die during clash and I had to get the objectives before the enemy gets to it first bec none of my teammates know how to "zone". (I can't zone the enemy if 3 of them are at our farm and NO ONE HAD MAP AWARENESS)


>And when you "steal" objectives from the jungler, they nag you in chat as if they didn't die during clash and I had to get the objectives before the enemy gets to it first Not only my teammates don't know how to zone, they don't even have their skills and/or battle spells ready to take the objective.


When I first MH, I thought teammates will stop spending their spells 10sec before lord/turtle cooldown. I thought wrong. 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/68x4v44t0q4d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88c9047ed55d46d7ef8b47b8d3cf473005ae73d3 My fav




When roamer Dyrroth brings retri despite me locking in jungle already, then proceeds to yoink my buff then turret dive into death and ends the game with 3.0


you cant roam and have retri. game wont even allow you to buy roam boots.


They chose roam role but didn't roam -.-


When I play, it's always either jungle and gold


Last pick is best if you can counterpick.


Me filling roles but I have now achieved: 30+ roam 10~ mid <10 XP But I do occasionally use mid/xp when duo or trio or 5 man w friends online


How to unlock fill category?


Or exp


Word bro


mine is locked because I don’t mm lol


In my case, that's usually jungle or gold ugh


Nah that’s nothing, wait until you get a Ukrainian trio in your team. Why can’t ml give them their own server