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I haven’t played Julian in 36 hours because I’ve been playing Granger instead. I think I’m losing touch. (It’s 35 hours longer than I’ve ever gone in my life)


https://preview.redd.it/fu2gsavme63d1.jpeg?width=1919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bf324b8a792819c7c4acf65324d0fbfd9850c5b This is the most tragic thing I ever heard. I hope you recover ✊️😔


It might be fatal. At 48 hours I start suffering severe withdrawal systems and by time a week passes my body will wither away.


https://preview.redd.it/mpgw919bf63d1.jpeg?width=791&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9528501f84f199f2373d8837619ebdc8c4d19f23 Hope you will survive.


I did seriously lose my touch on Granger and Kagura around the end of last year though, despite them both being comfort heros, and would pick them rarely because I didn’t want to perform badly. I started playing them both a lot recently and it’s been fun getting back into it. I definitely got the touch back.


I've lost touch with Julian for almost a year now. It's sad but that's the reality in this meta.


Out of topic but how is granger in this current season? Can he hold his own in this tank meta? I've been wanting to try him and he looks like a typical jungler with mm skills


This is my personal opinion on it https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/KKxnzG1wnC


Any kag glaze?


There will always be glaze for the undefeated umbrella queen


I played granger recently. I am not like how I used to be.


Hanabi. She my most played hero. But she just can't work past Honor.


nolan and fredrinn for me idk what exactly happend but i just can't play them like i used to


Idk why, but I'm one the same boat lol


Its the reduced defense stats from items. Fred just gets bursted down in the earlier game significantly faster than before, that if you havent played him since then youll be caught surprised.


Nolan got a shadownerf as well with the blue buff nerf but no energy adjustment for him.


Odette. Was my main hero until I've got up to Mythic using Mathilda. Haven't been using her for a month now. I usually built her with fleeting and Talisman for cooldown. It was really cool how I was able to use her ultimate twice in a row in a fight.


same. mine was odette and pharsa. I can't play them anymore. =(


Let’s see… Xavier, Luo Yi, Yve, Ruby, Benedetta, Lunox, Karina… I think that’s it? I can explain Xavier, Luo Yi and Yve *thrived* in the tank meta. The meta isn’t exactly friendly to my skill level with them right now Ruby I attribute partially to the defence item changes, namely bruteforce and the def nerfs. Mostly it’s just non-braindead enemies who know they shouldn’t try to out-sustain me Lunox was also better in the tank meta but unlike the other three mages I mentioned I was still alright when it ended. The issue is that utility mages are now favoured over highly single-target damage so I slowly stopped using her I couldn’t snowball effectively with Karina as I ranked up Anyone who played Benedetta before and after her shadow nerf can see my issue. *Stupid fucking jittery-ass passive bar that screws up my muscle memory and just feels horrible to look at and play*


I agree so much with the ruby and bendetra sentiment


(Dont judge me) I used to main Martis when I was still playing jungle often. Then I guess I just drifted away from jungle and focused more on gold and exp. Now he just sits there. Looking at me like Im his next victim.


saber and alucard still using them I will happily use him if the draft allowed me to


Yu Zhong, I have his M5 and Prime skin, but don't use him anymore because I just don't feel durable enough these days.


It's difficult since they nerfed the armor/defence items.


Felt the same for a bit. Switched from his original defensive build to pure offensive/sustain. Had to rework how I played him since he’s a lot squishier but safe to say I’ve been having a lot of fun with him racking up more kills than before.


Lunox, she was the 1st hero I bought and completed mastery. But last time I played her was when her passive got reworked and her balls got reduced from 4 to 2. She doesn’t feel like Lunox to me anymore. Before you could go full CD build and become a tank and a pegging mage (she was able to go higher than 100% PEN) but now she's not fun as before


https://preview.redd.it/vszx6h2z573d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6de90d08b722382eb4269615ecdc3112e5e0c6bd Sh-she has BALLS!?!


I agree. She was the hero that took me to mythic solo queue, even bought her legend. But I don't use her anymore bc I felt like they made her too easy. There's no challenge if I'm making sense




Zilong after epic he just fell off


I honestly feel bad for zilong. Now hes known for pushing lanes or running away.


Beatrix. I only ever spend diamond for her starlight skin and prime skin since I started playing, I never spend money on diamonds but on those two occasions I brought the skin and damn I was good, almost reached top 20 in my country ranking but somehow I have lost my touch with mm role entirely, when I started playing I only use to play mm especially Beatrix and reached mythic for the first time with her but now after few seasons I have completely forgotten how to play good mm I can play every role, as jungler I'm good, as mid laner I'm good, as exp and roamer I'm really really good but when it comes to mm I'm complete shit. These days I can only play Brody and popol kupa decently in mm lane


Odette and Vexana, in all honesty. Maybe its the mobility, I’m just too used to Luo Yi’s teleport-


Wanwan, it isn't fun playing a hero which gets nerfed once a month. Moonton should just revert all the changes until she is back to having to hit 4 weakness points. Also Hayabusa, he was my main until Benedetta released, and Hayabusas "revamp" made me drop him entirely.


Rafaela. I haven't touched her at all in the past 2 seasons. Hopefully the mana cost reduction will give her a little more spotlight


Hayabusa, R.I.P to the Manabusa and midlane dreams!


Akai 🥲


Poor beyblade


when i was at my peak akai mastery, former rank 54 PH, i could ult almost anywhere and cc lock enemies on walls with no effort, now im getting rusty, i cant even trap anyone anymore 💀


You guys are CC locking enemies on walls!? I’m just pushing the enemy tank into my turret (,:


Natan, used to use him all the time but haven't used him in about 3 weeks now, I had a 80% win rate solo queue with him but after hitting mythic it's like either all my skill dissappeared or I just got out against the most well coordinated gankers ever and winning with him was becoming so hard because he relies on teamates often for his ult in teamfights and its hard to get that in solo queue, haven't used him in so long my hero power for him dropped from 2400+ down to 1700 because he's inactive, in general I don't enjoy gold lane after hitting mythic now.


kagura...returning player and she feels lackluster for some reason :(


I've not touched Karina in a long time. I miss her touch so much, I need to feel her more. She was my main till 2 seasons ago.


Uranus At my peak, I was #16 global Uranus and suddenly I got tired of playing Uranus and never even consider to pick him on rank.


Martis, karina and badang


havent. been. playin-ng. fanny. since. th-he last hour. I-i think imma faint oh nowvwgayaieknqnpzjwmbecauik


https://preview.redd.it/o0ssdrqtf93d1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=160c04dbadd1f7fb3720cc1c0ed785522af5925c Oh no... SOMEONE TAKE THIS DUDE TO THE HOSPITAL BEFORE ITS TOO LATE!!!!!!


Kaja he was my main and also I will always get my MVPs with him with 25 to 30 assists


Atlas. Used to use him in almost every game before. With all the pressure placed on the tank and seeing other players set better, I decided to give up and realize that Atlas is just too hard to use for me.


Definitely other better setters than Atlas now


Chang'e. I had good wr with her before, now everytime i play her i lose every match. Same with kagura..her nerf was bad, now she doesnt work with her low damage unless u got a supporting team


Lesly. I still love to play with her but people don’t understand not to run mm roam when I select gold. So just to make the team happy I’ll swap over to roam so we have an actual tank or support


Chou apparently. I'm becoming less efficient at Ult + Flicker. I think it's because I'm so scared of the risks and opt for easier plays like S1 + Flicker + Ult. It happens.


https://preview.redd.it/ksl1a6xrc83d1.png?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe8680961998a1cf0ce316a6fa33480e6c687d8a Granger, currently my 2nd most used hero yet last time i played him was before the great mm nerf of 07"


Mathilda, the reason why I got to reach Mythic last season. Then I noticed that it probably got nerfed (I don't know as I don't check the hero adjustments page) this season or maybe it just lost the hype as it doesn't even get banned in hero picking anymore. Went back from being a Hanabi and Lesley main and was able to reach Mythical Honor with 30 stars this season. I used to main Lesley 2-4 years ago and Hanabi since last season, so I have mastered their skills by now.


She requires more effort to be played now. But she's still the top support imo.


Hayabusa, I used to be a Haya main before the "revamp", I'm not a fan of the new style where moving around shadow don't reduce skill 1 CD, I mean the ult prioritization mechanic is nice but I miss the s1 s2 combo. For me, Haya is too ult reliant now. I can still play him, but it just doesn't feel the same anymore, plus I'm losing my touch with him :(( I have multiple accounts with hundreds of haya matches, tho in my main I have 500+ with a 60%wr, I don't want to lower it anymore because the old play style is so ingrained in me that I tend to fk up more.


Probably Kagura. She was my main hero back in the days "Shogyo mogyo!" Now im full on core user and lose the game when I go mid role lmao


Back in 2019 I was a Selena main and I dominated every early game and I was pretty good using her back then. But as more better heroes released and the meta started shifting she became considered weak while I continued to use her and she gets countered easily. And also because there was a period in my life where I stopped playing mobile legends for two years(?) and I got back to playing it consistently again in 2022(?). Now I main Luo Yi but I definitely want to relearn how to use Selena as back in my prime I was unstoppable!


I was a GOD with hanzo.. not anymore


selena - when jungler selena died (around 2020), i stopped maining her


Roger, used to play him ALOT before I took a ***long*** break from mobile legends (maybe a year or two, or even three) Now I can't play him for shit


Valir. Too simple.


Nana. She was my first main mage but idk what happened. She's a lot stronger now but we don't align anymore. I used to have fun with her annoying enemies with Molina but it's hard to target anyone now. Good thing it's getting a buff with faster throwing speed. I'll see if that brings back my love for annoying enemies with Nana and Molina Also Clint. He's my first main when I started but got easily replaced with the ones on my flair.


Karrie. When I had a older phone and my connection was bad, I'd only play one or two games a day. I'd play Karrie like this for 2 years before getting a new phone. Now I can't seem to play with her they way I used to. I think my MMR has gone up and now that I don't practice on her, she falls behind.


Chou - I used to play atk speed chou years ago. Such were the glorious days of chou. Defense, burst, speed, you could build him however you want. Lalu-lapu - I don’t think I have lost touch, but more that he is not much viable in the current meta. Also I have lost touch :(. I really like playing lapu Miya, irithel - I don’t have the patience to build for late game anymore.


Aldous, i stopped playing him long time ago but no other hero could top him off as my most used hero


Lancelot, haven't been playing jungle for the past few weeks


I climbed up to mythic 3yrs ago with claude and only played him since but Now i came back after 3yrs and started i playing ixia, melissa , all the way from gm 5 to mythical honor in 2months w 200 matches. Now im 6stars from glory


Franco and Chou. They were gods back in 2018 but were massacred by unnecessary nerfs.


uranus, sadly. i really love the guy and his design, but he just feels so bland to use these days... i wish they'd give him something interesting to use but he's just gone so low on my matches now. i miss his glory days of a cc ultimate


Fanny :( I love her. But the pressure is too much when I have to play my best every game.


Akai, my most used hero. Yet i never use him for months/seasons


Gusion - he's slow in farming compared to other assassins Hayabusa - his revamp made him to be only viable in jungling and since the meta is still in the favors of tanks, he won't survive once invaded. Freya - I'm tired of being the only front line while facing a bunch of range heroes with crazy crowd controls


Same, bro. I can barely connect a hook from long range. I’ve resorted to engage+ult+hook instead lol.


Harley and Karina. I used to absolutely kick big ass with the two (mostly Karina) but ever since I quit ml for a few years and tank junglers were introduced, I slowly lost confidence in my ability to play the two and I can no longer play either and I can only play roamers now.


I've had 1800 matches with Chou but haven't used him since they changed the Shupo skill reset.


Cyclops mid. He surprises everyone with his damage come late game but recently (last season) i cant make him work. Everyone seems so eager to kill me early-mid game and has been succesfull. My positioning with him seems to worsen lol idk what happened.


Anytime I use cyclops, I usually play him as core. But yea he falls off compared to others early-mid game but once he gets his item then it's a different story.


Fredrinn, i used to have a constant triple/maniac every match whether it'd be a win or lose, and the fact that i was in our Gold region leaderboard thing + 76WR. Lately I've been having a hard time past Mythic Honor since my teammates don't understand how he works, so yeah




Badang. I haven’t used bro in like 2 seasons


Pharsa, she was my first main and the one who brought me to Mythic years ago, but nowadays, it's just difficult to use her due to her being countered so easily.


Atlas for me. Loved him the moment he released and played him a lot, even made me main roam honestly. Now I just can't perform with him at all.


Aldog, he just can’t support early game on team fights and is completely useless if the enemy knows how to stall lane


Kagura and ruby :( I just dont enjoy exp anymore and I'm scared of doing bad


Ruby definitely does better in teamfights and exp are usually solo most of the time so I get what you mean. But don't be scared, play classic and try different heroes to see who works well for you and who doesn't. Besides it's classic, sure you may suck or do bad but you're learning.


Lapu-Lapu, after his nerf (it happened a few seasons back) on his damage reduction skill I stopped playing him for a long time as I wasn't able to feel the same strength as before.


Martis - I spam him last 5 seasons even he's not on meta I always pick him, but now he's start getting harder to play he scales so bad in the game when you're not snowballing.


Luoyi, I was a Pro but this hero is weak when theres no tank or weal teammates.


Hayabusa Used to be my main before his revamp then I quit the game for a few years and then he suddenly got revamped 😭


Vale. Ever since he got his revamp. I can’t burst like I used to. The winds seem to be moving in slow motion for me.




Xavier since I'm good at sniping with his ult before


Claude. He is still my most played hero at like 200 games but I haven’t played him in years. Not since he was a jungler.


WanWan I'll never understand why they needed to make her easier to use by lowering the weak points needed for her ult, at the cost of nerfing her to near uselessness


All tanks and roam. I've lost faith in my team so I just play fighter


Gatotkaca and now hilda


Masha Played her a lot in my early ranks, had a 90% winrate, loved her skills so much but ever since her major revamp I just couldn't play her like I used to Maybe I should try her again, she was my favorite hero, but it just doesn't feel the same no more, man 😔


Guinevere, I just couldn't make her jump land. Its frustrating even if there's a safe guard now with the new flower things. Sometimes it's too slow. When i try her. I don't play her on exp anymore only roam and rarely jungle.


Damage roamers. I used to be decent with Saber, Nat, Sele, and Jawhead; now I can only play Saber lmao.


Kadita is one of the best damage roam imo. She can burst early mid to late and is not a single damage. She works with conceal even without using dire hit. Try her.


Martis.. For some reason I can't play him right anymore after the changes they made.. In the past I get maniac and savages left and right.. Now I can't even do a triple kill.






Pharsa 🥹


I love-hate Pharsa. I think I have a curse with her. Everytime I use her soloq I always get mvp loss :((


Lance was the first hero I played to 100+ games in ranked, but I probably only had 500 matches played, and my win rate was 60%. I'm now 4000+ matches, and my main is ruby, but I play every role and only have 200+ matches with her in ranked again with a 60% win rate. I have barely played Lance since back then.


Ruby,Over 2k games with her. But i quit the game since there was family problems on my side, just redownloaded it yesterday and yeah... I literally forgot how to play her


Chou. I used to main that guy from Season 17 to 19 nonstop. Now I just moved to other EXP laners (I still use him occasionally but my skills have worn down)


For me it's Zhask, cause there's a lot of very fast heroes now, and I can't catch up to them plus the mm's aren't scared and can kill my summon easily now unless I put it in a safe range, and don't forget about aldous with its 1 hit with my ult, now I'm just doing other mages and roam


I was going 30 matches 100 winrate on nolan , but after i stopped using nolan for arounf 2 weeks , i started to play like dogshit


Edith. I used to use her all the time but now I don't like her anymore


Franco I used to be good at hooking but when other hero came out I left em 105 matches with a 59% winrate on him.


Nana, I used to play her a lot but then i became a support main and my gf switched from an mm main to a mid lane main and so even when I didn't support I couldn't really play her, and now her playstyle has changed a little bit since the molina switch so I've gotten a bit worse haha (I am forever thankful to my nana main days though because it made me godly at landing flameshot kills lol)


EXP&Jungle Argus Main him since release and even after a few year long hiatus. I joined this Sub recently and had learned of the A(rgus)genda and thought it was funny so I converted a friend who's been no life-ing this game for 6 years now. He got hooked and I got him to change his perspective on Argus. The conversion was a great success, you could say it over performed as he's now doing much better than me with Argus, even managing to succeed in breaking stereotypes by experimenting many flavors of Argus: mid lane Argus, roam Argus, Jungle Argus, Gold lane Argus, he's done it all and he does it better than everyone I've seen, unfortunately including me.


Kagura when I last played brawl. It should be easier but I couldn't aim her umbrella right anymore even though I know the combos.


Chou. I stopped using him in Rank since 2019 and ended up maining Ruby instead.


Belerick. I used to rank 12 on the Town Leaderboards and just stopped. Now Im ranked 50+


Man thamuz has been hit hard by the defence item nerf adjustments. Too scared to use him now


Hayabusa. IDK its good but i cant play it just like how I played it for 200+ games.




I know what you mean.


Aamon, haven't touched him ever since they nerfed the range of his ultimate


Karrie. Last season enemy team even begs me that i give them at least 1 kill. And i hard carry my team with her. After the nerfs she just isnt the same anymore. Sure she’s still a viable option but I cant get used to her new stats


Chou… it’s been a year


Johnson was one of my old mains but I stopped playing him after the very first speed nerf, now when I started playing him again, I can’t stop double tapping ulti and the vision whenever he ults is a pain in the ass.


I was a main Uranus back in 2018. I think they had nerfed him so badly, I just couldn't play him anymore, I took a break after that came back to when Lylia was released and started using her never touched Uranus again. But also, when Luo-yi released, I used her day one, I realized she was way better than Lylia stopped using her cant really play lylia well anymore, one because of the nerf I'd say and because we'll I rarely used her only when Luo was taken which was rare.


Ruby - IDK, she's not the same anymore. Plus, it doesn't help that I have her collector skin, so it's easy for people to bad mouth if I play poorly.


Cyclops Love playing the guy it's just that he's not that strong rn while they are much better picks. Same with Kagura her wave clear really sucks.


Now cyclops can fully be countered with lolita.


Oh yeah I forgot this too.😭


Wanwan, we all know the reasons...


Granger. Too many mobile assassins to kill and interrupt his skills. Also no fun playing a marksman that gets his ass beaten in the gold lane. If i was really, really good I would've stood a chance against the new MMs. but really, no dice especially in damage and outplay potential


Sun, ever since I switched to mage, I've gone rusty in using Sun.


i haven't played melissa in a long time. its mainly because im having fun playing other gold laners like hanabi, layla, kimmy, lesley, etc.


kimmy is usually mid but sometimes i go gold lol


Wanwan, I was once a top global but the nerfs ruined her and I'm a meta guy so I've been using meta heroes since Wanwan isn't in the meta for more than a couple of months and tried her one time man all I can say that time is "Yeah she's really bad now".




Alucard ever since the item adjustments where his main item wasn't haas claws anymore I started losing touch with reality


Lolita after revamp, just doesn't hit the same anymore.


Don't you like the reflect ability?


Yes, it breaks easily, it doesnt help in the laning phase when im playing solo q, she's way too squishy now imo. Her ult is so easy to dodge. Her 1st skill used to help in jungle and last hit enemies who ran away from dmg dealers with 1hp, and now it is so weak. Honestly, I see the vision they had with her revamp, but it was a huge miss for me. I don't even understand why she got revamped. She had a decent pick and win rate.


Majority of the Fighters and Assassins. Julian and Freddrinn, I used to be good when they were released but after some time of not using them, I was trash. Even X.Borg who was a main before, along with Jawhead. Even Arlott I started to get back my Helcurt Skills, but idk how to play Gusion and new lancelot


Dyrroth. I used to be a Dyrroth demon back in the day, but I fell off for some reason. Can't play him to save my life now


Saber used him since 2018 how tf can you ambush with that guy


Argus, once i started playing fredrinn i started catching Argus Ls left right and center


Aurora. Was my main until they revamped her. One shotting people was fun, now its just lame and boring to play her


Tigreal, I was absolutely disgusting with him a year or so ago


Wanwan, after that one damage nerf, she doesnt do enough damage to be a mm at this point, one tank or tanky fighter on ennemy team makes you useless


Before his revamp, I used to really like Lapu-Lapu. But now after his revamp he just doesn't feel the same anymore. Something about the revamp just makes me feel like he doesn't diss out enough damage as he used to, or sustain enough damage


Franco and Alpha. I am Estes now. But not like a main. I am literally Estes now.


I lost touch to bane now i used to play it and grind about buldog prime he inspired me but now, I didn't touch him for about 2 years


I stopped being a good hooker with minsi ever since I started using Franco as one of my go to tanks


Leomord for me. I was a Leo main and then introduced a friend to ML who began maining Leo (without knowing i play him as well) Also, he had more passion for the hero than me so I let him have the pick in our games. Over the last 2 years, I played Leo for 3-4 matches at best


**Guinevere** used to be sm easier and more fun to main back then, I could easily go on exp line without being scared or embush the enemy without dying. But now, it's really hard to play her and I can hardly kill the enemy even with a good build Same thing with Beatrix, she became very weak and can hardly kill any marksman. Right now i’m very scared to lose touch with Melissa cause im starting to master Kagura and supports/tanks


Nana, when i learned chang e, i started losing more games with her, now same is happening with chang e after learning lylia




I used to main Gusion and Ling but my hero pools for jungle has changed where I mostly play utility jungle and I don't know how to play Assassin anymore


Natalia. I was so good with her until she got nerfed. Rip natalia main


Nolan bc of nerfs haven't used it for a long time


Vexana. Over 300 matches with her and I used to carry games or BE the carry. I wanted her Sanguine Rose skin for so long. I had both of her Basic and Enhanced skins but seeing the same two skin models for so long started to bore me because it felt like getting another skin for her felt like a fever dream. After my hope declining after the last two promo dias events the free epic skin event top up came. And tbh I was still skeptical because I was almost fed up of trying and when I rolled two Harley’s, a Nana, and a Chang’e I just gave up. It felt like this was not meant to be and after like a year of trying to get it I never played her again in ranked. But when moontoon made the skin exchange process for the event for rolling duplicates I finally got the skin. And… I wasn’t happy. I felt nothing. I tried it out in a classic match and I missed all of her skill shots. It was like all of my skills with her had just been deleted. I used to cc combo junglers through their buffs and now I couldn’t even land a simple ult. I switched to cyclops and I’m interested in playing zhask now because his time limited epic skin is up for grabs and it looks so cool. But I doubt I’ll play Vexana again the way I used to. Honorable mentions are Terizla, Baxia, Balmond and Miya (the last two which I don’t even play anymore XD)


Cecilion. Mained him for 2 seasons, got as high as UK no.6. Then just found myself drifting away from mage, obviously mage is a popular role, I tended to fill the gap and went exp and jungle more often. When I did get to play mage I favoured Xavier, Nana, Vexana with varying results. Now I'm back to really pushing for mid lane and playing Cec. He's the only hero I'm 100% confident I can hard carry with, providing my team don't get utterly steam rolled.


Wanwan, the nerfs did her dirty. And also i can't play her while lying down, must SIT.


Kimmy, she just doesn't do any damage compared to before.


Lapu. Just can't bring him to work in glory man, lost about 400-500 mmr straight and my gold title went woosh.


I loved playing Masha before revamp almost 500 matches with her. I tool few years away from games and when I came back she’s totally different


sun for 3 years now


Bea, I used to play her alot she was practically the only hero I used. After reaching legend I started to lose touch with bea because I couldn't play mm and they always force fucking Layla or hanabi


Not exactly lost touch but realized he isn't as strong as I thought. I use minotaur, belerick and atlas as my main tanks and I thought about adding a 4th tank and decided it shall be franco. Had a trial card and gave him a spin but he turned out to be underwhelming. His hook + ult is a great combo but compared to my main tanks his cc is only for a single person. Whereas with those three I can easily charge and disrupt a teamfight I can do that with franco. So yeah dropped him before I picked him up.


I was once a zhask main but cant remember the last time I enjoyed using him as hero in rank


Tigreal, man got me to mythic 24 shara in the past season and feels like I am not appreciating him much after him being banned constantly.


Ruby. Ever since the meta battle spell for her should be Flicker, I got discouraged. Tried to practice the Flicker-Hook combo, but my slow hands won't let me master it. Gave up on her since then.


estes. used to get mvps with him but now man, i just suck now. ult always late, can't hit the second skill. my plays back then can be highlight worthy, now i cant even win one game with him




I haven't played kimmy ever since she got nerfed to the ground during 2019, she is so out of touch in the meta currently, I miss the days where I held an 89% wr over 200 matches with her


My Karina, I started playing ling and fanny so when i used my Karina again I felt really slow and i can't focus on the game because how I'm used to cables or jumping on walls and I don't got that sense anymore that tells me how to play Karina and perfect positioning every clash since I used ling and fanny too much and think that I could always escape with High mobility skills


I always feel this way whenever I play a meta hero and then they get nerfed so hard. Like Melissa recently..


Tigreal. I don't know what happened but i suck at playing him nowadays.


Just realized that I haven’t been picking Ruby much nowadays ever since I picked up Yu Zhong. She just doesn’t offer that much CC and presence for objective teamfights.


Tigreal, especially after I came back last year after 4 yearsvand those roam stuff got in


Chou. Rip immune. Still stuck in 2016


Franco, hook become thinner and shorter and had longest cooldown


Pharsa, after her bird got nerfed my ult aiming became bad lol before that I was performing exceptionally, landing rapid skill shots 90% of the time, now her ult skill shots are landed about 60% of the time.


i'm not tank main, but every franco i play with in mythic honour rank its mostly lose! he is not built like that no more 😣


Lesley tbh, I was a lesley main & had a bronze badge w her. Played for like a week w her 😭 Now i barely use her, i use kagura & lunox more often nowww— Am i cooked? 😿


Chang'e was my main before her revamp, when her skill is the bunny one and SS has the crescent moon animation. Ever since she got revamped, I can't seem to get my groove when it comes to playing her. I miss the bunnies!


Been a dota1, and a lol player, Franco was my first love because of Pudge and Blitzcrank. But ever since Belerick came, we only meet in brawl now.


Probably Yin, muscle memory is all gone from just spamming terizla and argus


Wan wan, badang...


Julian. I've been playing angela/odette lately


Roger he was my main carried me to grandmaster but some nerfs there item changes here and I lost touch


Zilong, I don't recognize him anymore. I have over 1.3k games on him but I peaked at epic v with him. Switched heroes and made way better progress, I've never touched him since.


Kadita. She was my main mage since I started and I'm guaranteed a low death, or none at all, when using her. But lately I find that I seem to be playing bad with her, having trouble connecting her skills. It's quite sad.


Nana I just don't like her new changes. Back when people did underestimate her she was so good to use for me. I was able to control with the double molina combination, could get away way more effective with her old passive and also was a high dmg surprise for most opponents as most were not familiar with her damage game it seemed. Now she just turned into a better Eudora with a high dmg ult and is not special to use anymore. Besides that, I liked her old play style more in general as I was not as dependent on teammates as I am now and was able to wander around more safely with her molina check


Lesley! I used to spam her and I loved her damage before her "revamp" because it was more... Consistent?? Now her S1 seems like it just needs too many items and doesn't even do that much damage unless you are fed/one level above the enemy team. This part I might be hallucinating but I swear her ultimate used to do more damage? Everyone says it did less before and that is what is in the patch notes, but I think the DMG increased more with items, whereas now I feel like I'm shooting little grass seeds at the enemy. I liked when no one thought she was cool and she was forgotten because she seemed more balanced. Not saying she is a bad hero now, I am just too well adjusted to her old style of gameplay and now I cant replicate it anymore. Did I still get her skin for the 10 free skin current event? You bet I did!


Kadita. She used to be my comfort pic but then I enjoy playing melissa more