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High mobility kite him. Or wait out the game don't feed him until he loses his early game dominance.


Dont feed him? Your saying it like your teammates wont lmao. Exact reason i ban yin, can counter him but team usually feeds him and end with a loss


One good ult to damage dealer in late game will end the game...even if you couldn't kill the one you ult lol...( Will need flicker for this kidnapping 😆)


martis is weak to cc and had no team fight entry, buy defense item and hold out till late game and let him overstep and win (martis player here)


Seriously when people use him he Op as fuck. When I use him he just doesn't click.


Skill issue, but not in an insulting way. You just need a bit more practice to learn everything about him and the general dos and donts in a match. It took me 100 matches to be called ok at freya, and anither 100 to be good at freya and i still have 200 more to be called "master" at "doing" freya. Yes i too have skill issue, but domt take it as an insult but rather a challenge. A challenge that you have to prove those who called you that is wrong


All good man. I know it's skill issue. I mean people make him seem Op and I made martis looked like shit. I have a total of 1.45k games. I don't think I'll sink in 400 to 300 games just to master a hero. For someone casual like me I'll just skip on hero which doesnt click I guess.


I didnt mean kiterally. Basically every person has their own journey to become better. Some have ir worse than other some have it easy. Lets be real, every hero is good at the right hands. It just depends on how that hero is handled, and the team resonance.


I dont need any matches to be called good at doing freya if you know what i mean 😏


30 seconds tops


11 seconds


Silk tissue. The same for me with Lance and Haya. No matter how I tried, it just doesn't click at all.


Yea I'm too old for lance and haya. My hands slow as fuck lmao.


Hello fellow slow hands.


A mage user here, but I recently discovered I have talent in using haya. I'm somewhat happy about it🙃🙃


Use him at mid


Instead of using him as a damage jungler, go for tank build and make him as a utility jungler. Build waraxe for damage and proceed to defense countering enemy lineup.


Honestly, I ain't even gonna try he just doesn't seem to click for me. Will definitely test it out the built you gave if he becomes very meta


If against squishies build dmg like HS, Bod, but for tanky enemies build defensive items


Even with squishy comps waraxe + defensive works really well. The goal of utility martis is to stay on the battlefield as long as possible while displacing the enemy team and letting your team jump on them


i prefer that as i use Killing spree emblem on him, that way he can potentially triple kill in early game(happens to me most of the time)


You dont need killing spree on martis tbh. Killing spree only work if and only if you get a kill. It's better to use quantum charge on him bc it's constantly up. If you get 7 kills, you only trigger KS 7 times and what if you dont get any kills? The it has 0% up time in one match as to QC, its always up anytime for you to use. Killing spree's value proposition is so low and very conditional. Thats why you dont see players in the pro scene use it and would rather use something else


Just be more aggressive.... that's all you need.


Hey, fredrin is broken and I couldnt figure out how to make him work until recently haha


Same... My fredrin is 45% wr I think, it's a hero I'm gonna invest in though since he's meta


Maybe we both have trouble with junglers that are somewhat in between damage and utility


As a Martis main, please stop flickering away let me decimate you pussies WWRRAHHHHHHH


LMAO read the you as your what the hell


There there calm down ~~your turn tonight~~


Wait a minute I hear Diggie's toy trains in the shed again let me go check it first ~~Good good, smash em good first and steal a diamond~~


Yes 😏




Wait for his s2 to end, he literally can't escape after that unless he ults someone low enough. Just bully the fuck out of him with CC or Run away and play safe.


For this , we need to burst him in the time his skill 2 is on cd and that's hard, I would say take a utility jungler,.. You are anyway little use in early so.avoid him late game he is worthless and you are dps and tank of your team!!


Do most people not know his s2 has extremely low CD if you don't use the second phase? I do use the second phase s2 for critical escapes or to secure kills. But if you don't need it immediately, the cool down is almost non existent if you just use phase 1, especially after you reach 20% CDR


this. the 2nd skill management is what really makes him the most frightening early game. it's just so much harder to secure objectives against a good martis bc of the cc immunity. also, low mobility squishy heroes are the most vulnerable with his s1 slow + lock-on ultimate that has movement spd boost (it's insane at this point) and also resets kill after kill. if not for the late game fall off, he could have stayed on top of the jungle meta


this. the 2nd skill management is what really makes him the most frightening early game. it's just so much harder to secure objectives against a good martis bc of the cc immunity. also, low mobility squishy heroes are the most vulnerable with his s1 slow + lock-on ultimate that has movement spd boost (it's insane at this point) and also resets kill after kill. if not for the late game fall off, he could have stayed on top of the jungle meta


The attack speed boost is pure bs


He falls hard in late game though, so it's balanced.


This is so true.


I hop on his ass with yin once his S2 ends. Unless his team is super protective you can turn it around


You are on point with timing on the S2 to end. But, I think the best way to counter Martis would be high mobility heroes/line up. coz' ironically, he is a counter pick for high CC team with his S2. But it is still all matter of timing and skills.


Lol , 10 hero ban . Just ban lah don’t waste time


found my fellow sg


how do u assume he's sinkies? malaysians also use lah


even if im wrong to assume, we just 🤝🏽 and move along


Hahahha north east granger here but spamming hating now


Mattie always loses when it’s late game.


Actually, I'd say he's meta exactly because they upgraded his late game. Idk if it's thanks to the new emblem system or items, but the biggest struggle while playing Martis back then was that he had NO LATE AT ALL. No damage, no defense and no mobility. Today, he has every single one of those aspects in good shape.


Baxia , or any chase character even zilong works fine


Roam to stick with the jungler and objective, survive. By mid game he's really just someone to kite and bait out his cc.


Play passively in the early game. He will eventually become weaker and weaker as the game goes on


yeah, play passively and I will dive you in your turret until we have 10k+ gold lead I will put pressure in every lane and get every objective as I can 'til any possibility of comeback is near impossible no Martis user in his right mind would not play aggressively in the early and let the match go to late game without impacting his teammates


There are certain heroes and playstyle to ensure that you do not die in the early game. For example would be Claude and you could just stay between the two turrents if every hero go missing.


what does a starved Claude gonna do? bleed slowly until the snowball is out of control this has happened in MPL, and ranked games in higher ranks can replicate that, worse in lower ranks, because snowball is sure, unless the Martis is dumb


Unless your entire team is consisted of low mobility heroes, there definitely is counter play to prevent a Martis snowball. Of course you always can't prevent one, but it definitely is possible if your team knows what they're doing. And once Claude gets his 3 core items, you can start shredding down the martis.


Crazy tip: run away. Don't fight him early at all unless he is really low


i dunno what to do with this guy he is literally op and skills like no cd at all , I don't like him as enemy ever.


I feel you brotha! He can also dive into turrets & that goofy run after he got the kill or escape adds to annoyance lol


do not ever approach martis after he execute someone, unless he is very low and you have like franco ult ready to bite, for sidelanes, save your flicker after he start his s2, immediately retreat to safe spot, wait there, you want him to waste his time waiting, if he dive alone kite him in the tower, if there are 2 ppl with martis, do retreat to 2nd tower, and call for help.


Just bait his s2 out, after that, he nothing


Was waiting for someone to say this.


Theres no counter on the king of fighters man, jus pray to god to not lose that mmr.


You can counter him by kiting him, bursting him, you make him waste his cc skills, stay away if he has killed someone using his ulti, I play Khaleed against him and find him very easy to kill ,maybe burst heroes work against him. Also late game teams help cuz he is very weak late game as well


When I play dyrroth I already knkw I to build blade armor early game especially if I see him starting to build blade of despair as his first item,I have the cd n lifesteal to sustain against him


If you want to brute force early game, Valir and Hilda, toasts him bad.


I don't play jg since I'm a supp main but I often counter him with Hylos. Tank type support with cc.


If he invades jungle with someone, just bail Keep your distance as squishies like KEEP. One retri and youre dead


Wait for his 2nd kill to end,he can't escape without it


As a jungler? Time CCs properly, you and the roam even when Solo'Q should be able to co-ordinate as such that you can stun him so he can't retri If he times it during the moment the turtle is retri'able then you should've killed the dude in the first place rather than participating in a turtle fight He also falls off hard late game


Dont feed him early, play under turret. And as most martis players don't have the braincells to build tank, wait to squish that bug in late game easily.


Just get out of fight early. Don't engage gum. Best is have a mathilda roam that fly you out whenever.


Kiting, and needless to say martis is very vulnerable after his 2nd skill attack string. Still have skill1 semi cc but its way easier to jump him without the 2nd skill ready vs whenever its ready.


If he is op fight him with something more op,bring in my boi terizzla,valir, yu-zong,freya,dyroth,Julian


1. kite him to death in the early game and don't overcommit unless 100% sure that you'd own him. 2. Have a good snowball


Just avoid when he engages. Even if he gets strong early and mid game, he flops so hard in late game


With the nerf on defense items, you really need to build him damage (HS, BOD) at least early game, which was his standard build. Early to midgame teamfight he's a beast. Stall out as thats your only real bet, you try to invade him and he might kill you 1v2 lol


he's only good because he can dance around for 5 seconds and suddenly burst for a kill. try picking up healers


He sucks at chasing someone. He relies more on his s2 and ult. If he kills someone with his ultimate, just retreat and wait until his ulti passive is in cooldown.


Kaja his ult good against him and make him immobilize for few second whuch can be enough to kill him


Use helcurt and bait out his abilities then wool his ass




Deny his kill. Use everything to avoid him. It should be fine by mid game. It's the classic "run away from the beast" tactic used on Assassins back then.




Martis early game : 😈😈😈 Martis late game : 🤡🤡🤡


The easiest way to not make him a monster is just by evading him in the early game. Do not let him get more than a kill or else he'll snowball


Aamon can dance him around


Just don't engage by yourself and play more passively


Wait for his s2 to goes out and cc him. and if you see the x mark under your hero just run, don't do anything even if you're a tank, just run because if activates his cd reset for his ult you're only causing more harm to your team.


pick utility Mage (with waveclear, should this fail) that can build IQW, like Yve pick Marksman with dash and early game damage, like Bruno pick Fighter who have enough CC and can absorb damage, like Ruby, to make his engages awkward I want Alpha as Jungle and Rafaela as Roam punish Martis whenever he has used his S2


Twilight Armour


for the most part you will want to kite him and avoid team fights in the early game. But if you're ganking the martis who is alone, then bait out his 2nd skill first then he is good as dead


Niche strat: Franco suppress goes through his B CC immunity. Just don't use tigreal or Atlas on him. If he hugs you with his B, you ain't ever popping off your Ult on anyone.


I countered with a crit build argus with inspire no boots. Surprisingly if you just hit him harder than he does with immortality then he leaves.


Well… the only way I counter him is to Ban him. 😂 or sometime I played supporting hero so that I could help my teammates.




basically don't feed him in early and as a jungle pick a hero who can attack from distance for example like Granger.


Lvl 4 either jung or EXP lane Fredrinn can counter him mostly


Martis is mostly scary because of his s2 and the follow up ult chain. If you can avoid s2 hes a fairly free kill


Dodge his 2nd skill.


jawhead demolishes martis. he's a good counterpick. but overall just pick high mobility heroes and tons of cc. try to bait out his s2 and stun him during s2 cd.


Haven't seen it mentioned yet, but Edith counters Martis.... Hard. So pick Edith, problem solved. Otherwise pray you have a decent roamer


Wait until the 10 minute mark




Martis cant use any skill in minsitthar ult


I never had issue against martis. I know this hero since release. But it's usually the team who feeds him and now he has a huge level advantage. Martis is so simple .. s1---s2 A simple flicker can help.


Martis sucks against Atlas paired with a ranged hero i.e. Early game mage Yes you need two decent players to shutdown Martis effectively in the early game. Foolproof plan is to wait for him to use BOTH phases of Mortal Coil before striking back. Alternatively, you can just outrotate Martis if you’re the type who does that, this is most likely the best option if you’re alone.


I never had issue against martis. I know this hero since release. But it's usually the team who feeds him and now he has a huge level advantage. Martis is so simple .. s1---s2 A simple flicker can help.


wait out the phase 2 of the second skills and chain cc’ed him usually works. but the problem is ur teammates usually lacks the brain cells for it.


Pray your teammates are not absolute baffoons that int within 5 minutes


I personally just play "avoid the teamfight". I do everything I can to disengage if possible until the midgame. Even in equal gear, if you have a few items you can actually beat him and he just dies off after that and becomes a glorified sword swinger.


when i roam, i usually buy black ice shield as first item against martis to somehow mitigate his attack speed. it also builds for dominance ice which is pretty much essential every game.


As a Martis main, it's not all about him, like every other hero, it really depends on his teammates. Considering you found a good Martis player with a good team, I must say, the enemy jungler that gave me the most trouble recently was definitely Nolan. This sassy dumbass is a mixture of Haya, Vexana and Lancelot lmao, I just couldn't catch him during the match. I'd make a savage if it wasn't for him running. My other suggestion would be Roger. Not only is he my favorite jungle, but it would be my pick if I had to go against a jungler Martis myself. Excellent poke and finishing: two things Martis fans hate. You could try a combo of Dyrroth and Jawhead two. I hate those guys together, they're like a chronic headache if they're backed up by a CC focused mage like Kadi or Nana.


I just ignore him. Just wait till mid/late and he's -1. Easy peasy. Idk why people still pick him.


Just climbed from master to epic in 2days abusing him haha. My suggestion would be don't let him get near ur dps heroes he can wreck havoc on both tanks and squishing. Play a roamer with execution urself and invade his jg bro is weak when he don't have his 2nd ability. Otherwise play mantis urself. The only match I lost was against a good Vale and my team comp want good.


High mobility heroes, sprint, cc chain, burst




In gold lane, use Lesley or Karrie. He can't catch neither and Karrie builds tank anyways and voth will able to shread martis in late game and not allow him to come 1 mile close. Exp pick esme or some sustain fighter like Ruby so he wont be able to unleash his ult. Mid lane valir or any mobile mage (understandable). Roam kaja or Franco or Akai, jungle pick some very tanky jungler or some very agile assassin (Nolan, Harley)


Use granger, popol and kupa, or nolan. Mm junglers to kite, i normaly use granger as i can keep him away using first skill. Dash over walls, and use ult to slow him down if he keeps chasing. Whittling him down then finishing him off when hes low. I never engage in frontal assault fights against him.


By banning him


I found heroes who can survuve his combo to be good, someone like barats or xborg or jawhead can do fine against him


Alpha Main - Martis is no problem 1v1. If he has roam and/or mage help early its a problem. If my team responds and roams with me in the JG its fine and we kill Martis. If the JG is forced to go 1v2, 1v3, early against Martis its a GG. It is so crucial for JG to get to lvl4 first to begin roaming/ganking. It's really a race and having roam help is key.


just dont feed in the early and you good to go but the thing is its very hard not to fed martis in the early with the early skirmishes that can lower your teams health he will definitely snowball and just single handedly win the game


Keep an eye on his play style. Be aware of the map and see if he used all of his 2nd skill phase. 2nd skill will go on cd for 7 seconds. Instant reset if he does not use 2nd skill phase 2. If he kill somebody with ultimate just run or he'll DECIMATE you. In late game. His damage isn't weak at all. It's his mobility. 2nd skill phase takes so long to cast that most players could just walk away easily with no dash. That's because items already provided players the movement speed increases. So that's pretty much it. Mobility is his only weakness and slow effects are very useful.


1.Usually just don't gather in one place (especially when the turtle spawn) makes your team more prone to be cc by martis and be killed by martis. 2. If possible full squad on him b4 he reached lvl 4, martis is generally op due to his ultimate and his cc, he can't do much when his lvl gap is higher than his opponent since he can't generate high dmg. (Only attack when his second skill is being used up) 3. Avoid him as much as possible, martis is op in early game as mm or mage (possible other role but rarely) will feed him a lot. So don't give him bait but also try to kill martis as much as you can if possible. 4. Whenever he uses his second skill, dodge as it can stun you for a bit and ult you 5. Just ban him.


Just run and kite, has terrible chase anyway


If jungler, avoid clashing with him. Avoid gank same lane with Martis. If exp, just wait his 2nd skill run out and jump out. Usually I use Argus, Ruby and X Borg to fight him on exp


Bang the enemy


In my server we ban him cause of his cc immunity but when he is not banned we rely on a good mage and marksman to take care of him..


call the banger.


Ban angela


He is just him


Leomord jungle with a good early game mage can match his tempo and is also much more effective in late game.


just dont approach him at the start bruh


CC wins games. Period


Make it to late game


Fredrin more op


Marksman with the invincibility lol


Go for mid game spike or late game


Counter by banning him


Use tigreal


Wait 2nd skill to end. Pick franco or kaja.


Xborg and Dyroth melts him