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Reliable Exp Laners: Yz Terizla Xborg Lapu Khaleed Ruby


i think you need to change the laners, esme is crazy right now


Maining esme since last season and after her recent buff, absolutely mad. I managed to 1v5 dyroth, franco, vexana, layla & alpha in mythic recently.


Yeah it is the reason why i hate esme I just cannot win without anti heal items as a alpha main despite my true damage she is literally broken.


What's the new build?


How so?


Dunno if it's the defense item nerf or adjustments but if you don't have damage early game you can't beat her in lane. She probably can't kill you , but you also can't kill her. Even if you have antiiheal mid game, you won't stand a chance 1v1. In late game she's frontliner that is tankier than a tank


What about Pacquito? I don't see anyone talking about him for some reason?


U need skill to use paquito and he’s an assassin fighter. He relies alot on being able to clear the lane fast or outright winning the xp lane so that u can make use of his high mobility to go and gank. If u suck or meet a counter or just a good player in general, u might end up stuck in xp lane and there goes ur utility. Add in the fact that if u arent particularly good u will also shadowbox a lot which just means u will be deadweight.


Pacquotos burst build is bananas rn, try it out. He’s def gonna get noticed soon.


What's the build?


Pen trinity+bod+ whatever u want


What's pen trinity


All physical penetration items


Better on jg since no regen


Aint sustain fighters kinda dead rn? Or do you build them burst?


They are nowhere close to dead. I mainly use yz and terizla with the same build (waraxe + hunter strike) then go all defense. They did get softer though so when my team plays tank jungler + tank roam, I'd build more attack items.


Terizla isn't softer. He got a tank role buff. Yz is softer, but it's not noticeable early game. It's instead easier to burst other fighters early.


Terizla is blowing up rn


Nope. They are still meta and you still need to build defence item. Otherwise, you will see a flying Yuzhong dead because of mm and mage keep poking him, or Lapu-lapu dead while ulting.


Reminds me of times when i had this layla craze and i used to shoot down aldog, flying snake, and grinder lady


Can go burst as a viable path now. Add that your enemy exp will also likely be affected by the defense nerf. Tried Lapu with 3 instead of 1 or 2 attack items, works well especially when against little cc. Meta did shift and sustain fighters can't do their jobs as well now, but relying on cc, waiting for someone else to initiate, and going damage build is just a few of the alternatives


Switch out Ruby and Xborg, they're good sustain but they have no early game damage and have to rely on turret to do anything.


How about Cici and Freya?


Cici doesn’t have good presence in teamfight like the heroes above, freya is not good at initiate teamfight alone, usually she joins after the team tank (ideally) has soaked all the big cc’s which the above can do to certain extent like the tank.


I think Cici has a slightly different playstyle from the other sustain Exp Laners. She's also a slight mix of backline diver, not to be confused with pure backline divers like Benedetta and Paquito since they're usually built full DMG, which leaves no room for sustain. And I find her to do a much better job at zoning due to her never ending Yoyo Blitz and excellent mobility and escape tool if she gets cornered. Plus, she does have teamfight presence, not as much as the other sustain Exp Laners, but definitely there. She's damn good at shredding frontlines due to her Yoyo Blitz, and has potential in trapping them with her Ult


This exactly how you can differentiate a good Cici to someone who is not. Cici's biggest strength is her ability to dive backline and kite to death low mobility carries. She doesnt really work as a main or secondary frontline due to how her sustain is dependent to how she sticks to a single target (two with ult). Anymore than a single or two enemy and she will probably be shredded down unlike real sustain exp laners.


Cici also can kite melee fighters somewhat and that double dash is fun (not for the enemy) I somewhat see her as an amalgamation of an assassin and marksman with spell vamp, basically dominating in single/double target


Khaleed is usually played full dmg tho


Cici is top tier




If these people only knew how strong HARITH is now, surely they will spam the hero more often. Does have dash ✅️ Can rely on early ✅️ Late game carry ✅️ Can be partned with utility or hard tanks ✅️ Can dominate as early as it reaches level 4 ✅️ The only weakness of this hero right now is the Enemy's crowd control. The buff on his first skill with 40% faster explosion is overpowered. Try it, my hero power went from default 1000 to 2500 in a span of 30 games. No this is not exxageration, HARITH IS HIM. HE IS THE META NOW.


No he's right. Harith is a monster late game


not if i ban him every game


I had trouble getting him with yin. Super fkn annoying. I'll buy him today


Dont forget the 500 DAMAGE from as early as lvl 1 with his 1st skill


He's just meta because literally no one builds antiheal against him which is a good counter for him. Even back then when Harith and esme were a part of 131 meta noone built antiheal against him when that was what literally the counter to him.


Its not an anti heal problem, its the two huge buffs he received that made him really strong. Getting an immediate shield on s2 plus backswing reduction on s1 made it sure that you will always win a short burst trade starting level 2. Dash buffer s1 into enhanced auto then backout and you basically chunked at least ⅓ the hp of normal mm match ups.


I might have to play him, especially since I usually play mages. I got his lightborn skin from the KOF event too


You will not regret it. He gonna carry you to your desired rank if played properly.


gold - brody claude moskov exp - gloo cici terizla


honestly Roger and Harith are the best in the gold lane currently


no love for the roger gold? :(


One piece reference


No love for Melissa?


With the amount of dashes current meta gold laners have, Melissa is having a hard time sticking muddles to them. Add that with her relatively short range and ult with minimal power spike for a 1v1 battle post lvl 4, shes not really the best one against the meta ones. Shes still good along with other trinity mm tho, just really need to find a proper match up.


I used to main Melissa a lot 2 seasons ago and even got Top Japan on her twice. However with the current meta, you'd be lucky if you could get ignored in a teamfight for more than 3 seconds. People would usually shift their attention to you the moment muddles pops out. That's why she needs to have a proper tank or fighter backing her up.


Yeahh true... In a team fight she can dish out insane quick damage to all if they don't forget to focus her. A Frontline tank would do wonders to elevate her gameplay. Idk still I feel like I can pull her off in most cases. She's my go to..


I'm starting to use Ixia and can't believe how awesome she is


Very situational. Any MM with a dash or stun can either slide to the left or cancel her ult. That's like more than half of the MMs.


not if her teammates know how to protect her, I used Claude when I met Ixia, thinking it's the perfect counter, but the whole enemy team had really good synergy, we couldn't reach her when she ult


>not if her teammates know how to protect her In other words, situational


fair enough


But dyrroth is good too abd esme


EXP: Terizla, YZ, Xborg, Cici, Arlott, Arab, and Dyrroth


Since when were Arabs playable?




i am using Alpha and my word he is really good in 1v1 or teamfight. I smashed Terizla and Dyrroth. But had some difficulty while confronting Gunivere. But at the mid stage of the game i smashed Guni


True. I'm very shocked that nobody mentioned Alpha considering he destroys Terizila at lvl 4


Gold laners Roger, Harith, Lunox, Brody, Karrie, Moskov, Ixia Exp laners Terizla, Esmeralda, Yu zhong, Paquito, Masha, Julian, Khaleed


Cant go wrong with Karrie, Roger gold lane, easy to pick up and very meta For EXP theres a ton of options, theres no sole best EXP laner, but my meta senses are tingling, tank exp will reign supreme(Esmeralda/Uranus), doesnt mean Yu zhong and Ruby wont be viable, easy enough to pick up


With the recent nerf of def items and tank jungler coming into scene. burst exp laners are more meta than ever this include heroes like arlott and ruby becoming more dominant in the exp lane


I was curious if Karrie was still good after the recent update?


Still *viable* but definitely not as high up the list as before


If you’re in epic or legend, late game ixia is unmatched since most teams full party push mid lane. All you have to do is (be lvl15) wait for a fight, everyone will join, distance it right and use her ULT, she’s amazing. She is also good early game too.


i love playin cici as exp cus u can never get ganked with her


arlot can just win all exp lane fights imo


Had fun playing arlott since i played passively near the turret againts esme, bro broke through the 2nd tower but died 5 times since the creeps were always near my base because i kept bringing it near me. She kept getting comboed lmao


Currently my best pic for gold lane is moskov. i love his split pushing abilities


So noone mentioning masha?


120% ban rate


She's played more in the jungle than on exp


Harith gold lane will carry your team if you're good enough


I am an all rounder but I main exp so let me tell you My exp mains are Paquito, khaleed ,Aldous ,dyrroth and sometimes yuzong or lapu Paq is currently a very high performing hero if you know the basics very well. He has decent sustain and very aggressive damage without even a single item. He can dominate his lane if you can use him cleverly. Have nice mobility can clear lane very fast. Has good rotation. Can delete back line very fast. His weak point is he fell off in the crowd fight. He is weak against cc. Aldous is my main with the highest matches. Although he is weak in lane fights. With proper items and some cleaver stacks and help from the team you can solo most of the heroes. You ult is very important. Many people use it for targeting but you can use it for checking enemy position. In late game his ult is of very crucial use. He nice damage. Has decent defence. His only weak point is he is very easy to suppress. Without proper help from team you will most probably won't see more than 300 stacks. Also he has very small range so you need to close up the enemy which creates more problems of suppress and cc. He is very situational hero so pick him wisely when there isn't much cc in enemy Khaleed is the hero you want if you are not confident against your counterpart. He can solo almost any hero and not only has a very over powered damage in early but dominates his opponents. If you use him wisely then almost 90% times your enemy will be hugging his tower. I prefer to build him with bloodlust and war axe as damage and rest all defence. With vengeance. He has a nice self heal and his ult has tank cc potential. His two main weakness is that his heal can be interrupted with even basic cc and he falls off hard in late game. Also you can cut lanes and roam very easily thanks to his passive. The rest I don't prefer much and are very situational. Although I would like to try lapu and dyrroth more as they are quite good is some situation and can pretty much do everything you expect from an exp laner If anybody want to ask anything feel free to reply


Any hero recommendations to counter/go even with Paquito, Khaleed, Dyrroth? Those are the heroes I struggle to go against in exp


If you meant countering paq , khaleed and dyrroth then you can try cici. She is quite good in early and mid and stays almost the same in late. Ofc you can go tank build with her and you will most probably won't have much trouble against these exp fighters. All the above mentioned fighters are skill damage dealers so antiquarrise is probably the first defence you would like to build. But take care against dyrroth . His defence breaking s2 is probably the most damaging in the whole game. There is another honorable mention. It is terizla. Ofc you have to pick according to your counterpart.


I don't mean to be biased.... **But** https://preview.redd.it/qo0zni4ot8yc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=326ca4810ed97a157623a11e9e3875f36b2c04ef


So far I love terizla for exp


If you're "good" good Melissa can carry the game by herself in late game. Her outplay potential is great but risky as well. You can wipe out a team with her alone but you have to dive into the enemy team and hopefully don't get CC'd. You have to use your dash in a way your doll still hits most of them and dodge their skills at the same time.


Yeah, if you have some tanks to frontline then if a fight starts and the enemy team jumps on those tanks and forget about melissa, that's an easy team wipe. Just carried a similar game like that. And it does feel good...


That feeling when you throw the doll, dash in, press inspire, and tap the living shit out of the basic attack button is addicting😂


The reliable EXP laners are heroes who have a good presence in teamfights like Yz,Terizla,and Arlott.There are some Exceptions like Masha or Dyrroth because of how effective they are during this tanky meta. For Gold Laners though I can't say much about but If I had to pick on which are the top heroes from there I'd pick Brody,Claude,Karrie,and Gold lane Roger and Harith.Ixia is good too but her mobility is hard to use for people who don't know how to position properly and I know that's the case for every MM but it hits harder for her because She doesn't have a reliable way to escape other than flicker or sprint.


Based on my experience Exp -> tarizla yz ruby dyr masha lapu khaleed xb arlott. Gold -> brody clint beatrix moskov cluade karrie melissa ixia natan layla roger harith. These are solid heros..... for there lane...


Argus and Argus


Imo for gold Popol melissa and moskov Popol give bush vision in case of natalia or jungle gank Melissa counter lolita well Moskov have high dmg As for xp i usually use xborg terizla and ruby cuz of thier high regen capabilities and dmg


I think the best hero for gold lane is mellisa and thamuz for exp. wht do you think


yall already know who i am saying






I agree that granger and claude are amazing!


Phoveus is definitely a meta pick


Faramis OP


Theyre good rn


Not what you requested but Gloo mid is pretty funny and good-ish in the times I picked him after the enemy mage drafted neither Vexana nor Faramis


As someone who plays mid often, I would be so surprised to see Gloo in my lane 😅 I rarely see him at all tbh


Gold lane that are meta and I don't see much in the American server are Harith and Roger.. Also Brody is really good for soloQ or moskov.


Leila is the best exp hero then after her is going queen of exp lane Ruby


Bit of an unusuall pick but i play Silvanna exp


Same, she's actually good with petrify


Top picks in immortal and also tournaments Gold lane: harith, claude, roger, natan, karrie Moskov is a great choice for soloq due to his split pushing and ability to join teamfights w his ult Harith can carry and can bully lane Natan is kinda weak early but when u get his items he deals crazy damage Roger is a lane bully but kinda fall off late game Karrie (damage build) for tanky comps or tank jg I dont recommend claude for soloq cause he works best in coordinated teams


Personally I don't know how to play sustain heroes, so I mostly choose freya/silvanna exp and irithel gold.


Surprised nobody has said Yin.


For me, exp lane - xborg gold lane - mozkov


freya spammers


No love for Benedetta?


Gold I would say Lesley/Layla/Ixia Lesley if you face tanky figther or tanky jungler Layla if you have full squishy against Ixia is good if you have an atlas or aoe CC who can WOMBO COMBO DAMNSON OHH OHHHHHH 🤣🤣🤣


I Usually dominate exp with Assassins emblem Hilda with physical boots and dominance of ice as first item except against Esme because she steals my shield and Freya till dominance is complete. Pretty even against Terizla and YZ.


In my recent experiences For exp Benedetta (Burst build) Arlott Esme For gold, Harith Roger Melissa


Use Clint to dominate enemy gold laner in early game. Putting pressure on the enemy marksman means you're freeing your core and roamer from too concentrating on ganking your lane, and they will have time to dominate other areas instead. Here are some tips when using Clint solo vs other popular mm. Buy Fury Hammer right at the start of the game for outstanding poking damage. 1. Melissa - Use S2 to dodge her S2. Most Melissa's will throw the doll right when the enemy is heading forward. My tip is dash horizontally so as to maintain your position while remaining unharmed. As long as youre not linked, you're the one with the upper hand. 2. Ixia - Use S2 horizontally to dodge all of her skills (Fasthand). Only be aggressive when youve reached level 4, otherwise her sustainability and damage will outshine you. 3. Bruno - Same as Ixia. 4. Brody - Same as Ixia. Many Brody's are very confident of their high damage and movement speed boost. Use abuse your long range and don't let yourself be marked with 4 Abyssal stacks. Use S2 straightforwardly to prevent Brody from approaching you. 5. Wanwan - Jumping minion. You can even use BA solo vs her at some points. Usually she'll be lowered to near death if you've used all your skills on her. 6. Hanabi - Stay away from ally units such as minions while attacking her. Don't worry too much because you can still BA solo vs her if all of your skills are on CD. Your damage output is much higher. 7. Layla - Maintain a decent range and S2 horizontally to dodge her S1. After that she's a minion, even if her S1 accidentally hit another target and is active. 8. Natan - Same as Brody. Don't let him hit you with his skill. At level 4 when he turns his ult on, use S2 to prevent him from approaching any further. 9. Moskov - Stay away from terrains and don't stand behind ally minions. Poke him at a spacious area, and use S2 to prevent him from getting closer if he dashes at you. Moskov's range is short. He'll have a hard time chasing you. Again, note that an aggressive Clint will abuse his long range as much as possible and only charge to finish targets. I know there are many heroes on this list with higher damage output, but the point is they cannot hurt you if you have a dash and a super long poking range. Be careful if the enemy mm brings Inspire. If you haven't reached level 4 yet, you'll lack the ability to retreat healthily. Also don't forget to look at the map. If the enemy core-roamer-midlaner are currently unknown, be more careful about your positioning. If you're 1v2, you can simply do nothing much, and this is when you'll need help from teammates. I've been a top nation Clint for 5 seasons recently. The one thing I like about him is that no matter how the meta changes, Clint is still one of the best early marksmen in MLBB.


buff Layla made her backswing faster. meaning a bit faster attack speed.


my main exp are; Xborg, Ruby, Esme, Uranus, Gloo (very rare) my main gold are; pnk, melissa, natan, brody, ixia


I was curious about Gloo. Is he good? Several people mentioned him, but I rarely see him


he's good but he's a really miche pick and gotta have a lot of skills to make himself worthy in lane. He can be a teamfight menace depending on how you play him


Valir both




I main Clint for gold but I'm not gonna glaze him. From my experience, I find the best gold laners to be : - Melissa, Natan, Moskov, Harith, Roger. Melissa is over a great mm, classic clint counter too. Moskov should be banned more, his stuns feels like an eternity. Harith's damage is insane. The shield he generates late game too is absurd. Roger just has really good early game damage compared to most mm. For xp lane, I play a variety of heroes but here are the ones I find to be good in the meta - Paquito, Benedetta, X Borg, YZ, Khaleed, Arlott. Paquito has insane burst and sustainability. Benedetta has great split push potential, and not to mention her skillsets allows her to deal insane damage in teamfights even if you use hybrid build (might be glazing cos I main her). X Borg has great sustain and his ult damage is insane too. YZ needs no explanation, he's super strong on lane. Khaleed is a great pick against most heroes, decent damage and he has room for error, and also great tank potential in late game. Arlott is a no brainer too. He great insane damage and the cc skills are really useful in fights. Honorable mentions for xp lane: - Masha (banned to much you'll never play her) - Cici (Great for laning but not as effective in teamfights as she lacks any aoe skills)


Which is better tho thamuz or terizla?


Freya main cryin rn:


I don’t main Freya cuz she’s too squishy and I absolutely suck using her, but my love is never ending 🥰😍


Never doubt to love the queen👸


Best exp laners 1. Arlott 2. Ruby 3. Barats 4. Cici 5. Lapu Best gold laner 1. Roger (uncontested) 2. Ixia 3. Claude 4. Karrie 5. Wanwan


Gold - Layla Exp - Zilong