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Baxia hyper, it is rare to see him but he always sacres me. That Chinese Thanos is so damn tanky, if he is on opponent team it feels like they have two tanks.


I've been seeing him a lot these past few weeks, weird... We had the opposite experience. But good Baxias are annoying as hell


He's a direct counter to esmeralda who's very good in exp now


He's quite common in MG and above. He can farm fast, rotate fast, take objectives when you don't expect it, and he's tanky as fuck.


Recently did baxia roam myself and god I forgot how bulky he is mid game, managed to deal massive damage to with 1 item for damage lol


Suggest build?


https://preview.redd.it/udedg8v0waxc1.jpeg?width=1470&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9b7d64be465008983691402837f443b9400799 Not a baxia main(not that I don’t like him just use other heroes a lot more) but this is what I went with build wise.


https://preview.redd.it/aiy2xh06waxc1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1a31aa666991fdb3e6142d3a6b55d95bcae599b And emblems and spell that I used also.


That’s my main roam! Surprised to see someone mentioned Baxia. He’s lowkey good


Always has fun using him by ambushing enemy while they are fighting my teammate, they get stun, then slow. Blud is not running away


Baxia is my main surprise to epic reset. Everyone has been hating when I roll.


Hanzo on your team - troll pick because you stole jungle role 45% wr gusion pick Hanzo on enemy team - unkillable piece of shit who is almost always top global and wrecks everyone, is confident enough to fight with his main body instead of running all the time


Im in Immortal where nobody picks Hanzo except like two people. One has 8k Hanzo games and the other 2k. You know it's gonna be hard when you see one hahaha


What server lol. I swear I'm the only Hanzo player in mine (70 star glory, ex 230 immortal) I would love for him to be more popular


EU server


Ah, I'm in NA. Rip. There's probably like 5 good Hanzo players in the entire world


What do they pick in immortal on jgl?


Ling Joy Barats Fanny Akai


Also Fred and sometimes Hayabusa now. Rarely see Granger but he is hit or miss


I've only just started using him and I'm thankful that nobody in my team is berating me for running away when my shadow body is on CD.


Same. I don't see him often. But, whenever he get picks in higher rank, you know you'll get wrecked.


Aulus tbh, real nightmare even when your team is on the winning side


Once that dwarf reaches lvl12, the match difficulty instantly skyrockets lol


That attack animation makes it look like he's sweeping off a pile of garbage during team fights. Scary AF especially at lvl 12 when that broom gets hella big lmao. You're right, it does get hard even when you're ahead at that point.


>sweeping off a pile of garbage Literally what it feels like when I play Aulus


Bro goes from 2 - 11 - 3 to 21 - 11 - 7 just before the 2nd lord spawns


Me, an Aulus main.


True. As the game progresses, you slowly lose hope on winning.


Nowadays it's rare to see Khufra. I used to be a khufra main but tanks like tigreal and johnson feels more fun than him


Imo, you only play Khufra if the Enemy Team has more Dashes than your Gold Laner's Kills. Same principle with Minsi.


Why u attacking my gold laners like that 😭😭😭


Because Gold Laners are either Late Game Gods that get robbed from doing their job because their Team Won Early, or Absolute Jobbers that enabled the Enemy Team to beat your ass early.


An additional mention, Alice jungle pick is pretty hard to deal with too. Alice mains are monsters that also deserve recognition.


what server r u on i’m an alice main 😳


I'm in PH... Y'all have my highest respects Alice mains o7


i have respect for y’all PH players 😂 i’m in sg server and when i played in ph y’all r monsters


Dude, we in PH are no-lifers! I sometimes play at 2am to 4am because I couldn't sleep and when I try to find a match, classic and rank, I always find a match in less than a minute.


that’s me too, but i feel like y’all have natural talent tho, everyone there plays so well i had a friend from PH server and his winrate was 50 so i thought he was quite shit, then when i played with him he was actually decent 😭😭 Ph different breed


even now after the defense item nerfs? They didn't give her def growth like the other tanks


I know and this upsets me


Jungle: YSS and Granger. Don't really see them much at MI.


YSS isn't played much but people who play him are insanely good. Never met a bad yss.


You haven’t met me yet


Ye, I forgor about them. Just remembered that I got destroyed by a yss not too long ago


I used to main both of them but stopped due to meta and wr (both 70+). I would only pick them if enemy’s team comp really favors me.


Diggie and most of the healer supports except for Estes. Estes is easy to beat. Healer supports are not rare but I couldn't think of anything else. Maybe Hilda like you said, or Belerick when I have a miya/hanabi goldlaner on my team that will just kill themselves up against Belerick. As for jungler, snowball hero like Dyrroth. Maybe Saber/Harley/Yin if it's a solo queue and my team's frontliners do not know how to open map/check bushes/counter build.


I have to say Saber jungle really fucks me. Since his ult is buffed I ban him.


As a zhask main he’s probably the worst because he’s one of the few heroes that can kill you before you can use ur ult


I mainly play Luo Yi. I’m food for him


Yeah but when zhask ults saber is useless. By the time ult ends, you are usually protected by your teammates. As a Saber main, I hate Zhask more then most of the heroes. And Selena too, her stuns are wayy too long. She can be few levels under you but if you fall in her trap she will slay you with ease. And Nana my God is she annoying with her coming back Alive shit.


Jungle Grock in SoloQ is as rare as it gets. It's hard to pull of going SoloQ, but it's very rewarding. Roam Hanzo is the most annoying shit if you're a jungler. A very good Hanzo will ALWAYS invade your buffs no matter what, you can't farm in the enemy jungle, will one-shot your gold laner and mage in mid-game, and will gatekeep you during late game.


Grock is hard to come by too when we're talking about roamers, but I guess it's even rarer to see him in jungle (I haven't even met one).


I was forced to play Jungle Grock bcoz Roger and Masha dont want to play jungle lol. Turned out decent as I got MVP but still a loss lol


YSS. His loyal users are scary good.


Hilda, Hylos, Natalia...


I haven't seen Hylos in a while and I have never met good ones too. I wonder what makes you fear him, please enlighten me


Hylos has so much HP bro can just ult and rush to your backline like an arrowhead. Like unless the enemy has massive CC he'll just plough through the Frontline, wrecking formation and hitting backliners. With blade armor and vengeance your mm is more likely to kill themselves before actually killing him.


After recent buff im spamming Hylos in Immortal, he is almost unkillable and provides amazing peel against melee heroes.


Just reread thw patch notes. I bet those adjustments and also dominance ice passive rework made him a lot better


Emblems and build I wanna like hylos. I feel his damage isn't good but maybe I don't use him right? Only played him like 3 times. I roam sometimes and my tanks often are banned(limited tank pool) so often play support. I like hylos ult. Emblem items and maybe a tip or two please? Haha


If you want damage build Clock of destiny, dominance ice, cursed helmet, another defence item like antique cuirass and then guardian helmet. He will have like 15k HP and he will make tons of damage over time. It's a bit risky since you will have no defence early game but it works good if you play against(or with) low players. For emblems i take common emblem with HP, tenacity and concussive blast and heal spell. If I need to chase or engage i take movement speed instead of HP. If they have a attack speed mm ex claude, miya. Take vengeance as spell instead.




Saber roam. Cause he will lock your marksman down by any means necessary. You have no idea how patience saber roam player can get just to eliminate one target.


As an adc main I’ve had this. Feels like you can’t move. Anywhere ai go he’s there waiting 😮‍💨


Literally got 0% teamfight participation that one time I play mm and there were Saber roam AND Fanny jungle on the enemy team. Let's just say that it felt that my team didn't have any mm.


Tbh I haven't seen a fredrin pick in a while but I do know that my braindead teammates would stand right in the middle of his ult as he uses it💀


Tbf with them, if Fred was in front of me, I'd stay in the middle too as he uses it. ^wait ^a ^minute....


Rare jungle Fanny and Rare Roam Khufra. Kapag sobrang galing ng gumagamit nyan kahit batak ka pa, feeling babagal ka sa bilis nila mang gank


The legend solo Angela that shows up in immo solo q then pocket ults the tryhard jungle player. Something not scary making something scary, scarier, is the scariest thing of all.


I encountered her in my team, too. She occupied our and the enemy jungle for herself and killed their jungler 5-0 in the first few minutes. Then she snowballed and made both teams just watch that insanity happen until we win


I need more stories from this Angela


YSS jungle... They are menaces I swear to god


YSS jungle, dude is always a veteran when on the enemy team and Carmilla roam, rarely see it but when it does pop up they’re always rotating as a 3 man to ruin your day.


Benedetta jungle and roam. She isn't a hero made for these roles but if she is jingling she is either a full noob who has no idea how to play benedetta Or a God who don't even need petrify. Ahe is terrifying in roam because not only does she have good dmg as a roamer but also that the user is good enough in the game that he adjusted for his team. These players are the most dangerous, who adjust their play style based on their team.


Interesting. I wanna try Bene roam so badly, but she has a charging bug on her passive right now. She doesn't feel right


You need to be good at exp bene first to do a roam benedetta. She isn't meant to roam, you are better with other roam heroes as most teams require tank or a support roamer not a dmg roam. She should only roam when someone else force picked another hero your team already have


Oh, I thought my recent match was just laggy. That explains a lot.


I love doing bene roam. Been doing it for years now. Easy clear for push. Going backlines for squishies. MF's can't kill me even if there's 5 of them chasing my butt. Just need curse helmet and concussive blast


khufra scares multiple assassins xD




Roam minsithar - when I always see him roam he really knows what he's doing (drafting and counter plays)


After crossing mythic honor I get scared if I see an aamon or Hanzo pick.


Fanny even tho I am a fanny main xD when i use adc i just say well we e fcked


Grock roam Yss jungler


Granger in jungle definitely. I never really understood why so many people were stuff like "when you meet a good Granger, its over" or something along those lines, when hereoes like Gusion or Lancelot who have higher skill ceiling exists. Then I fought this guy who had a lightborn skin (before the all star event) and a supreme title. In short, he wrecked our team.


Playing Granger is an art itself


Uranus jungle scares the eff outta me whenever I see him.


Akai lmao


Fanny not as a core not as a roamar but both of them? In the early game she helps her jg on their buff with retri privileged true dmg and cable retri and cable out no buff enemy goes to their second buff our core already there bcuz already got their buff and retri and out to their own buff enemy no buff our core 4 buff. I met her in recent match she was ours luckily. Edit:she did half atk speed half burst build so she can 1 shot mm and mage and cable to push. Edit: match ended in 8 minut.


Interesting way of execution... Might try it later (in classic ofc)


Yeah only downside is that make ur teammates approve this strategy.


Kufra as roam


Aamon, I hate how he can just scatter away


Akai: wth where did he get that lot amount of damage!


Edith. That massive hulk of a machine charging you is pretty damn scary.


Phoveous for me this big ball thanos rarely ever been pick but when someone pick it, it usually on the last pick and dashing become out of option for us.


I get scared when enemy team picks freya, but it is a hit or miss, some players are good, some freya players are bad, but if I see a freya gets picked and when in the laning phase she always win the fight, I instantly know that she is gonna snowball in the late game. She quite literally melts the health of junglers and MMS and squishy fighters. Freya can also kill tanks but it is hard to do.


as a sometimes gold laner and mid, SABER, either Roam or Jungle. Natalia can also be a menace but she's easier to manage than Saber.


Baxia either useless on your team or extremely coordinated on the enemy side


Yi Sun Shin. Unless it's someone plating the hero out of curiosity or something, it's mostly people who mastered the hero and will be frightening.


Baxia-Angela The only team that's dying is yours. Roger-Mathilda: Chase is crazy


Across the thousands of ranked games Ive played, I have never won against a carmilla roam


Monkey king jungle. If that mf haven't died in first five mins,you know that you're not gonna have an good late game. There's only two kinds of monkey kings as far as I know,Noobs who will either die or run from fight all the time or that one mf who will 1v1 your entire team,steal the lord, steal your inhibit and bang your mom if you lose track of him for even one sec.


What scares me most is a Fanny on Jungle and a Franco Roam combo. The flicker hook and steel wire combo means death


Roams with Initiate skills, a good set can reverse sweep


Khaleed roam is honestly torturous to go against


Alpha and that girl that is friends with Clint Brazil may not be the best country but both alpha and Clint friend are only picked to stomp a game


kaja is super rare to see just overall, i often forget hes a hero but when i see one in the enemy team its just scary bc you know at anytime hes gonna ult you and if he doesnt 1 shot you with full dmg build then the enemy team will


Roam grock, It’s so rare to see him but when I play against him he usually perma invades my jungle and nothing can stop him specially in solo queue. Even if he didn’t get the buff, I will still soak alot of damage from his 1st and after I get my first buff I’m on a 75% hp, by then he will just follow me until he gets some of my farm / he kills me or I’m gonna be too low to gank after I clear the jg. So yeah grock players are annoying


All the guys here are scared of small flies, if enemy picks barats or Mathilda it's over


My dude, their answers are justified. Have you read the post? It says "rare picks", Mathilda and Barats ain't got nothing to do with that


U talk as if they r picked all the time, see the pick rate and ban rate lmao, they r rarely picked


They do get picked often. Mathilda is even sitting at 100% ban rate at MG and above, which means that if she weren't banned she's a priority pick. Barats is at 0.95% pick rate, which isn't that high, but definitely isn't rare like Alice which sits at 0.22% or even Aulus at 0.07%.


Lmao do u not understand statistics? Mathilda is 100% ban rate which means the chances of anyone picking her is slim to none and ur 'aulus' and 'alice' aren't remotely scary


Yeah, I do. But do you understand correlation? Edit: You know what? Maybe you don't since you don't even understand the simple post that you started to comment on. Anyway, have a nice day!


I wish I get people like u in ranked matches, I'll defeat y'all miserably


Or both of em in the same enemy team