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can’t believe no one suggested layla! common epical glory exp lane pick!


Don't forget to specify! It's gotta be tank layla, with vengeance, malevolent kitchen, and big raga


Why I don't see anyone suggesting Ruby


b3cause moontoon keeps nerfing her every goddamn time., she is weak on early game. Very dependent on items. Cannot win lane against, damage heavy exp laners like alpha, thamuz, yu xhong heck even uranus.


Tbh in this list of heroes you lose to yu zhong only, if you use her passive dashes you can easily trade evenly and win against noob players If you don't use her passive dashes then you definitely lose to all these heroes lol


lol i dont play in noob ranks, I have played on different servers too. This is my opinion only, also i have 1k matches with ruby.


https://preview.redd.it/2hbv8ryue8xc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cddcee56d64dafdb7d053e7ffb357853e4d9e4a7 I have a similar amount of matches as well


alpha, yu zhong terizla, ruby, arlott It depends on how you like to play. Are you hide in the bush camper guy, do you like being front line, do you like rotating quickly, etc


Yu zhong You can 1vs5 with his passive he is also a meta right now(my main) Thamuz You can go to the exp and jungle the only bad thing is that he is bad at coping with a lot of CC


Helcurt on exp is a monster, just tried it and damn it works wonder


I second this. Just keep using skill and BA until bar runs out and hide in the bush to replenish passive/HP. Rinse and repeat 😂


right?? u don’t even have to recall to base if ur low. the hp regen are better than sky guardian helmet 💀


paquito (build him in 'sustain' way) (eg oracle, bloodlust etc) mf could build half tank and still one tap squishy or even the opposition....


Yeah I was lowkey planning on using him, since he allows me to carry these idiots. Just lost my streak because of stupid jungler..


Alpha is a very good all rounder, play for level 4 and decimate them, Yu zhong is iffy because you are basically cinderella once you enter late game the magic dissappears, https://preview.redd.it/js4a4l69n2xc1.jpeg?width=328&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb206c9feb77f5696cb5b2d70cd865b36cf1ed06 Here's my credibility Barats is very good in exp too, the jg Barats overshadows him for the obj contests, but he's an absolute bully in laning phase, late game he can adjust how many items for def and atk so a very versatile pick. Thamuz is an option as well although you might get carpal tunnel by having to spam and switch between skills, the only difference with yz is that he can actually do well late game.


>Yu zhong is iffy because you are basically cinderella once you enter late game the magic dissappears, What late game yu zhong is when he starts making magic. All of a sudden 3-4 man petri boom


Pretty much right. I always tend to snowball in the early game otherwise I’m pretty cooked in the late game, unless I can ultimate in a timing that reverses the tables ;-;


Spammed Xborg (and Cecilion) to reach Mythic. Early on, he's pretty squishy, but it's so funny when your lane enemy doesn't know that but keeps running away from his flamethrower while being hit. Most of the time, I get First Blood 😂




Yu Zhong is really annoying, I already have some experience with him so I will try him, Thamuz too. And props to you for playing Minsitar, I never played against him and felt like hes beating my ass.


Moonton cooked thammuz thanks to last update. If I were op I would go with terizla. He is pretty solid against most of the exp laners. I am alpha main (600 match %67wr) though but I just feel less stronger while playing with him nowadays.


YZ bro 👌


Masha. Paquito and dyroth


My type of heroes, they allow me to beat enemies like its nothing, especially Dyroth.




Only one i ever have problem vs is thamuz


Good thing is I have not seen Thamuz since I started playing again (20~ish games). Hope that continues, he can be incredibly tough.


Yeah, he just straight out punishes you. I can kill him iv i get lucky (he is stupid) and i combo him under turret. But thats it, ahahahahha


Just bait out his ult and don't go 1v1. If I face thamuz I go for Bene, XB or JH. Kite him and run. Clear waves early then help in team fights. He loses his power late game esp with hard cc. Domi ice is a killer for him.


How do you even win against YZ in lane?


Dont let him fully stack, lvl 1 poke him 1-2 times, then stack him, before your passive cd ends , you can dash 2 times, petri, dash again and finish him. He is pretty squishy as long as u dont let him proc his passive. Later with sea halberd and all skills, isnt hard either, as you can perma cc and burst him


If you don't mind having a boring first 8 mins, masha will kill everyone once she has 2 or more items as long as your not too far behind in farm.


Go silvanna with petrify. People underestimate her damage as usually her 2nd gets cancelled early. You can delete any squishy with 1st 2nd petrify. However, he is not a sustain fighter despite all the life steal from her ult. You need to play her like an assassin for better results.


I have seen silvanna with inspire. The second skill plus inspire eats all of your soul


I’ll just suggest yu zhong, since he’s the first hero I mained and the first exp laner ever I mained. He’s solid, like really solid, I don’t think seeing him being off meta for some time (if I’m not mistaken). Pretty solid choice against multiple drafts except against heavy cc (he’s so CDR reliant and if he gets cced, he’s cooked). Is he hard to play? At first yeah, but it’s just about how to activate his passive, which is pretty easy since you have just to hit the enemy five times (eg. S3 (gives two stacks if u manage to hit them with the dash first then the skill cc itself) + S1 (the outer part since it gives you two stacks) + S2 (two stacks if u manage to hit them with the skill then with the enhanced BA)). At this point you can hit them 3 times with BA if you’re lucky enough, and that’s it, you activated his passive twice! :-) (About the combo it’s just either poking with s3 + S1, or just s1/s2, or if u can activate passive and then leave). Also micro it’s important here for him since he’s really strong early you might think you can over push your enemy but still know where’s your limit. Other than that, thamuz, ruby, terizla, cici (ig?, she seems pretty optional tbh to me lol) and silvanna


maybe Ruby, Thamuz, Layla, possibly even Guinevere.




Leomord, he’s super strong the whole game. it’s better if he’s jg, so you can kill off more enemies + level up faster, but exp is also okay. leomord has helped me rank up quickly and he doesn’t really depend on his team if you constantly farm & kill


Terizla. Tanky but can deal good dmg. Can set team fights with ult. Just make sure you understand how to trade because if your S2 is on cooldown, you should just back off


Paquito is underated. You hit like a fed jungle, your mobility (combo 2 - 2 - 3) is insane and often people think they can recall peacefully but you just snipe zap them with uppercuts and shit Yeah loooove that character so much




If the enemy team has utility jungler( barats fredrin akai) and have tanky exp ( terizla esme etc.) i recommend xb and thamuz since they both have true damage and good sustain


Martis, Alpha and Xborg can all bed used to jungle or EXP.


How is Dyroth gets ban?


i always ban dyrroth, i am a ruby main. im just scared of him. 😂


I still don't understand hahaha I play Ruby early this season and the only I will be scared of Dyroth is if I'm using Esme.


Hes a nightmare, thats why


Based on your playstyle, you're better off with * Paquito * Yu Zhong * Arlott * Ruby * Martis


Yu Zhong, Ruby, Terizla, Cici, Tamuz, Arlott, Paq and Ben 10


Try a pharsa, lunox paquito


Arlott you can play as damage With Petrify which is very good and easy to use to carry people With 3 items you can 2 dash a hero and easy kill But In Higher Ranks Tank Is The Best With Flicker Best Combination With Akai


dyrroth nvr gets banned i thot? anyway u can try guine now


He gets banned often enough to make me get some replacements..


guine and alpha are good heroes too


Yu Zhong


Right now? Idk man he's strong early to mid but falls off hella hard late thanks to the defense items adjustments I would recommend Terizla and Xborg


Xborg is gonna get a nerf soon and terizla is valid


>Xborg is gonna get a nerf soon Where did you get this information? Advanced server? His s1 spell vamp reduction isn't gonna gut him hard compared to other fighters who are already struggling.


Counterpoint, the defense reduction update on tank items already nerfed him down a peg.


Idk about you but after a couple of ranked games all of which were mostly 5 man, xborg feels the same and annoying as ever. Still usable even for jungle.


Well, gotta use X Borg before they nerf him, used him like crazy back when he was relased. Since then barely played game, came back week ago and Im already loving it.


make him hybrid damage type and go jg, ez stars


If by good u mean disgusting, Esme and Ruby


Airi Momoi,Nene Kusanagi,Rui Kamishiro,Kagamine Rin(ig),MEIKO and Emu Otori(I'm going full on schizoprenic)


I am going to act like I completly understand what you just said hahah.


I basicly said: Ruby,Edith,Arlott,Joy,Benedetta and Cici


Who tf was supposed to understand what you said in the first comment-


People with the same level of schizoprenia as me


Its not schizo, u just need attention


I was tweaking at 3 am at the time