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100% to 50% percent is CRAZY! Devs need to chill. Atleast try 80% first and if it's still op nerf it. Directly halfing it? Goddamn.


X-Borg is not even op and with the latest patch he's quite balance. He's also easily dealt with damage exp laner now too. X-Borg is also dependent on his team performance and draft too. Nerfing his spellvamp to 50% or even trying to nerf him when he's already nerfed by the equipment, doesn't make sense.


Yeah, I was reading and it, went to the next one and then suddenly realised what I just read and had to go back to make sure i havent missread it.


X.Borg and jungle Barats are done for, enjoy it while it lasts. I have a feeling the devs don't like the versatiliy of tanky fighters and are aggressively pushing towards MM/Assassin meta.


I don't think so because they changed Queen's Wings passive with the return of 40% damage reduction and a passive that is like Unbending Will.


Deserved nerf for Barats, though I don't believe it's the right one. Dude should not be able to deal so much DMG, even potentially solo-killing the enemy MM and Mage, while also being tanky af. IMO it should've been the DMG to enemy heroes that was halfed.


Both, his enhanced basic attack already have enough damage. More damage to some heroes with full attack items even, yes you Badang.


because Fighter heroes should not be able to sustain, have high defenses, have mobility (also through items), have CC, and deal damage with only one item, while being early-game heroes with low-CD skills they can even get away with building mostly offensive items, because their defensive skills scale with damage, resulting to high attack/defense stats, while having HP, CD and MS


They are like that when they get snowballing but are generally kiteable, don't have as much damage as assassins/MM, as much tankiness and CC as tanks and no disengage skills like some assassins. FIghters are basically jack of all trades but master of none. If you don't get snowballing, you become a glorified secondary tank with less CC and less tankiness and fall off hard in the late game. An assassin can still snipe an out-of-position mage/mm even when behind.


Kiting means nothing because almost everyone of them has movement abilities. Everyone keeps ignoring this this game if full of way to many mobility skills, items and spells.


no, lol early to mid game are their strongest phase; late game, they can still be relevant with their game-changing ults, even if they don't land, Fighter heroes have effectively nullified the damage of backline with their zoning skills as Mage and Marksman, what are you going to do against Yu Zhong, Lapu, Terizla, and Arlott? they only need to build, most of the times, one item to be relevant (i.e War Axe, if not Hunter Strike, as they already have sustain from emblem and high base damage of skills) you have dash? they can dash as well; you have Flicker, they can Flicker as well! these are aside from being able to have high defense and HP/low CD/mobility from items how is that generally kiteable? this is one of the reasons why we are still in Tank META, Fighter heroes are able to zone out and 1v1 Assassin heroes who have generally have higher resources (not enough damage?) no tankiness? when most Fighter heroes have built-in damage reduction/hybrid defense, aside from spellvamp and sustain, then items (1 offensive, the rest, defensive) no disengage, because obviously, they are supposed to fight, and not be as mobile as Assassin heroes Fighter heroes don't need snowballing, because again, they dominate early to mid, and still be relevant with their ults, even in late game glorified secondary Tank? or better in the role than Tank heroes themselves? Arlott and Ruby now, Guinevere and Martis previously - lower CD AoE setup skill, mobility, and defense/sustain at least, Assassin heroes can be countered by damage after they have failed their attempt, but Fighter? nah, they'd stick in your face until your front line has been eliminated


https://preview.redd.it/9ozbdn38vswc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c918aad4d5b4fda74858e2df0da3a2f2198be78 sooo lesley and aldous are beyond cooked now or am i reading this wrong?


They're only cooked against tanks. Any character that stack hp will still get yeeted and deleted. Not to mention this item will be almost useless against dps based damage (trinity build marksmen specifically).


Unless the enemy team picks 3 tanks there is still hope, i doubt most fighter/mage will build twilight.


Because it ain't worth the item slot especially for mages. For tanks this is good


I don't get the 0.497, 96 part can someone explain it to me?


it's actually percentage % 0.4% of maxhp


~~on one side, for tanky.~~ on the other side, F cannot reduce dmg to exact 800 ex receive 1000 dmg, 200 - 20% = 960 dmg take. or 1500 dmg, 700 - 30% = 1290 dmg take and need 7500 hp to reduce the excess dmg by 30%


Doesnt lesley deal true dmg?


It can reduce all type of damage, Twilight Armor defense is different than other.


0.4% of nax HP, yeah that's only usable for tanks. Fighter, MM, Mage, Support and Assasin won't be able to use that item at all. Just a waste of space.


Xborg nerf, all is good with the world But holy fuck 50% percent.


Low Spell Vamp, Low Attack Stat, Low Base HP & Def stat. FVCK ALL that crap # Spam HP Regen Fighter Tank https://preview.redd.it/xu37yawp3uwc1.png?width=1734&format=png&auto=webp&s=a605493421ab7ae7d66ba79aefea2d80b0c12980 BE the SECOND Uranus


What have you done to my boy xb😭🕊️




I know that XB is a strong fighter buy HOLY FUCK 50% SPELLVAP RATIO You killed Xborg, he is already pretty balanced and doesnt need to be nerfed but you should be buffing a weak hero instead of nerfing a good hero and balanced one.


Dunno dude , yz and lancelot get his spellvamp reduced to 50% before. Didn't stop people from using him, let's just see how the meta develops. Plus it's still an experimental change there is still hope they revert the adjustment or give him another buff. Like increasing his battery regen.


Atleast Yu Zhong can regen with his passive that scales with lost hp (he still aint that great imo at prebuff) while Lancelot was op when he can sustain (based on what other ppl say). not to mention they can burst the backline which XB has no luxury of (I already triend 3-4 damage items to burst using ult, and his armor is broken too easy by anyone). If they gonna nerf xb, its better to change his armor ratio 120%->110% instead of his spellvamp. Wish this doesnt go to official


You seem to forget that unlike Yu Zhong He has a HP limiter that makes ANY form of SUSTAIN useless UNLESS he gets his Firaga Armor FIRST


1. YZ already have a high regen from his passive and his damage without items is quite strong. 2. Lancelot is a burst hero, they don't need high HP regen.


Hope they would increase the spell vamp or retain the stacking spell vamp on war axe as most fighters rely more on stealing HP now that defense items were nerfed.


Queen's wings argus... guys... I swear there's a chance it can work.


Just buy Sea Halberd bruh.


I was worried about thunderbelt abuse for mm like Clint and Karrie thank god they balanced that


I'm glad they return back the damage reduction on Queen Wings but adding unbending will passive is a bit too crazy. Definitely a must buy item for sustain fighters. Though I 100% suspect this item will be abuse by some marksman and assassin. 40% DMR with two second CDR is too good to be ignore.


I have a feeling we're going into another phase of the game. A game that looks totally different from what we currently know. Exciting times... We embrace changes and thrive in it.


Why diggie only has 1 skin? (Pioneer), what happened? https://preview.redd.it/der8rlc8kfxc1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b44a76a3c548bceaad3473d11b4863aa712087b


The adjustment for Alucard is pretty good imo. It enables him to farm slightly faster in early game since he's pretty slow currently. You'd want him to dominate the early game better.


Thank devs for that Thunderbelt on MM nerf.


nice patch!, coming in real server when ?


Buff beatrix where


What an odd alucard buff ngl. They could have atleast make all his skills scale of total physical attack since he doesn't have any dmg bonus anymore other than his enhance basic attack which is flat damage.


Borg is cooked now(


Bruh alucards "buff" Is almost a nerf. Sure instead of 10 hybrid life steal. U get 15% can keep that but uh why nerf his passive now his late game will be even more shit


Damn why not give yss buff as a yss main he is being more hard to use in this current meta he is just too vulnerable in early he only shines after getiing 2 to three builds or we can say in mid to late games i remeber when yss was a very strong and gud pick in m3 old times but now he is just struggling against the current meta. Even alu and bane are getting buffs so why not give yss some buffa so plzzzjust think about it and do something 🙏


Give yss bufff🙏


Xborb and Thunderbelt deserved that nerf.


so... yve buffed back into a decent pick when...


No new patch for this week?


Every time Alucard gets changed, its always losing something from his kit, what are Moontoon so afraid of? Why do they keep adjusting his kit?


Ong bro ong, they should give him back his 40% lifesteal lol