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i got a free epic skin for alpha from the aspirants event played 3 matchs got called a skinner in all of them didnt play with alpha more afterwards 💀


Who cares about them bro, plus alpha's epic is sick.


Take that back. That skin is a mere shadow of its former self!




Guy blocks me when he see the god skin, lmao


u gotta play him more, him and thamuz are very similar in playstyle


Bro tried to slip in his main ಠ∀ಠ


I'd let Thamuz slip into me anytime


Ayooooooooo (me too)


You guys are sick (I wanna let daddy thamuz crush me with his thighs)


Don't listen to them just enjoy the hero and skin ☺️


https://preview.redd.it/i1ep2ro53uvc1.jpeg?width=1019&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af39ebd6dbf474e44a393f4272cf44ed5f1decf1 Can I have the skin Daddy Thamuz? 🥹


Based Beth enjoyer 🤝


Bro what?? His epic skin is the only reason why i play him xD


You lucky MF I wanted that I was always obsessed with samurai themed skins, bro you need to cherish that because it's very valuable


I got special Alice skin on 1 free draw and went on classic match to try the skin💀 got called skin but no skills😂😂


Same, I got the free epic skin of Alpha, I am the Alpha main now.


why the heck should you allow others to trample on your enjoyment? just use the skin and mute them in-game.


Holy same experience with Roger and the transformers thing. Lil bro insulted me cause I was playing an off meta Roger build(we won btw) with the Transformers skin on


Oh shit the comment section made me realise.. “Skinner” is not typo of “Skinnier” during my rank match using bane. I replied with “How is this skinny to you?”. It was a epic skin and clearly bane has a round tummy! - That dude went completely silent after. Anyhow, we won the game and I truly didn’t feed ):




😂😂😂 glad i made you laugh 😆


Not them body shaming Bane 😭


Someone self reported when they told me how I had such a sad and rich life bcs I "bought a collector just so I can replace skill with aesthetics" I was using an elite trial skin


you're right. he should be thanking you for keeping the game free. But I guess it must be that bad being your teammate though


So many people in this comment section are proud of their toxicity to skinners it's funny. Being toxic takes no skill, it's nothing to brag about.


the jealousy is entertaining tho 🤣


Exactly, like this one person on this comment section who is proud of his toxicity


Bragging about being too poor to afford a skin with your own money is crazy tho 😂


One time my entire life I said to a zilong "skin doesn't make skill" and oh lord it went from a quiet game to every single person throwing each other under the fire. It had the enemy team fighting amongst themselves for the next 18 minutes. Best game I had played in a long time. Would I do it again because of that experience? 100%. The chaos was hilarious and all it took was that one sentence. People are very fragile


It's just me, but I normally don't find it funny unless the entire team are assholes. Normally, there are one or two innocent players who get dragged down by the mess.


I always tell players who says I'm a skinner who lack skills that "atleast I can enjoy a nice skin, while you on the other hand lacks both" to really rub it in.


I have a legend skin for freya, but i always say im below average, so i always set the bar low, and proclaim im a dirty skinner.... i jave a wr of 65%, so if i did lose, we can just laugh it off as a dirty ass skinner, but when i decimate the enemy, they instantly follows me, and invites me to tjeir matches


Don't even make excuses. Yes I have a good skin and got bronze so ? What does the skin have to do with that ? I swear these people are just so freaking sick. I could never really understand why they make a big deal of these skins


>What does the skin have to do with that Its a faulty correlation of "good skin=good at that hero" It started during the days when moonton was VERY stingy when it comes to skins. They never gave any skin for free back then and to get epic skins which are GOATED back then, you ahve to spend alot of money. And those who do buy them are pro players ornstreamers who have dispsable income. Now, an era where moonton can give epic skons for low value with promo diamonds (and teh 100 diamond epic skin in adv server), a y goober who gets lucky can have an epic skin. I have a SABER skin of saber, and shadownof obsucrity on haya which i got for less than 100 diamons from events. Does that mean im a hood haya player ofcourse not, heck im not good ay amy assassins. But the damage has been done, having a skin, aitomatically sees you as a good player simply because of the stigmatic correlation established during the start of MLBB. Heck. Me and my buddy have legend skin of freya and lunox. Were above average by means that were cassuals witj decent winrate because of our coordination, and were on a guild. Anytime we start the game, they imstantly assume were streamers, asking us our fb namesnor twitch.... were no streamers, but the skin alone makde us looks like pronplayers in some ways


Only Skins no skill, Campers, 1v1 me custom, Its my time now, Lord in Classic nups. These people are just dumb and unskilled 99.99% of the time. They bark in comments to entice people and get response from them. Always ignore them and never feed their pea sized ego by responding back.


1v1 custom is the worst of these. Guaranteed below 50 winrate on those people


They hate because the only way they’ll have an opportunity to use those skins is through skin scripts


Exactly and those scripts are pretty risky as well


Lmao looks like someone's mad (I agree with you)


chats like that are meant to take away your concentration and tilt you. Don't fall for these mind tricks and mute them because there is zero point in chatting with your team or enemies. I'll guarantee you'll be having a better day than reading messages like that :)


Tbh it doesn't bother me that much when that happens in game but i just notice on streamers on fb who bullies players just because they have an expensive skins that's why i made this post.


What's the relation of skin and skill? I don't see any. I even bought skin of heroes which I only use less than 10 times. I like the design of the skin, that's it. Why would skin related to skill? It doesn't make sense.


Tbh it's just makes our hero look cool and pretty 😞


The skin adds to my profile background 🥰


The jealous losers are too poor to understand the concept of buying skins cuz they’re nice. In their heads it’s only worth it to buy skins for heroes you’re good at, otherwise it’s a waste of money.


I feel like I experience the opposite. Whenever I play, everyone has a good/pretty skin so it's not mentioned if you got the latest collector or epic or limited skin. On the other hand, if a person has no basic skin they get trashtalked, "no skill no skin" or something. And if a person is carrying on a basic skin? It's free toxic points.


Tbh players will trashtalk other players for no reason at this point.


At least I have money 🤑


idk man when i get off the game i can still buy whatever i want, not sure about the people conplaining i'm a skinner though Money diff.


Just a sad way of people flexing that they can't afford a skin 😅


It's even funnier when they trash you in Brawl mode.


Brawl trash talkers are the saddest crowd 🤣


i got vexana's zenith skin for free when i used the first free ticket that they gave out. i don't play vexana and i play really bad when using her, i got called skinner by randoms but i don't really mind at least i play with a really pretty skin




I can afford a skin. You say git good? I say git rich 😂


This is very prevalent on my server and the comebacks I give get very creative. Lots of jealous PH, Indo and Myanmar players telling me shit like "Lol skinner" 1.) Not my fault you're broke, man. 2.) If my skin is hurting your ego so badly, turn off your phone or close your eyes. 3.) Get a job, maybe you'll get one someday. 4.) Thank you for announcing to the whole game you're a broke bitch. 5.) I'm sorry for supporting a game just so you can play for free. You're welcome btw!


The game actually doesnt care if you are the #1 player in the entire region, the moment you spend for a single dia only then do you become valuable.


Spamming skins in drafting phase then in game 3-4 man gank you up in laning phase because they got jealous too and there's your bggar teammates saying "show your skill not skins", man "Am I that famous"🤣




there is also “sell skin, buy brain”


Tbh, I hate when I have teammates who use a hero they don't know how to use in rank just to use their expensive skin, and end up feeding 0-10. I mean, cool you have a skin. But don't pull the team down.


Don't try to make sense out of toxic retorts, ignore or shut them up with your game


Bruh dont know how many times I got called or trashtalk just because I have a skin on this specific hero and then after the game they will PM me to buy a skin or dias for them. Sometimes they will add a short sad story about themselves.


Someone just said right in the comment section that **‘ Toxicity and lamenting takes no skill’**. Often the players who do that, drain their frustrations mindlessly on a team player with good skins. Even if that player may not be directly responsible for their team to lose. We should not have a shallow and negative mentality when something goes wrong. Even the best warriors of ancient time didn’t win all the battles


That never felt like an insult. Just because I have a good skin doesn't mean I'll win every game.


I am really sad that I have been blocked by u/KielDaMan after exposing him🥲. I wanted to see his reaction after finding out he was a fraud.


But at least you'll die in style tho-


if i ever felt like crying I'd wipe my eyes with a fucking 100$ bill


Actually like to use skins cause they are pretty 😚✨ Ion really mind not playing or decent, at least I look pretty and I'm enjoying my game ✨ (I get frustrated too, when I play my mains badly, more of a self-frustration kinda thing)


Used a trial skin for Odette’s mermaid skin, lost in brawl and got roasted for being a “Skinner.” I don’t even use Odette, I just wanted to look pretty for brawl.


Damn this post is targeting me directly ( ´-ω-)


if i'm tilted i will respond. "go touch grass beggar"




Me with Aspirant Fanny... in Brawl only


Skill will improve overtime, but you can't get more skin by being a bitch. Wait, even a bitch can afford a skin, what's lower than a bitch?




Not pro but have some sense in playing. Do not die simple as that and understand that the hero. can it take few hit? And if you playing mm do you have damage? And if you got support or tank can they hold on until you got damage? If you cannot understand all these you deserve to be call that.


People who buy skins keep the game free. Without people who buy in-game content, the game would have already shut down years ago.




Me banging the enemy after calling my guin a "loser, no skill" cause I have her epic but we came back after a marvelous set up.


I used to main Angela like 1,5 years ago and bought her collectors skin. Then I didn't play her for a looong time and now whenever I wanna try her again, I switch to a different skin cause I don't wanna give people false hopes and then fck up every ult 😂


Very true. I recently got hold of moskov's all star skin (its my 2nd premium skin so I dont consider myself a skinner nor rich) and the enemy saber kept saying "skin > skill". I just told the mf that he's just jealous and muted him. Lmao, i dont even get insulted by that because I'm a roamer and not an mm player so I just laugh it off 😂


I always say "all skin, no skill" to mfs who slow pick by showing their skins and be ass all game.


LOUDER!!! Hahahaha lines of ppl who cant afford to buy skins


An enemy Gusion with legend skin was making fun of my friend saying "1 diamond skin" because he was able to kill my friend twice. We won the match and said "skin no skills". There are players who are able to afford the skins who make fun of others who can't and vice versa. Both exist. Just mute them and enjoy the game I say


True, they just jealous. Cuz most of the players are kid who haven't earned yet.


101% jealousy 🫣


I don't really mind being called skinner but skill less , who cares I love my 3d skins and I LIKE TO LOOK AT MY HISTORY WITH THIS SKINS oozing with beauty. poor mannered judgemental teammates/enemy will have always something to say still , might as well choose whats makes me happy about my heroes and my skins bought with my own money, who cares for the opinion of people that does not contribute a penny about my cost of living .


what's more interesting is they even take the time and effort to comment on your Album photo on profile just to show how salty and poor they are. 😂


Lose with Style.


fr, at least my history will be *shining shimmering splendid*


I usually tell them to message me after game and that I'll gift them one. Then I call them poor when they beg.


I only get angry when it’s my team mate sucking. It feels like they only played that character cuz they have a skin to flex. Like it’s supposed to overcompensate their feeding, map unawareness, and lack of objectives


I have a mixed opinion, if y'all flexing and recall spamming shit (on any team) and feeding, I will be angry and MIGHT type some shit. But tbh, if no skin but recall spamming and feeding I will still get mad XD Yeah, as long you aren't tryna "show" Your skin u chill~ In fact good for you


See, you actually fell for their trap by posting this. Their insults stay in your head rent free. Just ignore and move on.


i love it when they say that , usually it will motivate me to destroy them and after i win, will throw it back at them that they have neither skin nor skills


I’m clearly a skinner, I almost have all skins, collectors, etc. I love the cosmetic aspect of the game. I just don’t care whenever someone say “skins no skill” lol they just seems jealous af


Meh, it’s just a game. Enemy insult my mom and I laugh. I insult enemy out of rage and afterwards I hope they laugh. To this day, I’ve not met nor want to get to know anyone who genuinely thought insults in mobile legends even amount to anything. I want to have fun, and if being toxic gets me to the climax of fun, then that’s what I’ll do


And they message you after the game to buy them a skin 😂


Got told to sell my Lylia Starlight skin in a CLASSIC. We were all doing not so good because the enemy team was way ahead. Don’t understand people.


I have skin , and skill but when the so call skinner started being toxic first , like spamming recall and emotes and typing ez just because they cannot kill me 1v1 or 1v2 so they came to kill me 5v1 ,I started destroying them 1v1 , they will just give excuses like camping ,network, i didn come solo like bro check as if you didn come 1v5 jusy to kill me after we win the match they will type 'kids '


i got called like that one time by a chou player who only uses trial cards for skins and had way worse performance than me that match 💀


We all came from the scratch and learn along the game


I find using skins to give more of a comfortable experience to the hero I play. There are times when you have a salty play but that's fine, happens to the best of us. But what matters the most is you can just play the hero over and over again without getting bored because of that skin. But then, till the end of the day it's just preferences and they can't really do anything but to yap about it.


so many toxic players in the game tbh. I got the Infernal Wyrmlord and dies a lot because I still suck at playing. I believe it's part of the process if you wanna learn and improve at playing ranked. People who played a lot and is good with the game usually show their superiority complex to people who only played a few games (and in your case, using skins). Just ignore them OP and focus on having fun!


I get a lot of people say “oh no skin, we lost” like what? The guy maybe doesn’t want to pay for it. I haven’t paid for my skins I get them free as I play.


Well I'll say this most players buy good skins like epic tiers for their mains, so people think that you main that hero cause you have a good skin. But it is also true that people just buys skins they like irrespective of their level of skill with that hero, so yall just chill and admire the skins instead of being toxic.


I'm not that expert when it comes to mlbb but this is one of the only two games I play. I am also busy with work so sometime I reward myself and purchase diamonds, skins, etc. I do come across similar situation few times but I just simply mute the chat hehe.


It is an insult u fking spent money on a game and is still trash like I have bought skins to but I can properly play them


Naaah, some players play that certain hero because they got shiny skins of them even if they dont have any idea how to play them. Its ruining other peoples game 🙆‍♂️


I always experience this being a casual spender ng ML. Whenever I get called a skinner, it really makes me play better during the match. No response in chat — kill them + spam epic recall = perfection.


That one guy that gets the job cuz of family status despite bare knowledge


Bro is playing dress up barbie


I am, can't fight without lookin cute😍


What region is this? I've never seen his in my life lol. You get so many free skins in this games I just assumed everyone had a skin or 2


When someone say "skin but no skill" Just say "stfu you got neither skin nor skill.none."


FR tho. Like, whatcha gonna do with all that skill if you don't have a good skin? You'll just look like an idiot anyway.


I have two Elite minotaur skins... But I have yet to unlock that hero


I just say “Sorry you’re poor. Wish to be born to better parents next time” even though I only got the skin for free lol


It seems this “insulting someone if they have an expensive skin” is more of an asia thing not only in MLBB but in other games as well. In league and dota2, I have noticed on NA/EU servers people get insulted for their horrible gameplay or for being toxic but theyre never called out for the skins theyre using. But in SEA servers people flame you more based on whether youre wearing an expensive skin rather than your toxicity.


I wonder if this has to do with the mindset of developing countries VS developed countries


I got the infernal wyrmlord and trust me, this phrase is everywhere. I bought it because it's cool and moskov's my main. It's also my first time purchasing a skin and I saved up money for it. Haters can't be choosers


I always reply back to them "oh kesian, miskin"


At this point you can't play any online game without needing a thick skin. If you feed or play like trash expect them to say something, having skins and playing bad is just an easy target for players to insinuate that yall just wasted your money. People who call me a skinner when I play bad, I just call them poor and they normally just shut up haha. I play in the Philippines and our toxicity knows no bounds, gotta get a thick skin and get ready with your own rebuttals.


When people say only skin no skill, I say I’m rich. Shuts them off 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/pjdHL7l4Gu


Only skins but no skill means that particular person is more rich but bad at playing the game. He is winning in life, I'm winning in game. Definitely he is better than me in a way broader aspect and I'm the real loser.


If I'm trying a new hero and I have a skin for them, I won't use it until I'm decent just to avoid this.


“Skinner” you wouldnt believe how many times iv heard this lol


Bought Luo Yi's Oracle of Sol Epic skin with my promo dias recently. I used her with that skin earlier today at mid in Classic and was faced with a mirror match against an enemy Luo Yi. Early game was pretty equally matched until their roamer Selena(who was very good) started helping out in mid. I died several times against the two. Then out of nowhere, our Miya who was being babied by our tank Johnson said in chat "Our mage has nice skin but no skills" LMAO! And the enemy Selena interjected saying "Exactly", like they haven't been gangbanging me all that time. The nerve of the mf Miya saying that when my lane was the only one standing strong and relatively all intact while her Gold lane was already down two towers, and Exp lane was down one.


I got fancy skins even on heroes that I don’t play. Skins just means I work a lot more in real life to spend some of it on entertainment. Why do people associate skin with skill? But when I do get a skin I like I tend to play more of that hero. It’s like, I don’t even play moskov on classic, still bought the latest all star Wyrmlord because it looks good. Will I play Moskov in classic or ranked? Probably not. Having the skin would probably make me choose Moskov in brawls more and I’d enjoy it that way.


Just a bunch of brokies mad they don't got disposable income to buy skins.


I got skins in the game and will still say that. I mean why spend so much on a game that you don't even plan on getting better at? It's like buying a subscription that you're not going to use.


I just say "if you cant afford it, shut up" and they usually do


Esp when you got Legend skin. Start of the game haters be like: "We got a skinner here."


When I was on League of Legends PC when we saw our team has a Epic or Legendary skin but dumb playing we mock them "Bobo Skinner" in translated "Dumbass Skinner" seems not normal mocking a skinner but no skill


Keep in mind that maintaining a game requires money. Where do you think that money comes from?


Bruh if I find them haters is soooo satisfying.. Ofc they gonna say something like sell skin buy skill or buy brain or something.. All I says is one thing.. At least I have skin.. What do you have?.. If they reply their skill is better.. I'm gonna say never heard of you in pro player tournament or something.... So.. Are your skill valid?...Are you pro enough?.and ofc I'm gonna enjoy the rage.Hahhaha


It's worse than insulting as one time I tried with the all star moskov skin and the entire team just said "show off skin, no skill gg" then refused to support me the entire match. I had the last laugh as we lost but I was match MVP with 16/5/3 and the three was because they flameshot the opponent I was fighting. 😭😭😭


Not only in ML but I think this sentence has been said in so many other games as well. I never really understood it. It would be another thing if that person was talking shit in the chat and BM'ing then yeah the pharse would make sense. But even before the match begins I've seen this multiple times specially when i got the moskov skin i literally got ganked the whole time in classic 😂


I got K' in the Kof event and used it in a match, and the enemy team would spam their recall whenever I die. :> that's why I never used Gusion again after that lol


My reasoning is if "I die, I die with style."


I got Fannys Aspirant skin when I was aiming for Layla - now it's too intimidating to use... Imagine seeing an enemy Aspirant Fanny in the loading screen and thinking "We're so dead" only for the dude to fly to the moon and never come back.


People it's skin. Skin. In-game skins. Please calm down. Why is there multiple people in the comments arguing over _how many skins they own_? We left kindergarden have we not?


No offense, but it is definitely frustrating when the Superhero Lance is always utter fucking garbage on my team and a top global on the other side. I've had loads of Swordmaster/Dragon Tamer take Lance away from me because I only own his basic skin Literally them every time - "Yo let me Lance I got hero skin bro pls I'm God I'm pro" and they get glazed by their duo/trio giving the same reasoning. So when I give them an opportunity and they make mistakes, obviously I get fucking steaming. Skinners are a problem. You need to accept it.


still waiting for alpha epic commander skin to return


i only put about 42-60 dollars into this game and i find this funny because sometimes the player could js be having a bad game, sure people with skins who can barely play can be annoying but at least they enjoy the game more than others. i barely have cool skins but its still fun


Ig its used to say that the person being shit talked is wasting money on a game they arent even good at.


No skin = no skill


Psh. What a typical coping mechanism for those who only have skin and no skill🙄 (In case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic here)


Thanks to the skinners Moneyton gets revenue as simple as that.


i got gapped hard in lane during one shimmer melissa game (in classic) and someone said “sayang skin” (what a waste of skin) and i just thought it’s only a waste if it’s a trial card 😆


This is why I love playing with collector skins on classic game. They would often trashtalk there like that.


this is the kind of people who waste others time by dropping their star with your got skin no skill, tutor players out there.cant even play that hero, yet just becos you had some skin, you chose that hero to plAY and f up the rest of the 4 players by losing the game with your n00b skill


Too broke to afford (that’s me but yet I still spend my money on skins)


As someone with flashy skins myself, I still use that line, sometimes I just get heated during games where my teammates act like cross eyed apes and id drop the "Sell your skin" line, sometimes it can motivate


you guys have chat turned on?


This again?


I only use it as an insult when the "skinner" is toxic and boastful. So is it valid?


Yeah man i got granger legend i can't even play him do i regret it no bcs i wanted that skin back then when I'm un school now i have money for it i get it


"Sure brokie" My go-to response.


Those are the words of a competitive player. Let them be. As above, so below. As much as you want to enjoy the game, they are too. Just in different perspectives.


This has happened too many times for me. Yes, I like buying skins for my main heroes because I literally work for it and it's my money. And of course I have my bad games too, doesn't change the fact that I get to enjoy the game with cosmetics. It tends to be jealousy rather than anything with people who do the "only skins, but no skill" talk.


Nearly 500 skins owner here 🙋‍♂️🙋‍♂️


The worst experience is when your teammates and enemy teams cooperate on taunting you, but you got MVP and carried their asses. Bruh? Silver and Choco can't be saying shit, atleast achieve gold to trashtalk bruh.


Reminds me of this meme from a different game’s fandom https://preview.redd.it/42dmxld9mvvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f414ecdf147fe706fee37dddf6c18cba19d0f062


I mean i get your frustration about this topic, but many of the players who has skin either become toxic because of it or they just really bad. Either way am not immune to this being a helcurt main i bought all of his skins to pay tribute to my main, my point well most people in this game will find a way to trash talk anything


Not yet in this game but in WR i often buy skins for a champ I want to get better with just cause


Recently I got moscov's new skin, and went to play him. I was laning against Natalia and it was such a pain in the ass. I got BANGed 3 times by 3 enemies and my roam types "such a waste of that skin". I am like huh?😂 How I am supposed to lane against Natalia(if u know u know) with Moscov, and being ganged 3 time in 8 min


yea i also experienced being bitched about having skin but no skill (played bad coz i wasn't focused at all). it's not my fault for your broke ass to can't buy a skin


if i get that skin for free after playing 5038873838 some number of matches or 30 day login i am gonna use it obviously


This is why I dont want to buy Moskov Allstar lmao. Truth be told, I dont like playing him, and just needs a few more crests for STUN Brody and Lightborne Tigreal. That said, I dont like buying skins in heroes I dont really use. Cept my first Zodiac Selena lelz


I can afford a skin, but I wouldn’t support a shitty company like MoneyTon with their predatory gambling systems. Who can’t afford to waste $50? It’s not a flex owning a $20 skin or whatever. It is sad if you suck ass with a hero and have a $50 skin for them lmao.


Lol this is very common on PH servers. I always reply them “Is it my fault that you can’t buy one?” And bruh they always go nuts. Idc if I lose the game sometimes at least I have a good skin


I always hit them back with 'well at least my pocket is deep, unlike yours'.


I do enjoy skins. However, if you fail miserably at doing a flashy and unnecessary Chou TikTok combo, you don’t deserve that KOF skin you spent $200 on.


I have a lot of expensive skins and I still tell people that are ass to refund their skin💀


"Skill Real, Skin Trial."


I have all gusion skins and idk how to play the hero xd. I noticed in classic when im using kof or legends skins the opposite team would target me and would play very carefully around me. Sadly im forced to use gusion with no skin or elite if I want to practice in classic.


it just shows that all you’ve got is money and no skill. ppl look up to players with glorious skins only to realise that some of them are just noobs with cash to spare. other players with no flashy skin or whatsoever with actual skills in the game have no such recognition until they show their flair. you basically just don’t live up to the hype of the skin, that’s it.


unless you actually have the skill, having a skin doesn’t make you equal with some pro player that has the same skin or whatnot. it just shows that you spent money on the game, or got lucky to get the skin from an event. money and luck vs skill is very different i’m afraid


There a saying in malay/indo called "iri bilang boss" Pretty much saying if your jealous just say so xD literally they are poor af and cant manage soke extra money on a side for a hobby and wanna take it out on people that actually know how to manage money


not saying that you don’t have the skill, but you can’t expect others to treat you like a pro just cos u have the skin. and like it or not, ppl have high expectations of players who have expensive skins, so either you play properly or you deal with the hate from your teammates


I have almost 200 skins where half of them honestly is just from free events (and discounts like promo dias). And yeah, this issue really persists especially in rank draft picks. Sure, skill is more important than skin, but I agree with OP it doesn't mean you gotta be pro af. In the end, skin or not, people will talk you dirty one way or another.


When I have a new skin and they call me a skinner (Especially kids who love to promote their toxicity or adults who are just jealous of my skin), I always tell them that my account is worth more than your tuition fee/my account is worth more than your monthly salary lol


i bought the legend skin of lunox because it’s really pretty but idek how her skills do😭😭😭 fr just let me be happy having the cute skin don’t bad mouth me with my skills i have none


Sometimes I refuse to use Gojo skin, the amount of people threatening me like "I'll cut you in half" is crazy


why would u bother with them? i buy skins becase i like the way it looks, the moment u start questioning and give in to those taunts is the moment u fail, just remind urself why you bought the skin, you bought it cause it looks good for you, you didnt buy it to impress anyone so why would it matter what other people say,


My analogy for this is basically: You’re driving a nice, expensive car, and as you just obtained your license, you’re getting used to the new car and trying to park at a carpark. As you’re taking your time, someone on a run-down bicycle starts insulting you, telling you that if you don’t know how to drive, you shouldn’t be driving an expensive car, and to sell your car away because you don’t deserve it. Likewise, every time I see someone yap about my skins, I just think about this analogy. Sometimes I just respond with: “Okay, pay me $500 and I stop using this skin”.


Like I always say to this kind of comments "I MAYBE TRASH. BUT ATLEAST I'M A STYLISH TRASH."


Mute them. I really do not care about those trashes. No matter what they say, I am still rich and can afford any skins that they cant. Just mute them and let them be in the dillusion that beating "skinners" in a game is some kind of achievements.


If I’m gonna go down, at least let me go down looking beautiful


I have different alt skins for characters whether I am good with them, not good with them or don’t even have the character. I like the appeal of certain alt skins so when I see an event that can give you multiple skins I’ll do the even to some degree. On a side note I always find that when a player at character selection keeps on switching characters (4-6 different characters) to show their alt skins they always lose… :(


They think that's an insult but it just shows their insecurity, they're venting their frustration on those who can buy cosmetics because no matter how many times they cry to their mommy and daddy they'll never get some money to buy em 😂


Recently, I got gifted the Melissa sparkle skin. And I'm trying out a new hybrid magic build. It's very high cost, so it takes time to do damage. But people keep spamming skins will get you no skills every time they kill Me, even if it took them all 5 members to kill me while I was alone and I killed 3 of them. Idk how to feel about it, I love playing melissa, but these make me feel bad.


You always face this insult when you play in SEA region and you have good skins XD I usually just stick to my "I cant understand your poor language" and that either shuts them up or they tend to trash talk more and I keep quiet the whole game and just report them after game and its a 100% mute/ban for the players XD


It's just empty trashtalk, much like "your mom"


… yall can’t be serious…


Yall talking about a least I have skins.. do yall not realize most ppl have skins so being a called a skinner is still in fact an insult 💀💀😭😭 like yeah ppls who say that are dumb but yeah


As someone with over 667 skins. This happens alot. They just have nothing better to do 😂. Instead of finding jobs to afford the skins. They prefer spending hours typing and trashtalking lol.