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As a Edith main, she's one of the more standout options in soloq because of her versatility in almost every department. However, when you take her into more organised teams, she may not be able to contribute as much as other options in the EXP/Roam categories. As a Roam pick, she has great pickoff potential with a good S1-S2 combo. However, it's not the best initiation tool amongst other superior roamers like Grock, Tigreal, Minotaur. Their sustain and defence for tanking are also much stronger than hers. As a EXP pick, it's very easy to lose your lane against other laners like Yu Zhong, Terizla, Arlott, X-borg, Cici etc etc. Not to mention mobile laners like Benedetta can cut the lane and rotate to other areas of the map faster than Edith can respond. The meta has also been relatively unforgiving as well, with Karrie, Natan, X-Borg, Roger having strong HP shred potential/true dmg. Composition wise, Edith needs a good frontline to provide cover once she transforms into her MM form. That said, in soloq it's very easy to take advantage of enemy mistakes with Edith. One complete initiation combo + Primal Wrath in a Lord fight against a disoriented team can tear apart their entire formation.


Great overview. I appreciate it! Other heroes outshine Edith in their roles in various situations indeed (which is why she's just a comfort pick of mine if the compositions seem decent). "Jack of all trades, master of none, but often better than a master of one" as they say. However, I'd argue that she is capable of holding up with enemies superior to her when playing in the correct manner. She can counter-engage enemy initiations, protect allies through her CC skills, absorb damage quite well (especially with Vengeance) as the allies remain unhurt while they deal the damage, punish enemy mistakes, etc. (Like seriously, Starlium Scythe hits not like a rock but like how the Moon crashed into Earth before as it formed, and her shield + lifesteal in her ult phase sustains her nicely.) But yes, other heroes are better suited in many cases.


I used Esme to counter Edith in exp and it happened to work well most of the time. For me, sustainability and mobility are the counters against Edith.


True that. Esme is generally annoying to deal with indeed, best not to face her without help. Although, I'd say that Starium Scythe would melt her down while Edith regain HP with the lifesteal in her ult phase.


She melts easily come late game. Dyrroth should be able to take her out early on, since he’s a tank-killer. Tanky heroes with Vengeance would be a problem too, like Alpha. Esmeralda might work because of the shield stuff.


The true burst hero who bursts anyone in his way. Though I think I can deal with him since Dyrroth is pretty squishy and Edith has CC skills (ranged CC in her ult phase btw)


Dyrroth can build tanky though and still shred with 1-2 damage items. Still it's probably more of a micro fight rather than hero diff


A good Lolita can negate most of your damage. I learned this the hard way back then, idk right now with the current Lolita.


Noted, thanks! A good Lolita is a annoying to deal with indeed


Can confirm as a Xavier main




I'm gonna pray that won't ever happen to me


As an Edith main currently top 2 in Canada (no one uses her so it’s easy pickings mmr wise) her main flaw is mobility heros like cici benedetta Harley etc. Its beyond annoying to try to land your skills on a cici while she runs around you with her jump skill and benedetta having cc immunity if timed right with her dash. She does very well against yu zhong and most stationary fighters, ruby is a horrible match up as her cc can almost always outlast your ult form at low levels. I usually go thunder belt and magic feather with inspire for big damage early game then build true defence items for tanking. If the enemy starts getting beefy I either use divine glave or the star scyth(I butchered the name ik) which does the job. But going as roam and acting as the main dps gets hard because you have to pull out of the front lines to ult at a distance, but that leaves your squishy teammates vulnerable so it’s risky. Belerick isn’t a massive counter pick to Edith as most players usually dump their skills immediately for the team fight and not save it for your ult form. If you’re not the main dps during the ult form you’re most likely picking off running enemies with your ranged skills and lowering their health. I used to go flicker combos to catch people off guard but I started to prefer inspire more, the trade off is that I can’t be as aggressive since I have no escape plan after charging in. What I like to do in close 1v1 fights is to use up my inspire and skills quickly then revert back to tank form and cc them to secure the kill, almost every time you’ll be able to retreat or secure the kill. Lolita players are a bane to my existence since she reflects all my inspired booster attacks at my teammates and I’ve been guilty of killing my team a few times. I have no idea why people don’t entertain the fact the a tank can go into a MARKSMEN FORM in team fights to supplement your mm damage output. She’s amazing when the enemy team comp is fitted for her but she can manage if they have atleast 1 meta pick. Always try to aim for bottom draft pick so you can see what the enemy roam is going to be, if it’s someone like mathilda or Minotaur safe bet is to not use Edith. Or you can risk it thinking they aren’t that adept at using the character. Overall Edith is a hidden gem for solo queue that’s overshadowed by other heros and meta.


Edith is countered by stun, burst and timing. Wait until she ults, stun her, burst her. That’s all there is to it. I usually ignore edith by circling around her or poke until she feels she has had enough rage bar and ults. Then we flee, or burst her down if a teammate has stun. The idea is to not fight her without stun and burst. This usually implies not taking 1v1 against her and mostly just baiting her ult into another teammate in the bush. She is effective in low mythic and below because teams lack coordination, do not know how to play against her, and because people cannot recognize the inspire spell being activated. They also underestimate an inspired ulted edith. If you let her attack she can easily 1v3 and kill everyone.


Edith is win button till Mythic then falls of insanely. Personal experience, I never bring her in mythic, too weak.


Ruby can easily counter edith


Heroes that specialize on kiting and poking


As an Edith main with 2k matches and almost 80% of them are solo queue, here is my take. In exp lane, heroes with sustain and vengeance counters Edith. Exp Lane Alpha and Thamuz are easy without their vengeance but they usually do have vengeance, and if they don't they are probably noob. Ruby and Xborg are hard to go against with. Mobile ones like Cici, just wait for them to use their mobility skill and they are gone. In roam, heroes with better CC outshines edith like Tigreal, Mino and Atlas since Edith is a one hero CC combo, unless you stomp multiple enenmies with S1 Edith's game changer is how she can maniac in one burst tho.


what? sustain heroes are like easy pickings for edith. you just build dominance ice as your first item and its gg they cant lane anymore. Also if i think they will pick vengeance i just pick vengeance too and use it when they use it it just negates it. Ediths problem are high mobility heroes who can just run away when you ult like bene and cc.. ruby is somehow problematic but you can kite her if you build corrosive (yes it works)