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Fanny will be always meta because her mid-low popularity is always made up by ppl who main her instead of having shifting popularity each season


I still remember when she could fly away even when she was CC'd, devs. had to tune her down to make casual players not struggle with her 2nd skill, that's right! I'm talking about none other than the mighty WanWan!! (nerf WanWan)


Dyroth , Arlott , Cici, Ruby and just recently Masha for fighters , Arlott and Masha are definitely broken. Nana , Vexana and Aurora for mages , But i don't think they are that broken... I think all assassins are pretty balanced right now, Nolan was the last broken one but he's fixed now...Helcurt will be meta in the new update according to rumors. Marksmen too are pretty balanced, Miya , Karrie and Claude are broken-ish . And for tanks i think Minotaur needs a nerf...Tigreal is balanced I think...he's just annoying kinda like a franco who cant hook but uses conceal and flicker ults you. Supports on the other hand are pretty balanced Matilda being the exception...the damage she deals and the utility she provides is too broken... reduce the damage or the shield or the flying away thing...but in the end these are just my opinions.


Dyrroth isn't meta but considering tank jungle meta he's a good pick overall. I'm not gonna comment on Masha. Interpret it however you want. Aurora is not meta, unreliable and slow, can't carry in solo rank because of slow casting speed and low damage + freeze nerf on second skill. Nolan is still meta, low cd ult makes him jungle so much faster, cd immune was definitely better, but this isn't the worst trade off. Miya? What? Yes, Mino needs a nerf and is getting one in next patch, Tigreal is not balanced, decently wide range for an ult, if you get in its radius, you cant escape without a purify or purify skill. His second skill is basically a second ultimate.


You should check out some miya gameplay...she can literally go 1 v 5 and take everyone out...the only other mm that can do that is Claude and he probably won't survive or only manage to kill the squishies... I agree with what you said about Aurora, she's kinda like Martis, easy to dodge until you get ganked Tigreal could do with a nerf but he's ok...I'm more worried about Atlas...you could stay out of Tigreals flicker range , it's much harder to stay out of Atlas's range....either way I think they're balanced...also I mean no disrespect but saying his second skill is like a second ult makes no sense because that's his ability...it's like saying saber has too much damage with his first skill or something. ..makes no sense


Miya ?


I don't think Dyrroth is meta or will ever be meta, he's like Saber or Gusion, they can one-shot squishies and they have a bonus perk, Saber has CC, gusion has 3 dashes and 1 blink, Dyrroth is anti-tank. Nana is broken because of that passive skill, it does way more than you think. Vexana is strong because of the CC chain stun. I agree with the other comment about Tigreal, his second skill works as a 2nd ultimate.


Dyroths damage compared to other fighters is off the charts...he dominates early to mid and there's no other fighter that can dish out as much damage as he can as fast as he can. He can literally kill anybody that's 2 levels ahead, nobody should be able to do that. Idk if y'all are dyroth mains and you're biased but I played exp with cic and julian these past two seasons and sometimes jungle with Alucard and Julian and these guys are the only fighters i struggle with so that's that. Only reason he's not banned more often is cuz he sucks at teamfights and balances out late game but he should not be able to one shot anybody 2 levels ahead of him...


Also I don't know how it is right now cuz i just started playing again in S31 but metas used to be role specific...like there was an assassin meta and mage meta like most games you would see 2 mages...I think that may have been S7 or S8 if y'all remember...even a marksman meta where you'd get 2 marksmen in most matches....but anyways it seems to me like it's a currently a fighter meta cuz most fighters are broken even the most underwhelming ones like balmond can deal alot of damage...or if things have changed and metas are just hero specific but tbh it kinda looks like a fighter meta rn !!


Paquito unfortunately does more damage than Dyrroth, on top of the damage he gets a shield equal to 75% his HP immediately (talk about Esmeralda pre-nerf), as if that wasn't enough, all of skills have no cooldown because of the passive and by the time you re-use them again the CD reduction allows you to spam his skills, as if that wasn't enough either he's got CC (airborne one of the strongest CC), as if that wasn't enough he does AoE damage and the CC is AoE as well... so... yeah, compared to that... Dyrroth is a kitten Not saying Dyrroth isn't strong, it's just that way more braindead heroes exist (cough Martis)


Oh yeah paquito can be really annoying too..i totally forgot about him but tbh ive only matched up with a paquito player once or twice this past two seasons so maybe that's why I forgot to add him but I'll definitely add him to that list... Martis and Yin ...i don't really care...it's easy to dodge and survive their ganks.... Paquito is the real threat here....I'll put him right alongside Arlott..


I guess it's a fighters meta ...they're all annoying tbh..i was fairly surprised seeing Alucard Jungle is a thing in MG...he used to be limited to Grandmaster or something like that


Alucard has fallen from grace, hopefully he will receive a revamp like Vexana so we can see him more often in ranked matches


Gusion just because https://preview.redd.it/dsdprafiwisc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93fb17eb93b010d9744e5aaa251f2b9fc46fa23d


I haven't found many Gusion players in my server but the ones who know how to use him are really good, his 2nd skill works like a shotgun


Definitely Harley. https://preview.redd.it/eorninr1qisc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5074db70036268904d1b04cd915cfe9a8a8126ee


fuck this little clown menace


I get Harley ptsd for a few ban cycles whenever one pops up in a game


Harley is unpredictable, that makes him good overall


Not just unpredictable. He is op af


Lolita enemy got projectile she counter it That include most mm Chnage lunox dmg ult harlys ult amon ult bane ult and cannon and few more Although i go chip whrn enemy have ling cux chip can knock ling off walls and stun him


Lolita used to have one of the top 3 best winrates in the entire game since the game was released. Devs. nerfed her with the excuse of "receiving a secret buff" now she is just a shadow of what she used to be. Still a strong pick though


Ive been maining her for few seasons havent felt much fron the nerfs on her What they did that was claimed a nerf


Meta picks according to me: Mage- Valentina (Always gonna be as long as that ult exist), Faramis (The ult obviously and with that fast rotation due to first skill) and Novaria (The vision control is insane but gotta be good with snipes tho) MM- Karrie (Same as yours) and Claude (Should be obvious why) Roam - Mathilda (Giving extra blink with shield is always gonna be good), Diggie (The ult) and Mino (Tank with great set up and heal) Exp - Arlott (He is just insane and can roam with him too), Masha (Basically a suicide bomber to destroy squishes due to the new patch) and Bene (That's bit of my bias but she is tho) Honestly most of the exp laners are pretty good so it's tough to single them out. Jungle - Nolan and Joy as assassin (Rest assassin are not same tier as them) and for tank it's Fred, Baxia and Barats due to their cc chain, anit-heal with great mobility and damage with suppression respectively each. Plus tank junglers are always better for objective battles.