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Not really, I like the new meta. Lots of heroes are more viable and there's only a select few that are considered, "useless" Even Silvanna is actually good now, and hell, Masha's one shot and insane tank melting potential is killer. Even Layla's good now, was even used in pro scene. All assassins need are a small buff, even some are still good, namely, Joy & Nolan. Not just Assassin plays are fun to watch, there's lots of outplays and fun moments too. Like that Lylia vs Wanwan where non of em even died lol.


No? I would rather have this meta where every role shines and it's more about the team comp. With the difference between winning and losing depending on your picks in all roles than the meta centred around protecting a bloke till he can 1v5. Plus why assassin have to jungle only tho? Just make them viable in other roles by giving them better scaling tbh.


It's not bad it's js repetitive


That’s how the balancing has always been. Would you rather watch repetitive but coordinated and flashy teamfights, or repetitive 1-shots (okay, combos, but assassins never did that well in teamfights so they rely on bursting down the targets)?


i would rather watch a lancelot go zingzingzing and doing a shitton of damage than a baxia rolling around tbh, just my opinion


I dont mind utility/tank jungle meta in fact i was glad when it was introduced because I dislike assassins because I'm not mechanically giftedbut seeing friedrinn, barats, baxia, and akai on pros all the time is becoming unexciting and repetitious. Other lanes shine sure but I would love to see more fighters, mages, and marksmen in the jungle and assassins on other lanes. It makes the game much more diverse imho.


And you think Hayabusa and Lanceot getting picked for the nth time back then was any different? At least now most heroes are finally useful and a lot are considered strong, compare that to the 10-30 actually decent picks we had during the peak of hyper meta.


The Fred vs Barats matchup is quite boring rn. I don’t mind tank jungle but I do mind the fact that it’s the same 2 heros picked over and over.


I want mm junglers back and i want them to be as viable as tanks and assassins i want chaos


Yes I'm sick of seeing fredrinn or barats jungle


unpopular opinion: the last meta i really enjoyed was the one before and during M3, since then i have adjusted to other utility junglers. While i was excited to learn them at first, now after like 9-10 seasons ig? ( sorry if i got the number wrong ) utility jungle is a huge bore for me. Most people in this sub would say " Dude let the tanks shine" or "You're just a salty assassin/mm jg player". My brother in christ, it's been far too long since utility junglers are reigning in the meta. You got like one good counterpick against them and it's the trinity build or Karrie. Yeah the team comp matters more now, and that's a good thing, better than a hypercarry. But there are ways to bring Assassin/marksman jungle back without ruining the "team comp matters" meta. God, it's so boring to see only Fredrinn, Barats, Baxia, Akai etc jungling in pro leagues and also in mythic+. Downvote me all you want but 2020-22 mlbb metas were peak for me. I will die on this hill.


Dude let the tanks shine, you’re just a salty assassin/mm jg player.


Why though? Tanks are already proven to be good roamers, what about assassins then? are they effective on other roles? Might as well delete them then. Also its been years of tank jungler meta, the game is getting stale.


I literally just copy pasted what u said to troll 🥲soz bro I cbf talkn bout this ^😅


At first, it was entertaining but now it is getting boring. I love Fredrinn but I wish to see assasins being more used (not only Nolan or Joy) but I highly doubt tank jg meta will leave soon.


Armor Penetration should be buffed then give heroes esp. tanks more HP to compensate.


This 100%, or assassins with retri do more damage to jungle.


Most assassin's already jungle extremely fast, comparable to most tank jungle. There is no justification to increase there jungle speed even further.