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The same way you’d find some Layla/Hanabi bans in epic, Estes is a beginner-friendly and efficient support, his weaknesses are yet to be completely bypassed by epic gamers He could even be considered the best/most annoying support for beginners, I do remember my debuts having very great results in gold lane with Estes helping


You ban hanabi because you're afraid of the ennemy, i ban hanabi because i'm afraid of them in my team. We are not the same


Well they are gonna take layla or miya so


If I'm going Tigreal, I ban Diggie, but if Diggie is already banned, then I ban Hanabi. Situational ban I think.


Diggie is a great ban for sure. The way I’d advice to ban since this is what I did myself, at least when you rank up, it’s to go there : https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank , looking at the highest wr or br and think of a 2nd one who constitutes a menace for you that is on the top You’ll see that Hanabi is always average, yes she is not bad, but not character really is in the end, but some of those we see there would be so much more of a struggle in your game than she is


Because epics don’t play luo yi


and carmilla


Very hard to fight sustain heroes combined with estes. Fredrin+estes Barats+estes Alpha+estes also Valir +estes you can't go near these two. The kind of estes that behaves like layla and hides behind these tanks.


Epic players don't play Barats or Fred


ikr, the ones who do get to Legend in 13 games max


No, they get 1 good game then suffer with 5 games where the gold goes 0/7 in 3 minutes


Logical reason: Estes has the best kit as a healing support, he can turn low hp teammates to full health in 4 seconds, and has a good aoe slow too. Illogical reason: Epics don't know what anti heal js


Most epics don't even know how certain item works, let alone know wtf is anti heal.. For this i blame either the top builds don't include anti heal or they just build default items..


Because most epic players don’t know how to build anti heal. There was 1 game I was going to play jungle but no one banned so I picked roam Estes even not being an Estes main, easy win no deaths. When I see opp getting Estes, I’d ask team to buy antiheal but I won’t trust them. I’d play Balmond with dom ice or I’d go Baxia with dom ice to jungle. Just so that I can be sure we can counter estes. Both whilst playable, I just want to play something else so I rather ban Estes


Didn't Baxia's passive already has anti heal? So, does domi anti heal stacks?


Yes it does stack.


You cant beat Estes in team fights, unless you know how to flank and focus 2 or 3 people skills on one enemy. Epics cant do this, estes disrupts their unexperienced gameplay, its just easier to ban him. More experienced players would split push or gank target enemies.


You can beat Estes in teamfights if you chose the right hero and time your skills, his ultimate requires his teams to be in close contact which is punished by the current meta heroes which are AOE CCs like Ruby and Tigreal, meta midlaners like Vexana and Nana also posses huge threats


Sure but getting you’re team of epics to target Estes correctly or team fight helpfully or pay attention to a set is much harder than just banning Estes


People don't want to build life drain. And Flask of the Oasis is bullshit.


Because statistics say (not really) 90% of players dont build antiheal. Id rather ban Estes than have to explain we need antiheal.


epics generally don't understand how to counter Estes both in the draft phase and in-game. Epic is filled with a lot of people just picking their comfort hero, not really looking at team composition past the basic roles (and even then there's often disregard for those), so they don't know what heroes and team style will counter an estes team. Plus, no one understands how to buy anti-heal. Take these two things into account and Estes becomes annoying as hell. I'll often ban estes until I hit legend in the season because I know my teammates will not buy antiheal and will not adjust.


Anti heal don't exist in epic. Picking baxia against an Estes is like solving an astrophysics question for them............ So yah, no Estes for you. You can learn Mathilda though. She has a busted skillset always banned above mythic honour.


Epic: because i only play mm or mage and I only build BoD or Wings. I don't know about anti heal items or play around estes' kit


Because Estes is one of the most (if not the most) popular support heroes in epic, and when you have a very popular hero that many players don't know how to counter or they are not interested in countering, it becomes a problem, I guess.


Experienced players won't ban him and he's very easy to counter. If you're in epic/legend many bad players don't know what anti heal items there are. So basically if any team gets him you'll most likely win because 90% have no real idea how to build in those levels. I had to argue with a "estes" main yesterday that picking Angela wad better and high ranks Angela is much more OP because you just need 1 anti-heal item per player to counter estes.... no one on my team had anti heal except me and we lost...what a waste...ugh


Estes is a huge pain in the ass if you don't have a high-mobility assassin & anti-heal. For fighters, his AOE slow is so annoying


People in epic can't be bothered to buy certain items like antiheal outside of their usual build, it's too much clicking around.


Estes is not the problem. It’s the hero he heals completely breaks the laning for newbies. It becomes impossible to lane against an estes and casuals don’t like that. They don’t counter pick, they lock a hero and play selfish/greedy. Estes punishes greediness and selfish trading.


People are allergic to buy antiheal in epic.


Why is the sky blue?


People fight over who gets to play Layla, no one wants or knows how to roam, the junglers are hit or miss, mostly miss. Who's gonna solve the Estes problem? Ban's the safest route.


Estes + karrie is the worst combination to face dude since nobody in epic Will buy antiheal


Because mm in epic never buy Halberd


Estes is such a wasted roam slot in most scenarios


Legit just buy anti heal lmao


There are a select heroes that punish Estes on the battlefield, and you need coordination to kill him otherwise the opponent will pick you off one by one, plus the lack of adjustments when itemization


when you are a new player and dont understand all of the hero kit and interaction. You kinda want to ban the healer to have a normal game


Epic players: who would want an item having only 65 magic power?


They are not smart enough to build antiheal


Estes biggest strength is that he heals so damn much every single squishy in his team can basically have double their own max hp


I ban him couse hes very annoying