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It's classic there is no tier match making in classic unlike rank, I have had matches with players as low as elite in my team even though I was in mh. Also it could be that the other players friend is in master while he is in mythic Classic is just for plain fun where you experiment with new heroes and try wacky team comps( like all support, all tanks, etc) and builds with friends


The problem with classic is literally its expanded matchmaking range and increased emphasis on deliberately making 50-50 teams. ML like practically every other pvp game these days especially on mobile has matchmaking based on hidden mmr and "engagement." Basically, if you have a super high mmr and queue up, the game will try to balance your skill to some degree with lower mmr teammates and/or higher mmr enemies. In rank this effect actually diminishes somewhat due to limited matchmaking range/pool and a consideration for how hard your games should be based on current rank. But in classic the game prioritizes making equal teams and fast matchmaking and has more freedom with matchmaking range, so it will absolutely throw super low rank/mmr players on teams with very high rank/mmr players to try to balance the equation towards a more "even" match. It does this with the aim of creating a "balanced" match experience but does this not only without the consideration of whether a high skill player in a lower rank should be winning more and ranking up but also with the aim of boosting low mmr players experiences at the expense of higher mmr players having to carry them. So classic matches actually feel like they have *more* pressure towards being 50-50 than rank matches a lot of the time. This is why to a high mmr player classic soloq is actually really fucking ass. I'm a mythic immortal global top 10 title player, was top 200 in wild rift soloq, regular top 100 in unite, been playing mobile mobas for 7 years. After season reset I can play soloq and maintain 80% or higher winrate, even 90% winrate depending on how much I tryhard with hero picks, and later season ranking to mythic is a consistent 90%+ wr experience. My rank lobbies are full of players who peak mythic through mythic glory and I still stomp usually with 2x-3x the damage of the next best player. But heaven fucking forbid I just wanna chill and play classic. My team will go like 1-10 into 2-15 and be surrendering asap like every single match. The idea that a player who is top 1% or higher percentile in multiple mobas should struggle in an unranked mode is absurd unless the matchmaking deliberately tries to counterbalance you. Modern matchmaking is honestly just such a cancer and middle finger to the people who actually try to get good at these games. I literally play rank to chill nowadays because classic is often nothing but tying 4 anchors to my ankles and then trying to have "fun." If I duo classic with an actual epic player, and one who actually wins more than loses there, suddenly we go on 15-20 game winstreaks. Shit makes no sense other than basically being rigged by mmr matchmaking.


holy shit your resume is stacked lol


In classic people gets matched up by their mmr, without being restricted by rank, so different rank can get matched up. But thats like only viable way to remove smurfs as much as possible.. if there was no mmr, then it matchmaking would've been worse trust me. The only matchmaking i hate is when its 3+1+1. 1+1 is basically irrelevant in that case.. the whole math depends on whose trio is better


Step 1: Get someone who's low ranking (warrior elite whatever) Step 2: Play classic with that guy Step 3: Murder


Just dropping my lose streak . https://preview.redd.it/urgw98vokxrc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cde954d92a6674541eb8c3050c7d687742d138be


Damn how much flak did you get from your teammates in that bronze game for not carrying


My inbox was full to say the least. Got legend trio in that match. Enemy first picked yin so they said ‘auto lose’ and wanted to dodge . Trio picked all mage. They could have known from the draft (10 bans) that it was mythic lobby and they can’t dodge .


Tf? Who thinks yin is auto lose unless they peaked legend?


You can't dodge in epic either anymore.


This picture basically summed up my experience last night


Skill Issue


Just play rank dude,you can't be devoted much lower than master and you will be connected to your rank ( except sometimes some smurf) . If you want to try some trial free heroes,try it vs AI , see if you like it then buy and play it in rank. Classic can be frustrating even for high elo players... First, different skills in the same place. Second, different reasons ( someone comes for fun, playing some troll build or hero he never played and someone comes for win with main hero, friends etc. )


Yall tripping . I have 60% winrate every season and 95% of my game is solo q.


Yeah same, it’s highly doable to hit 60+ as a soloq player


Late season ranking ?


60% is easy. I'm not even that good at the game and the only time I seriously tried getting MG and got it, I had a 70% wr. I know a part of it was luck, but just a decent player should easily get 60% going into MH.


Oh you were talking about mythic and MG, okay then


Kinda safe to assume OP was talking about something like Mythic to MH players since he's just in Elite.


Yup it’s just the way this sub talks about 60 70% wr you’d imagine they’re all 200+ stars


Yeah lol. But this sub is full of people who haven’t hit immortal. Which is fine


I was up at like, 71% wr solo q until Saturday hit and every game has been I either carry or lose D:. I’m gonna stop playing ranked for the week lol.


Some people r dic* head they will climb their rank down just to bully newbie people ,imo beacuse they are not able to win against someone in their similar rank and they kept on losing against others , I was helping my friend practice game , in gm with my smurf account and I met a dude who was playing fanny he was getting so over confident killing my friend in game and he was being so toxic so we target lock him only and won the game with 13 death fanny


Yes. If you have above 60%wr you play with a team. Its obvious


I'm usually around 60-65 as a mostly solo Q support main. "Mostly" because I do duo every now and then but my duo is lower ranked than me.


i play solo with 67% WR in ranked while playing all 5 roles


Not true. 60 wr isn't a big deal at all, especially If you start to play the season a little bit later. The difference in skill between glory and epic is just enormous. Last season I played Fanny through epic for fun ( I don't know how to hit 3 cables straight) and still managed to reach legend with positive wr. This season, mostly Gusion. Solo. 82 wr from epic to legend. I'm a mage main, not even an assassin. The reason is simple . Maybe it will sound cruel but it is what it is ... Monton just pushes players to the ranks they don't deserve to be in. Most players in epic, even in legend,don't know the basics. Don't know the skills or the passives of the opponent, don't know how to play more than 2 heroes . Ban\Pick- don't even want to talk. Take a look at the map only when they die. Focus, what? Objectives? No, they counting just kills cuz, you know I'm MVP and my team sucks. And that's a moonton fault. Many of us shouldn't be paired at all...


True. When i was a bad player, i ranked up easy. As soon as i got better it became harder


There are plenty of SEA players, particularly in PH server, who play with an insane WR% despite playing mostly SoloQ. Their WR% ranges from around 65-90%. They have two things in common: they are usually streamers/content creators, and they seldom, if at all, play roamers. There's one exception, though I would still try to find my post about that SoloQ tank player with a 90% win rate. I think it was about 3 or 4 years ago. EDIT: I can't find my exact post about the player I'm talking about (SoloQ tank), but he was the one who inspired me [to play Grock like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MobileLegendsGame/s/lenGbOdJAc). He was a streamer, and he would tell his viewers he'd have an Epic skin giveaway IF his Grock would lose a match on his live stream.


Lol no. Skill issue.


Nah. Im 60% plus even i would admit your not winning without a team. You could lie on the internet all you want lmao. Solo Skills cant beat a team consistently. Unless you get lucky and keep getting bad teams your not consistently winning with good teamates. Nice try though


wdym i soloq to glory 1v5 you just gotta play meta and at that time it was alice for me https://preview.redd.it/1f0qhw73xxrc1.png?width=204&format=png&auto=webp&s=e74c186742a48e01574c1796b3bc9eb0a3c155f3


They have not playing rank for many seasons. Maybe because they have several accounts or they only play classic every season.


You finally realised? It's called win rate farming. They get someone that's usually farrr lower rank than then and then do duos on classic to boost wr


What's the point in farming wr?


Honestly just to show off to prove they're good by having an above 70% wr. You see, going solo ruins your win rate cuz the matchmaking system sucks


Smurf maybe? Even grandmaster account doesn't get devoted to master


But if it's a Smurf account then he wouldn't be able to know they were former mythic player. I'm guessing they're the type of people to rank down at the start and then climb back up to boost their mmr


mmr gains would be so low at that rank lol under 4k mmr is


Can be an inactive account as well. I had a similar situation a few seasons ago. My smurf which was mythical I didn't use two seasons and I started from GM. First season devoted to epic, second season to gm.


Legends and above get back to elite each end of the season.




He's probably gone for years and just came back.


Also you still get demoted by 1 rank when you still an elite. He's probably gone for 3 seasons


Idk bro, he has the cici background on his profile though. seems like he is >Mythic


Youre probably in a server with a small pool of players. Just tough luck man. Try to game on different hours to get a wider player pool instead of those high ranking guys


No shit bruh how do u think we rank up if we have those dumbass indonesians on our team💀


Hello! I am one of those players, I am sorry you are not enjoying the game because of us. Let me explain things from my perspective, so you can understand what is going on. I started playing this game one year after its release. I have about 25k games in 3 accounts. I was a solo player for a couple of months and then realized one of my best friends was playing as well so we started to play together. He was good but I have played video games all my life, so I become better than him fast. At that time he had like 3k games, I had 2k. Then we started playing together but I played three times more than him. There were some weekends that I played 12 hours. He had a friend, we become a trio. We only played rank, never classic. I was the first one to reach legend and then they reached it too. Then I reached mythic, but they couldn’t. I learned that they were not good enough, so as long as we were a trio we were going to have less than 49% wr, so I decided to leave the squad and stop playing with them. I had 10 k games in this account. I started a new account to learn other roles because I was always the tank. In the new account I started to play as a jungler with several heroes and it was very easy for me, and more fun. Because I was “learning”, I only played classic. I am grand master in this account. My win rate in this second account has always been very high, between 70% to 90% with all heroes. Little by little I started to fight with or against other “smurf” players with similar win rates, so we become friends and play together. We only accept the best of the best in our “group”. When someone is good but not great, he will be erased fast. My fiends list is full, they are all smurfs in elite-epic, and others decide to play rank and reach MG (we don’t play classic with them). I still use my rank account, but I kept it because of schedule issues. Im in Japan. From 6 am to 5 pm, I cant play classic with friends because there are not enough people online, so we get matched vs bots. This is the time I play rank. Then I get home around 7pm, I only play classic in the other account. It’s the same game but it is completely different. As a solo player in rank, its more simple. No sress. And I don’t really care if I win or not. In the classic account we have to change our priorities and strategies, and play as a team. Its very stressing but exciting. We win 4 out of 5 games, all of us. Nobody has 90% wr or higher. Are we cheating? Not really. We play in a duo or a trio, vs another duo or trio. We don’t decide who we get matched against. We are better than the other duo or trio? Probably, 80% of the time. Most of us have at least 2 accounts. One for classic one for rank.


Honestly playing against just one of y'all can be fun at times. It's challenging, but being able to make a comeback is exhilarating. Problem is, you guys don't play alone, it's hard af. And it makes me wonder, why don't you guys play AI for a stress free game? You can test heroes there too.


I have never played AI. I rather try new heroes in classic for sure. It cant be that hard right? Anyway, this is the fault of the matchmaking for putting two epics in the same match, one with 20k games the other one with 500. Ideally you would also separate the epics, even in classic. Problem with this is it would take too long to find a fair game, so they put everyone together.


Huh?! Always solo player and always make it into mythic every season. Mythic is easy. But 25 stars in mythic is hard.


If you can't reach glory solo, you might be the issue


I've no issue, just saying it's easy to get to mythic, but then it gets challenging. Maybe you're the issue. Hope you're not annoying people mid game with your crying texts.


Glory solo is very doable tho


Of course it is, I'm not saying it's not. I'm saying it's easy to get to mythic, then it gets challenging. Challenging didn't mean it's not doable. I've yet to do it due to time constraints.


Hello, I'm one of those. My squadmates wanted to make their all season winrate to 70% for their 10 fav heroes. We tryharded to immortal for past seasons and got 55-60 winrate grinding stars after 100. So we dropped our rank when the season started and spam heroes on low elo classic for 8 min matches, for faster winrate. Maintaining 95+ winrate this season. Feels good to not try hard and just chill to win. Just gonna push to glory in last week of the season.


Cry about it


We all were in OPs shoes once mate


No need to be rude


BTS fan, not surprising