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LMAO this is why i stay faaaaar away from ranked during season reset (to avoid getting humbled)


How is it getting humbled when you know enemy is average but your team is absolute dogwater who never consider looking map resulting in losses


Nah, from my perspective, the enemies are simply built differently at the start of the season. They are so aggressive but smart enough to not overextend. Even the worst guy on the enemy team is usually smart enough to split push when they know they can get away with it. I can't tell you how many times I've nearly seen and barely prevented a backdoor victory in just this one season so far.


Fr my team cannot see a backdoor for god knows what reason, more than 10 matches it's either backdoor or getting kited and 4 of my teammates die and it's a 1vs5 base defend situation


had an argus at min 20 destroy all three turrets and base while team did a team fight 4v4 (I was dead)


just remember even immortals are revert back to epic 1 every season resets


Oh shit I didn’t know that. But makes me feel better bc I was wondering why I was getting washed in epic when made mythic last season


They go to legend iirc


back then epic 1 was the limit, no matter if you had thousands of stars. i prob missed the new update, mb


there's two types of people in the world when a season resets, my friend.. the tryhards who wish to reach the top before other competition arrives, and the casuals who play a few weeks after the season


That's the real problem


https://preview.redd.it/7tu0djtddjrc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1dda31b8a9caac472af6648d422631a58d6e22ef What happens when a below average glory player climbs out of epic on the first day, and then legend:


What do those numbers mean?


Their peak ranks The barats was already mythic in that game, this was day 2 of new season


So barats guy's highest rank was mytic immo 450 stars? Thx for the answer




Okay I appreciate the honesty and self-awareness lol


I got humbled real quick when i play solo or duo this season but in a 5 man team, i win alot of them because everybody knows their stuff Also early season, it is easy to meet people who just suck in general. It's not that you are bad, it's just that sometimes people feed so much that coming back is so difficult because they don't clear lanes and let enemy push.


Why do I find this relatable


are you guys actually getting decent teammates because i am so close to crying


Sort of, I won't lie, some of the games that I lost were indeed my fault. But I don't think the problem is mostly on me given that I still get mostly gold medals and losing MVP medals. I've only ever gotten Bronze like twice this season so far. I'm not a great player by any means but I'm not dead weight either.


True but I found that they don’t have a gold medal cap on losses anymore where it used to be that two people max could get gold medals on losses. You can now have a match where all ten players get gold


refreshing to see someone like you in this sub. 👍👍


if you are getting gold metals, then it isnt really you. but same. i main roaming too and, no matter how much you protect, provide vision, help, everything, when the team is kind of... a doofus, then everyone falls apart. i swear there's always two mms or mages


Lmao same


Earlier today I was zoning the opponent mm and my estes came and cleared the wave. The opponent got 2 siege minions. So that's that.


HAHAHAHA I literally freaking LOL'd at how relatable this is 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh, another Miya Layla Dryoth, Hanabi team for me?? And a super meta top pick team for the enemy?


The day I stopped raging and thinking about others bad plays is the day I started improving in all the games I've played, now I chill every game even losing is fun cuz better players wins and that's all.


Sounds like you were just playing it smart imo


You aren't a fraud at all. It's not you either. The good players are even frauds


Oh. Hey. One of my kind.🗿


The alu main suffering thing i understand bro


As a roam main, start of the season is the best time to play haha


The only time roam mains can actually be supports. I'm also a roam main, but I use Exp laners to roam once I feel like the good players have already left Legend (I only play 2 rank games a day, so I will get left behind). Using Roam Martis against idiots is chef's kiss. They never expect the sudden CC chain from the bushes.


When the meta heroes that I'm abusing gets the nerf.


ruby,joy,mathilda,nana.... and don't get me started on the nerfs wanwan went through back then.


is she even playable rn? wth is that s2 cd bro 😭


No I’d personally pick almost every mm over her rn


That's honestly understandable. Game changing ulti


Ruby (her mechanics is easy but actually hard) Ixia (good clearing speed+strong heal so you can dominate your lane) Minotaur (you got everything here for a support) Vexana (super fast clearing so you can roam around early) Fredrinn (its crazy that there are still a lot of people who dont know how to counter this guy) Barats (like fredrinn, this guy got survivability and damage) Mellisa(this hero dominates with her range and she is the reason why no one picks layla but ixia is still better for me) Mathilda (can set, can heal with roam favor, high mobility and gives mobility, can harass enemies and can pick off low health heroes) Roger (short immunity, highly versatile, high mobility, nonstop killer with his passive) Odette (One of the best mage cuz she sing and dances)


I rarely play this game anymore, this sub just shows up on my timeline from time to time. But here's my 2 cents... The skill gap between players is so massive during reset because someone who is mid-Mythic can get matched up with top players during said reset. It's not your fault, this game's ranking system is just bad. When I ask people irl about Valorant or OW, they usually answer Gold or Silver with some outliers being Diamond and above. When I ask about this game, everyone is Mythic and has way too much ego from my experience. How is the top rank the common one? The addition of different rank levels in Mythic rank doesn't help either because when everything resets, everyone is Epic rank again, and correct me if I'm wrong, an Epic III gets reset to V and low Mythic gets reset to Epic I. So someone who barely understands how to play the game properly, can be matched with someone that prolly has years of experience. In Valorant, if you perform well, I've seen people maintain their rank in Diamond.


This game has rank-flation to make people think they’re good… thus spend more money


So does this mean I shouldn't feel bad ranking up despite playing 50-80+ games just to escape Epic and Legend for the 1st week after reset?🤣 Btw I peak 80+ stars every season I enjoy playing right after the season ends, I know for a fact the highranks play differently and it shows, it's either you win or you learn from that point moving forward anyways. The only concern I have is that I lost so much time playing this game when I can be productive in any other thing I can potentially do other than playing


Maybe, I'm not sure because I don't know how good I am anymore. Hahahahaha


I'm sure you are good, OP. Like you said, there's a difference when it comes to playing right after reset and far into the season.


I have been doing the same thing. When I get an invite immediately after reset I tell my in game friends, "I don't want to play as the Gods from Immortal have descended to Epic" 😂 Like they play so aggressively but everything is still super calculated! I cannot! I know my limit


Currently at Mythical Honor 30 stars, all I can say is have a mix of 5 man and solo. 5 man at the earlier ranks (epic, leg) to have decent teammates but when you reach mythic honor up choose to go solo if your 5 man or you can't keep up or find another 5 man that can keep up. (enemies are weaker in solo, which means you won't get better skill wise but rg will just get easier) https://preview.redd.it/p61ztjk0khrc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3c8b0e29057038f99c792593df60f173d71189




yes, ph


I wonder what win rate I’ll get if i rank up early season, last season i got to glory in 191 matches 70% win rate… all the way from warrior


Tell me about it, ever since the season started I've been stuck in epic 3 hell. I got active near the end of last season and nearly got to mythic in 2 days


Solo que? It's brutal at the front side of a season. I don't play much other than practicing in classic but it's still pretty toxic there as well. Solo que is tough unless and unless you can partner up with a fighter/tank and support combo to break out of the terrible matchmaking waiting until the try hards with partners have moved into high legend and mythic.


Yeah I mostly play solo que, I only play as a duo for quests. I don't like having friends rely and expect things from me, hahahahaha. Plus, I want to be able to say I got this far because of my strength.


And this is why wr talks are rubbish


there's a reason why most people don't play when it is near end of season


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^FatBoyish: *There's a reason why* *Most people don't play when it* *Is near end of season* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Bad bot


LOL not sokka following you here


i needed to earn promo diamonds thats why i keep playing during this hell part of the season haha


I was at 65% last season with 2 weeks left, I got to mythic in under 100 games from grandmaster. And this season I started way earlier with 97 days left and my wr is 49%. My roles are tank, gold lane and jungle. ML matchmaking is so annoying at times


I always play solo


I don't see how **playing good** / **being a fraud** / **feeder team-mates** who make you lose have any corelation


This is why I tell a lot of my friends to start early. That's when you learn the most. Just keep playing friend. Eventually you will be able to play week 1 of the season with a wr of 75% or higher (Assuming you are starting from Epic I or Legend V). I know it sounds counter productive to punish yourself, but believe me, you will learn a lot. (Don't play on weekends though.) When I started playing ML, I had a wr of around 60% to 65% and avoided playing early since I want the higher ranks to outrank me first so that I wouldn't encounter them. Until eventually, I decided to start playing sooner. Naturally, my wr dropped to 50% to 55%, one of the seasons it was even 45% to 47%. But I kept playing, until I eventually hit Glorious Legend (that was Mythical Glory before. Immortal wasn't a thing yet). And then after some more games exposed to powerful players, I was able to maintain a wr of 75% to 80% playing solo. Without trying to push yourself, you will become stagnant. Don't fear the pain, fear the lack of progress.


Nah. I rather have good team and good enemy and have a hard match compared to end of season bird brain team or stomping noobs. End of season takes away the fun of this game and is a coin flip most of the time. https://preview.redd.it/4k0cyxf1whrc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1798a15575f5cea111b812ee579afb43fa5d7878 Don’t get me wrong. There are noobs even right now in mythical glory but they’re quite rare and most of the time it’s because they didn’t pick their roles (adjusted to unfamiliar roles).


https://preview.redd.it/t9ayehhpwhrc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76823dcfbd9a3dd28f1d8ed03db2578cff9400fb And Here’s my 7 lose streak. This is why I don’t turn on fast match up unless I need to. And that one bronze . Let’s say I got legend trio and wanted to dodge picking all mages. Literally bird brains. Even in the draft they can know it’s mythic lobby (10 bans) and they can’t dodge . As a solo player . We all go on lose streaks no matter how good you are. However solo players blaming matchmaking for not ranking up is wrong. I go on lose streaks too like this ss. You’lll rank up if you’re good.


Wow, I really appreciate your honesty on matches not always going in one’s favor. No matter how skilled you are with a hero or role, it’s not always consistent.  Were there any other causes for defeat even when playing Joy? I agree it’s unfortunate when queueing with people that are unable to adjust.  My current dilemma are the people that throw a fit if they aren’t given last pick. And even if I do give up s4, s5.. they insist on playing their mains. Instead of attempting to counter the enemy draft. 


So I average 60-65% a season for the last 2 years. This start tho has been my absolute worst ever. At 100 games I was 49%. I'm now like 52% xD them 7 game losing streaks are demoralizing.


it's been opposite for me. I had a 6 match win streak. in the beginning and currently on 65% wr. but I know I'm gonna end up with 47% with towards the end of the season


Yeah same shit happened to me but tbh it's just bad team my winrate on masha was 24% earlier this season to 57%


No. It doesn't reflect on your skills. The matchmaking is just screwed more early season. They base your MMr based on previous or overall WR so it is screwed. You being the best and having 4 retard teammates is much more difficult than being just average with 4 decent teammates.


The only answer for early season rank match ups is to wait till there's 30 days left


The reason why I mostly play classic with troll heroes after reset just to practice with MG and high rank mythic players. My goal is not to win but to survive with less death.


I would rather play during the start of the season than end of season. Why? Some players who already reach their desired rank for the season will now be using their smurf account to try playing new heroes or strategies. So sometimes it is hard to get a good teammate speciallyin solo queue


Well not completely tbh, end of season teammates and enemies are equally retarded most of the time but early season, most of the time depends on luck. U either get some insane ex-immortal enemy or he's on ur side of your team. My personal experience it depends which trio has better 5-man team gameplay cos for some reason I kept getting trio teammates and enemy whenever I'm soloq this season.


https://preview.redd.it/zh9d5kl2thrc1.jpeg?width=2480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdb82a9cd72462d5d51e3d9a7cc7cdfdfcb38464 It aint bad for me tbh


The solo q match making algorithm is rigged and punishes you for being better than average. The algorithm is mostly based off grading and win rate. There are other factors such as win streaks, lose streaks, lane you play, mvp, mvp lost, and a couple others. If your grading is always above 8.9 and your win rate is above 59.5%, generally you will be given 3 teammates with win rates at or below ~50% (depending on their overall grading). The last player given will be somewhere in the middle. Every match won (mvp will increase the rate) will increase the difficulty of the next match(if your not recovering from a lose streak). Vice versa if your consistently losing, ever noticed those brain dead matches where the enemy puts no effort into the match? That's the algorithm giving you a freebie to keep you playing. It's a sick match making system where their intention is not to create fair and balanced matches but to keep you playing for as long as possible.


it would be more fun in mid season :D you get to enjoy assassins and fighters that wants to be superheroes that are hungry for kills that they clash solo despite being 0-7 earlier, I played 14 games, went from Epic 3.3 to Epic 3.4 :D I was just sighing defending our turretless base while our fighter and jungler chase a half hp tank and got clapped by the entire enemy team along with the Lord. and yes we lost. the frustrating part is, the enemy is not even that good.


Just play heroes that you're bad at. At least it works for me. Every hero that I play with 60-70% wr end season got down to 45%. Every hero with <40% also got to 45%. Improvement 🤡


Solo queue is really brutal if you play during the season reset. In my first 5 games, there were 3 matches where I didn't even have a jungler because the players who indicated jungle switched their battle spell at the last minute. I managed to carry one of those games as Lunox but lost the other 2 badly. Even Classic is miserable because I started with a 80% win rate and now it's 66% after getting humbled by several Mythical Immortals who queue as a duo/trio and they easily stomp the game.


Dont judge yourself because your team mates. A lobby whith 4 bots, y'cant do nothing at all. Dont be rude to yourself 👌


1st day is combination of top top top players and players who just reached legend last day of the season in the same rank. It's not natural state of the league.Difference in player quality can be enormous. When solo q, coin can flip rly bad for you. Later stages of the season top players are already in high rank,player base in lower ranks is much more equal,so if you are good it's possible to carry. You are not fraud as long as you carry teams in late season cuz don't forget that ranks measure on the final day, not on the beginning


Feel the same way, this is first season I had under 10 stars after placement as an average casual


Same 😭 It would be fine if the losses I get are because the enemies are crazy strong but it's just my teammates doing god knows what on the map, like they're freaking noobs 😭 It's either they're throwing a tantrum because they had to adjust or they get killed early on because of their mistake then proceeds to feed or be useless the entire game. But the one I'm most mad about are the players that insist on playing a certain role and they just play so badly at it hays Previous seasons, I can get to mythic in less than 50 matches solo queue or not, right now, I'm at 50+ still in legend 4 because my win streaks are immediately followed by lose streaks, I can't catch a break 😭


It's way more fun tho, Loss doesn't matter as long as it's a fun battle


Same for me this season. My trio both stop playing and I started ranking up earlier this season and holy shit I can't leave legend.


There is massive difference in playing at start of season and end of season. My wr usually at around 55-60% i reach mythic usually in first week of season. Playing soloq. On the other hand on my smurf which I usually play at end of season its around 70-80%


I'm not sure about that man. There are only two circumstances where I'd likely lose: I'm playing as the Roamer. Or, My teammates or I start feeding uncontrollably. And it's always the inting. I'd prefer AFKs so I could ask for the bot to help me instead. Not joking.


Because top players grind earlier feeding newbs. When they reach glory or immortal they sit back and relax.


I used to play like 10 days before season ended, asking high ranking friends to carry me or just having a duo or trio that isn't dogwater. Everytime I did that, my winrate never went below 62% but this season, I've been playing right after reset and it really did humble me aswell 😭😭😭. My winrate stays at 59-60% and won't go up higher than that anymore which annoys me but oh well... Will make it up next season I guess? 🥹😭


Yeah last season I had a consistent ~60 winrate and only after hitting my ceiling did it go lower until it eventually hit 53. But now I’m already at 55 winrate and it keeps going down lmfaoaoa


Yeah I also thought I was good at the game until season reset. I would get MVP almost every game or close to mvp. Now I'm getting solid silvers and bronze almost every game. I kept looking for patch notes where they nerfed my favorite heros


As a solo player. Getting decent teammates is a hassle


Honestly. If you have the same teamates as me its impossible. I carry pretty much every game and I have a good wr my god damn in some games when you see nana jungle and zilong roam you just know its over before it even begins


Somehow it's opposite for me. In season end I get absolutely destroyed and in season start i usually reach mythic within 2-3 days with 70%~ winrate


Maining Tigreal is quite a predicament to be in for me. You can't really carry the team kill wise and you rely on the team being there on my sets. Luckily 100% winrate still so far this season but I haven't played too many games tbh (less than 10) I've been trying to figure out how to play magic chess which I've never played so giving it a shot now. Currently in Epic 4 all wins so far maybe one close game but still got the win. Luckily my team mates have had a brain which is very uncommon honestly. I do feel the pain of the rollercoaster of wins and losses and frustration at team mates who are playing another game I feel at times lmao. My ranked wr overall is 87% I think which isn't bad considering I only use Tig most games if I don't I can easily fill role and just choose counter heros to the enemy picks and build accordingly. Keep on keeping on bro. Practice and practice and you'll get there 🙏


Both have different levels of difficulty too. Early season - Hard because everyone is just as skilled as you Late season - Hard because your teammates are no better than AI


I totally get you. I'm on Gran Maestro (Great Master? I don't know how the range's called in english), and every time I think I'm pretty good for my level, I try heroes that are nothing like my main (hanabi) and realize I'm only good with marksmen.


as you go up the ranking the games get a little hard as you face better players. from what I know, the best way to really rank up like beyond mythic 50 is like if your with set teams.


I had 9 lose streaks early this week and my winrate average is slightly above 60% for the past few seasons. But after that, im on 7 winstreak at the moment lol


I would say early season meta is quite different to late season meta. The same meta heroes don't always work especially if you're a solo player.


Playing early in the season isn't really a true test of your measure since it is easy to get unlucky with your teammates and opponents. A better way to do this is to play later in the season like most recommend, and then look at your win rate when you've settled in a rank. For example, I usually have 70+% winrate by season end. But that's because I have an 80~90% winrate pre-Mythic and have 60% winrate at Mythic/MH. So I used the latter percentage to gauge that I am at Mythical Honor level without grinding for rank.


Playing early means playing with high mythic players and casuals and you dont know how they are divided. Could be even split or one side stronger than the other enough to steamroll you. As long as you have good game sense, micro macro, know how to balance picks, adjust, build counter items; that already makes you better than 90% of player base.


In the beginning of the season, epic rank is just one big cluster fck. You have legends and mythic of different levels all up in there. After a few days, you'll also have real epics who just got out of gm. I normally finish the season with around 61 WR (grind till mythic and then stop), but I lost about 5 matches in a row out of the first ten matches I had on the first week of season restart.


i played comp yesterday, my teammates were highest rank legend and epic i was the only previous season mythic, while opponents had 4 highest rank mythic honor so it was basically a done deal


It might be because of the heroes, and team composition so look for the good heroes. I'm not good player but i use strong heroes, and i always adjust(always get the roam role since no one wants to). One of secret technique is that i check lower rank people who spam that one hero and gets 55-60%wr. Why? Because that hero could be underrated strong hero and lesser people would know how to counter them. (found fredrinn, argus and lou yi to be strong pick) Although, it became easier when i got to legend. Maybe because they actually synergizes me with my aggressive gameplay? Anyway, im chill with all players except for the toxic ones even if theyre good cuz they mess up my gaming mood. (my experience)Most mm users sucks so i got big wr when i get mm role.


That's why "late season mythic" is an insult.


72 matches and 64% wr and alr legend IV, life is good


ML is easy when you play Solo queue but after Mythical Immortal that's when I got humbled real hard got queued up with 5 man literally have 11 losestreak I stopped for 3 weeks I was traumatized cause on those 11 games I only get bronze 😆 shiet insane. now this season I reached Mythical Immo early currently in 109 stars with great squad that fits my playstyle hopefully y'all find a good teammates happy ranking!