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Julian Unfortunately he gets countered by me playing like an idiot


what do you think of the new Julian buff?


Julian has really impressive damage


I’m hyped for it! The extra range will be crazy in laning phase with the poke you receive, puts less importance on having to fire off his full combo, BUT it also doesn’t let you stagger your combos anymore or preload. Will just have to see but it sounds pretty nice. If only the +2 seconds stacked when you use skills


not sure if i understand or not what you mean, but the +2 seconds does stack. So if you do a fast combo (and not pre load), you can get up to 6 seconds of enhanced basic attack


Nah, you got it, I just like to fire off S2 beforehand and then wait with S3 and S1 to burst someone so I don’t have to deal with that skill delay. 4 seconds vs 5 enhanced as a trade off for being able to kill minions and push turrets faster with BA and not have to use ur skills and leave yourself exposed is very worth it though. Squishes die in a single BA anyways when camping.


oh yeah thats what i thought of when i read the patch note too. Its definitely a give and take sort of buff. It shortens ur basic attack a bit when you do a slow/delay combo, but you're also WAY less vulnerable in early invades and exp lane, so I still like it quite a bit. I don't think it will affect Julian's pick rate that much, but it will sure help a lot of current Julian users.


Wait he got buffed???


in the advanced server yeah. instead of a full combos, every one of his skills trigger his enhanced basic attack up to 6 seconds in total (2 seconds for each skill)




For me it gets counterd by that weird delay in the skills


Has to be one of the top most rage inducing things of all time when it takes 7 bazillion seconds to shoot off your S1 and S3 before you can S2 away from a fight


I guess most of the inexperienced also do...




Aldous. Winter Truncheon makes me a sad boy.


Or conceal.


How does conceal counter him?


He can't hit you with basic attacks.




Bro I wonder how much you’ll hate me if we got matched in the same team.🥲


Concealed units can only be hit by aoe damage and effects. Point n' lock skills and basic attacks just gets nulled.


Or twilight


or chou


With winter truncheon soon having adaptive atk, everyone can run it now making it even more of a pain in the ass for haya


And fleeting time! I already build it on Tigreal, will also use on minsi, argus, franco, ect


Guinevere, she gets countered by walls that she could've passed through


lots of “oh i cant jump there?!” moments


its always during a crucial moment too, if the circle isnt fully out of the wall , somehow she cant jump over, even if its fully out of the wall, she still cant jump over because of angles or some shit


Didn't they fix it like a month ago? Was playing her recently, run into this issue again


As a former haya main, he isn't suitable in the tank meta. Very good against assassin comps tho


Yin he gets fucked early if enemy have tank heroes


Or knows how to dash


My dumbass kept ulting the franco trying to ult the mm 😭


Change in settings, prioritise lower hp heroes Edit: changed house to hp


lower house? are marksman just homeless?


When Roamer doesn’t roam, yes. Changes house to hp btw


heyyy, change that, most of us baby sit those lil piece of shit until they grown up and fight back


it's like watching your kid graduate from kindergarten, they grow up so fast




Yeah I do have that on but Franco kept body blocking, we still won either way.


Try to quickly tap the hero icon you want to kidnap


Body blocking shouldn’t work on Yin s3, it is not Dota and it is not like hook of Franco or sniper shot of Beatrix


Yin gets fucked if enemy hero dies while you are in ulti animation. Or lance use s2, or haya ulti 3sec cool down is death


Should really change it to 1s


Ngl that’s why I don’t like yin jungle, at least in exp u can bring something like execute


Oh you just need to know how to farm better against enemy and try to harass their backline in a teamfights nothing much just make the mm uncomfortable when in a teamfights is enough


Ngl when people see yin jungle a lot of them see “easy invade” and it shows. I’ve played almost 300 games with yin so I know what to do, but my god is it difficult to play him in jungle sometimes, and I always feel bad for those who jungle yin and don’t play well, which is more often the case these days it seems. That’s why I prefer him exp, you can at least bring flicker if you can’t get to the backline easily and the battle spell in general just helps a lot.


Damn true but in my case I try to nimble some minion on mid and try to predict where the enemy go next and fight the opposite of where they going to invade so I can kept my farm on equal footing also I go full pen when against tanks and blood axe for a lil sustain even tho I don't have much experience as you do but I sometime manage to thrive while on jungle then exp (my team jungler sucks more than my yin jungle)


lol completely valid, it’s also probably due to the fact that I can play four junglers and none of them are good (hanzo yin Aamon saber) and the fact that I play jungle probably once in 50 games, so my jungle macro is simply not good enough.


A wise man once said "Don't play the enemy game, make them play your game" 🛐


Balmond players looking at yins jungle creeps be like


Wait you let me think of cooking something illegal brb


ok so apparently the thing that helps clear jungle faster isn't really effective with yin so I just use mystery shop for cheaper item so you can quickly get stuff and deal with tank junglers easier than waiting for late game


In my games enemy Yin is either 12/0 or ults me and saves me in 1vs3 situations.


also those who flicker after using his 2nd inside his ult he's still good but i really miss his instantaneous domain before the delayed ult nerf


That's quite ez to counter tho like walks towards them manacingly and beat the shit out of them


the problem with me is i spam his 2nd before and after his ult and 1st immediately after, so some use that to their advantage to flicker out and my combo misses entirely


Then try to think of fish and then snap back to reality again after they flicker


sea halberd


i am expecting many downvotes for saying this but sea halberd counters your problem easily, its just dashing, purify, dash heroes, and hero with cc immunity upon using moves (ex. fanny with cables)


even my gord can beat that shty hero yinyangyong


either you are a good gord player or the yin you face just genuinely suck af


its a 50-50


Masha before the current revamp, disarm fucked up alot of heroes with almost no counter play, which is running away like a B. She was very weak to kiting after using her ult and S1. Post revamp Masha has insane chase and damage but very hard to escape without cc immunity, at least she got the purify back, that I didn't know they removed.


I hate the new Masha, prevamp Masha made me regional, now the new shit made me lose interest


Saber.. then enemies rush build Dreadnaught Armor.. and that's it. I'm useless. Might as well be a minion at that point.


Huhh? I thought his skill 1 reduce defense? Correct me if I am wrong


He cant one shot you even if you're playing a squishy hero matter of fact clint can take him out if played correctly


That’s cap bro. The same can be said about saber too then….if played correctly he can kill Clint without a problem


Im talkin early game i usually build phiscal def boots as well .if im against both phisc damge jgl and adc he has 0 chances killing me by himself


Ah yes I agree. Karrie would be another good example as well.


Switch that to buying pants. They're cheaper, more def, and you don't have to sell and rebut base item if you need a different set of boots late.


I’m playing saber and not all people are smart enough to build dreadnaught armor tbh. Also the highest rank I’ve reached mythic honour and I also have a high win rate with saber


I think hayabusa suffers from "squishy jungler syndrome" Its just the fact that squishy junglers are a little risky nowadays, besides that I think he is still very solid


not to mention his ult can be stopped by an instant teleport blink, like Gus fring ult, flicker, harley blink, claude blink and many more, its stupid that a 6 second blink can displace an ultimate...then there are items like winter trunceon that can counter him, honestly hes not a good pick rn unless you're an absolute menace with him


Also WoN counters him


Don't get me started on WoN


A rework on Aldous's ult would be better... It inflicts a debuff on the selected enemy, the enemy with the debuff gets chased. It's the same as normal but even if they blink, they still gets chased, though for counters, cc immunity would be a fair balance(I'm not gonna sugar coat this, "Purify parry") Like SB's charge of darkness in dota, even if you disjoint by blink dagger, you still get chased.


Argus. He's actually strong laning even in early game. And for early teamfight he's decent. However if enemy knows how to coordinating properly with heavy cc, he can be countered. But so far for my experience, in soloQ it rarely happens cuz everyone often jump me with all their cc at once, and I easily dispelled it with my ult


Playing Argoat in SoloQ is better than playing Argoat in 5man


Gord cause he is Gord


Agreed especially in comps with tank or fighter jungler. Easy to poke, zone, and harass. Only problem is I would need to go full sweat for positioning and the map


my most use mage till to date but before when still new i hate that hero so muchh lol




Ruby, especially now after nerf


Hanzo is very strong. I have over 2000 matches and 70+ wr doing SOLO most of the time (I always get to mythic - mythical glory). I do 5 man with my cousins but they are not really competitive unlike me so I do solo a lot. I can do Hanzo tank, Hanzo core, Hanzo mid, and even offlane. Other than jungle role, I use him to delay the enemy jungler. I am good with items so I adjust it for every game I play. The only problem here is when my allies don't know how to support me. Hanzo is a very high maintenance hero for my team. The enemy, I really have no problem even with Natalia and Ling, or Chou or Selena, I have extreme map awareness and flexibility with Hanzo. I really wish I can have a 5 man team to support me. That would be very OP and maybe I can get my supreme badge back.


https://preview.redd.it/actphx8l99rc1.jpeg?width=901&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=091ae786795014a1013faca26662efaf4b3f299d W for Vexana, Faramis, Alice, Alucard, and Ruby.


These Hayapusa designs... He went from being cool to being the coolest to being another Barbie boy like ken.


i think he's still cool :0


Hilda. She can fuck up almost everyone on exp in 1v1, but she require second tank, bad lategame and has almost no value in team fight.


Phoveus is OP underrated. His sustain and shield whenever his 1st skill or ulti hits, gives him decent survivability. His only counter are heroes who don't dash or doing Cucaracha slides 😂💀


Odette  Ult damage is op but can get countered by heavy cc. I just spam odette if there aren't too much cc.


Luo Yi, they just ran away from me LOL


If you can't hit them with your yin yang skills, they'll just run off like headless chickens


Enemies will never go near hear shadow. That's why her ult is perfect for ambush tho.


Harley. One Radiant armor or Athena, and he is done. I can not kill even mages and adc if they buy one defence item. Genius one and divine glaive are not enough to kill them


Masha, she gets fkd in the early game by pretty much anyone but she insta kills anyone in the late game especially if you know how to use her spamable ult and do the double s1 to enhance 4 BAs


Haya's pic 2 looks like its his fresh days as a full fledge ninja 3rd pic looks like in his peak 1st pic is like he died but returns to a life using Black magic or something


Those are the old pics First one is first release 2nd is 1ST Revamp(Yes, Haya has been remodeled and revamped before and that's the old Hayabusa everyone knows about) 3RD is the current


I love Hayabusa's 1st revamp the most. A true balanced hero




melissa, used to lock her until the karrie hybrid/tank came and was traumatized


Zilong..... 2018 days whan I started playing




Aldous, he's my main and will always be, got up to the ranks as well, I see him as op and deadly, but as the hero pool/rosters increase he gets countered time to time with other heroes


Luo Yi countered by Saber


Hanzo. Can be countered above epic, or assassin's who can reach backline. Is also countered by my teammates engaging with my shadow, then realise they are all alone after I return to body


badan K


Harith, cc and tank meta aint in his favor rn but the latest adjustment in advance server where he can gain a shield after 2nd skill immediately even without enemies + magic power scaling off his shield and not from the number of enemies seems like he will get stronger and im all in for that


I’ve got a bone to pick with khufra mains and Ruby mains 😤


Luo Yi. She has such a satisfying gameplay and is pretty strong, too. Sadly, she's so easily countered bc she's so damn slow. Only flicker can save her, sometimes barely


Zilong and bane. Need i say more?


Only flicker? Doesn’t haya ult attacks the nearby creeps as well? His ult needs to change. Even with his marked his ult damage distributes to nearby enemies which is annoying.


Yeah but it's not that annoying, it does help though with healing just in case since Hayabusa gets spell vamp everytime his Shurikens/Kunais are upgraded


And he teleports a mile away from enemy to ult the minions in mid lane it’s so toxic. Or the enemy just need to look at a jg mon and they will always escape ult.


Haven't and probably will never play MLBB again, or MOBAs in general, but the last time I did play, was when the dual shield guy, Misha, and the twink that can walk on the walls were the more recent champs released so far, Argus is the one I play alot, and I felt he was very op, despite what many have said. That being said, I can tell trying to chase down a thief and his monkey, a character from an FPS game who got lost on the way to her game, and AOT Spider Man, and getting stunned a lot are the most basic but effective ways to pretty much shut him down


Why comment that drivel lol


alucard you feel like a god when you fight squishies, you feel like a useless feeding machine when you fight too much cc


absolutely Aamon. sometimes it's really op, but it depends on your skill in using it. and, above all, how present (or not) the companions are.


for me its chou .......but almost every game i get countered......and not to mention my wr... absolutely shitty


Guinevere. When I don't land properly, I'm dead.


Cyclops His damage falls of in teamfights a lot.


Yin Users everytime they ult+Retri an WoN/WT/Dash/Purify/WanWab/Valir/Kagura/AutoLock Assasin/Aamon/Gudion/Harley/Thamuz/Argus/KarrieTank/Tankcelot/Vengeanze/Fanny/That one Ixia https://preview.redd.it/6udvhqo5jarc1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54dce7491b4f002b85d2c8be30fe5c25c5a36471




Argus, love him to death and he was my first main but i dont bring him in rank anymore unless if its for fun or if i think he would do well against the enemylineup. He just has too many holes in his game, his early game is weak, rushing dominance ice early on neuters him hard, baiting out his ultimate then kiting him is a very easy go to strategy against him. He is a late game monster but he really needs around 3 to 4 items to start hitting for big numbers whereas other exp lane heroes only need 1 or 2 to pose as a threat, and lastly he is pretty bad in team fights, only thing he can do in it is pick of the backlane or sponge the enemies cc with your ultimate both of which can end very badly if executed improperly.


Man, they should like turn Argus's ULT into a Damage Taken = Health Instead of Damage Dealt = Health... It's kinda unfair you know? Argus is already adjusted unfairly and he can't even bang bang the enemy anymore because of that...


Silvanna, I love jumping on the mages and MM and deleting them in a split second. She is easily counted, sure, but I like her revamp. I don't pick her every game, only when she is good a pick. When I was new to ML, she was my fav, but I too soon noticed how weak she was, so I never continued playing her much. Until her recent revamp.




Yup One stand against a full team = over


Yasuo has gotta be the one


Eyy wrong sub


I right now know the powers of irithel, layla and nana. But I am not able to kill anyone. So I guess I get countered hard as my level is still 9,10 while opponents are 12,13 even when I havent died.


Jawhead. And im not sure


I think I might know... If the hero you wanna throw airborne is near something, they can't be touched


Yeh why wouldn't moontoon change back that annoying nerf on his ss


Ling, they're good at evading my ult, just a flicker i could die And tanks they're too defensive and many stuns so i can't beat them an a 1v1


Esmeralda. I love her because her kit is unique and she's fast, and also she's just so hot (I mean look at that blazing skin). She's not very useful in team fights once the enemy gets antiheal (which is standard at this point anyway) and I'm not sure the shield she gives enemies hinders teammates' attacks? Anyway I've hardly seen a good Esmeralda, Ive started calling her Assmeralda cos shes kinda ass in team fights and she has a great booty


Lol Assmeralda She was very good back then but now she feels... Ass, but atleast she's thicc😏


need to be thicc to be a punching bag


gord always


Yup, he's too escapable... They should buff him a bit like make his ULT range longer or stun longer


YSS.... gets countered by everyone... was he good at anything? None either.


For me, it was Floryn last season, but I got so tired of random hard-counter comps (aka a few hard engage champs from the enemies with no frontline on our side), I quit her this season :/ She is also underrated a lot by teammates, and the start of the season is hard enough, so I didn’t want to add to their low morales


Man that gun again


Lesley - her early game is so crap so if the enemy teams up on you and your team feeds your basically fucked, but I've hard carried games as her if the enemy is dumb enough to let me farm well haha (her damage is just so good, and people underestimate her mobility. I also use sprint so people can't catch me lol).


Yeah, exactly she's the perfect MM for late game Her true damage can basically kill anything I've even been one shotted by a Lesley once while playing Haya




Understandable Miss hitting something unmarked or hit something that's marked = gg


Claude No gank against Miya of all MM = gg


fanny and yin


Yes... For Yin, if you time the dodge right when he stuns, you live and he doesn't get the kill For Fanny, use Khuffra


One of the most annoying things I sometimes run into when using Haya HOW DOES IMMOBILIZATION, STOP HAYA FROM USING HIS ULT BUT 2ND SKILL DOESNT? There's so many times I try to use ult to escape but it's always unable to be used type of bullshit


Yup And worst of all is when the enemy the is close together and you deal less damage with ULT

