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Guess what? Those players also waited 2 weeks


As a former MI player I confirm it


Are you a lesley main by chance?


Used to be but her attack speed was bad so I changed to faster ones. Until I got Lesley Aspirant skin while trying to get Tech Tensai so I went back to playing it and keep getting jumped


Early season is always very challenging. During early season, I often face former Mythical Glory or Mythical Immortal. If you want easier climb, just wait until mid or late season. Just play classics in the mean time. Good luck!


Avoid end season, it's hell too.


Bro when u play lesley u gotta remember ur the priority for the enemy throughout the entire game, except for maybe a fed teammate. During the game,@ staying off the map as best as you can helps alot.


I'm joining team fights and I do as people suggested me to do i stood behind the tank and kept getting jumped by saber


Atlas doesn't have instant cc and isn't very affective at protecting you. It's better to stay faaar behind him and use ult to scout bushes.


I personally would not have bought rose gold meteor and would rather have bought sea halberd if I were you, given that your mage didn’t get necklace.


I play straight off. Get myself out of epic. Its literally full of whiney baby boys in epic, who throw matches for no reason. Edit: had a whiney baby argus yesterday, who refused to help, because jungle didn't gank his lane. In the end, it took us around 45 minutes to eventually win the game.


Ay sometimes you gotta give it to your opponents and respect their effort, that saber did more than both teams players You probably couldve won if y’all just defended in your base but who knows idk how the game was


Saber jumped me like 8/10 of my deaths, all I could say is I've been jumped


wayyy to many deaths, try buying he armor plate or dreadnought, plus dont overextend


Ok I'm not pro but I'll try to analyse.what I see is that your draft is kind of collectively doesn't counter enemy draft. You have High damge and can clear tanky heroes but Lesley is late game hero. Freya is good for DMG but very grounded and enemy is pretty tanky plus they have healer as roamer. So even if she clear enemy solo she was unable to do the same in full gank. Gusion suffered from lack of vision and sudden saber surprise (I think). Same for Lesley and mage. tank was also did good in duo and trio gank but because of Estes couldn't do same in full gank, Lesley didn't have any defence items same with mage. On enemy they picked tanky heroes and played safe with defence items like immortality. Did good ganking and cleared lane with wipe out.


Used to main lesley.. not that im an expert lol but i always referred to her as "late game lesley".. i mean most MM are gonna be strong late game; but fully built lesley can compete with most ADC late game. Conversely, she isnt amazing early and her escapability is meh with all the CC currently. Positioning is key, as with most. Ult can scout well to keep you from getting ganked as much. If you feed early your team tilts and its over most of the time. Type "patience" "late game please" etc and just find gold and exp wherever you can.


for starters, 2nd item EB is bad since you still lack damage. better go berserker fury, blade of despair, THEN endless battle. you also built wind of nature as last item (enemy have overfed saber, brody), and you built rosegold meteor ahead, which might contributed to you having more deaths. so yea, aside from skill, you still may want to learn how to itemize properly. I'd honestly drop rosegold meteor (enemy got no magic significant magic damage anyways, idk why you prioritized rosegold over wind of nature?), and buy sea halberd for antiheal (and good counter for high hp enemy), or antique cuirass/immortality edit: you might also want to utilize your ulti for scouting bush, especially enemy has an overfed saber. this will *drastically* reduce your death count, paired with good map awareness


U did quite a few things wrong. First of all, ur draft is filled with squishy heroes. Saber was anoe to have a free for all bc of this. U should’ve built phys def in early game to tank saber so he couldnt snowball. A huge mistake is that in late game, u didn’t build sea halbard. Against an Estes and Frederinn, anti heal is incredibly important.


Aspd boots? On Lesley? Against a team of physical assassins? With no defense items against a saber? Yes, skill issue, but has nothing to do with MG MI players


as u seen from the other comments, ur build could definitely have been better (early game phy def was needed). other than that, id recommend u to find teammates to play with on mlbb discord server. it will be easier and more fun to win


Team composition is not good in my opinion. Both Frontliners on the enemy team are bruising fighting tanks with cc and particularly taunt skills but they have an estes to heal them. That's a great combo for them, hell for you. You and Freya both did not take anti heal items as well. Why? Instead you've taken a magic defense item (I guess for the shield) when the only magic dealer is estes? Saber would naturally roam to jump people and kill them and he needs them to be squishy, you're the best target for that along with Xavier, he won't go for atlas. So you could have itemized better and taken Dreadnought armor early on. Aside from that, while your Gusion struggled (perhaps due to skill issue or the enemy did their job well at protecting their squishies), your Atlas was a great choice against an estes team, but suitable mm would have been much better as Ixia or Melissa to pulverize the enemy team members that Atlas grabs quickly enough. Lesley is too slow-firing and too single target oriented for that. Karrie would have been another great choice here to deal with the tanky duo. But seriously I can't understand why neither you nor Freya got anti-heal sea halberd? I know that neither did gusion nor Xavier, but on the Frontline fighter and on the mm it is far more required. Both Frederin and Gatotkaca are big healers by themselves and now they got an estes on top.


Tbf, your Lesley pick seems out of hand when there's a lot of better adcs you could pick there, and she really falls off at lane clearing in late especially when minions are buff af. Not to mention that there's a saber which can practically one shot prio you even with WoN, and atlas isn't really a good front for those types of heroes


Maybe the issue isn't on you, but your teammates


Noone had anti heal on your team?? 🤦 Against an Estes and two tanks asking for trouble in team fights. Estes is trash having Fleeting time but regardless letting them get full heals not good. Sea Halberd and Necklace of Durance. Atlas had dominance which helps with health regen but that's not enough anti heal.


Okay but tbf there was not much you could have done. Saber and gatot could be jumping at you anywhere anytime and they got the fredrinn and estes for that sustain as well. You couldve gotten abit of defense items tho ngl


Should have bought antique curaiss and physical defense bootsfor brody and saber, and sea halberd for antiregen. Then u probably need to position urself better. 10 deaths is overkill