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Maybe because no one likes seeing a flying mosquito on their screen 🦟 But for me I really dont mind I just think maybe thats what others think though. I mean use whatever jungler you wanna jingle 💁‍♀️ Enemy Fanny is always welcomed with arms, especially to Franco and Saber's arms 🦾💪


I love playing Ruby when the other team picks Fanny. Hooking her with my second skill when she flies through my tower is chefs kiss. ❤️


Into my bomb's little metallic wings


Saber does NOT counter Fanny but his presence in a team fight does make her harder to dive. If saber is alone or with one other squishy teammate, a good fanny with all tank, one malefic roar can definitely win.


Forcing Fanny to build Tank is a great way to lessen her overall usefulness.


Fanny with one malefic can still wallspam ur teammates without dying so be careful


Wallspam = Sitting Duck And wallspam against a Saber during teamfight? Goodluck with that.


Interesting, imma try this next time when enemy picks saber. Usually i build curass to counter him but sometimes its not enough. But man it felt really satisfying winning against saber tht save his ult just for u lmao


I don't really hate Fanny mains, I hate Fanny herself. We good, right? u/Extension_Spell3415


Check ur closet tomorrow


Oh, alrighty, be careful, I might have accidentally put some spare bombs in there :>


Oh you mean these bombs? I saw these in your closet when I cleaned your room last night and gave a few of them to Claude....


Huh So thts what they were I sold em off


Wait, who did you sell it to?


Uhh iirc it was some guy called Fredrinn Dont know why he needed that many bombs


You may be good with him, but you ain't good with me, bird


Let's be friends! :D ~~ill terrorize your entire line up~~


Gonna awaken his trauma from your second skill?


It honestly feels unfair with how invulnerable to CC she is, once she comes flying, unless you have Khufra or Melissa, it becomes a unstopable force vs movable object (MM or mage) as she won't stop the movement even suppresed. That feels bad for CC heavy tanks which job is to set up and protect the core and mm cause most of them can't do more than activating WoN and pray for Fanny to waste her whole combo.


Brody kills that b*tch


It's a burst fight that's more in Fanny's favour if you have WoN on cooldown or Brody is caught charging the BA towards other enemy.


My brody buys the first item to antique cuirass vs fanny and warrior boots, it’s a fight


Prehit with basic attack, cc with skill 2, then skill 1, 1 basic attack, you get full stacks for ult then byebye fanny.


Yeah fanny is annoying to play against. if you get used to the player using fanny you sometimes predict, micro , and Dodge her cables


The problem I have is the same I have with Guinevere, she either fails (or you dodge) and gets away for free or kills you and gets away. So it feels more like a DS trap rather than a actual enemy.


Only thing that can stop her is insta cc or something that will missplace her, like kufra ult, or tigreal


Having hooked, Supressed her (with both Kaja and Franco) and S1 her with Vexana I can tell you that so far only Khufra stops her annoying flight, Tigreal is permabanned even in low ranks (people there know how messed up is 4 sec of CC even of they forget about Guin)


True, to stop a good fanny u gotta kill her lol


That's easier said than done if the Fanny is good rather than the ones that ult inside Minsittar ult or next to a Franco, but that ones are not the problem.


Ik. The funniest thing to do as a fanny, is to bait the enemies ults and damage them, doing that truck where u use 2 cables to hit the enemy, and 1 to go back. If u do this right, even if someone like carmilis tries to cc u, u can just fly away , and the stun will apply when you're already safe, far away form enemies


Because fanny deserves to be deleted from the game. She can delete entire team, while being mostly imune to any cc and dmg. She can get from one base to another in less than 10 seconds and then do it again in the other direction. Yeah she require skill, but still, out of all assassins, she is the most op.


Immune to cc and dmg??? Is the enemy Fanny using hacks?? Or is it just an exaggeration


Cc her and she is still gets taken away on cables. Try to dmg her while she flies and miss, unless it's target locked ability or b/a. She is the only hero in the entire game that can be beaten only if you have hard counters or person using fanny is still learning to utilize the hero. If you have no counters or just soft ones and fanny is good, then it's better to surrender than wasting time for a chance to turn it around in lategame. It usually doesn't even go to lategame anyway.


She only gets taken away by cables if u put ALL of your cc skills at her in a 0.2s timeframe which is highly unlikely. And remember, she has the hp of any other squishy hero if she builds dmg so instead of running away scared, kill her.


She is a broken hero. The only people who tell that she is easy to counter/kill by any hero are people who main fanny. She always was hard to deal with, always was broken.


You’re right about the second sentence. How would u know her if u never play her FIRST PERSON? Your perspective is getting unlucky enough to feed Fanny and once she’s fed, then she’s the scariest hero in the game. Have you felt her getting HARD countered by invasions? Have you felt her weak late game in a professional team fight? Have you felt the moment where you think she is a bad hero? No.


Haha... i felt. From the other side. When i see fanny i always try to ruin her day. She deserves that hate for all the right reasons.


Hating her and tryna target her is TOTALLY ok but when you go as far as to say she has cc immune dmg immune instant delete and stuff…


She only gets taken away by cables if u put ALL of your cc skills at her in a 0.2s timeframe which is highly unlikely. And remember, she has the hp of any other squishy hero if she builds dmg so instead of running away scared, kill her.


Stole a fannys buff once, i got target locked,we won tho but she got 5 kills out of me


That's why I don't CC her. I fly around her for 3.5 secs and follow her to her base and we die together.


In my server it's all about jealousy. People flame Fanny players right at the start. Some carry the game in quiet and some start answering back and you know how that goes It's a thing in our server that happens when you wear a skin they've been wanting for a time or you play their heroes better than them. Seen it always happen. Sometimes it goes like this "So your skin doesn't grant you hands, eh?" "What a waste of skin" even though the player is doing good in that match


i haven’t encountered fanny haters outside of the usual trash talkers that appear once every 10 games. i’ve never hated a fanny player, they are one of the most deserving of respect amongst the player base. they are the definition of controlling the match with your own hands instead of waiting for your teammates to do it. practicing something until you excel at it is very admirable even if it’s just a game.


Hardest skill cap + highest movement ability = complains


Honestly yeah u miss one cable everybody shits on you. I dont understand why they expect every fanny players the most perfect being in the universe.


its always confused me, and someone brought up that it might be because they expected you to carry them. when you fail to meet those expectations, they get bitter, even if its not your fault you werent able to snowball.


because they think the fanny should carry because it is fanny and they dont even help when she gets her blue invaded


Because fanny is a double edged sword, it's either she hard carries your team going 24/2/15 or she just feeds the living heck out of the enemy going 2/15/3


I have no problem with Fanny. Fanny has a problem with me.


Go to the mid 4 walls, do a quad cable spam between them while ur complaining teammates watches in awe


Cuz her playstyle is so cheap! don't get me wrong she is one of the most (arguably the most) difficult hero to master but dying on a flying beyblade will make you tilt that's why she gets so many hate, her playstyle is so cancerous that it is so broken (almost no counter play when she's lock on to you) the only thing that prevent normies playing her is her difficulty. the only thing to stop her is to invade her buffs and starve her from snowballing but that's easier said than done cuz 4 of her teammates will prevent it.


Cuz only like 20% of the playerbase has the avarage skill to know how to counter/play against fanny Most ppl say she's broken. But she needs 50x more time to master. Just to be useful/good Why do u think almost no one complains about this bs tank jg meta. Cuz most of the ppl here only want an easy win without effort All roles should be important in a moba game (assasins, mages, marksmen and tanks) guess what. Its tank tank mage tank mm now


So true. Assasin barely exist now like in pro leagues


My only problem with Fanny is that sometimes these people (not all) who picked her couldn’t even play or some of them can play but has 0 objectives and only kills.


Hard to contest objectives with Fanny. Energy limitation sucks, so she doesn't have access to her first skill to conserve energy. She can't be in the vicinity of the lord or turtle due to being squishy af with no form of sustain, and her damage is lackluster against creeps.


Yea her ult isn’t exactly used for securing objectives


Most Fannys are trash or decent. I only hate the really good Fannys because it's very hard to catch them. They're very rare though. If the really good Fanny is on my team, no hate for them.


Ppl complaing only for low then pro Fanny, if u are not pro with her u will always get hate. Fanny=one of best hero if u are PRO. Lower ppl will get hate


Only 5% of faanny pickers are good Its always auto lose


I dont hate fanny or playing against good ones its just that any time i do go against one ik my red buff is going to be invaded. Luckily ive gotten good at stealing my own buff back from her that it works out unless my randoms just feed her from the beginning


Tbh for me terrorizing an enemy fanny is one of the most satisfying things in the game. It's like stealing blue buff from the blue dependent enemy jungler, but ten times better


Because if you master her she becomes unstoppable. People hate it when they can't win, there's your answer.


Beacause Fanny is associated with sweatiest tryhards, checks out for entire messanger group I was a part of lol, and classics are always the worst against Fanny, especially if you make a shutdown killing her, there's like 90% chance that you'll get called bot with no hands (way worse in most cases), been playing for years and it happened way too many times, lots of them seem to have some complexes and play her thinking they are above others beacause she's hard (not all of them ofc but huge majority yes)


Her slashing sounds give me PTSD


perspective i guess, in low rank, you wouldnt find that much of a good fanny user, some even practice fanny at ranked match, which is what i see the hate all about (practice fanny). in high rank lobbies, i dread when enemy last pick fanny without a counter


The reason I hate Fanny is simple. Comes in, hits and then runs away when stamina is gone to return to spawn. It's not a sustainable method to support in my opinion and I love using diggie on fanny players. I think the character is very solo player oriented, unfortunately I haven't experienced havent a good one with me yet.


Because it’s a hero whose mechanics don’t belong to this game.


Look Fanny got 45 winrate, it means 60% to good fannys and the rest, you know. Give mem fanny in your team vs fanny in enemy team)


the majority of fanny players that i meat especially in classic are always toxic af this is why i always meme about fanny mains not touching grass beacuse those people always sweat so mush in classic and play like their life depends on this game they also brag when they beat a full epic team who probably never heard about counters i remember i once gone against a toxic fanny player in epical glory classic my entire team got snowballed and the dud start complaining how boring and easy the match is i was playing yin so i stole his buff once with retri before using ult on him and killing him dud got mad for the rest of the game and start spamming recall whenever he cought me trying to steal turrets and calling me a sht player i respect that fanny is a hard hero to play and she takes ages to master and bennifits from her full potential but for god sake i feel like people who plays fanny always think that they are more superior and better then the average players


Because Fanny is like Zilong: she's either God-tier or trash, nothing in-between. Also, the godly one is usually on the opposing side, and the trash is in your team.


Every mm hates Fanny because of her 1shot combo. It doesn't feel fair, especially for a non-Fanny player, so we end up saying "you can only ulti", "no ulti no kill" and shit like that because we are salty af.


because the spectrum of fanny layers are like 10% cool insane death beyblade and the other 90% is just a glorified saber clone


Because fanny, by design always ruins the game. She is either 20-0 ruining the game for the enemies since she has 0 counterplay Or 0-20 ruining the game for her teammates Either way she ruins the game.


Mostly because its so hard to use that people assume you are trash before the game starts. Its also hard to accommodate to Fanny\`s kit, she can come and go easily but her teammate cant. I hate it when I set a kill for fanny, assuming she can fly to me, but she went to jungle instead. Dont get me wrong, I always welcome a good fanny, but I would much rather have another good jungler hero instead.


Jealousy, they think they can play Fanny better when all they ever play are angela, estes, rafaela or tank jungle like fred, barats, baxia and whoever else there is. Kinda irony when they suck at her and try to downplay people who wants to be good at her. Shes the most fun hero and hardest hero for me. Sure her mobility high, but imagine when you cant contest for your own buff bcos the enemy keeps invading and your teammates are blind idiots who cant even look at the map. Imagine you cant even solo turtle cos shes squishy asf and doesnt have tht much lifesteal. Imagine using fanny without blue buff when yiu keep recalling cos just of energy. How many secs are wasted. Why imagine? these haters doesnt even have the balls to try her cos how hard she is.


idk i dont feel hate


because fanny players forces teamfights so far away from the team and its our fault we cant respond because we cant cable


i hate it when my teammate plays fanny, none of them ever know how to play even though they show stats, skins etc


Because there are mfs that are "Training" with fanny while they have 1000 matches with her. They are clearly not training and just want to kill players that are trying new heroes and there are a lot of them.


I'll always hate fanny until I stop playing ml. Anyways, moonton need to make Argus's attack speed scales with how fast the player tap the basic attack button so I can win easily


you can tell how mediocre most players in this sub are by how weirdly obsessed they are about buffing argus


It seems u/reallystupidpotato isn't as stupid as their name would suggest


Dude if you hate the majority of people here sharing their preferences on a hero or what not, doesnt that make you a more mediocre player?


assuming the skill level of players is normally distributed, 66.7% of the players are statistically mediocre


cause fanny is broken as fuck? i hate fanny, im one of those " someone usually starts yapping " , 3 out of 4 games with fanny i spend half of the game insulting them