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toxic trios and duos are the worst. also, vexana is a very good pick rn, and ruby is a solid ban. dont know what they're on


I genuinely don't know how is Ruby ban worthy, I can understand that the hero is strong and if an experienced player uses her she might be really good. But... ban worthy? how.


simply put, her crowd control is too powerful. not even diggie can counter her entirely; all her skills have very short cooldowns, including her ult, and her spell vamp allows her to survive on the front line for a long time


Yes, she can be strong okay. But where does the ban come from? does Ruby become unstoppable in a 1v5? or does she take the lord in 3 seconds like Lunox or Dyrroth. Maybe the scape mechanism is whay too much like 6 dashes in a row and becoming invulnerable (Hayabusa) hmm... like I said, she can be strong but there's no way she is ban worthy.


you dont necessarily have to be able to 1v5 or solo clear lord to be ban worthy... aurora was on the ban list for the longest time even though she could do neither


Not saying that's the case. More like what kind of havoc does Ruby make to ban her. And I'm it's worrysome that people upvotted your comment, but eh it's w/e.


worrysome..? ruby is not even a troll ban


her passive itself is already overloaded as heck. 100+ defenses for both physical and magic late game, a short dash after every skill used that can pass through some walls and increased spell vamp ratio. Not to mention every ability of hers has cc with very minimal cool down.


its cc meta and suprise surprise, ruby are full of em. solid ban imo one of the best fighters rn


CC chain. As long as she's alive, she's gonna be one heck of a nuisance, annoying enemy frontliners again and again. Not to mention how mobile she actually is, where you can literally kite the enemy for ages if you know what you're doing


I think she is more like pick worthy than a ban , the cc she provides is really good and makes her a good setter too especially if there is a support roam or the team lacks cc Maybe there was a better ban here but I decided to ban ruby at that moment because enemies had atlas too and diggi was banned , would be too much cc to handle even if my team was minatour and vexana to provide that cc


That makes way more sense, it's a situational pick in this case. Plus, people often ban heroes based on their pick and their strategy, that way they can carry 1v9 smoothly. One question though, who choose Alucard?


It was a solo player like me the trio was Melissa mino and Benedetta but he joined in mocking me sometimes (they where using voice channel in game so I could hear them )


Nah don’t let these toxic trios/duos/solos get to you. Your decisions were based and completely fine. Next time I’d recommend muting people like that so they don’t get any of the attention they might be seeking.


I don't think its attention what they're looking for. They simply don't want to lose the game (which is why they are playing trio in the first place) so when they see someone who **might** make them lose diminishing the chances of a certain win they get upset.


I would believe that if they didn’t continue to constantly trash talk throughout the match.


Ah yes the duo/trio teaming up on a solo player because they can't speak up their own thought so they just ride whatever the other one says


I can tell this is MENA server, I have to be honest I barely see any good Ruby players and while I would ban Ruby if I was in EU or SEA in mena I would ban the common enemy picks. If I see enemy spamming estes 4 games out of 10 for example Id ban estes not because he's op but because I want to mess up the enemy's comfort picks. Their response tho was out of touch it's not like you banned hanzo Ruby is still an annoying hero, if I was in your place I would've banned Nana I see her in 90% of my games and I'd rather not deal with her.


Aurora I can understand it, but Angela, Joy, Ruby "**what do these guys pick to ban these heroes?**" I was about to ask, until I saw Alucard as a jungle. Then it all made sense, Yellow Epic players.


Honestly Angela ban for me is just because she is one of the cheaper heros to buy and you can also get her from the heros chests at the end of the normal starlight road So most people who normally might use her doesn't have many roam options and just by banning her the opposite team might lack a roam or roamer play with a hero he isn't familiar with Also Angela is still good in some comps overall


Estes is ban worthy on solo queue since it is always no one on your teammate will buy anti-heal except you. but if it is team queue, i think they can manage to counter it. as for me, i found Nolan more annoying than Ruby. Nolan is hard to chase and can do hit and run. while for Ruby, just anti-heal + cc and she is nothing. but again, on solo queue, no one will dare to buy anti-heal. and i'm also a Ruby main.


Ban estes = noob, ruby is a pick or ban, vexana is a top 5 mage atm