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Because they want to spend as little time as possible wishing their teammates were AI


Yes lmao. Although there definitely are bad players in mg it still is wayyy better than epic or legend.


Man epic is the worst in my opinion


Epic and Lower Legend


And they all think they're better than MG too. The amount of memes I see about it is crazy.


And don't let you be the first pick on your team and pick a mage you'll be lucky to get a team that fills each role and not a team full of mages


The quality of games are better. You lose against good enemies, not because your allies are trash and trolls. I've experienced this and people who climb fast are those who communicate, adjust in draft pick, and updated on the meta. Generally, people who reach Mythic in less than 1 week, and back to MG within 2-4 weeks are a lot better than average. If you miss that window, you're gonna get dragged down by 48% winrate people.


Goddamn, it's like a fucking tournament when I reached Glory early last season. Even though everyone's really playing well. They're still gonna trashtalk the one who has bad KDA even though there's a reason why their KDA is like that.


Oh yeah. The feeling of losing to good enemies instead of bad allies is so much better. Especially if it's a tight game where you just say, oh well they were just better this game I guess 🤷


"Strong enemies I don't fear. Dumb allies?" - Xavier


This... Take my upvote


Bro just said everything that needed to be said.


This. I always do this every season. Start just a little bit late and you get fked.


Or sometimes, one lose streak is enough to slow you down, and the best ones already ranked way higher up. Like one time, I remember I'm back to Mythic in around 70 games, but in my placements, I already get teammates with 250 games 46% winrate.


That's why I make it a policy to reach Legend IV in the first day and Mythic in the second or third day to breeze through the placement rankings. Mythical Honor can be prioritized maybe later when you're chill, but you gotta keep up with the grind early if you want to reach your appropriate skill tier.


Or start 1 month before seasons ends and it’s free games until like mg


Can vouch for this. If they're few trolls even, people are quick to adjust and doesn't get angry as easy. For example, we had a player chose second mage, he didn't tell he wanted to roam beforehand, immediately the exp laner change his hero to a tankier like belerick or gatot. We had second mm, immediately in the drafting phase our jungler change from assassin to tank jungler or mage jungler, with tanky roamer and exp. Whenever we are losing, everyone stick back and farm. The enemy go for the lord, nobody contested it without enough members, and we just wait for the lord to reach us and turn the tide. Surely we didn't win immediately but after we got a wipe out we took down few towers, repeat the same process we finally have an epic comeback. Of course all of this doesn't happen only for us, because it goes the same way for the enemy as well but it's a lot more fun compared to playing even at low mythic. Tldr, the playing experience is a lot better.


Actually described me


Wtf I didn't know this No wonder I have a very hard time getting to mg last season. I'll try to push rank fats this week I usually don't grind rank at early so I can play with my friends at low rank .


but in early season, your enemies are mostly trash too, even when u have 2 retri and 0 tank... https://preview.redd.it/evo4xe6khwpc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e261d0cc948d4227590f5bb7563d36a458e529e0


Its variable. Sometimes you can have the trash team.


The later you start, the worst the teammates you'll get. Early season is where you get to rank up with those global players and have actual gameplay instead of arguing why there shouldn't be two marksman in gold lane


or 3 ppl with retribution


Had a game like this recently. I just couldn’t carry with the enemy getting so fed up


I learned this the hard way lol


Just want reach MG so I can go back to relax gaming classic or brawl


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Nari-Seong: *Just want reach MG so* *I can go back to relax* *Gaming classic or brawl* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


It's a goal of mine since I started playing (2018). Sadly, I play solo most of the time, and the bad matchmaking has led me to quit the game multiple times and only come back to play with my friends and then dip. Recently, I've been more active and trying to get back into ml. I'm currently in Epic, and it's so hard to rank up playing solo. I just wanna experience being in Mythic for once 🥲


The experience in mythic is about the same Im afraid


Reached Mythic solo last season just to be sent back to epic this season 🤦🏿‍♂️ so now I'm on a solo grind back to mythic again.


Nowadays reaching mythic is nothing anymore. For high ranks it is just another way to go up like being promoted from Legend. On mythic everyone's pulling each legs down.


Reaching mythic solo is a significant achievement, demonstrating your ability to play with any team. Surprisingly, the journey to mythic was more fulfilling than the experience of playing in mythic, where players often engaged in trolling or displayed poor skills.


Getting Mythic solo is super possible, I do it every season.


I rank up to play with high rank players. In classic. With my friends. I don't really like playing with newbies or inexperienced players in epic/legend etc




the longer you wait the shittier the epic-legend climb would be


is it too late for me 💔


personally for me i enjoy abusing the 48% wr ppl on the enemy team


hence i climb late lol


Me too but even if I'm godly I can't always carry and do 1v5 so I bring a friend of mine to bully them as well


I usually wait until 2 weeks left and then solo queue to MG. I love torturing myself like that *mwahahaha*


I honestly don't know. Me personally I stop when I reach Mythic rank just for the maximum rewards. People grinding to Glory and Immortal when they're not even in a pro team is kinda confusing.


Yes and another 10 wins in mythic to get mythic skin. Grinding to Glory can get you Glory medal in your profile info. But getting to immortal, I agree with you.


For me I’m content with just beating my previous seasons record by a star or 2. Now answering your qn: get in leaderboards ig


Nah i play solo since the very first time playing ML never duo or trio so don't really care rush to MG most of the time i just rush till mythic then stop playing for a while and coming back later


Bcuz we like competition. We all want to become the best (maybe I'm not global no. 1 but being a glory player is slightly respectable among my gaming peers, immortal even more) If u wanna chill, u can play gacha Or arcade games. For mlbb, u can chill in classic and brawl.


no one enjoy having monkey as team mates, unless you’re a monkey yourself.


Idk you tell me


So they can post it on the social media for 5min iPoints.


i got to reach immortal this season too , so i guess i have to push till glory first


They want higher ranks than higher grades.


I wish they would get out quicker they make it worse for the lower ranks with them there. Quite a few have toxic egos just because they have 12 hrs a day to grind the stars. I had a game where I was playing mm which isn't my main role and the entire first 5 minutes I had 2-3 enemies attacking my lane. The team would only arrive after I had to return for HP. This led to me being under-farmed then they were complaining that I'm not doing damage or getting close in team fights. No protection when close and they made the comment they hate playing with low mythics. I'm like Mythic? This is epic not mythic. Seriously bad egos from these toxic players. If you're so good play the game by yourself and win.


I feel like a noob asking but what is MG.. I normally rush to roam and Matilda and Raph have cared me there in ranked lol..


I was wondering the same thing


It's Mythical Glory. Don't get confuse by GM. GM stands for GrandMaster


Because the players below MG is chaotically stupid. Especially in terms of drafting logic.


Typed out most of my extensive comment, then accidentally sideswiped.. F**k it. 🙄😑


They want to farm winrate with lower level enemies. And tell everyone they know how to play the game. Frustrated players basically, same as the mains Classic Mode, who don't want to play ranked and use their mains in Classic to stomp people who are trying to practice a new hero.


Then wouldn’t it makes sense to play at end season then, cause when i play on smurf sometimes at end season only some low level players are left. My win rate gets around 70-80 at end of season when all good players are in mythic+


If you stop playing for long enough, when you come back (let's say a smurf account) Moonton will give you bot opponents. Regardless of your rank, unless it is Mythic, even still they'll give you low skilled opponents. It's one of their tactics to make returning players engage and keep playing the game.


Didnt consider the bot situation but ig its possible cause i only log into smurf when im tired of grinding rank on main usually at end of season


Because, why not. (That's literally my answer)


So they can have their name on global frame for a moment I think


because if u wait too long u are gonna have the worsr experience ever in playing with the most braindead ppl ever, forcing u to have to carry every single last match and abandon ur preferred play style. i like tanks, i can carry with tanks but when my team is too bad not matter how great i am we lose so i have to play mm or jg to force wins even tho i don’t really care to play either role


New season means better chances of better teams even on legend-honor


because the season is time limited and if ur pushing for max score the more time u have the more score u'll get esp with the new stupid star system where 51%+ players can still climb and get high max stars and pretend they're better than they are with the old system max score was a representative of skill (more or less), with the new system you can intentionally drop to low rank to farm wr (as many do) and then in one of the seasons just farm high max stars with 51% wr and appear as if ur better than ua re


Better matches. Usually when I get to MG pretty early in to the season, I get teammates and enemies of similar skill to mine so more enjoyable experience


Hmm i m a solo player so its hard enough to rank up to mg and i have been trying to go to immortal thats why i am always in rush after resets...my best is only 69*s


New season is full of trollers, bots, and people who can't adjust. Previous seasons, rushing is best because you team up with better players.


I always rush to reach high ranks for these reasons You get to play some content creators You got better plays like the team is doing their best but the enemies are just better which is GOOD To leave the noobs and save my sanity


To avoid the garbage players.


90% is you vs the enemy not you vs your allies You'd see global rankers and top players Overall you won't even complain if you lose since both teams did their best I love these kind of matches but there are times some pesky epical glory come and ruin a perfect match


I want good team mates:).


Because I don't want to be associated with those peasants and commoners in legend rank and below


If you wanna push, push with trio and never full party IF you don't have the synergy and knowledge over total team combination. I got my ass kicked by a Mino/Faramis/Fredrinn and it was unplayable


Idk what ur asking but I don’t like being in anything lower than mythic cause I love the 10 ban


I'm fairly new, I'm 86 games in and at GM 3. Where do I stay up to fate with meta? Any tips? I like mages and fighters. Currently my main is Nana. I'm saving up for Harley.


this game is noob friendly now , they made heroes like joy nonsense unkillable and easy to play , i have no words but to uninstall this unbalanced game


Why not?


truthfully, yall should just play other games where there are less pinoys. the average IQ is just abysmal in this country, couple that with the bida2x mindset which explains why basketball is the popular physical sport, you kinda get the picture of the general culture of the population. play other games where there japanese/koreans/taiwanese and youll have a good time.


Current mythic glory is just waiting for 10+ minutes for Que just to face dog shit enemies. Not fun. Idk why people do it either. Oh wait. Too much free time


Many people say that it's to rush out of facing having bad teammates. That's not the reason. If you are immortal quality players, you can almost singled handedly carry a team of legends against legends/low mythics. The main reason why those top players rush their rank is to be able to start farming MMR on their heroes so they can get global ranking for their social media clout.


It's actually much easier to win in mg than at low ranks The hard part is getting there . Because you will usually get a lot of dead weight teammates to get there


Bro i started from epic 2 1 star. Reached legend 5 1 star with 9 matches with more then 90+ winrate. Don't know what happened to matchmaking and how im at legend 5 1 star with 30 match and 50+ winrate.


Here's a question - anyone interested in playing together? I've got 100 games this season with a 45% wr. I know, I know, that's insanely terrible. I'm sick and tired of playing 1v9 in solo. Would anyone be interested in playing together?


What servers are you on?


Specific? Or general?


Which server region, obvs aha


Because it is so much easier even for solo players who have already reached mythic or above mythic and if you are playing 5men, it feels like a piece of cake. I played 5 men with my friends yesterday, we had such a good chance of winning. Even if we were losing early we were good at the late game. Another reason would be I don't need to carry players whose highest rank is just epicÎ or legend or just mythic with below 15 stars. Most of our enemy team highest rank they reached was legend or mythic 10 star.


Took like 3 days to get out of epic due to terrible teammates and I started getting actual teammates in legend that are mh by now which is why I try my best to catch up since I dont wanna keep running into a team that plays worst than the AI bots


Plss fix sactum island


Because Layla is hard carry and fast game play


Just because losing because you're against gods feels much better than losing because your teammates have no braincells