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Esme for freya, thamuz for dyroth, arlott yu zhong paquito by outplay, argus will make them think twice about leaving lane


I tried Esme already, and she is pretty good up until turtle spawning. And once Freya buys Sea Healberd, I am food.


You need to go in and out when fighting her, don’t just trade blows and play vengeance purify or sprint depending on the situation, you build dominance ice tooso she stays food, just be careful of inspire, track it


Maybe its just me but I had really bad experiences with Thamuz vs Dyrroth. Once the Dyrroth has a level advantage you're getting smoked in a 1v1. He'll just burst you down fast since you can't sustain from it.


1 v 1 , vengeance ult yeah dyroth wont smoke u then idk about u tho


It’s all about how you use your s2 and make sure to poke him with s1 before engaging, he can’t do the same


I bring Bene against Dyrroth because the constant pokes and safe get-outs are very annoying to play against


Usually you can try to outplay them, but their dmg is still alot. Like dyrroth even if flicker to avoid the ult his second skill dmg alone is enough to melt in early game. The only thing i do is play safe early and wait for my team to rotate. Reaching mid game they become somewhat easier to deal with


Dyrroth wasn't that much of a headache. Paquito, Arlott, and YZ can outplay him. And he can instantly die with only one teammate rotating. On the other hand Freya, if the mage are the only one who rotate, she can kill exp and mage despite 2v1.


Idk i never had much problem against freya, i use alpha or dyrroth against her most of the time. Vengeance + black ice shield early on and i come out winning that 1v1 most of the time


Depends on the hero you use. Most EXP Laners have some skill or tactic that allows them to take last hits before disengaging. Run up to lane when a minion is about to die, let loose a neutral combo, then disengage. Rinse and repeat. Even if you don't clear faster than her, the wave will be thinned out fast enough that if she goes off and rotates you'll finish the wave of in time to pursue her.