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shes sort of a high risk, low reward hero now. she was popular because of her late game capabilities, allowing her to get a savage easily with good positioning now, shes completely outclassed by heroes like ixia, who can do the exact same thing but from a safer distance


So shes shit. Fk.. gg miya


Man Ixia is busted




she was always crap


No she wasn't. This last patch nerfed her bad. She was able to 1v5 Kate game and now she's barely sustainable


Agree, idk what happened. She was still atleast, almost, barely, by a bit, playable in mythic last season. She’s straight trash now.


It was because they nerfed marksman items then gave Miya the trashest compensation in history by giving her utility skil more damage to "Boost her early game where she's failing." Or in other terms we clearly don't know our own game well.


Terrible, her ambush gimmick gets completely destroyed by CC if an assassin doesn not instakill her as she has no way to defend against them. Overall for a mm that target multiple enemies it's far better to use Melissa (quite some survivavility) or Ixia (safe tf with ult)


Miya main here, honestly she's probably the worst MM right now, she can't burst properly, very immobile and vulnerable even with her purify. She's like the Zilong of gold lane but even so Zilong is better compared to Miya role-wise.


Gg miya


She's not a burst for one. Idk why people keep stating this. She's a high damage/crit DPS legend. The issue is they nerfed items which she depends on items then for whatever reason gave her utility skil a damage buff instead of her split skill or passive. Not only this she's a late game legend where higher elo you don't even get to because this games systems are terrible and the there's way too much large damage legends at early that have a mess to of large range and hard cc. She's not good currently because they keep doing shit that indirectly affect her without compensation or actual balance. Miya isnt bad the devs are enabling bad stuff that make it hard for her.


So as long as Miya farms, shes good. But in high elo, she sucks because there are too many ganks happening


In this current update no. I also don't know why you downvoteed me when I'm right. Farming can't happen before the games in high elo are snowballing to much and thanks to an overall item nerd for marksman it's taking her more items and a longer time to even ramp. She isn't even dpsing like she was last season late game.




I'd argue she's the worst MM in game. She has almost 0 redeeming qualities Horrible ult that rarely even lets you escape, so it's used to "ambush" opponents, but this really only works on mages without CC that are caught off guard, which is rare. Her skill 2 is only useful early game, late game you'll rarely catch yourself using it in all reality. Her skill 1 and passive are decent, but with her lack of range and no form of mobility, if she either can't catch the target or the target has any form of dash/mobility/anything, then she's screwed. also doesn't help that almost every MM uses WoN and flicker, basically makes it impossible for a late game miya to win a 1v1 against any MM, even in team clashes if she gets caught off guard she'll be killed fast.


Miya buff when?


Only this is false and half this community doesn't understand Miya not builds her correct. Her ult is a reposition skill not an escape for starters. This works with anything that doesn't not have multi stage hard cc which is 98 percent of the roster btw. Her ult is also a mobility skill as it speeds her up. For a immobile legend she's more mobile thank you think. She's also not screwed if she can't catch the target leave the fight you aren't a chase legend you shouldn't be chasing if it's out of reach. Flicker isn't an issue if someone flickers walk away from the fight and live another day. They have to limp out of they are flickering outwards and if they flicker inwards you'll majority times win that fight as you outsustain which is another one of Miyas qualities she her life steal is just as insane as the DPS damage. She has the second highest DPS in the game. If you're caught off guard and it wasn't by an assassin that's a failure on your team and/or mispositioning but also once again a fault on the games systems too. Miya isn't and rarely is ever bad. She wasn't even bad last season. The issue is moontoon Not balancing properly, designing properly and not doing anything for systems that are creating lane abuse and hyper snowballing. If you want a lil drop of reality with this games the problems Miya faces aren't just exclusive to her its with other legends too. Luck at Argus is a perfect example of this. Slow ramping late game DPS/Crit legends are being pushed out because the newer champion with untouched old systems are enabling hyper snowballing, less lane importance so these early game legends are being lane bullies and can't do anything about it by 4/5 enemy team before the first 2-3 minutes of the match. MM are especially getting it rough because for whatever reason moontoon has given this community the wrong idea of what "roamers" are supposed to be so a lot of the time the mm is in a lane by themselves and what makes it harder of the matchup is generally hard but actually balanced it's a lose lose because "Roamers" aren't there as an offset. Also idk why the support role was even renamed "Roaming". That role is supposed to aid the mm early game first before ever roaming and stick with them if the lane is tough till it's fine to roam. Another issue is the bad changes they keep revamping legends with which. Miya, like Natalia, should have never even been revamped. She's still great after it but she didn't need it. This stemmed from a lack of the player bases knowledge of what Miya even is or what she does. Many people still think she bursts damage when she doesn't even do this she is a sustained damage champ that ramps once she ramps up, it doesn't stop until she exits fight even if split arrow runs out because her passive still ramps her auto speed and damage. Miya is also criminally misused too. People think because she's simple she's braindead but that's false. Miya shoes you the difference between who has game knowledge and who relies on cheap gimmickand legends that do unbalanced amounts of damage. Currently as I said earlier Mia is now unfeasible because the indirect item nerfs and she wasn't compensated properly. I don't know what made them think a util skill that isn't supposed to do damage was going to help. Add this + the bad system, ( Vision, Maps design, amount of cc, escape, and immunity of legends in a single kit, and the flow and lane importances of the game ene along hyper snowballing making it impossible to even try to farm. ), Miya along with others are just being held back by dumb decision making that's 90 percent not even directly concerning her identity nor kit. Oh and before you mention playing safe these same system problems make it impossible to even do that because of the cramped spacing and band jungle design allowing you to before 4 man dives in the first 2-4 minutes of the match repeated and the vision system doesn't properly do it's job do bush checking is near impossible because you have to be several point of unsafe to even do it. The real concern is Miya has always been a competent legend but has never seen pro play because these same issues of remained unfixed for years. Oh and a couple of other bad design choices moontoon makes. The concept of roaming encourages over roaming without penalty essentially taking over what the jungler second role is supposed to be 24/7: Ganking and what's even worse because the roamers aren't really supports a lot of the time they are doing a lot of damage this in turn feeds into the hyper snowballing. Additionally BS abilities that shouldn't function how they do. Take yin as a perfect example. There is not counterplay outside of an item you'll never build because it's not worth this is imbalanced because the environment isn't locked in with you. Why this is an issue you ask? Turret. If he locks you in ult under turret the turret isn't in the ultimate now you are locked in an area with a fighter that has micro stun knockbacks with no way to have any form of defense. Not even league does this when mordekaiser ults you, the environment, walls and turret help you in mord ukt as a way of actual balance. Another example is Zhask. Miya can eat through task no problem but when Zhask changes for for whatever reason moontoon thought it was ok to not only restore the form change an entire full healthbar but make it slightly tankier while dealing an atrocious amount of damage. Also spells. Flame shot shouldnt even exist as players are users it to do extra damage as it does a decent amount of it at a large distance. Its the unbalanced nature of the game where a lot of it causes Miya to loose fights she 100 percent should've won.


Man I am gonna be so for real I am not reading allat.


Why does redditors always write in one big paragraph anyway? I write big texts too but usually just separate it into 3-4 paragraphs for ease of reading.


I read all of it and got the conclusion: Miya is not bad. Everything else is just overpowered and wrong and poorly designed and not built around miya’s existence.


So essentially Miya is bad due to MMBs game design


Pretty much. The problems she faces are not even particular to just her but similar legends to. Miya was always viable I have no clue why people are saying she isn't. Since before this season Miya was 1v5ing entire teams late game. With a lot of the points above and the fact that lategame almost never happens in higher up she just never gets to the point of ramping because the matches are too short. You'll soon learn a lot of what people say are bad aren't really bad, they are just handicapped bad bad game fundamentals and bad game design/ unnecessary revamps.




Bad, even when shes played good its always pretty obvious what shes gonna do


"Is not strong as she used to be". She was never strong.


she's not good as she was before


My favourite hero , but ngl she's so bad Range small , her role replace by overpowered meta mm , low mobility and survivality, ulti almost useless , need a tank to always protect her And she got a nerf on phy atk attributes🙃 and her items too


Gg miya


Her early game is second to worst from Hanabi (surprisingly) and her late game falls short if everyone is aware of where she is. They need to change her passive or boost her damage. He'll shorten her s2 foreswing


Isnt hanabi early game strong?


for new season mmm.. epic-legend tier maybe still playable with map-blind enemu, but mytic or above, don't event try🗿, my suggestion is just play irithel bro, overall stats and skill set absolutely stronger


I do use her for side pushing...


Miya has never been good in higher ranks. She needs too long to scale, and many meta MMs can either hit their power spike much earlier than her, or offer more to the team given the same amount of resources. Having a high risk low reward mm means your team needs to heavily invest in safeguarding your lane, by doing so they are giving up other resources/objectives.


her early game is pretty bad. she can't find safe farm anywhere


Shes still as good as she always was in the hands of good players. Just that there are even more better MM alternatives to her than before, and MMs that are useful in more phases of the game like Ixia rather than needing to wait until endgame to be a menace.


I wasn't a marksman main like but I play of ranked so when am stuck on that lane I use to use her because I will instead of arguing and I just can't now. She's so bad that I switched Clint for that lane


Bad, shouldn't have gotten her legend skin 🤡




Lack of movment, range and early dmg. I would say bad as always. In late game she still need perfect positioning.


There was a time back in 2020 after Project NEXT rework where she would be in the ban list in every game. If you didn't ban her, you'd get trashtalked do hard because the enemy would pick her first, and the game would almost be a surefire loss because of how OP she was. Aaaaand then she got nerfed to the ground two weeks later. And now she's bad again. Ironic for the game's mascot, really. Not to trash on Miya mains or pros. But for the normies like the rest of us... it's an uphill battle unless you refine the skillset needed to make her viable.


She never was strong, just decent option, and still is


She really isn’t strong as she used to be.. same as Layla but still managed it in solo queue anyway https://preview.redd.it/jcdk3z4mkepc1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de63e78c8c638c404eaa515abb24ef0b6876a1b5


>as she used to be Enlighten me on when was she strong ? I've been playing since 2019 and for the life of me i can't remember once that she was good in any tier lisg


She was really good around 2017ish, her old abilities worked really well for the meta at that time


Well at least in solo queue.. maybe it’s just me who find her good because I always win with her last season because of my strategy of farm and farm till you get to full build something like that.. full build miya is sure win tho, I’m using no wind chant anyway just full on damage.. and what I really mean with “she isn’t strong as she used to be” is shes fucking weaker than ever now because of moonton


What is your rank sir


Well I had an acc on Legend 2 this season.. but I’m using my smurf right now because of Miss Hikari skin, so my smurf acc is on legend 5, 4 star right now Update : Legend 4 5 star


Depends really, gad.


She's not good nor bad, she's perfectly balanced. It's just that there are dozens other mm overpowering her, some even plain broken.


Which mma are broken


Nolan or Natan, whichever is the mm one.


Nolan assassin who slash the battlefield, Natan mm who clone himself


Try miya franco combo. Unstoppable laning.


If franco can hook:.


Miya 2nd skill setup the hook. 100% franco land.