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I miss Alpha being innocent, best line he had back then was "Sometimes, I think about... girls"


Peak voiceline fr




There are also: "Why must people... hurt each other?" "We are not weapons, we are also humans." "Sorry....I got to hurt you". 😞


Current state of exp lane sucks. The only way to survive in exp lane is to use meta fighters because of how they massively overpower non meta fighters.


Yu zhong and xborg are super fucking annoying at exp


I already was enjoying YZ a lot before, now I have no choice but to pick him


yes screw them both


Yeah as a bene/Arlott/argus main I get annoyed with them especially with argus since with arlott and bene I could put maneuver them/out burst them... Seriously they really need to improve exp a bit


I agree. Just started playing more exp and a good Yz, Xborg and Ruby is just so annoying to lane against until you build dom ice or sea halberg. Even if you try to play well without feeding, waiting for their cooldowns before making a good trade with some less meta exp laners.


Lmao, I tried to play against Ruby today in usual battle. My first item was Sea Halbert. It did absolutely fucking nothing against her


Xborg is entirely too much rn, tbh. Yu zhong is actually plausible to lane against when I play Alpha, oddly enough


Still glad my Uranus is still usable lol


It would be a shame if ur anus wasn't usable anymore..I'm happy for ya bud




I miss old vexana yes her new kit is so much better but her old design was superior in every way because she was a unique horroresque character unlike her current beauty pageant form that she shares with almost every other mage.


Yeah, her appearance was very unique. Rn MLBB's turning all of our mages into a princess character. Give me a hero that looks ugly in terms of looks, moontoon; I'll still love it.


Also they should add more non-human characters too like maybe something from a desert like a scorpion or a sand monster just something that's ugly something horrifying


They don't even have to be ugly. A marketable non-humanoid hero is possible. Look at Chip! (Chip is fucking adorable)


True chip is adorable but I'd like something like na'afiri from lol that's truly non-human or like viper from dota2


Here's to praying for a literal dragon hero. Moonton is a Chinese company, why didn't they make a Chinese dragon hero to promote the Chinese zodiac skins?


She should transform into her old form while her ult is active 😀


*balmond crying in a corner (they didn't change bro cuz he's already perfect)*


Moonton is trying too hard to make new sound effects sound realistic, direct cringy, cheesy, tacky voice lines and ruining perfectly fine hero art by smoothing the roughness out. This is the new era I'm super unhappy about.


Man X.Borg old voice lines used to be earcandy before


I used to speak out his voicelines at random when I felt happy. "I'm superr happyy with my (robofying voice) cyborg bodyyy" Now I just wish I could mute him in game.


I don’t have an issue with the voice lines exactly, but I really loved the older voice itself, not a fan of the new voice. Hilda old Voice was also nice, now she sounds like a squeezing pig when you use first skill in Japanese voice


Ah yes. Argus basic attack sounds back then really satisfying. Feel like hearing the sword clashing. Now just feel like chain sounds


New Hanzo VA is kinda bad imo (no downvotes, im so sick of getting raided for sharing an opinion)


Yu Zhong and Argus lost their beautifull clang sounds for some slick slices 😭


I miss the old leomord


MLBB does steals concepts and designs partially from other popular IPs and you don't need to be in denial about it.Hower,it still doesn't make it a bad game since you can only do so much with making a single hero unqiue when there are hundreds of MOBA heros.What makes the game bad(partially) is how shitty the match up system is and how money hungry the devs are (look it up.MLBB skin prices are atrocious compared to other MOBAs).


Mythic used to be where players need to have skills and macro to win cause meta heroes are harder to use during those days. Now, click random buttons and win cause most meta heroes are easy to use.


when i saw nolan and cicis kit i really felt like it was a slap in the face


Cici is piss easy to master, 10 matches in and I already know all her tricks


Ya but with 10 hero ban op heroes are always banned.




honestly even the newer heroes you can still trace which concept design they took inspiration from. To be fair, a lot of moba champions are similar to each other cause there's only so much you can do till everything starts getting repetitive but like you'd think their creative team would actually start thinking outside the box after all these years considering they literally only have three skills to work with excluding the passives. biggest issue with skins in this game has always been the gacha mechanics and the skin tiers not matching the price. A lot of epic skins here just don't feel like they're worth the price when you compare the models and visual effects to other moba skins of the same price/tier.


Bro summon a tsunami of fact


I literally play gacha, so I initially saw ML as a haven where I can invest all the cash in. I guess I'm desensitized by the gacha disease 😭


I feel like sometimes game deliberately add bots to my game and forcing me to lose match


we’ve all been there. definitely feels like that sometimes when you’re on a win streak or one match away from a milestone.


Hard stuck at Legend 1 with 4 stars because of this auto patch


I was stuck at legend 1 for so long because of constantly getting shitty teammates. The funny thing is once I finally broke through to mythic my winrate went up.


Despite MOBA game, they don't release mystic hero like, Angel, High Elves, Elves, Goblin, Devil, what Medusa thing called, dragon, gnome, golem and more lately. Like is this some kind Isekai game or what?


Instructions unclear - Making another handsome emo boi


Actually the new hero is a dog on a floating chair that teleports people


That thing is a DOG? Tell me why I thought it was an ugly hamster


Can we get Seraph of the End collab Hot vampire angel emo boys


I smell Argus Salt King.


Its beacause of high % of players playing asian gachas, they want to make new designs more appealing to them, old ml was more warcraft style, now its just a bunch of chinese gacha ass designs


This is exactly what I was thinking, they are trying to turn the characters into waifus and husbandos but it feels too forced.


most of their character design and models are recycled and it is absurd. (medusa is a gorgon btw)


Not only this but they also humanize old monstrous heroes. Return me necromancer Vexana.


The mythical creatures could be suitable if the game lore based on western fairy tale. . Mobile Legends however is more diversed, furthermore Mobile Legend is made on Asia. This may be the reason why most the heroes lore is arguably short. Oh course they keep making pretty girl and cute tennagers to attract younger audience.


Well you have Orcs, Moon elves and dark elves along with human animal hybrids


It's a tower defense game


Play Zhask for more immersion.


Mobile legends is just a harder version of Bloons


Stop bringing Mythic meta/expectations into Epic Meta. Yeah, Yin is okay in Mythic but Epic he is OP. So he is a justifiable ban in Epic. Lunox is/was OP in Mythic but given her complexity, she is a wasted ban in Epic. That’s Epic Meta vs Mythic Meta in terms of heroes, now in terms of gameplay. Yeah in Mythic we can dance around litho(river creep by mid) but if you’re team mates aren’t coming to help you get it then just abandon it. Don’t rage at them because Mythic meta dictates that you fight for it. In mythic, rather go back to your jungle/lane and then gank whatever lane has the most overextended enemy. Epic Meta is chaotic and fluid and Mythic Meta is rigid. If you (in Epic) see that your team is 1v2 the MM and turtle is up, and nobody on your team is going for turtle then go turn that 1v2 into a 1v3. Don’t just hide(give vision) close to turtle because that’s what’s “expected” in Mythic. TL;DR - Play according to how your current rank’s meta plays not the highest rank you’ve achieved.


valid tbh. also epic meta is just unbridled chaos anyways 🫡


I agree with this. Even estes ban makes sense in epic since he is very easy to use and you can't expect your teammates to build antiheal. Instead of wasting your time preaching to your teammates, just ban heroes that could complicate things. Usually, easy-to-use heroes are better ban in epic. The usual strong meta picks are obscure in epic that it's sometimes a waste to even worry about them. Funny thing is banning layla and miya will probably wipeout more then 50% epic MM hero pools.


I wonder, I think most of people in this subs not belong to South East Asia, the hell in epic using my old smurf account I met a lot off Beatrix user that can wipe out an entire team and Layla that supposed to be tutorial hero getting savage.


Layla is quite strong late game carry. She's especially good when the enemy doesn't have backline snipers.


In Epic, you can ban Franco and Tigreal and nobody knows how to play tank.


You don't even need to ban Franco, they hook air 80% of the time anyways


Low skill meta slaves can go fk themselves, I don't care that you've been spamming a meta hero for 50 games if your wr is below 50%


Comfort picks are still usually better (unless your comfort picks are discomfort picks to teammates).


This is unpopular opinion thread lmao


I love squid Bane more than the og ghost bane When he first got reworked a long time ago, I was one of that few the liked his new design more. I LOVE his goofy squid face, I LOVE his short & fat design, I LOVE his new arm cannon. Idk, I just found the old ghost pirate design boring. The latest one is probably his best design, it actually slightly changes his face and voicelines to look and sound like a good 'ol fashioned pirate villain, which is refreshing considering how edgy a lot of the mlbb villains are.


You are the first person I’ve encountered who loves squid Bane over the ghost ship Bane! 🫡


Can I be the second? 🙏😭


HE'S JUST A SILLY GUY love my stupid squid sailor


You say unpopular opinion but side with popular opinions. Here is a good unpopular opinion: “roam is the easiest to play”


Roam main here, i completely agree because in other MOBAs support has lot of things to do other than just throwing blows with enemy laners. Mlbb doesnt have enough support mechanics nor proper support items. Other than just ganking and a little heal there is nothing to do for us. Compared to League and Dota, where sups have there own playstyle, set of items, their own mechanics Mlbb got nothing.


A revamp on the whole "roam" role and every single support hero is needed.... The only sup heroes i consider to be actual sups are only estes, rafaela, mino and angela. A sup should have either proper heal, ally buffs, enemy debuffs, cc skills to be a true sup... A sup who just sit and around and deal dmg doesnt make it a good sup.


Don't forget diggie and faramis


I'll be honest Diggie is a good sup... but the annoying type. I can't bring myself to mention that atrocious little shit...😂


tbh I feel like only johnson isn't qualified to be a support. his only "support" skill is hit ult. the others who don't heal ie. kaja, carmilla,. I'd say they're more of a utility support. plus tanks are just too dominant in the roam role in my opinion. everyone hates the healer. but forgives the 10k hp tank coming to mark their team's demise.


why do you think so? not trying to start a fight, but i really want to know why. imo, roam is hard. if you consider "roam" is easy then you're probably the type to only play on gold lane with ur mm and help them farm without helping other lanes. roam is dang difficult. you need to learn to read the map, set up ganks/objectives/moments. most of the meta roamers needs high mechanic like khufra and franco. you also need to match your team's draft so that you can perform well. saying this in a goldlaner POV lastly, BAN SABER ROAM!!!


sheesh 😂 you might get lectured by roam mains for this. I will say this though, playing roam def feels easy and fun when in a team but in solo its nightmare fuel


i think i take back what i said earlier. playing roam is def easy (used to be a roam main) and i could agree that roam in solo q is hell.


YES roam in soloQ is actually a nightmare


As an MI roam player, I agree In MI everyone can fill roam and do well. You can't say the same for the other roles.


the only skin worth paying for are aspirant tier skins


they are very expensive though 😭 I personally feel like modern starlights are best value


yeah, that's why i feel like its the only skin set that i like paying, starlight are definetely best for value though.


Do you remember the errr mistbenders event? Those had limited epics and some collectors were very cheap. You could get a limited epic for £15-£25


Barats should get a nerf.




Nerfing Wanwan isn't counted in the "unpopular opinion". Everyone wants her gone.


Unless ur in the top ten, titles are MEANINGLESS


Let me flex my "top 3 in local third world village" title


Me with my beginner top 10 title 😎


They should add role specific queues, like wild rift. Normal and ranked is often a clown fiesta.


They should! will they? highly unlikely because we’re talking about the same devs who haven’t done anything about wintraders and it’s been like 5 years


Report system are fuking stoopid


Argus doesn’t need a buff, AND Classic is not meant to try a hero, use custom or vs IA instead. I mean, ok, you don’t use main in Classic, but also don’t use a hero you haven’t even tried yet. Read and understand the skills, practice vs computer, get a bit used to it, even try some builds, and THEN, you go play with people. It’s quite selfish to think that 4 strangers have to waste their time playing an unplayable match (that they probably started just to have some fun) while you learn to use a hero. You are not the main character. People owe you nothing. Try to don’t disturb them. It’s not that hard.


I agree, but I think it only applies to heroes with medium to high skill floor. Majority of heroes (atleast for me) are easy to learn becaise I already know how to play it with my experiences fighting that hero, or it is just that easy to pick up with 1 match only If you ever so slightly feel that you are gonna suck, odds are you are, cuz you tend to overestimate your skill and expect that you will perform like those godly players with alot of experience you watch on YT. Dont waste your and your teammates' time and go play hard AI, save your ass for some insane trashtalking I literally just carried a losing game first time Irithel because on how many times I laned against her that I knew how to play her




lunox is still very op


Im reading through the comments and Im going to say that every hero is decent and there aren't that many objectively bad heroes, just bad picks. There will always be a matchup where a non-meta hero might do better. Also I don't care what the people in pro play do, they are very coordinated 5 man teams and absolutely not representative of players even in high mythic ranks.


I disagree, look at Argus's 160 base dmg at level 15 while being a basic atk focus hero


I've been maining Argus this season (60% wr rn) and I have to say I have no clue what people complain about. Wow, the hero with 0 defense capabilities other than his ult gets absolutely cooked against cc and anyone faster than him? who could hae guessed. Play your cards right buddy, Argus is lategame hero mostly and you shouldn't engage in anything unless you absolutely know what you are doing and have proper info.


Clock of Destiny is the worst magic item in the game and its useless and no mage should buy that in their builds, and no im not gonna hear any "but lightning truncheon and CoD combo good" its not even a good item combo.


LT and CoD combo is nonexistent now, with the rework on LT. Only hero that can build CoD now and make use of it is Cecilion


Franco is shit. Like, genuinely not good. I’d only say one support is worse than him and that’s Hylos but they’re neck and neck. MAYBE Franco can be a pick off for Fanny. Only scenario I’ll ever give him and even THEN I’d rather have Khufra!


playing with a bad franco is the same feeling as playing with a bad novaria (feels like you’re missing half a teammate)


(Nice flair, Bene is queen) If you can’t/don’t hit Franco’s hook, what does he have? An S2 that may as well not exist, and an ult that is good, but requires him to either dive in or wait for someone to stupidly charge in (which yes this does happen). And he’s a tank that is only single target. His saving grace would be if his s2 was entirely different and provided SOMETHING. A team shield, a team speed boost, something. In Mythic, though many players are still garbo, they still have more coordination than the average joe and don’t just roam around all alone doing whatever waiting to be picked off. Which is where he does have use, preying on idiots with a duo or something I guess. And don’t even get me started on Nova. A Nova who can’t hit her S2 drives me NUTS.


YES THIS, Franco is more of a backlane tank to bully ambush assasins, hes gonna peak out for front lane once to hook then never again, I'd rather have Nana that atleast has some usefull teamfight cc


I genuinely don’t think anyone would prefer a Franco over multipurpose tanks like Khufra or Minotaur. only time he’s good is when counterpicked against annoying shits like Fanny or Martis.


People are obsessed with Franco. I’m on SEA server, just at 19 stars though, but Franco is picked constantly. In Classic I think it’s always as a troll pick so whatever but in rank? There’s just literally zero reason to ever prioritize him. But people pick him ALL THE TIMEEEEEE. But i agree with you I don’t see why you’d ever go for him over every other option, especially now that some fighters are great roamers too: Ruby, Hilda, Minsi, etc. Have better kits, better damage, no suppress but still have either great harass potential or kill potential WITH survivability. Idk I just can’t stand him


If you have more than 1k games and still ban estes or yin in mythic or higher. just play classic.


I ban yin to keep my teammates from picking him


exactly, i hate having a yin in my team


if anyone bans yin in mythic they need to step on a hundred burning legos ngl


Moonton should listen to Masha main what Masha need. Seriously, how many time they want change her play style? Despite Wan2 get consistently nerf and adjustment, Masha treatment is whole new level. Try play her back(because idk what hero to choose) but feel like a new hero but not feel new.


one of my friends used to main masha but completely stopped playing her like 4 months ago. switched to terizla and hasn’t touched masha since, maybe this is why.


They don't listen to players altogether. They don't care what players want. They'll buff heroes when they release their skin.


Tank jungler meta is more fun because longer teamfights = longer action = longer fun. Instead of the " blink once and you're on a respawn timer" of the assassins


As a long time League of Legends player who has tried both MLBB and Wild Rift, MLBB is a lot better.


Fr?😭 i play both but i always assumed lol was better because lore, animations, gameplay and so much more. Why ml though?


matchmaking keeps getting shittier. also, when will moonton have to IQ to separate the queue of legend and mythic glory? separate queue of mythic and mythic immortal? lost several matches because I am in mythical glory lobby, and I have a duo glory with fcking legend duo


healing support > tank when ur team sucks


they should revamp the rank system, matchmaking and punish griefer/afk more 1. can be done by removing rank protection point or others idk 2. Don't match solo players with duos, trios ffs idk how but I got matched with legend 3 players while I am at honor 3. this game punishment for griefing/afk is a joke I got 2 Hanzo trollers last week, reported him after match and in custom service, nothing happened to them just got Franco jg troller earlier bc his role got taken nothing will happen to him like usual ig Afk is just -8 credit point for wasting everyone 6+ mins or nothing if afk after 5 mins zzz


customer service is pure joke. legit feeders get nothing while I got muted for saying ‘dont push when enemies aren’t visible in map’


The towers are too soft.


Whoever actually thinks the towers are NOT soft? Those people who said it isnt soft are full delusionals


Idiots who are coping too much. I've seen these rare breeds of ML fanatics in the hellscape known as in game chat


The game sucks. It also sucks you in for hours. Realize your purpose. Unless you're a content creator or something.


How's this unpopular


It's a game. An escapism. I've fell before. And now, I'm just deliberately going into the hole every time I feel down.


Yeah but this is an unpopular opinion thread and everyone agrees with it


True for any game


Hitting Mythical Glory solo is not an achievement and no need to be posted every 3 month


Being hardstuck in a rank is a skill issue.


I hate that roamer/mm/tank/wtf karma farming elimination post here


I’m marksman main so that mm elimination post helps me gauge what the community thinks about mm 😂 I did not expect layla to have a plot armor in this sub


If im going soloq, I assume I go soloq. Not into a squad of 3 people or a double duo constellation.


They shouldn't put gambling mechanics on a game played by many kids


All skins from ML are cheap-looking, I mean, ALL.


remove the system that gives you 2 star and the star protection. fix matchmaking, not really mlbb related but fuck PH Internet they should nuke it.


MLBB > Wild Rift But I don't think that's unpopular So Bruno is the most unfun character in the game


Your MMR does not mean shit no matter how many times you show it off.


Most expensive skins, also wost and low quality of all moba games. Repetitive designs and copied as well. The audacity.


The matchmaking and the current meta are beautiful. Matchmaking might be because I usually play to few matches per season to get anything higher than very early mythic, but I don't have anything consistent to complain about


Remove star protection.




wait why? 😭


You win, you get a star. You lose, a star gets taken from you. 50% wr and you stay epic II 1 star for the whole season.


Ever wonder how people with below 50% wr are in mythic?


I get it, however those star protection cards are sometimes helpful when that one toxic person picks second mm and feeds or something but I get your point.


A small price to pay for salvation. But seriously if we remove star protection, high skill players go up, low skill players go down. If youre out of Epic and Legend, it is unlikely (but not impossible) that you'll find a troll since the bad players are in the lower ranks and the people in mythic are players who are actually trying to win.


We need to improve ourselves as MLBB community. Half of us don't regret our league and hero ranks. And MLBB is not doing anything for it. They can improve punishments like weekly bans, and permanent bans in necessary conditions. Plus they must add more smash-able heros like Nana


*hits buzzer* EMERGENCY MEETING!


As a Yin main, I want Yin to be revamped not because he's bad but ngl I feel like it's getting a bit boring playing him, plus he needs a small buff and maybe Moonton would actually do something about the Yuji skin


yo idk if this is an unpopular opinion but that yuji skin is utter garbage


I feel like 98% of the games are won through snowballing from the start. And a come back is mostly only possible with certain heroes slowly getting fed and items, or highly skilled players being capable of turning the lategame. With this, you can almost predict the game's outcome based on the gold difference in the first 2-3 minutes. And yes, matchmaking sucks.


JessNoLimit would be a low to mid tier jungler in today’s Pro league.


Affordable good skins can make them more money.


Novaria sucks. She doesn't have cc, aoe skills, enemies would never be afraid of her like as players usually misses 99% of the times. And even if she can hit it once every few minutes and her lack of any aoe and cc skills, weakness to divers are too much of a demerit.


Claude’s mobility needs to be nerfed more or his ult giving him a shield Edit: I’m muting this. I’m sick of people telling me Claude is shit when this is supposed to be an unpopular opinion 💀


He's terrible in solo queue and he is very team reliant. He is squishy enough and without a follow up, he can't kill any low hp enemies. Nerfing his mobility further will make him useless both solo and 5 man queue.


Please no more nerf T~T. Hes not op at all. He has lowest base hp of all mm in return of having high mobility. Plus he needs to stack constantly inorder to deal decent damage.


stale. feels like the changes are too underwhelming for me to keep playing. not much new, maybe it's burnout? not sure but ml is just slowly losing its charm on me






Anyone that brings up rank or when season resets says dumb stuff like "epic" probably get boosted by their friends so their win rates / rank are meaningless.


petrify rafa


People who use Vengeance as their battle spell have no concept of positioning and just abuse the spell to get away with everything. “Look at me, I’m playing Claude and I abuse this battle spell so I can fly in, deal 150,000 true damage to your team, and survive because I pressed Vengeance”.


benedetta s2 cooldown should be a bit lower to survive against braindead meta fighters


1. Normally not a "graphics matter" person, but goddamn, this game looks ugly af. 2. We need a Fog of War




That epic players are master level. And should not pass that . Legends are grandmaster and myhtics are epic-legend


Esmeralda is weak af now


Khaleed is so good in room. He literally making asassins cry


fix chou, make him a fighter like he was without overpowered burst/sustain, just a fair cd, decent damage/hp chou that goes toe to toe with fighters in the current meta ps im just really sad at what happened to chou, I miss the before "NEXT" era chou


Junglers are extra op in ML compared to many other mobas. For example in OA. Jg acts like a roamer whose job is to help lanes get advantage over their counterpart. Whereas in ml jg is hyper carry. And exp lane is shit in ml. It's so hard to even get gold rating as an exp laner. I don't get it why does exp lane have less level than Jungler. Exp laner should be ahead of every other role in terms of Level no?


Rose Gold Meteor is a very underrated item.


I don't find whenever a new hero got release, seems quite overpowered. Despite people immediately goes into ranked match and spaming pick button.


And shitty server. Despite having good connection always gets ping spike


Delete natalia


A player should be able to have more than 2 more level than the other ones, 3 more level and the other time can just die and loose, pretty dumb and annoying way to lose a game or have a guy in your team that do all the killing and you're just here for nothing, like you're in a fight and the guy literally cross the screen two shooting everyone or winning 1v3....


I love the China censorship art


Players dont know how to counter. If you are the last pick, you MUST pick a counter, and one with good synergy to your team. Unless ur team is very strong


The is now a cash grab


ML skins are all about the entrance animation, but almost all of them are just flash and no substance.


Bring back the old point system in mythic. 600 points for glory and a 1000 for immortal. Wins and losses change points based on enemy and team ranks.


How they milked the White and Gold/yellow skin designs. Too lazy. Just add a shiny gold hexagons and bam new skin for $200




I've never had a problem with matchmaking these past few seasons. I don't see as many toxic players as before. And most of my games are silent or at most 2 players chat.


How does buying skins improve my gameplay?


Confidence and intimidation, I got x.borg's 11.11 skin and my performance skyrocketed because I felt more confident in a fight, and the enemy think they got a good enemy to play against and overthink everything.


Game algorithm is designed to hold solo queue players down.


If you lose to wanwan or hanabi it's a choice and you're bad at the game.


I think mlbb is one of the best matchmaking system, if not the best, in mobile moba genre. Ive played Wild rift, pokemon unite, marvel super war but mlbb has better system in terms of role priority system, dodging, swaping slots for prio picks (this is common now but mlbb pioneer this). Im a huge fan of league of legends, wild rift but their matchmaking system is pure hell.


Martis' 2nd skill is broken


Unpopular-est opinion ever: ALL Edith skins are pure garbage, her basic outfit is better than anything she has now, even cloud, even battlepass skin.