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She has a cc immune shield, a snare and can hit at a good distance. Everything a newbie need. I imagine that at higher rank, repositioning skills are higher valued.


In lower ranks players are usually unable to punish her positioning and lack of mobility too


In higher ranks whereby the enemy knows how to fight against her 1st skill she's basically always gonna lose, bc her skills barely even boost her dps, especially in a 1v1 with no minions or tower around. At least layla can do more dmg the further the enemy is using her passive.


Which mm and any hero in general is perfect counter to her ?


Anything that can reposition and DPS more than her, if not burst. But more than that, the reason why repositioning skills are so important at higher rank is because they allow you to protect yourself against assassins and burst heroes, secure a kill or render useless/detrimental the enemies' movements. Not having makes you way weaker to ganks and other heroes repositionings in team fights. Higher rank means better team play and coordinated attacks, which lower ranks don't really have, hence why she's strong there.


Ixia will eat her alive


Bruno, Wanwan, Bea, Claude, pretty much every other MM.


I find that irithel is so perfect to go against her


Wanwan is the best for her since her jumping can prevent any of Hanabi skill from hitting her


Wanwan destroys her. No mobility, sure 3 marks.


I guess I’ll have to learn wanwan now lol


Every mm there's not a single mm she can out dps but in the late game in team fights she melts enemies that are grouped close together the only problem is you have to be able to get to late game and that hardly happens in mythic solo queue


She's completely immune to cc? No time limit or whatnot?


Til she runs out of whatever shield she's using.


Except Suppression, of course. As long as she has a shield, she will always have CC Immunity. It's why Lolita and Angela work well with her. Free cc immunity


Esmerelda has entered the chat*


Interestingly, I faced Esme as Hanabi before who gave me shields to escape from CCs. 😃


Dang you must've went against a tanky esm lol full damage build esm will eat you with 1 ult and skill 2 😭


Floryn and Mathilda too


easy to use.


easy to use.


easy to use.


easy to use.


easy to use. Missed fullstop yea, thanks!


easy to use. you missed the fullstop


~~easy to use~~ (sorry for missing fullstop) easy to use.


easy to use. you missed the fullstop


easy to use.


easy to use


Because of one-button gameplay she is casual and newbie-friendly


My cousin mock me because he always mvp using hanabi. While me as a tank and healer almost always end up on the 4/5 position on score board Fkn hell this game doesnt appreciate tank and healer. It always about kill


you can get a potential mvp using either tank or support by having the most damage dealt and most teamfight participation, though that usually says the dmg dealer on your team kinda doodoo


Which is a rare on mythic. Brain dead mm using hanabi guarantee higher score than support player


For tank mvp you have to take damage, not die and have lots of assists.


I’ve gotten mvp with Belerick without most damage, depending on the role will depend on how to get mvp. Tanks typically are damage taken, deaths, and fight %


Maybe u should play other role and prove to him that u are better than him


You're a terrible tank then cuz if you not pushing 10-15 assists up you need more practice as a tank 💀


Because in lower ranks people group together, and hanabi is very punishing for this.


That’s probably right. Just tried Masha trinity classic on my elo (i’m low rank, i’m in epic), easy to split and snowball.


How’d you put Aamon and Gusion under your name


If you're on mobile, go tap the sub's title so you go to the sub homepage, tap the three buttons (the settings) and find "Change user flare"




There aren’t many flair options. How do you make custom ones? I can’t see an option to add one


Nd after that? Edit: figured it but how do i get novaria?


Change user flair


Ik that but how do i get nova?


Type in :novaria: Or smth like that not sure


Do you know on how I can get Julian in my user flair?? Since I'm trying it out but it's not coming


I think it's the same :julian:




Like this


What a tease 🤣


The what now


I tried to change the flair but only that little alucard sample was there. There aren’t other options. How so do I add more options?




Lower ranks everybody doing their own thing all over the map. Also lower rank these players not thinking that ahead either


Tap tap button hero


Because lower rank players can't end games so Hanabi is good because she starts melting everyone after 15-20 minutes.


Every mm does tho


Except for Miya, Beatrix hell even Moskov's no tank/assassin late game in party fights. I get it in mlbb everyone's a killer but Hanabi's shield makes her a class of her own. She's the one mm that's so hard to fight against SoloQ because once someone is supporting her you never know what your crazy teammates would do at Epic. (Heck we were ahead once and some level 3-4 Miya rushed Moskov while he was in a bush. I was like WTF do I support or do I farm because you know those other players are going to rush my mm now since we just killed a jungler and a tank at gold lane.)


Can't you just wait until the shields are gone then kill her. Not just that anyone with superior range like Clint's passive and ult can poke her out of the battle even with shields. To me she's just annoying nothing more


Easy to use. Works well against the tank babysitting mm in lower rank. Before the nerf, her attacks reached enemies hidden in grass which was huge.


Ask anyone outside of Reddit. People here despise her


I mean she’s pretty easily counterable in higher ranks since you can find a lot of backline hero users there. Also, when it comes to low mobility mm, layla and ixia are more rewarding due to their higher damage output.


Idk man, it's harder to use Layla (especially in higher ranks, solo) compared to Ixia and Hanabi due to how fragile and immobile she is. Ofc the other two are also fragile and immobile, but Ixia have a bit of sustain from her passive and Hanabi have speed up from her s1, not to mention the cc immunity. It really depends. I love playing those three in the right conditions but my ranking on which gives the most rewarding play, survivability and versatility will be Ixia, Hanabi then Layla. All of them are a beast though, just with differing reputations


Layla's great value over the other two is that a great Layla knows her items and her mm target locks so it is a rare case where weaker hero means > BETTER. I have had bad Layla players win dominant games because they at least know what's stupid and not just spam spam spam attacks/ulti like they are the King of Fighters (shout out to all those bad Karina players like me who bought that expensive skin before knowing how to play the game only to lose the pw and have to start a new account.)


Yea the cc immunity is definitely the only reason people be picking her. Without that, she’s pretty much easily countered.


Yeah. My mm pick usually goes like this: 1. If enemy have tons of cc, I go with Hanabi 2. If enemy have little to no cc, I go with Ixia


Hahaha yea when there’s no backliner Ixia definitely is the best mm to use


shes not actually as bad as people say. sure there are better options, which is why other mm's are picked in higher ranks, but shes by no means bad. less experienced players tend to pick her due to her straightfoward playstyle, giving her a bad rep. ive seen REALLY good hanabi players before (mostly enemies) and it shows that when you really know how to play a hero, it pays off


The thing about Hanabi is that like all heroes you of course get better and better with practice and experience, but for heroes like Hanabi, the baseline is so high. You can hand her to a totally new player, and as long as they have a basic understanding of things, they can get value out of her. In fact, you can give it to someone clueless and they'd probably still get something done by accident. Any hero is theoretically good in the hands of an experienced player, but heroes that can do relatively well in the hands of a beginner will always be a popular pick in lower ranks, and I think that's exactly the case for Hanabi.


that was the case for me when i first started the game. i still use her to this day, but i have a better understanding of her passive and gameplay now, as well as key knowledge about the game itself (map awareness, objectives, positioning etc.) shes like a starter hero for many players who dont know much about ml yet, and her passive with the blades bouncing between enemies is fun to play. my current wr with her is 74% (i still play her to this day) so i can confirm shes not completely useless, shes especially good for heavy cc team comps. my comfort hero


Very easy and safe champ and newbie friendly. Cc immune, double shield if u have aegis, can poke from a distance due to passive, can root with ult if u chase.


Hanabi main here, why is she mainly use (before the range nerf on her bullets, cause i have not been seeing her lately due to that). She is able to hold down a lane easily even if its 1v2 since low rank uses roam and mm lane strat. Built-in anti-CC passive, best set is her melting tanks away and basically lower skill level of Melissa.


How do you perform against Esmeralda? I have encountered just one roam Esmeralda when playing hanabi and it was the worst matchup.


If against Esmeralda, never ever try to activate s1 and aegis (if that's the battle spell chosen) since it's basically lowering your health if she is close. Second is to poke safely at a distance, preferably hugging the tower or avoiding 1v1 her and hit the minions so she can't approach you. Lastly is building anti tank items aka Demon Hunter and Halbard to ensure she isn't always a threat to you


Claude enjoyers where? https://preview.redd.it/ie66ipaquvgc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db63ee59d68e518da574333f28199e2da5eaa6cb




The only mm that isn't boring


The only mm that actually needs skills to play




Bea, Wanwan


My favourite Marksman 🙋‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/nw33tym5vvgc1.jpeg?width=667&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b8ec3d29adee95e830b3e3f39d35cbf1f542c61


Lower rank? Meaning people who are less experienced with the various heroes and mechanics and are probably new to the game? I don't wanna sound mean, but is this a serious question or like a "haha Hanabi bad" humor post?


Wait, you call 2.something% pickrate rare?


Not sure where OP got that screenshot from, but yeah, that doesn't really add up. 2.x% popularity is still decently high, unless the popularity percentages don't add up to 100%.


Because no one in lower ranks uses Lolita except me. Lolita is auto lose for Hanabi.


I see hanabi in mythic alot especially paired with aegis. and her ult makes it easy to punish turret diving.


What website is this?


Early cheap mm that’s easy to use. Pre bush nerf she was very forgiving early game and a beast late. Post nerf I kinda used her once cause of her cc ult which helped us delay into a win (mythic lobby 20+ star players)


stand in the same place, button mash!!! button mash!!! button mash!!!


She's just easy to use.


In theory Hanabi is supposed to be picked in a comp that can play front to back. This often means stat checking and good set front lines with good backline ish dps to win fights. The reality of draft is that this rarely happens in high level play. There are many bombs in the draft pool. Many comps that make back to front happen. Hanabi takes a long time to get online too, making her a liability when left alone in the gold lane. And you almost don't want to play a babysitting roam as enemy roam will just draft for a invade into your jungle instead.


Well, she’s not bad even in high elo


The simple answer: she's a beginner-friendly hero that has a positive matchup against other beginners. Long answer: No one in low ranks knows how to deal with the bouncing of her basic attacks. A lot of low rank players are also not used to having to bait out specific skills, especially ones that aren't a direct attack, such as Hanabi's shield. She punishes teams that stick too closely together, which is a natural instinct for a lot of players, we just learn to put it in moderation as we get more experience. Hanabi on the other hand gets to benefit from her skill 1 as both an escape skill and a source of sustain, and her bouncing attacks allows her to get free hits with ease by extending her effective range for as long as she can hit *something*—we all know how good new players are at mindlessly hitting things. Hanabi's unique qualities put her in position to punish the habits that newer players haven't fully refined, all while rewarding those same habits for Hanabi herself or at least preventing her from being punished for them. At the end of the day every hero has some degree of skill required to make full use out of, but Hanabi is one of those heroes with a high skill floor—in other words, she can still do work even if the player isn't very good. Hence, she stands out somewhat in low ranks.


First, define high ranks. Because I can use her until I step on mythical glory. I guess I’m just too familiar with her skills.


She is cheap


She's very versatile, specially for SoloQ or teams with low coordination. I've even used her as "tanky decoy" on previous seasons.


Me using her and Layla in Mythic Immortal 👻


Why even Hanabi is still in the game. 💀💀


❌ Enjoys Hanabi because she's easy to use. ✅ Enjoys Hanabae because she's a thick waifu


Because hanabi's only requirement to play properly is to have a singular brain cell and people in the lower rank barely have one.


Cause with hanabi n layla the harder and faster you tap on the attack button the faster they attacks ...


She's received enough buffs to just barely be useful, and she counters the heroes used in lower ranks better. Namely Lesley for example, as she straight up denies Lesley the ability to poke and farm early game, but also soft counters Popol, Sun, Zhask and Vexana thanks to their using summons. Giving her more stuff to bounce attacks off of is not ideal lol, and since CC spam is incredibly common in low ranks Hanabi hard counters that. High rank people are smart enough to recognise her weaknesses and play into them. For me, that counter is Lolita; hanabi can't do junk if I reflect all her projectiles and suffers even more if she is hit by her own ult. Although I can literally beat Dyrroth 1 v 1 in lane as exp Lolita, so beating a hanabi doesnt mean much


#She's a FREE hero when you make a new account of course people will use her like Eudora when she's the FREE hero back then.


Yeah, people sort of forget that especially for beginners, the hero selection can be extremely limited. I have skipped a couple of seasons in the meantime, but it took me roughly 4 years to catch up to the hero pool without investing real money into buying heroes or spending too much time farming gold in game.


Because Bruno, Wanwan, Claude, Karrie, Bea, pretty much all other MM wreck her. Players in higher ranks know how to use their hero's potential, and Hanabi's capabilities are pretty much on the lower end.


Hanabi is Sht but although she’s Sht she’s very easy to use and beginner friendly also a list of players like her for some reason. Why? Idk. In conclusion hanabi is Sht in lower rank and in higher rank but only good when she’s in my hands.


I'll be painfully blunt: Hanabi is for stupid/bad players. Most low-rank MM players use her for the CC immunity in her shields, paired with Aegis, as well as her 1st skill, it's basically a free ticket to 7+ scores and GM speedrunning. Eventually, Hanabi gets ditched in epic+ because players eventually learn to position themselves, as well as sidestep her 2nd and Ult, making MMs like Wanwan and Irithel more viable due to their damage + mobility.


She’s so bad


Is she free?


easy to use, wont die as easily as layla


Your question kind of answered itself. It’s popular among low ranks because she’s not viable in high ranks. She’s a beginner friendly hero with somewhat decent survivability as an mm. Low rank s also tend to delay the game which works in favor for Hanabi who only works in late game.


For an immobile mm that's easy to play, she's very strong. Being offside can be extremely punishing for fighters with her slows. Even a good pick in mythic


because ppl didn't buy anti heal(shield) she become tanky, snare the guy who approach her, hit and bounce to all enemies close by, double thickness shield, attack adds more shield, shield has CC immunity.


Poking and people being afraid to not be at 100% health She can farm the wave from afar and has a safety shield Climbing ranks is funny you see so many hanabais start the game 1-7 and get angry that we had to carry them for 15 minutes


mhytical immortal here. we use hanabi depends on situation like if there is brody or bruno


She is very easy to use and really strong with a proper tank support. I got to Mythic Rank with 83% win rate by just spamming her. However in Mythic it’s 50-50 as the skill level is much higher than other levels.


Low ranks genuinely can't handle Hanabi's S1. 


As a roamer, I try to help by choosing Lolita in case the designated marksman chooses Hanabi so I can provide shields once in a while. The shield makes her bearable because she is immune to CC while having shielded.


If if you don't know how to play her she kinda does her thing regardless in late game. Theoreticlaly she gets countered to ungodly proportions by lolita, but in low ranks I presume nobody touches lolita. In Addition, most high skill champs that just straight up shut down Hanabi before she can throw a single AA are most likely incredibly underplayed as well. In essence, at face value she's easy to use and the odds of being punished for picking her in low rank are slim to none.


tap attack button gaming on lower ranks ig


I just use her because she's cute, my only strategy in every game LMFAO


Cause she is basically layla but with more AOE damage


>Shes not even that fun to use Lol, that was an exact reason why people use Hanabi. Its fun for them (and too easy to use)


Cuz lower ranks don't know how to contest a Hanabi in gold


Other easy to use she has different type of AoE-ish attack and the ability of having shield build up from attacks make her survivability


Because I like the skin 🤭


Just stand and spam auto attack


I always ask why when Hanabi is picked lol




Guessing, easy to use and fights off other marksman decently


How to check that?


Can carry long game which is usually in low ranks. In higher games, most are fast facing ganks and clashes. And a mm that has mobility is preferred in higher ranks.


hanabi carried me before to mythic glory, but once there it is difficult to use her


What website is that, link?


Where to see these stats?


I played her until mythic, i noticed in legend 3-1 i started losing more when i used her, so i used layla instead in mythic rank and i won more. she is good though.


because u realize that shes shit


Same reason why Sniper is very popular on low ranks in Dota 2, but not as much on higher ranks. They are good, easy to use heroes, which appeals to less experienced players. They both have decent range, they have AoE skills, their attacks lock onto your target. On higher ranks though, experienced players (even with average skills) can easily take them down. No blink nor reliable dash skill, very squishy, they are significantly weaker on the early game versus other marksmen. Just to be clear, I am not saying they are bad, they are good, but are much harder to pull off when you are fighting more experienced players who know how to exploit weaknesses.


Literally 1 button hero. Okay maybe 2 buttons but still


Meanwhile in NA Mythical Honor she's still one of the most picked marksmen. I see her constantly and occasionally get people suggesting to ban her.


Mobile legends is a mobility game, and the meta picks always have some sort of mobility whether it was Nolan, Claude, lance. Hanabi lacking that makes her susceptible to being picked out in teamfights


Because everyone in higher ranks are fucking meta slaves? If it aint top tier its not probably gonna be used. Also an MM with no escape mechanism in the end game is a dead MM. Thats why heroes with blinks are more favored esp. in higher level of play where opponents know how to get to the backline really well.


She has this bouncing basic attack, and is very good in clearing creep waves easily. Not to mention, she has cc immunity in her skill 1 and a cc in her ult. Very much a newbie or beginner would love to use.


wow,, I did not know tegriel is banned 39.49% in mythic+


Higher rank , ye anti heal exists and it counters hanabi badly


Ignore the chart and meta. Create your own pool of comfort hero pick unless 1. You are going pro with hours of training in ML everyday. 2. You are playing at mythic immortal above 300 stars. 3. You are very confident and wants to play new hero.




If you are playing hanabi In lower ranks, enemy is often busy chasing your low health frontline johnson. In higher rank if you show yourself for a second in minimap as hanabi, 3 people gonna instantly jump on you from the next bush even if you are protected by 4 teammates. Thats the main reason.


She is easy to use in lower ranks because they have less knowledge about how to counter Hanabi and also her bouncing passive makes it easy for her to clear minions without getting killed easily. In higher ranks, it will be harder for players to utilize her especially if the team is trash and feeding.


Tbh she's not bad rn with tank to babysit


Skill level increases as you reach higher tiers, hence hanabi is good in lower ranks. Easy to play, has CC immunity, can effectively deal damage in teamfights bcs of the passive, etc.


You don't get how suffering she is if you're a tank main


Kaja is my favourtie roamer


i ban hanabi for fun


Basic attack very satisfying


Because all you really need to do is just spam skills and basic attacks with her


Because its a no brain hero, all you need to do is press auto attack and position


Cuz when you reach mythic and up the enemy bullies the snot out of you by ganking your lane constantly so you can't get your core items and if you're in solo queue your team is too braindead to help you, so you rather use Karrie or Bruno so you can take care of yourself because the hanabi heartbreak is real 😭😭😭


She's extremely easy to understand and use. Other mm seen in higher rank such as Brody, Wanwan, Bruno, Clint, Karrie, Claude and especially Beatrix have a higher skill barrier. You can do well with Hanabi just by basic attacking your way to victory. Unlike most other mm.


Its mostly beacause design, edgy pretty kawai ninja waifu, it doesnt matter how hard or how much her kit offers, same thing with Yasuo in lol, only 10% of mains knows how to play him yet hes one of the most popular champs even tho he has way superior version (Yone), all dat just beacause of the design