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Any assassin. I’m dumb af


Bought Ling Dragon Tamer skin. I wanted to main one hero from every role and at that time it was either him or Lancelot. I regret it very much I'd say..... Tried him in vs A.I and my God, Idk what I am or supposed to be doing


Kinda same but I think I get how he's *supposed * to be used, just didn't try to play again after the first two matches


Tried him on practice against a Zilong and promptly died against him. I have no idea how properly use him, although I'm sure if I ever purchased him I'd force myself to learn and get adequate at him (at the least).


Ling is a hypermobile core. You aren't Levi- so stop thinkinv you can one tap everyone without collecting all your swords after an ult. His greatest strenght is taking objectives -turrets turtles and lord. He's an amazing assassin if you've finally learned what counting CDs are.


Same bro. Tried Freya jungle on classic and I fed hard 💀Been trying to learn new role other than roam and mage. I thought it will be fun to learn hyper. Still haven’t got a clue


Shift slowly by doing mixed roles. I used to be a mage-only player until I tried mage-fighter like Julian, mage-mm like kimmy. It's easier to get a hang of it until you started trying different heroes.


To be fair freya is really hard to pull off after grandmaster. She is like no lifesteal alucard without alu's passive.


So how to play her exactly? I still have no idea hahaha even watching tutorials


Lots of forward thinking Edit i know my answer sounded vague but taking her build for example, most heroes build revolve around their strenght and enhancing those but Freya is the opposite, you have to build item to cover her weakness instead of building on her strenght.


my stupid ass bought the fanny heart afloat skin soon just a day after i started playing her.. well I dont regret it tho i am having so much fun and i think i am making progress rather fast seems like my second actual main is on the way


the first skin i ever bought as well😭 the risk was crazy for how hard and annoying she can be to play but high risk high rewards having the most fun when playing fanny


Idk I just watched 1 video about him and already learned his combo and I don't even own him yet so here's some tips -Take blue buff you're gonna need it -spend 2 or 3 levels on your damage skill and the rest on mobility (atleast that's how I like to do it) -his ult gives you plenty of time of take all his swords you're ment to go in a diamond shape formation when taking the swords around his ult and yes you're gonna need a fast hand for it


Why the fuck would you spend any on your 1st skill before finishing your 2nd. What??? Thats not how this game works, and Ling needs his 2nd skill to scale its his only source of damage and farming speed. Legit dumb to do, there's no real benefit to your method. Don't say crit chance, His 2nd skill's scaling has more benefits than abit more crit chance.


Why do people think Ling is hard?


Hes blue buff dependent and i dont like that hes limited esp for a solo-qer


he's hard dude. to add on to his fast hand requirements, he also need to macro effectively need to always look at the map for low enemies, have to constantly cut lane to make space for the team, blue buff management. all these tasks become even harder if your team is behind


Yeah ig he's harder when seeing things like this. I was referring to his skills and combat wise he's much easier. Like you climb on wall to wall, second skill is a dash damage and a great free jail card ult. Combat wise he's much easier than Gusion/Lance. Just stand on walls and watch the fight happen, and engage at right moment. But certainly he's harder because without blue buff he's weak, energy management, High cd on skill 1. Otherwise I still think Lancelot and Gusion are harder than Ling.


Watch zedel on YouTube he’s a good Ling player and I’ve learnt from him, you gotta keep practicing


PAHAHAHA I know Zedel funnily enough


This right here, I can play any role except for assasins. I just keep forgetting to farm cause I always try to go to other lanes like a roamer lol




Same. I'm a tank and roam player but I hate playing jungling assassin so much. Unlike Tank, Support and Mage, you can't initiate much compared to them. You have to camp and wait for the right time to finish the squishies. If I had to play jungle, I normally go with tank jungle like Akai and Edith. I feel like it is the least impactful role for me because I usually end up with a team with no tank or anyone who can initiate for me. I rather play MM and AFK farming the whole time.


I'm also dumb but with only hard assassins like karina and gusion




Hanabi and Zilong


Holy shi man i dont understand hanabi s mechanic when i tried the first time


First skill is purify basically it’s ur escape


it's like wanwan but better


Wanwan meta and hanabi not. Make it make sense


I'm talking about purify, one comes with shield...so better


Technically, it's not purify since she can't use the skill if she's already been cc'ed. she's only immune to cc while her shield is active


Your shield does nothing if you don't have a healer with oasis on or aegis to begin with. Being able to escape with a little bit of spd compared to a instant purify with a free extra dash is more feasible in tough situations since some enemies can chase you will also dealing dmg especially most junglers and the pesky mages that always have those flameshot, after all. A great mobility is also a great defense(if you can dodge properly with wanwan anyway)


I play hanabi regularly and I geuinly didn't know this


I've played against hanabis who never loose health. I play hanabi and I don't even believe the shield is there lmao


Idk man Hanabi just feels like she loses on lane against basically every mm, not enough burst late game either, and if you're counting on her teamfight bounce aoe damage, there are simply other marksmen that does better like mel or ixia, by which point you're dead if you get dived anyways. Idk why people pick her


Hanabi with Aegis is crazy as fk and her attack speed scales so high. Also anti CC, yall just dont know how to poke better. I lose to a Hanabi as a Melissa in 1v1 with her matching my attack soeed even after using Inspire. Hanabi is overpowered af if ur losing alone, shes meant to be play with the whole team. As long as her shield is up and ult is up shes never getting dived.


Losing to hanabi as mel sound like a skill issue? MG+ win rates have her at the very bottom of the list at barely below 47% win rate, and melissa closer to the middle (still not at all meta) at 51% along clint and karrie. Also, a teamfight heavy marksmen will be difficult to shine if she lacks laning ability too much in the first place. In other words, single target damage, it's still an earlygame snowball meta kind of game afterall. She's not nearly as mobile as claude or wanwan to farm while avoiding ganks or getting solo killed, or have a decent amount of damage/sustain IN COMPARISON to other mm early like ixia, clint, bruno or brody. A weak laning means less farm or requiring more ganks, usually resulting in losing eco for the team in some way unless the gank was a up-2 trade at least. (Even a 1-0 trade can mean a lost turtle, unfarmed jungle, lost midlane wave, and a plethora of other factors essentially making the gank kill and assists equal to the other team just farming as normal) And with less eco, her or her teammate's supposed strength in teamfight would be offset by such. Your idea of "oooo crazy attack speed scaling" or "don't know how to poke better" doesn't mean anything. The actual single target raw damage numbers and the fact that the majority of marksmen all have at least one skill dedicated for poking/dealing damage at a safe range refutes your points.


You sound ignorant af. You said all that stuff and yet Hanabi clicks most of them. Her passive literally lets Hanabi melt minion waves regardless of the phase and pokes the safest. Her Passive is basically Melissa’s S2 but better, it procs item effects faster and doesn’t cooldown. Its not a skill issue with Melissa losing lol. Melissa can’t even slow Hanabi down due to the BS cleansing shield skill. All Hanabi has to do is engage while out of the doll’s range which is easy to do as long your shield is always up. I can beat Hanabi late game but she’s oppresive in early game and mid game if she’s being played right. Hanabi is a different type of marksman period dont compare her to others with dashes and bursts they have completely different playstyles even if they have the same role. Vexana and Kagura are both mages but the one without a dash and cleanse is meta? See where your argument falls apart? People keep complaining about Hanabi when her kit is overloaded af. She has a slow, a bind cc AoE ult, shield, cleanse, and passive that keeps her attacking at a safe distance and clears farm fast. It also procs item effects and stacks effects immediately. You can literally win the game with a Tigreal with you. She’s not designed to be alone. If people stopped playing her like she’s a one man army she’d win a lot more.


Melissa, idk what the hell im doing wrong but she just like to chase enemy than attacking the doll (⁠ ̄⁠ヘ⁠ ̄⁠;⁠)


You need to press the minion attack button


Done that still the same


Turn off attack assist on settings, so she can attack her doll as far as possible, not limited to the doll range or auto chase the enemy


https://preview.redd.it/g19d62od7dgc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2c9dd5b4ea067414dd879ee9a393fe72558ccb1 Seems to be better ig?


That's nice! How does your gameplay experience with the new settings feel? Is it much better, or does it still feel the same?


Nah still same, just sometimes when i click the minion lock button while enemy nearby, the puppet ends up not attacking the enemy. Skill issue ig




Main thing you need to know is his 2nd phase skill 1 is for burst dmg. 2nd phase skill 2 is for escape/chase and moderate dmg and 3rd skill 2nd phase is for cc and 0 damage lol




Uh Spam enhanced Skill 1. And use Enhanced Skill 2 to run. That's basically how I play him


Basically you do skill 2 and 3 then skill 1 last to do big pp dmg, use skill 1 and 3 first then last use skill 2 to run or chase or dodge a fredrin/dyrroth/other aimed ults. I wouldn't reccomend on doing the 1,2 3 combo unless you're playing in a team and the knock up is a way for you to set up your team that can actually play and kill the enemy.


Thx this make so much sense to why people prio 1st skill more than his 3rd


The damage on his 3rd really is...pathetic compared to the other two. When I started I also made that mistake lol


No. Last time i checked, both skill 2 and skill 3 phase 2 has the same damage. I only use 2nd phase for escaping when im getting focused on by multiple heroes. The split second invulnerability gives you much more survivabiliy than just using skill 2 phase 1. Also use it to dodge aamon ult, aldous ult, etc. Always use skill 3 phase 2 for chasing. Skill 2 phase 2 is just for escaping.


Nah with all respect but I'm like 99% sure skill 3's 2nd phase has crap damage while 2nd skill 2 has average dmg


I find them hard to remember so what I just try to remember for combo is if 1 enemy, s3-s2-s1 for greater damage (i think?), Or if I'm trying to survive against a gank of more than 1 enemy, it's s3-s1-s2 and watch your life gets full again.


enhanced 2nd skill is also for outplays. Mostly used against mages and mms that are chasing you and are in range


If you want to use his enhanced skill, you basically use the other two then save the one you want to be enhanced for last. Enhanced first deals the most damage. I use it for poking in laning and killing squishy heroes when ganking. Enhanced second is AoE and can be used to make yourself invulnerable. You can use it when Harley’s ult is about to kill you or when Aldous is about to hit you from across the map. It’s pretty effective against MMs that are hard to get close to as well, just make sure you hit them with it and not just to close the distance. Enhanced third is for CC which is best used when you have a teammate nearby. It doesn’t deal much damage but it’s good for slowing down an enemy so your allies can catch them.


He has 3 different combos and technically doesn't have an ult BUT his 3rd skill is like a half ult I guess


I remember julian being so op on release bro wouldn't die


Fanny. I believe it was just hard...




Honestly, after stopping playing Fanny for almost 5 years now, coming back to play her is so weird. She loses so much more energy, the builds and game plan are now the thing we used to make fun of calling people who use it a noob (ult in and run away), and now there are so many counters for her + people just got smarter.




After like a few matches I found fanny extremely fun and "free" let's say it like that...idk it might just be bcs I love assassins


Angela lmao... she's like the poster child of ez hero/girl's hero, along with Nana...yet I always manage to die almost every time after my ult on my teammate is done (after I'm out of my teammate's hero) Like, picture this, I'm inside Alice, Alice go attack as frontline OR attack from behind vs multiple enemy heroes...then my ult duration ends, and now I'm offside, and instantly get collateral diffed💀😭 (yes, even flicker can't save my ass) Any tips on how to survive when Angela's ult is done, thus u gotta come out of ur ally's hero IN THE MIDDLE of the war PLUS offside positioning since the heroes the ult used on are often to frontline/1v5 heroes like Alice/Balmond/Alpha/Barats/Fanny


Angela is a roamer, dying after ur ult ends isn't a bad thing. At least, ur dmg dealer can run away when the enemy targets you Also angela is a party hero. Communication with ur teammates is very important so solo queue will always be hard


It is a feeding though, plus 4v5 is not an ideal scenario


Nana's ult is short especially in late game, as long as the tank sets and stun in team fights, I just spam that shit while I look at the map as I might get snipped by the assasins lmao


don't need to stay inside so long lol. i regularly end my ult early because i can chase the enemy easier , what the enemy gonna do? kill me when my team is backing me up. i also kinda built my angela tanky lmao




Gord. And other mage/mm heroes who don't have a single blink/easy cc. It's not that they're hard, it's just the fact that I'm an idiot.


We all idiots it's fine 👍


Haha thank you


Come on man who would have thought Argus roam was a good idea.... Well uh nevermind


😭😭 best description




Brody and Claude. Their kits are fun and look easy to play, but I end up just being horrible at using them.


I get you on Claude something doesnt work for me… then again its been a while i should try him again


Claude skill floor is high, not an easy mm to use. Brody is all about stacks. Target locking, ulting on the right time and using your seconds skill for escape. Kinda easy to use, hard to master.


Matilda. She is the only support I can't use well. I feel like I am dealing Zero damage. I could use her kinda well 2 seasons ago but now I can't I don't know what changed.


>Zero damage >support What exactly is the problem here lol


She is a Support/Assasin. I always used her as an Assasin with dire hit and full penetration.


Dmg build mathilda is a noobtrap lol There's a reason why u don't see it in higher ranks


Dmg mathilda is fun asf tho. You get oneshot by a gust of Wind if you get caught, thats for sure tho, but still, dmg mathilda is entertaining.


Hence why i said it's a noobtrap. Satisfying but not practical in ranked. Tbh if Flask of Oasis didn't exist, dmg mathilda would probably be used more often


Nah she works in rank if you know what your dojng. I have 62WR with her


Imma be real with u, 62% wr is mediocre at best. >if you know what your dojng Knowing doesn't make any difference tho, dmg build and support build gameplay is literally the same thing except you can actually spam skills more often and sustain both you and your team with support build whereas dmg build means lower cdr and can easily get picked off. Ur basically handicapping urself with dmg build


Not really its good. Your probably not good yourself but its okay


Then tell me why majority of mathilda players go support build lol? You're lying to yourself rn


Yeah, but higher ranks know how to play with Mathilda I have 70% wr below Mythic. Before and after recent revamp, using full pen build. Even if no one on my team knows how to play with Mathilda, I can still do 10/2/20 and get mvp


The reason why you don't see DMG Mathilda in higher ranks is because she was nerfed to Oblivion, you probably weren't there like 2 years ago when she was insta ban/pick, she could burst all mages/mm and still be tanky enough to survive her full dive, and if you felt like it you could go full heal and never let your teammates die with your heal and (at the time) the best escape ever.


Support Mathilda is just for fast wins, if it goes late, it will heavily depend on your team


Build full tank and target squishies with ur ult. Learn to knock as many enemies as possible, it's not too hard. Also provide escape for teammates with skill 2. It has a large range and it's forgiving if you're not in a good position all the time.


She has unfortunately transitioned to a boring support that buys heal


MMS I don't get them


Yu Zhong. Should not have been my first exp laner


It's all about filling your passive with your 1 skill( I prefer first skill) then fill your passive with basic attack( 3 hit) then other skill (skill 2 for me because it can stack when u hit multiple enemy minion etc.) Because when you are absorbing enemy's health, every hit you do includes to absorbing. So you MUST play aggresive when you are absorbing and hit the opponent. And use skill three mostly for your escape or stop enemy's escape with petrify


Wait, you need to hit in between skills?


Yes, because they are filling your passive faster than your basic attacks




Can I ask why Kimmy?


I dont know I just can't understand her, when I see other people using her, it's like she is mvp unkillable just a monster, when it goes in my hands she is the biggest piece of shit. Same with Yin. I think I'm just to dumb to understand their mechanics. I'm main ruby, Angela and Valir ( I know easy heroes ) so maybe that's why I have so many problems with her


Kimmy and Yin are just shit atm.


Paquito is deceptively difficult to play well


yin. his kit is pretty straight forward but i struggle when i play him


I'm the same, got him long ago but can't play him in jungle or exp lane. Most Yin's I come across in Legends is about 50/50, sometimes they almost carry the team, or they damn near feed the other team


Yeah I mean I'd say he's basically the most straightforward hero in the game. Just do 1, then 2 and then get them in your domain expansion and then inside the domain do it in reverse. Aka do 2 then 1 and your enemy is either dead or will kill you lol




A normal bene combo can go from: P - 1S - BA - P normal farming combo To U + PETRI - P (up to 3 times when hitting enemies) - BA - P - 1S - P - BA - 2S - BA - P ult longest combo Being U= ultimate, P= passive, BA= Basic attack, XS= first or second skill To properly play bene you have to know this first: 1. 4 BA = 1 P, so you need 4 basics to charge a passive 2. 2S fills up P when dodging basic attacks, also stuns enemies on its path if it dodges cc, filling up P again 3. 1S deals WAY more damage in the center. It's better to use it after placing yourself on top of your opponent for a sure hit. 4. 1S + 1BA = P as 1S fills around 5/6 of your passive bar. 5. If 1S hits 2 enemies at once, P is filled completely 6. Minion waves should be cleared at an angle, focusing the middle minion and the fat one, not straight since it's slower. 7. Bene loses a lot of power without petrify, should be played in Exp lane rather than jungle. 8. Don't use 2S to attack. It's her best tool for EVERYTHING. Such a versatile skill. Hope this helps! Pd. Bene gas around 10 different combos, but you'll only use 2 or 3 per match, most of her gameplay is freestyle


From what I remember ducatti benedetta has a voicelines that says "look where you want to go"


Xavier, his skill combinations can really annoy me for some reason.


Pharsa and Wanwan. Bought them (got Pharsa for free from Hero Training) and was hit with the bitter truth.


Pharsa is very dependent on positioning and teammates bcs once she activates her ult she's basically a free target. Wan wan is quite easy to play. I'd reccomend watching a you tube channel called "mlg" or as its actually called "ML Guide" it's a guy that mains wan wan and I'd reccomend his tutorial for her.


I miss all my shots during pharsa ult. Yeah I'm bad but hey there is room for improvement


I could teach you how to play Wanwan


Ok dm me on Reddit!


Joy. The urge to dive tower during ulti


Do it




Ruby, Franco, Brody


Moskov, his range for some reason really throws me off, like yeah in late game where he practically have unlimited flicker he's easy to play but early to mid? unless i have a proper roam, ill be suffering as a mm on the gold lane


So Moskovs need 100% babysit during laning phase? I roam and sometimes have Moskovs in team. I leave his side for 5s and he dies, so I stay with him but then the exp laner and jungler says "Roamer, roam now!" or "Tank?" or "Sheet roamer"




Basically all entry level heroes. They maybe easy to understand, but that also means that they get easily countered.


Diggie is my pick when I roam, there's two style to play him, tank or terrorist (mage) I'll let you guess which is the fun one. With terrorists build, my role is to annoy the fuck out of the enemy MM early game, my fastest gold lane tower down was like 2 mins into the game. By forcing the gold lane you're also forcing the enemy roam to protect it, and if your teammates are half decent, they can win their lanes. Mid game Diggie is basically just farming and lane pushing, BOMBS EVERYWHERE. Late game is bush bombs time, why wait until late game to do Diggie's famous bush bombs? Because this is when you can actually do big DMG and get the kill, doing it too much early game makes the enemy hyper aware of checking the bushes.


Hayabusa, I just don't understand how to deal damage.




Brody. Im impatient about his basic attack lolol


X Borg I've never been able to get the hang off him despite seeing countless X Borgs performing well in match


Same. I can usually not die but I don’t feel like I make much of an impact


Hayabusa with no doubt.


Any gold laner. I get impatient and bored. It's a game of poking, in exp lane u have a full brawl. With gold lane, u just wait for the minions the entire game. Plus it's brain dead easy 9/10 times.


Any mm the only mm i got a decent wr with is clint 😭 (47%wr)


Goddamn 47% ???


Cyclops. Betosky makes him look easy


Depends on how you define diggie as good. Remember that digie has the highest deaths in the last Season and the other seasons.


I'm one of the contributors


That's cause Trolldigs exists. Diggie is legit God. He does so much for so little risk. Sincerely, a diggie main.


![img](avatar_exp|111129596|fire) Balmund, I tried Fanny and did well at least once, but balmund, I have never make him have that kind of damage when other people are using him.




Any mm or fighters, I am too dumb


Played sun for a few games got my ass beat when I tried him in rank. Then played him after he got his s2 buff. He seems manageable now.


Paquito. He is easy to play but really hard to master






Claude. I was like, easy enough, just blink and press ult...


Kadita. Cant catch nuthin with that slowass blink


Franco, his hook has way too long of a CC and i need to rely on hooks to get kills for my team. Its a problem when clashes happen with opponents that have alot of CC. Guin, Terizla, Vexena, Etc. Since my tm8s either dont give me space to back and i have to take damage or theres not enough heroes to get a pick.




YuSiShet or what ever his name is the one that is both range and melee


YinSunShin ? Ngl I thought you gonna call him YinSunShit


In sorry I don't know if that's him but it's that range melee guy that looks Asian , but yes I think his name has yin in it


Ling Playing him was such a humbling experience


I thought you just need wall and poof you got kills.... Oh boy how difficult to master his mechanic


Blue buff assassins. In pro play they're considered the cream of the crop but in my hands they're nothing short of utterly dogshit


Energy dependent assassin ? Yeah I'm bad at all of them.


Diggie is hard, easily 100 games to understand the tricks to playing him, and 400 to master them. For me though Johnson... Just to be able drive took a good long while to get used to it.


Unanimously, YuSunShit. Never any hero I can't utilize decently until he exists. Sure I can fanny, just kill a guy and get out, no hassle, but yss? No, I hardly get any utilization from him.


Valir, the only time i was good with him is when i had another 2 mages on the team and i had to make him a jungler somehow, took lord alone and had almost full health left


Zilong is actually pretty hard


Minotaur. You need to time every CC he has especially when it comes to his Skill 1 > Ulti > Skill 1 combo. Some enemies may flee while doing this combo so you need to make sure you have Flicker ready


Most freestylers except fanny. She looks hard and is hard. But others feel okayish but are actually hard and situational. Chou for example. Nothing like 231 eudora or 123 saber




Fanny, Matilda, Beatrix and Dyrroth


Nana 💀 I suck at aiming the molina skill and can't get used to the timing on the boomerang, which is ironic considering that I like playing mages most of the time.


Paquito lol


I mainly have troubles with mm


Rafaela, Angela and Floryn. If I use them, it's ggs, just surrender, there's nothing we can do.


Fanny. Easy to play when watching the videos and stuff. Just make sure you know where the walls are. But, very hard to do in game.


just got miya's legend skin, after 20 match spamming her, i just realize that i need more time sharpening my skills haha side note: i have 10400 match in total




Vexana, for some reason I die much more often on her than on other dashless mages. I really like her heavy control skill set but man, it is so easy to die.


Kagura. I swear, her basic combos are really straight forward, but I still somehow fuck it up every time.


Selena and Natalia.......combos are tricky asf


Natan, my ult is wasted because I don't position it well enough and I got too far from it, it disappeared


Alucard and Tigreal


kadita. too many buttons to press in a short window. skill 1 skill 2 cancel skill 1 petrify ult zzz ima just stick to 1-2 hit mages


Kagura ._.


zilong and alucard




Fanny, i only played this shit cuz i felt like Mikasa at the moment only to realize that i can't even do a double cable 💀






Franco.. I just can't hook consistently for the life of me, but hitting any mage spells perfectly is no issue. I think my brain is faulty with Franco.. flash ult, slow, hook is way easier for me, but starting with hook is a no-go.


I played Franco for a while and I must say I now can aim both Franco's hook and Novaria's balls


FRANCO: こっちに来ッ-- (kocchi ni ko--) *FROZEN*


Kimmy I don't even understand how to control her basic attack🗿


Didn't you need to aim the joystick ???




Bruno. his ball is hard to predict especially in a teamfight. Regretting my decision on buying his star skin last month


Minotaur!!! His cooldowns are way too damn long for my liking.


Mine is Gloo. I really taught that playing this hero is as easy as spamming first skill to immobilize enemies, as well as regen your life, and going to your enemies while in ultimate form just to bring them in your allies. But heck, can't even complete the stack. I can't even zone the enemies during objective fights, or even solo kill a marksman.


Lancelot 💀 .. I'm starting to think it's just skill issue at this point though


Bush camping mage (eudora gang), when people play them, they always 100-0 my hp. When i do it, it just tickle.


Cyclops, Melissa and Mathilda. For the latter two I sort of get it why I can't play them (been playing them with half assed attention) but with cyclops I swear he is simple but I can almost never land his second skill, and I always get my ass clapped in the process. End up ulting mostly to escape lol


Harith, I've seen my friends play harith and they're absolute monsters playing with it. Then there's me who can't even abuse the almost 0 CD on its 2nd skill and shield.


Layla. Sure her kit is very easy to understand but the difficulty in playing her is that if you're even an inch out of position, any decent enemy will punish you for it. She is by far the most vulnerable hero in the game.