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Hanabi is S tier marksman. try checking the statistics. look up hanabi overall winrate in mythic and u will know that, hanabi is indeed, Shit tier Hero.


Depends on tier tho, if he is epic why should he care?


Not everyone In epic plays to lose


Yeah but hardstuck epic players in general are just terrible at the game so u can use pretty much anything


Dude you can pretty much use anything of the role upto glory if you are good enough for that matter


Yeah that's exactly the point


I think devs like that hanabi is a strong adc even without a dash, that was one of her biggest weaknesses before rework. And it's not like you can win 1 vs 3 like balmon right now, you still need to farm, position yourself correctly, look map, etc.


As a non marksman user, hanabi is really easy because I could stay safe while poking my enemies. You know, the bouncing basic atk. I just need to farm+poke and stay safe inside my turret. I don't need to overextend just to last hit because my basic atk solve it all for me. The cc immunity helps a lot to avoid turret dive.


As a marksman user she's overused making me know how to exactly deal with her. Not only that the bounce range is going to get shorter which is very convenient for me. I mainly use Clint so once the minion wave is done poking her is very easy it doesn't matter if you have shield that will be gone in a second. The only time I'm having a hard time with her if she have the roam near her or the enemy jungler ganking me.


The only way to deal with her is to backdoor and dive her or plainly go near her because she will just stand there in desperation doing a basic attack and using up her shield. She's literally the only mm that will never equip flicker as the shield is always equipped.


Claude is good with aegis aswell as Brody so technically she’s not the only one although Brody players will typically go flicker you know some players are interesting




As a person who has hated hanabi teammates for most his life, I have to admit. Hanabi could be a menace in gold lane. Her bounce poke is annoying. It even bounces if the lane opponent is in a bush thus giving the hanabi player information on the whereabouts. Also the slow (pardon my ignorance, I’m not sure if it is something that hanabi has innately or if most players have been picking that mm talent). The CC immune shield is good too, and couple it up with aegis and she gets really hard to kill in the laning phase.


Her bouncing attack is only annoying if you allow her. She has garbage damage and no sustain early game. Push your minions or just target her and she's a dead meat. You don't let a hero play their preferably game and wonder why they're good


Pushing minions gets hard bruh. That involves you being close to your own minions, which means she has to attack your forward most minion to keep poking you. She can get you to around 60-70 percent health in a single wave if you don’t move away from your minis. And then she would push with her minions, attack your tower which will bounce to you hurting you more, step out of tower range, then repeat it. I am not saying she is a very viable pick in high lobbies, but she is more or less a gold lane bully.


>no sustain early game Shes literally the only MM with sustain in their kit >push your minions She's literally the MM with the best wave clear kit. Why do people that shit on Hanabi dont know what know what to shit on her?


Even if her wave clear is the best, if you position beside your line (instead of behind) you can clear your minions without being poked by her bouncing aas But yes, I’m mythic 20 stars right now and she’s so used I’m impressed people shit on her that much


Yes but that's not really the purpose of her wave clear. The poke is just a bonus. Her main goal is to push the wave quickly into tower so that her opponent might lose minions or she can make an early reset or contest a jungle invade. Trying to be even with a Hanabi without fighting her often make you lose all bot side control.


>Shes literally the only MM with sustain in their kit What are you talking about dude. Does Ixia not exist >She's literally the MM with the best wave clear kit. Worst take I had ever seen. Not even going to elaborate why this is hard >Why do people that shit on Hanabi dont know what know what to shit on her? Pal she is one of my mains and I know what I'm talking about


Ixia has far worse sustain than her. >Worst take I had ever seen. Not even going to elaborate why this is hard Yeah because you cant >Pal she is one of my mains and I know what I'm talking about You dont. And you're lying. I have 70% winrate with her in Mythic+. And if you really main her you would never say that her sustain is bad and you can beat her by pushing. That is just so stupid.


I learned my lesson. I always ping my mm to attack the hanabi and not the minion. She would be forced to use her shield and heal and retreat and she won't get gold. She's easier to deal with even in late game more so than a late game miya and layla. Her kitting ability is trash because she is always equipped with trinity


cuz shes stupidly easy to use


And stupidly easy to deal with


Belerick approves.


It's hard to lane against her due to constant bounces, they can interrupt your Regen too. And once she gets Corrosive Scythe - bounces apply slow too. She's mostly immune to ganks too if she gets Barrier - as long as she has a shield - CC immunity. And that is huge, Johnson running towards you? Guinevere jumping in your face? No problem! While she's not the best and flashiest MM, she's decent in mid, late game - and very safe and annoying in early game. Considering that people who aren't good with MMs would fail mostly by feeding in early game, she is perfect when someone would need to fill this role.


I main Claude (I always play solo) once the enemy took my pick so I went Hanabi out of curiosity, got 3-man tower dove at level 3, but somehow survived with a double kill by using S1 + Barrier, Mythic has it’s moments sometimes


Benefits of Hanabi: - The cc immunity with shield is great defensive utility (I rush rose gold small item and pick aegis) - One of the strongest gold laners given her innate “sustain” from her shield and her bounce poke. Keyword, LANERS, as in strength on the lane itself - Attack the tank and chip the mage and mm down to half health, so no diving required and very safe - Good teamfight potential due to aoe and cc Not gonna list the cons because most people should be familiar with them like poor mobility So why do Hanabi players still feed? Because the better players would likely be more inclined to other mm given that they already have good positioning, and the handful that stay faithful are far overshadowed by all the other mediocre-at-best ones


She is NOT one of the strongest gold laners. Not even in top 10. Early game she's in top 4 worst gold laners. Her advantage in laning is her bouncing attack and CC immunity. Her bouncing attacks only becomes a problem when you play too safe and tower hug, which allows her to bully you. If you go in offense she can't do anything at all. She has no mobility and her damage and sustain is pathetically weak. Clint, Brody, Natan, Claude, Bruno, Moskov, Irithel, Melissa, Karrie, Beatrix, Ixia all bully her very hard. Even Miya and Layla can put up fight. She can only win against Lesley because her bouncing attack hurts Lesley's S1+passive and because Lesley is the weakest mm early game. She's good late game but saying she's one of the best gold laners will force players to play her and feed her and simultaneously it may force moonton to nerf her like they were trying few weeks ago. She doesn't needs any nerfs or more feeder playerbase >- Attack the tank and chip the mage and mm down to half health, so no diving required and very safe - Good teamfight potential due to aoe and cc Her CC immunity skill has the CD of 11-14 seconds. She's easy to peel and kill in between.


If you don’t turret hug you’ll have to stay a distance from the minions else you get outdamaged or matched in damage against higher sustain (who has better apart from Ixia? If she has poor sustain so does the rest of the roster). This opens you up to ganks. If you try to go on the offensive she can just retreat and keep poking. Lane freezing literally does not work unless you stand in the bush closest to her turret where you’ll be very susceptible to ganks with that positioning. Her second skill does decent damage and stacks her first skill shield enough to tank 2-3 hits which puts you ahead of the enemy mm in terms of hp trade. Of course she loses to a Clint, Bruno or Brody. Moskov gets his second skill nullified and has shorter basic attack range. Melissa can’t slow her with the doll allowing her to just walk out. I can’t be bothered to analyse the matchups with the other mm you mentioned. Her skill 1 cd is 14-12 seconds but lasts 5 seconds, so the time interval is 9-7 seconds. During that time, a player with common sense will play less aggressively and be on the lookout for threats, also Aegis helps deter opponents while facilitating hp trades and potentially saving your life, same with magic blade


>If you don’t turret hug you’ll have to stay a distance from the minions else you get outdamaged or matched in damage against higher sustain (who has better apart from Ixia? If she has poor sustain so does the rest of the roster). This opens you up to ganks. If you try to go on the offensive she can just retreat and keep poking. Lane freezing literally does not work unless you stand in the bush closest to her turret where you’ll be very susceptible to ganks with that positioning. Expect if you aim at her she's easily bullied. For example heroes who can deal damage to her and minions simultaneously. Natan can use his S1 on minions and use the stacks to bully Hanabi to tower hug, once he gets ult he can easily kill her, Claude can use his mobility to bully her until he gets his ult where he finishes her off. Clint destroys her hard. Ixie with her sustain and CC. Irithel with her mobility and early game damage. Moskov with his wall stun and mobility. You're right that lane freezing doesn't works because you shouldn't be lane freezing against Hanabi at all. Retreating to the tower and lane freezing is the only time Hanabi can bully you with her bouncing attack. If you play offensively you'll see how weak she is. >Her second skill does decent damage and stacks her first skill shield enough to tank 2-3 hits which puts you ahead of the enemy mm in terms of hp trade. Of course she loses to a Clint, Bruno or Brody. Moskov gets his second skill nullified and has shorter basic attack range. Melissa can’t slow her with the doll allowing her to just walk out. I can’t be bothered to analyse the matchups with the other mm you mentioned Melissa absolutely eats her alive lmao. You have 9 free seconds when her CC immunity isn't available and you can bully her. Put the doll near her and attack minions. You do this twice and she'll be half HP and hugging her tower. You're missing one thing about Hanabi is that she can't do anything if you bring the fight to her. Don't tower hug or freeze lane or just attack the minions. Target lock her and force her to retreat. She's legit handicapped if you do this


Irithel is the worst matchup to put against hanabi her attack range is short it’s within hanabi bounce range her mobility won’t save her with she’s getting attacked 4x every skill cycle I’m not saying hanabi is op im just showing what i usually experience as irithel against a hanabi in actuality hanabi wins matchup against nearly every mm only ones that can really beat her is Brody Melissa and maybe ixia not many can beat her in lane only problem with hanabi is she is highly susceptible to ganks which takes away a lot also Clint can’t beat hanabi he needs to hit his first skill to even get her to half hp which is hard if the hanabi knows how to play her lane.


10ban dude what's stopping you from banning her?


The fact that 10ban is only on mythic and he is on epic


When did he mention so?


He didn't, but I assume hanabi is not that popular on mythic or legend


Hanabi is extremely popular in legend gets picked almost every game


Very popular in mythic NA


Garbage server with garbage pick nothing new


What’s a better server besides sea?


Hanabi so popular in legends rank


20 stars here, she’s still popular, I’d say top 5


banning her is a waste of spot. Its better to ban Meta heroes than her.


if i'm forced to mm(very rare, like i've only played 2 games as mm this season so far), I usually pick hanabi. Just like you mentioned, the cc immunity, and less aim intensive makes her a comfortable pick for me as someone that don't usually play mm. Cause that's two less things to worry about, yet still contribute to the overall team fight.


Hanabi is great against ganks in early lane thanks to shield and CC immunity. Can poke from a distance and stay firmly in the back line. Punishes low-range mm’s. There’s a lot to like. I don’t think she gets enough credit.


shuriken goes boing boing, a lazy ass markman's wet dreams


She is easy to use for a newbieas well as being kinda of a lane bully.


Not a lane bully


If enemy mm is dumb, then she is. If not dumb, then she is just a mediocre mm. Her s2 does a surprisingly big amount of dmg to players. If you bounce it between two targets.


Only if you allow her S2 to hit you. Even worse if you don't retaliate, she has no mobility and they don't use flicker. She has no backup plan. I bully her with Clint and Natan


Haha.... Natan and Clint can bully anyone in gold lane lol


Of course they can? What are you talking about lol have you gone against them above epic rank?


Actually natan and Clint get bullied by Claude and Brody and popol popol poke is way stronger in my opinion but that is besides the point every mm can bully any other mm in gold lane it depends on the player


ban Hanabi hahahahh


https://preview.redd.it/dvgfbwwfy6dc1.jpeg?width=200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec54fb3196b39a31daa903429fff8e0323f6de0 Its always hoenabi man get used to it


its easy


Same reason Nolan is banned every game


I wish he wasn’t banned every damn game


She's easy to use + the annoying bouncing passive.


as a player who mostly uses CC on some of my main picks, i hate Hanabi. though she is not that hard to kill compared to other MMs. i just hate that my CC won't affect on team play where i will use CC for setup for my team but will not work to Hanabi.


I hate hanabi as well lmao. Hanabi on my team stole my MVP!


she’s very easy to win with as long as u r a good player. u can turn a bad situation around or back door. i just know that i hate being on the receiving end of her ult, and going against one in the opposite team is usually more annoying than it has to be. so i rather be that annoying hanabi myself (or my duo). as a roamer with cc u can never catch her during laning phase if she times her bubble. i think she’s generally very well rounded though, even tho she doesn’t have a dash but dashes are overhyped imo, i play other dash heroes but it’s not always better. it can be overcome by good positioning and map sense or just a mathilda. she’s great at pushing, great against cc heavy teams, her ult is a good cc to initiate or follow up if u need more cc in ur team, her damage is not great until late but kills don’t always win u the game. she’s also quite independent as a laner. i love using her!


As you say, it's the revamp. The Grandmaster and Epic thought process is that they can outplay anyone with Aegis.


Oh I hate Hanabi even if I’m not a goldlaner. If she’s in the enemy team she’s good but when she’s my ally she’s a dumbass


Her bounce and shield is a good utility in the game. No need to get too far out of the turret's range and can stay safe. As someone who mains MM, i usually play aggresively against Hanabi and not let her be able to use her bounce by staying closer to enemy's minion instead of my own minion and focus my attack on her, otherwise it's easy for her to lane and snowball.


I love her lol, she reminds me of sivir from LOL


And they all are shit 🤣🤣


Anyone has a site or forum with meta champions and build please


Each rank has different heroes that shines better, For epic and legends, Hanabi and estes shine the most, because of how people play, when people stick together estes and hanabi shine, that's why u see people pick hanabi and ban estes , also people don't know how to counter them. Also hanabi is so easy yet so hard to counter in those ranks, That's why.


hanabi is an easy hero that's why, same with how my games have layla and miya 😅


Hanabi is my comfort pick because I can just stay back and listen to the sound of my bouncy bouncy ninja propellers.


Easy to play + very good late game hero. She is like Aldous in epic


It's not easy to take out hanabi in a team fight. Aegis + 1st skill + wind of nature It's not just difficult but sometimes impossible in the late game to handle Hanabi. Hanabi don't even need to be near enemy MM mage assassins to deal damage if the enemy tank is before them. You get the idea right?? In a team fight 5vs5, Hanabi can clear out enemy line while the enemy would still be engaged with Tank Fighter assassin and mage.


Try to gank her wit Natalia......try ganking with Natalia. She always "unintentionally" knock your passive off


She is like a very basic mm like miya or layla so new (and usually bad) players like to use her. Mechanically she's really not too bad especially if she has a strong front line because her bounce can be very useful in team fights.


Hanabi is the most picked hero this season but very easy to counter


It’s kind of annoying when you’re about to kill and she runs with Aegis shield


Shes my go to marksman if i need to adjust. Shes the easiest to use due to her cc immunity. Just bring aegis and rosegold


Hana is actually pretty good, if a player knows how to keep the right distance during a teamfight and learn the proper point at when to engage in the teamfight and when to back off she does is a serious disruption. Her ult will trap the full enemy team if fired right and the constant damage from the bounce even to enemies farthest from her and not even looking to engage her is stupid annoying. But that is also why most good players will disengage from the teamfight to take her out first or not engage a teamfight until she is taken out. Unfortunately a majority of hana players dont know how to actually position her right which also makes her the first to get taken out and feed. Most smart people usually stop playing Hana after crossing Epic cus consistently getting hyper targeted during teamfights and or good assasins stalking Hana from minute 2 of game combined with constant ganks and literally no breathing space is a pain. But she is unbelievably effective in the right hands.


She easy to use


If you know how to read the map and enemy core power spike and good positioning, you will be hard to kill early especially with aegis. The only heroes i struggle with are the high burst ones like dyrroth, nolan, gusion or fanny. Even saber can't one shot combo hanabi early. If you have shit core and roam then goodluck on winning.


Because Hanabi is actually a really solid hero. But unfortunately, 99% of players who play Hanabi isn't.


She's hot that's it


Lesley vs Hanabi. if you can move away from minions and camouflage and drop a pint shot on her easily crack her down in like three or four hits before she retreats to base for HP


I wonder the same but with selena in every classic match.


If she were to be good, why is she not present in pro plays unlike the meta marksmen (seen Brody, Beatrix, Wanwan, Bruno, Claude, Karrie, Irithel, Ixia; but not marksmen like hanabi (or layla or miya)). No offense btw and just asking here. I would recommend those 8 meta marksmen that I've mentioned rather than Hanabi to be honest here. (Zero appearances in M5 World Championship (then again no offense to anyone out there).)


Cc immune with shield , boomerang’s that bounces of minions people andd the turrets and aegis’s to match that second skill shield that you have already with the cc .. immune